You were born worthy

July 6, 2024

You were born worthy. We assure you every word is accurate regardless of your beliefs about yourself or that statement.

While it may take you time to come to that realization, we have helped you along the way, and we did so several years ago on this date and also in our conversation yesterday. You might be more willing to accept both today.

July 6, 2009

There is nothing you will ever physically do to cause yourself to be worthy simply because your natural state of being is inherently worthy.

In the past, you have attempted to do things, take actions, speak words, or do deeds in an effort to cause yourself to be worthy. These all failed because you began from a false premise. You may, however, do all those things and more to allow yourself to experience that natural state of your being. While that difference may seem subtle to you now, it will become abundantly clear. (Take that literally).

You have only ever blocked or obscured your awareness of your natural state of being worthy. Acknowledging what you are doing in your words, deeds, thoughts, and actions is beneficial.

You are always worthy and deserving in this moment of now. Be willing to own it.


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Here’s that conversation.

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You will experience more self-acceptance today

July 5, 2024

You will experience more self-acceptance today. That is your continual process on your physical life journey, but you could always use the help that we have provided.

As we said in our live call, you have never been alone. We provided a message several years ago that you will come to understand and accept during our live conversation. But for now do your best to understand and accept the message.

July 5, 2008

You have never done anything “wrong”.

The terms, right and wrong, carry with them an inherent judgment which blocks whatever you are desiring to experience. You have used these in the past to either make yourself guilty, or superior to others. None of this has ever served your purpose of experiencing the greatest of “you”.

In other words, when you constantly judge your actions in those terms, you instantly limit the wisdom, knowledge, and awareness of what you are seeking.

It would be much more beneficial to look at all of your thoughts, deeds and actions as to whether or not they are leading you to the “you” you desire to experience. Nothing more is necessary.

This is why forgiveness is powerful for you. You then remember you always do your best.


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You are your legacy

July 4, 2024

You are your legacy. Every soul is born onto the physical plane with all it needs to live an extraordinary life and leave a legacy. How you pursue your ascension journey will determine that legacy.

But you also happen to exist at a time of significant change in your life and work, which we have termed your restructuring.

We provided a message last year on this date that will make much more sense for you today, as will our live conversation on your new moon this Friday.

Every message we gave you in the last two weeks was to prepare you for this event.

As you review those messages and the one from last year, you will feel surprisingly renewed and ready to unleash your greatness. It is within you.


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Here’s that message.

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Wilhelm Has the Answer to Your Question – Inquire Here About Personal Channelings With Wilhelm
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Your dream is real

July 3, 2024

Your dream is real. It can also be thought of as your life purpose, and every soul who comes to the physical plane holds a valuable one, especially you.

You may have felt you were experiencing difficulty finding or living yours recently, but you were mistaken. It unfolds before you as you live and occurs as you raise your consciousness, which you accomplish over linear time.

We have said you chose to live during the restructuring of yourself and world and we have provided guidance to aid you on your ascension journey. Remember, you are not alone on this path.

Last year, we provided several messages on this day, and as you read them now, you will awaken to a new aspect of yourself and embrace more of your authenticity. You are not to judge yourself, but decide now to live that dream consciously, as we know you know what it is. We help you see it.

Here is the message with a recording of a live conversation that will aid you. It will prepare you to receive what we will provide in our live conversation on your new moon this Friday. We want you to unlock your greatness, for it is within you.


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Wilhelm Has the Answer to Your Question – Inquire Here About Personal Channelings With Wilhelm
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You might accept yourself more today

July 2, 2024

You might accept yourself more today. That is your ongoing evolving process, but you are in a new place now.

We provided a message two years ago on this date and a live session the following day. Our messenger put them together in a video for you. You and he will begin to take the next steps to your empowerment.

You can read that message here. We called it “Everything you wanted to know,” but you will understand it and yourself more today.


Here’s the video
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Wilhelm Has the Answer to Your Question – Inquire Here About Personal Channelings With Wilhelm
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You can do something now

July 1, 2024

You can do something now. Several years ago, we provided a message on this date that will serve you well today.

We have said that you and your world are moving through a restructuring of yourself and your world, and we have guided you all the way.

We will leave that message, but we also had our messenger record a video that will aid you and him. You each hide from yourselves at times, but loving yourself is the most valuable thing you can accomplish, and it is why you were born.

July 1, 2008

At times in your life, the most effective thing you can do is nothing at all.

In actuality this is never occurring, however, in your effort to experience new awareness and access your power, you must let go of your old ways of being, thinking and acting.

You have already set in place your desired goals and now you desire to experience the magnificence of your already laid plans unfoldment. Through this process, you experience the power of the Universe doing its work which was your desired goal.

There is great merit in the process of letting go. You can never fail and there are no mistakes, simply opportunities to gain more and expand.


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Here’s the video
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Wilhelm Has the Answer to Your Question – Inquire Here About Personal Channelings With Wilhelm
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Today, you will witness a new version of yourself

June 30, 2024

Today, you will witness a new version of yourself. This transformation is a daily occurrence in your physical life, but today, we urge you to embrace it with special attention. Your evolution is not a random process but a guided journey toward self-awareness and growth.

June 30, 2023

You will see yourself in a new light. That is always the purpose of your physical life experience, but it is one you gradually accept and understand. We have guided you in this incarnation, for we knew you would have questions about your journey and planetary ascension, which we term your restructuring.

You might question how we might have given you a message on this date in 2012 that would apply to your life and world today, but that is only a limitation in your thinking you intended to move beyond.

That scenario was the reason for your birth and why you chose this particular lifetime, and we will tell you that it is because what you have within you to offer yourself and the world is needed now.

June 30, 2012

There are no random events that show up in your physical life experience, and they all show up to benefit you in some manner. This configuration is indeed, at times, a difficult concept for you to accept, especially when you experience some disappointment or unpleasantness with those events.

When you examine past events in your experience where you had that unpleasantness, you can also notice how the event caused you to expand in some manner and gain greater awareness and knowledge.

You would do well to allow those disappointing feelings to surface and, in that exact moment, seek to gain the knowledge and wisdom it was designed to provide you.


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A recording for your encouragement

Today, you may choose yourself

June 29, 2024

Today, you may choose yourself. That is always the purpose of your physical life experience and our only wish for you.

We provided a message last year on this date, followed by a live session. But we had our messenger put it all together for you in a video. Accessing your authentic self is in your hands, and we have provided a guide.

June 29, 2023

You will complain or change. Those are the choices always available for you as you move through your physical life experience, and which one you make will affect the quality of your life and world.

We gave you a message on this date in 2012, for we knew the conditions you might face in your life and planet due to its restructuring. But if you choose to change, you will let go of what was old and embrace what is new and emerging within you.

You will know when you have made that choice when you love yourself more by harnessing your innate talents and abilities.

We wanted you to understand the following message, and it is the reason for our live conversation with you this Sunday. You stand at a marvelous point in your evolution.

June 29, 2012

Complaining is an unfortunate habit that can have numerous effects on your physical life experience.

It is not possible for you to experience joy while you are complaining.

When you are complaining, you are attempting to undo some past event or situation and also attempting to relive those events by adding energy to them.

It is not possible for you to recognize your expansion while complaining, and you inadvertently halt that expansion by thinking it is not possible because you are complaining.

When you are complaining, you often attempt to shift blame or responsibility for your life experience to others or something outside yourself.

The instant fix is only to seek gratitude.


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Here’s the video.

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You can transform your life and world

June 28, 2024

You can transform your life and world. We have given you the path to follow to accomplish your task. It is up to you to accept it as it will be for our messenger.

We have done it over the years; it is how you each evolve individually and collectively.

June 28, 2012

It gets better has become a popular slogan, if you will, in your current society; however it also resonates to a much wider audience than the particular social issue that brought it to the forefront of your mass consciousness.

It refers to your individual, particular life experience as well as your world as a whole. It operates on the system of contrast; meaning that you are given certain choices, some of which may be very distasteful to you, however they offer you the opportunity to then make a choice that is to your pleasure, greater good, and therefore causes expansion in your life and world.

Therefore, it always gets better.

June 28, 2013

There is no right way, but there is your way. Subjective words need to be used here so that you understand the meaning of this communication.

When you come into the physical world, you are given all manner of rights and wrongs, and rules and regulations. These are all designed to help you navigate through the physical life process. Many of these are extremely helpful for they can prevent you from causing harm to yourself or others, as well as help you avoid many hardships.

The difficulty you have however, is that you also began to associate the rules and regulations, or rights and wrongs to your creative self. Allowing your creative self free reign, if you will, is precisely what you intended to do, for it is only through that process that you expand.

You expand in a manner that allows you to become more, and make a contribution to all others. Give yourself permission to color outside of the lines.

June 28, 2014

A chronological timeline does not exist, except for the one you have made up and choose to believe. You set the goal of self-discovery throughout your physical life experience and even beyond that. This means that you will continually do it as long as you are in physical form.

Now, the chronological timeline you have made up is based on some arbitrary idea that by a certain age you should have figured certain things out, or should have known them before. The operative word here is should.

Whenever you use it you simultaneously project judgment upon yourself, instead of being grateful for the new awareness you have no matter when it appears in your physical life.

Seek to accept that self-discovery is expansion and evolution, and you will do it throughout eternity.

June 28, 2015

You recently heard a statement said in jest that resonated with you, and for good reason, and that was, “I am intolerant of intolerance”. The entire concept of tolerance is built on faulty principles because it implies that somehow you are seeing other souls or people as separate or different than you.

True freedom in your world and society is only obtained when individuals see all others as themselves or the same; and then come to know who they are; grant everyone else the “right” to do the same, and then decide to never do anything in thought or deed that would attempt to limit the ability or another to live in that manner.

That is indeed a mouthful, so to speak, and the only thing that is helpful is for you to attempt to implement it in your life. You are all one.

June 28, 2016

Every soul has at their core what could be considered a path to follow to experience a magnificent life in every single way. Yours has been, always doing what you thought at the time to be the most helpful. Now the difficulty you have experienced in following this particular path, which is the core of your being, is that many times you left yourself out of that equation.

In other words, you thought that doing what was most helpful would be to put everyone else first. This means that your motivation in those instances was to attempt to make yourself feel worthy by only being most helpful to others.

That actually places you in a position of weakness and then you are not able to fulfill your true purpose. When you are most helpful to yourself first, you will be to others.

June 28, 2017

Two questions provide you with an excellent manner to guide your life if you are willing to ask them, and then earnestly listen for the answers.

The first question is, what if? That is one question that you don’t desire to hold because it indicates there was something you were afraid to do or try in your life, and then because of that you can never ask the next question.

The next question is, why not? Now that question holds everything you desire. It signifies that you are trusting your talents, abilities as well as your instincts, and you are willing to fully answer that question because you never want to end up asking, what if?

June 28, 2018

You can only change now. That sentence is one of the most brilliant you have ever written as it contains everything you need to know about creating the life you want, and being happy.

You will now use it as your own personal power tool, so to speak, to carve out your life.

We will give you a few interpretations. The use of the word you, reminds you that you are the only one in control of your life, and who can make decisions affecting your experience. The word now, when focused upon, brings you into the present moment, and makes you aware you are willing to release the past.

And the word change causes you to acknowledge you want to do some things differently now to create more pleasing results, and now you know you can. That is empowerment. Feel it?

June 28, 2019

Wow, you’re good. Those are the words Roger heard last night which he hoped would go away this morning, but they didn’t. We are doing this in the third person as it is easier for him as he does what you all do, and that is doubt communication you might be receiving that you can’t explain in some logical manner. 

The reason he said those words to himself was that he could see things in his life working out in what seemed to be magical ways. But because it hasn’t manifested fully, he was reluctant to accept that the results he wanted were materializing. Can you feel how many times you each have done that?

Roger agreed to help others come to this awareness if only he, like you, can let go of his distrust. We are always here to help. You’re welcome. 

June 28, 2020

You are living evolution. We know that may not seem to be a complete sentence to you, but this is how we meant it precisely. While you are in a constant state of evolution, there are times when it is visceral or more apparent to you, and that time is now.

We needed to take over more control of this message from Roger as his embarrassment, which he also knows is an essential element of his life journey, completely halts his progress at times. We said that sentence, so each of you would find the evidence of those words within yourself.

You have lived a life of continual doubt as to who you might be or what you might achieve. We will also tell you that configuration is necessary and purposeful, for you would not know you had accomplished anything unless you doubted it initially.

That brings us to Roger’s living evolution so all of you might recognize it within yourselves. Some time ago, Roger mentioned a client had explained something to him that dramatically altered how he could deliver information that was more efficient and effective.

You each were meant to progress from the achievements of those who came before, but you don’t believe you are capable. Then last night, Roger witnessed the evidence of information we had given him about others he was guiding that he never believed fully. In other words, the intuition he held manifested, and Roger then recognized the doubt he held before. 

Every you that we used in this message is the collective you, and your life now. You all have feared change in your lives and the world, but once you release that, your new life and the world will be better than you can imagine now. 

June 28, 2021

The most courageous thing you will do in your life is always in front of you. We will have this message make sense for each of you on your evolutionary journey.

Yesterday Roger held his webinar where we were allowed to speak freely finally, and it was the most enjoyable experience for both Roger and us. We love that cryptic sentence, and the gift is coming.

You each are born with gifts and abilities you intended to develop during this lifetime. You do it a bit at a time, typically. Still, because you also maintain the fear of the unknown, even when you achieve some of your desires, you do not recognize your accomplishments. You have formed habits of self-doubt, and you compare your journey to that of others who came before when you are the ones meant to lead now.

We have given Roger so many messages speaking on this subject, but we will leave one of them, which we told Roger not to read before posting it here. We do that occasionally to bolster his confidence as you each enjoy surprises.

When you read the message, please know we are speaking to you directly, and you will be fine.

December 10, 2009

There is no way better than your own. Now that includes some subjective words that should allow you to gain great meaning from the concept.

Your decision to live a physical life experience was for the purpose of contributing to the expansion and advancement of All That Is. The only way that you surely accomplish this is through your contribution to something “new.” New here means a greater portion of what already exists. When you succumb to conformity, you squelch that very contribution.

This process is also what may be felt by you as courage, and that in and of itself leads you to the contribution you intended.

Note: Here is the replay of our conversation of yesterday, and those of you who are meant to hear it will gain more confidence in your way forward.

June 28, 2022

It is always your doubt. When you find yourself in uncomfortable situations in your life and the world, it is due to your lack of belief in yourself and trust in your world.

We are giving you this message today for you are being restructured, and your fear of change could be exacerbated at this time. Roger was feeling the effects of his persistent doubt this morning as he could not convey what our program had to offer, and his doubt has left him in a place in his life where he must change, as we said in our message yesterday.

We will give you the highlights of what we gave him as he was reluctant to offer until he witnessed more proof, as many of you do before you become willing to move beyond your doubt.

You came to the world at this time to evolve. You were given a path to follow, and it was the one to lead you to something you were meant to offer the world that would fulfill your evolutionary goal, and that act would add to the evolution of your world. But due to the doubt, you might have carried, that goal you set has yet to be manifested.

You are moving into a new phase of the restructuring in your world, and you must gain the strength, courage, and willingness to love yourself and release your self-judgment and doubt so you experience the life you wanted and create the new world you all want to see.

Our program provides you that opportunity for we methodically guide you through releasing those limitations and restrictions you have placed on yourself.

Then you begin to see the same in others, and the current conflicts and divisions within you are mended, and so is your world.

Roger’s doubt kept him from realizing he had been given something that would help your world, but you all have been given something, and he just received the mechanism to help you own that. We now told him to open another door, for there is always a way, and the same is true for you.

June 28, 2023

You will make things better. The word better is subjective, but you know what it means to you and how living in that state would feel to you, and you possess the ability to create it in your life and world.

You might not have considered the importance of your life experience or journey to your world, but we wanted you to remember today, so we provided our message in 2012. When you believe it wholeheartedly and implement it into your life, you will notice dramatic changes in your life and world, for they are the same.

It gets better has become a popular slogan, if you will, in your current society; however it also resonates to a much wider audience than the particular social issue that brought it to the forefront of your mass consciousness.

It refers to your individual, particular life experience as well as your world as a whole. It operates on the system of contrast; meaning that you are given certain choices, some of which may be very distasteful to you, however they offer you the opportunity to then make a choice that is to your pleasure, greater good, and therefore causes expansion in your life and world.

Therefore, it always gets better.


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It is always your self-doubt

June 27, 2024

It is always your self-doubt. You are each born into physical existence with everything you need to manifest a magnificent life and contribute to the evolution of your world. But you also come with limitations and restrictions that exist in your consciousness.

We awakened our messenger this morning to alert him to an article he wrote two years ago, of course prompted by us. We also said the other day that we have given you everything you need to live a wonderful life and manifest the world you want to see, but many of you, including our messenger, would not believe us.

We said the United States would lead the way in this restructuring, which you will witness more today. You each will decide how much you are willing to release your self-judgment and hatred of others.

June 27, 2023

It is time to remember your purpose. Every soul is born with one to fulfill, and you chose the most critical time on your planet to do so.

We have said you are moving through a restructuring for the purpose of shifting the balance in your world that has been off-center for quite a while. This shift will involve every aspect of your life and world, so we provided guidance on this date in 2012.

You might be tempted to judge yourself or others; if you do so, your mission will not be fulfilled, and the ascension of your planet will be slowed. As you view your life and world today, please take our message to heart. We mean that literally.

June 27, 2012

You are always seeking to know your own value as long as you are in physical form. You do this in many different ways, and when you begin to recognize this, you can use this process more to your benefit, which is always expansion.

You desire to be heard; you desire to be understood; you desire to be loved, and you desire to be recognized. Every soul does this, and when you acknowledge that particular fact, you are indeed living what is considered the golden rule.

The more you hold this idea, the more joyous your entire physical life experience becomes. You also recognize that any form of judgment about you or others is not possible.


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Here is the article.

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