November 23, 2024
Today, you will be thankful for this message
We are speaking of a message we provided on this date a year ago, but today, more of you will understand and accept it as you are here to live a great life and manifest the new world.
You are accepting more of yourself now, and we asked our messenger to record a video to explain this. As he accepts himself, you will, and you will aid others. That is evolution.
We said we had given you an ascension guide and did so on significant galactic changes in your world, and today is the one you wanted.
November 23, 2023
You will be thankful for this message, which we provided seven years ago. Still, we wanted you to appreciate and accept it today, for the practice of gratitude is one of the most potent uses of energy you might utilize during your restructuring and that of your world.
We used this day to say the United States would lead the way in this restructuring, but that can only manifest through you.
November 23, 2016
Everyone is waiting for you to finally own who you are, knowing you have something valuable to share with the world.
Everyone is waiting for you to stop doubting yourself and your abilities and talents.
Everyone is waiting for you to make sense of your past and experiences, find the value and purpose they provided you, and become willing to pass them on to others.
Everyone is waiting for you to let go of the self-judgment that has kept you in inertia.
Everyone is waiting for you to stop, allowing fear of your inner journey to prevent you from finding and owning the magnificence within you.
The one who has waited the longest and most earnestly is you.
February 19, 1989
Yes, it is wise for you to realize how powerful you are and acknowledge your innate benevolence. You seem to consistently maintain a subtle fear that you would somehow use your power in an ego-oriented way to the detriment of others. The truth for you is exactly the opposite, for the more you gain, the more you give away.
The anger you sense or hostility at times, as you have also been aware of, is not truly directed at others but merely a reflection of your inner frustration with the intellectual knowledge of your power and your simultaneous restriction of that power, which causes friction.
It is everyone’s power to do as they please, and your individual way is becoming clearer and more purposeful for you. Be careful of the instilled limitations that would prevent you from owning your worth. Relax and enjoy.
The Awareness of Your Restructuring Begins
May 29, 2020
You were afraid to love. First, we are speaking to each person individually and your world collectively, primarily due to the current world conditions and the events in the United States. We have given you several messages on this subject, but we will summarize here.
Love is the most powerful force that exists. It is powerful because it does not restrict its energy. It does not limit its energy and continues to expand because love is the absence of all judgment. If each of you comes to understand and accept this concept, you and your world will evolve exponentially.
June 21, 2020
Your father is quite proud of you. Masculine energy sometimes finds it challenging to be vulnerable, and we have said you are all embodying your feminine nature now. In doing so, you evolve. You and your world are doing this now, and your father is proud because they
could not accomplish as much as you.
June 22, 2020
Why are you angry? We led Roger to a photo this morning of the removal of a statue of one of the former presidents of the United States as it depicted the president on a horse with subservient images beside and below him of a Native American and African American. You were taught inadequacy, and that is why you are angry.
June 26, 2020
The more you know, the less you understand. What we gave Roger today, which gave him pause, was to speak again on your world’s condition. Currently, a restructuring is occurring, and given that you collectively hold the fear of the unknown, that fear will become more significant as you are in the midst of a profound change.
It is not difficult to understand how that energy may impact you personally and the world when you resist the change because you want to know where things are headed beforehand. We will tell you that the United States will experience the most incredible shift as it was believed they held the most tremendous power. You will understand how the feminine energy we have spoken of was misplaced because an adjustment was needed to aid the evolution of all that is.
June 19, 2020
Understanding your past may help you accept your present. We must tell you that those words hold gems that many of you will come to recognize and understand. We are quite aware that today is a national holiday in the United States meant to celebrate freedom, and many of you will find that in this message.
A few weeks ago, we led Roger to a recording of Hill’s speeches, and Roger “jokingly” exclaimed, “I think I’m Napoleon Hill.” In a sense, he is correct. You each have energetic connections to those who have come before, and today, we provided Roger with more proof. The video Roger heard today brought it all together nicely. Everything Roger heard was what we had given him for his program, but we gave Roger enhancements.
Hill said there are no new ideas, only the ones you can grasp and improve upon, which causes evolution. Each of you has the potential, ability, and energetic connection to great souls who have lived, and you are meant to enhance their work. Why do you think we have been yelling for years that there is no hierarchy of souls?
July 12, 2020
Yesterday, Roger attended a family video call with many of his relatives, whom he had not seen in decades. During the conversation, the current affairs of your world came up, and there were comments made in which Roger found himself unable to contain his feelings, and for him, his outburst was shocking. Roger is typically passive in his discussions of social issues and usually attempts to avoid controversy. Now you will understand why we had him use the Hitler reference yesterday. We always know what’s ahead and prepare him for those encounters, precisely as your guides have prepared you for everything in your life, and you always come to recognize that.
The comment that brought up Roger’s reluctant voice was one that Roger felt might have harmed others. That is the criteria that typically informs Roger’s actions, but because he simultaneously does not wish to hurt another’s feelings, he remains silent until yesterday. In the middle of his outburst, Roger knew that possibly others did not have the information he did, so he decided to offer to teach. When you discover your reason for being alive, you will also find your passion, and it may come out forcibly and startle you as it did Roger.
We will not make this a book, but the restructuring you are experiencing is your understanding of your oneness and connectedness to all and using it to aid evolution. At times, you need extreme conditions like a pandemic or extreme leaders like Hitler or a country
like the United States that momentarily lost its way. The balance you all will experience is complete and total acceptance of you and all others. We are speaking of pure love, and these events always cause that to occur.
August 31, 2020
You were not meant to “find” yourself until now. We used those quotes in the title of this message, for that is how most humans believe they are moving through their lives, but you were never lost. You have continually denied what you think you hear about yourself, which could be interpreted as guidance, but you have trouble understanding this concept.
While analogies are never satisfactory, we will attempt to use one. You would not expect your kindergarten self to perform mathematical feats before learning math in later grades. You do the same in your life, but because you think you should have known or seen these things before, you judge yourself and develop the consciousness that you have failed in some manner, which you have not.
We will use a story now. We have continually given Roger information about the restructuring of your world and told him the United States and Black women would help lead the way. This information seemed so strange to him that he only spoke to a few. Then Roger watched the film “Black Panther” last night and began to make the connection. Roger could not understand why he had not seen this viral film before, and we told him that it would only make sense now. You each will have those experiences.
We are pointing this out because Roger has always doubted the information he receives from us, just as you have questioned all the information and guidance about yourself you think you might be hearing. That sentence was intentional.
We have much more on the subject, but take this for now. You are each born with gifts that will develop at the right time in your life, but typically, you don’t allow that to happen or believe it is happening until you find yourself in situations where you feel “pushed” to do something. For many of you, that time is now.
The Start of “Your Life Operating Instructions”
January 1, 2012
Infinite intelligence is available to all souls, and all one needs to do is become willing to access it. You are continually being made aware of this fact, but at certain times, you are not willing to listen.
You will experience many times when you think you are hearing certain information again, but the only difference is you are now hearing it as an expanded being. This is precisely the process of expansion that you sought.
There is no monopoly on information or intelligence; it is shared by all, for you are all one. Study is the process of repeating or reliving that intelligence so it becomes part of the new you.
December 31, 2012
Today is the day you have decided to consciously and deliberately release your past and embrace your future. You have the opportunity to do this every moment of your physical life experience, but it is much easier for you to notice and appreciate the process today.
You do indeed create your future and personal reality by what you decide to do physically, but you would also do well to remember that the first and most important step of the process begins in the thoughts you choose to hold. These thoughts will allow that future to be made manifest for you. It will never be precisely as you imagined, for it will always be better or for your highest good in some manner.
What we gave you at the end of the Mayan calendar
December 21, 2012
Wait is an action word that, when used, instills the ideal of patience into your physical life experience. When you find patience, you manifest very different results in your life.
When you operate with impatience, you are actually working against yourself. You are affirming that something you desire is not here, has not been made manifest, and, more importantly, that you do not have it. Those thoughts will create that reality in your personal experience.
You will know when you are using the energy of the word wait, for you will also experience greater peace.
The Intent of our philosophy is “Your Life Operating Instructions.”
January 11, 2012
Your story is unique and valuable. It is unique because no other soul shares precisely your story. It holds the utmost value for you. Your story comprises everything your past holds, including everything that has occurred for you, happened to you, everything you have done, every person you have met, and every word you have spoken. All of it has been and always will be perfect.
Your only “job” then is to seek to know the perfection of your story. Any aspect of your particular story that you attempt to ignore, dismiss, or judge will cause you to experience some difficulty because you are refusing to receive the information and wisdom that your story holds.
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