September 7, 2024
We can’t do much more without your help. As you examine your world and your lives and begin noticing things you are displeased with, we would like you to look at yourselves. This might seem a bit harsh, but it’s a crucial step for your personal growth, especially for our messenger.
Every soul comes to the physical plane with innate gifts and talents it wants to expand. As they do so, they complete a vital part of their soul mission, and the evolution of your world increases exponentially.
We have said we have given you an ascension guide and have attempted to spur your belief through all the messages we’ve provided in succession, hoping you would embody more of it by now. However, you require a bit more human proof before you allow the spiritual guidance we told our messenger we would provide.
We demonstrated the results of our work through him physically, mentally, and, most importantly, spiritually to be an example for all. But he, too, has not taken his next step, as he has formed the habit of ignoring his worth and value, as many of you have. That was the reason for your restructuring, as we have often mentioned.
The energetic shifts in your world today compelled us to give you a boost or, more appropriately, a pep talk to move to your highest state of consciousness.
Again, we will use linear time and synchronicity because we love using science. Science always gives some humans more belief, but to others, it awakens their skepticism. The good news is you get to choose.
We are asking our messenger to include four messages here. As you read them, you will better understand the process of raising your consciousness. If you read them daily, you will accelerate your progress.
But after today, we want you to take the next step, love yourself a bit more, and do what you came here to do. We would be grateful, but you would be euphoric. Our messenger will be more of an example after today. But so will you.
September 7, 2020
It was only you who ever doubted your power. We had so many different titles we might have used for this message. Still, we had to choose one, or Roger would never begin because we were giving him quite a bit and because it caused him to feel uncomfortable making these admissions, but he also felt his “duty” to do so.
Some time ago, we related the story of Roger and his thermostat, where he would think the temperature needed to be different and make his way to make the change, and magically, the thermostat makes the change on its own. Each time, mostly when the incidents occurred in succession, Roger became startled and questioned whether he could have caused that.
Yesterday Roger’s roommate returned home, and on two separate occasions, Roger was about to call him, and the phone rang, and here again, Roger questioned whether or not he could have manifested that. Then Roger decided to plan a webinar that had one intention when he thought about what he would do, and then last night, Roger recognized it had turned into something more, and of course, he had the same question.
You each will begin to discover that you have always held power, ability, and manifesting powers, but you always questioned them, just like Roger. Due to your world’s current conditions, you will awaken more of your capabilities because you are motivated by your current conditions. The reason you have doubted your power is that it is a natural part of evolution. And you are doing it continually, so please don’t beat yourself up, but make a conscious decision to use the power you have unleashed so far in your life.
September 7, 2021
It was only your lack of belief. This morning when Roger awakened, we told him to search our messages for the word justice. He found one communication from 2013, which we advised him not to read and simply post that message after what we are providing now.
The reason we are doing that is that he, just like you have done, moved through your lives doubting what you thought you were meant to do in this life, or you came to believe that you were not the one to do so, or you again falsely believed that your time had passed and that is never true.
The opening statement is the one you will each come to realize in your life experience, and we will continue to help with examples such as this.
We wanted you to see the following message for it will apply to your life, that of your world, and why you wanted to live during this restructuring which we told you your most crucial lifetime, and the essence of who are was never more needed by your world than now. You will be fine.
July 14, 2013
You are never seeking justice, for you are constantly seeking understanding. The idea of justice is based on what you believe to be principles of right and wrong, and right and wrong do not exist in Ultimate Reality. This is one of the most difficult concepts to accept.
All events and circumstances occur with a purpose and meaning, and the purpose and meaning are always to cause you and your world at large to become more or expand. You can find evidence of this in your
personal history as well as that of your world. When you think of any particular past injustice, as you may label it, the result was always to cause some expansion.
You are always living with a limited awareness as long as you are in physical form, which is why you cannot truly know the issues of right and wrong. What you always desire is understanding, for that provides you with your own personal motivation to do something to become more, which is the expansion you sought when you came onto the physical plane.
September 7, 2022
We hope you can hear us now. You are at a place in your life where you could make the most significant contribution to your evolution and that of your world.
We began saying two years ago that you would be moving through what we have called restructuring; others have named it the great awakening or the big shift. Whatever human terminology you choose, please pick one that causes you to feel good.
Your job during this period was to love yourself and fulfill your dreams. You are here to move through the restrictions and limitations you have allowed in this lifetime, which will also do the same for your ancestors who left things in your hands. It is how your civilization has continuously operated.
You have never experienced a period such as this. Still, many of you do understand what is occurring, and the pressure you’ve felt that you could not explain was the stranglehold you’ve placed on yourself by not becoming your authentic self. That is what is attempting to burst through.
As we told you in 2012, you progress in increments, and that is individually and collectively.
You exist to help manifest a beautiful new world, and you will contribute by deciding to love yourself and become as happy and prosperous as you desire as long as you feel good.
We provided a message on this day that will apply to you all but Roger specifically. He has generally accepted that we provided him with a valuable gift in 2012 and that we said we would use specific dates to indicate synchronicity, but he still had to check.
In other words, you will doubt yourself now, but if you follow through, you will end the doubt. That was meant for you all, as you each have your divine plans unfolding now, but you also had doubts. It has only been your resistance.
September 7, 2012
Surrender does not necessarily mean defeat but can indicate strength and courage. Surrender, as it is being used here, refers more to events and situations in your physical life experience rather than people. While others may be involved, it is more valuable for you to look at the situation or event merely.
When you become willing to surrender to it, it also means that you are demonstrating a knowing that says all things that show up for you have meaning and purpose and, in some manner, only do so for your highest good. When you surrender, you also release any resistance and find more peace. When you surrender, you are accepting yourself and your entire life experience.
September 7, 2023
Self-judgment will be your most significant obstacle. When you come onto the physical plane, you have little awareness of what your life adventures may offer you. You also have little knowledge of what your world may present to you.
When you remember that you are connected to all that is and in this lifetime, your goal is to expand and aid in the planetary ascension, the message we provided ten years ago on this date will aid you.
The remedy for self-judgment is self-love, which you and your planet are achieving now. That requires you to release your self-judgment, and then you will give that permission to others.
September 7, 2013
Compassion is a word you would do well to look up and study its meaning. Compassion is also the active pursuit of expansion. You can’t expand as you intended without also seeking to develop your level of compassion.
Compassion and judgment cannot coexist. Judgment is the greatest hindrance to your expansion. When you hold judgment of another, it means you are holding that judgment about yourself, and you have yet to understand the perfection within the one you are judging.
You have often judged yourself for having too much compassion and interpreted it as a sign of weakness in some way. Nothing could be further from the truth. All of your religious studies have spoken of the value of compassion, and with your earnest attempt to study it, you will understand why. There is also a reason that maturity often causes compassion to develop.
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