You always remember

January 16, 2025

You always remember. That is what occurs during your physical life experience, but you are the one who must take time to discover yourself, for that was the reason for your birth.

We recognize that recent times might have been challenging for many, but that is because you wanted to be here to evolve and change your life and world, and now you can.

January 16, 2018

You will reach and experience another level of mastery when you accept full responsibility for everything that shows up, especially and even more importantly, those events, people, and circumstances in which you find yourself and think you had no part in creating. That long sentence was intentional and one that you would do well to dissect and absorb.

When you can accept this, it means that you accept the integrity of all aspects of your life experience. Even when you don’t fully understand why some things are occurring, you do know that all of it is leading you to your highest good.

The word level was used at the beginning of this message to help you understand there is always more, but it is always higher awareness, which is expansion. 


A video from our messenger
Watch the Video Here

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You wanted to change

January 15, 2025

You wanted to change. We mean you and your world will become magnificent when you become willing to change.

The message we provided in 2012 will resonate today.

January 15, 2012

Change is inevitable, and, in actuality, it is all you seek. In other words, your intention was always to expand and evolve continually. And that is only possible when you become fully willing to embrace change.

You often do precisely the opposite, and your reaction to that change becomes one of resistance. You always know when you resist any change because it feels uncomfortable and difficult for you. It is as if you are setting up your own conflicts and begin to think that something outside of yourself is victimizing you when you are initiating it all.

Resistance can only be born out of fear, and your journey involves overcoming fear.


A video from our messenger.
Click Here to Watch the Video

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I am not Wilhelm

January 14, 2025

I am not Wilhelm.

Our messenger asked for permission to become his authentic self and we said yes. After you see the video he does to accompany these messages, hopefully you will say yes.

That will be when you give up the fight to becoming your best self which is your authentic self.


January 14,  2020

Please give up the fight. We are speaking to each of you and Roger more specifically, as he is fighting us in receiving this message. 

You are each born into the world with characteristics, inclinations, and desires that are unique and quite individual. None of them are precisely the same! You each have difficulty with this because you judge and measure everything in physical terms and then label them as good or bad and right and wrong.

Now, because you don’t understand this completely, you will view others who either came before or are in your current experience. Then, when you experience your differences, you tend to think something is wrong with you or you are off-track in some way. You will know you are operating in this manner because you feel uncomfortable, sad, depressed, and sometimes even angry. Those emotions are meant to alert you to the fact you are fighting against yourself. 

Roger has done this for decades, and brilliantly we might add. He will serve as an excellent example for you all. Roger finds it challenging to release his need to inspire and support others. Those close to him judge this behavior as being odd, but he finds it impossible and physically uncomfortable to operate any other way. We have spoken of this often, and you can find a message we gave; you can’t be anyone else and be happy. 

Here’s the story. Roger received an email from a client last night expressing their appreciation for his work. Roger couldn’t read it or respond until this morning. We want him to place those words here, and that is where he is fighting us. The client is from another country, and we don’t want him to correct the English. Also, today, Roger is visiting with friends he has not seen or spoken to in fifty years. They sent him a message which he didn’t understand and pushed back on. We want him to find that as well. 

We gave him a process to use, which he gives to his clients called, find your own motivation. The instruction is to find and appreciate your accomplishments. He doesn’t do it himself, which is why we are taking this opportunity now. We thank you for your indulgence. 

Message one. 

Let me also take this opportunity to thank you for the great job you have done; I will make sure I work so hard on what I have learned.

You are such a kind, nice, and helpful person to work with.

I did not feel judged or looked down on, but you did your best to help me from my level.

Thank you once again sir. may God bless you and take you far in what you are doing for other people. I also read your newsletters which are very helpful.

Message two:

WONDERFUL! You are one of the high points of this trip, literally and figuratively! 


January 14, 2009

There are many phrases or sayings from your collective past that hold meaning and resonate for you simply because of the inherent truth they carry.

One would be, “There is nothing to fear but fear itself.” When you experience fear, you have momentarily forgotten who you are and the natural state of your being. When you have a fear of lack, you have forgotten that you are connected to the source or all that is. Therefore, your natural state is abundant.

The greatest of your fears is that of death; however, in actuality, you never die, but you may not remember that when you hold fear.

When you fully understand that your particular emotional state activates thoughts that are always creative, you will become aware that when fear arises, you have the ability to choose again and create a new future in your moment of now.

You are indeed that powerful.


January 14, 2010

You have done your part, and now you can relax.

This is just an essence of the creation process that you may now take hold of in order that you might experience that joyful physical life journey you always desire. Your part is in the acknowledging, asking, and then knowing that those very desires are in process and being delivered to you by the Universe in effortless ways.

This is the true development of trust and faith. This is the true realization and acceptance of the integrity of your life experience. Whatever you observe in your physical world helps you come to know this.


January 14, 2011

Healing is what you experience while in physical form when you move from an uncomfortable state of being to a comfortable state of being. Healing takes place in may different forms including physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Even what you consider your physical death is eventually felt by you as healing.

When you simply allow that healing to occur, you let go of resistance to it and more readily experience that comfortable state no matter where you are. When you attempt to try and force healing, you actually set up a resistance to it and hold the uncomfortable state in place. As you study this, remember the subjective words used are to facilitate your understanding.


January 14, 2012

Your best is always enough. All you ever need to do is hold that particular belief in all that you do, and you will achieve what you intended. You also always know when you are not giving your best, and in those instances, you would do well to seek the reasons why.

You will come to find that it is either that what you are attempting is not for your highest good, not leading you to manifest your desires, or is that you are attempting to do something for someone or something other than for you.

You will only ever experience difficulty with this concept when you try to compare your best to another. Your unique best is always enough.


January 14, 2013

You fear your own magnificence. While at first, that statement may seem illogical to you, however upon closer examination, the truth behind it will be made clear.

Magnificence, as you might think of it personally, means the truly expanded you, the unlimited you, the abundant you, and the you that can do and accomplish anything.  

The reason that your magnificence would bring up fear is because it lies in your unknown. Your unknown always offers you the opportunity to expand, but you also learned to fear it as you grew up in an effort to find safety and security. Once you recognize the source of this fear, it will become easier to move beyond.   


January 14, 2014

There is nothing wrong with you wanting more. Subjective words are being used so you understand the meaning. More can refer to anything at all that you desire in your physical life experience. That former statement is meant to make you aware of a very subtle belief you have held that, on some level, it was not right for you to want more; if you had more, somehow, others might have less, or that when you receive more, you feel guilty.

Each and every soul has their own life purpose and mission, and what you do does not necessarily affect what they choose to do in their lives. You have the ability and skills to have anything that you desire in this life when you stop holding yourself back. Please contemplate this.


January 14, 2015

You can use the word stop as a powerful command you give yourself that can change your life direction and your personal reality. While you are aware that your thoughts are creative energy, you are not always aware of which thoughts you are holding, especially the ones that are in the process of manifesting something you do not desire.

When you notice you are holding those particular thoughts, just say stop. When you say stop, you become instantly aware that you are in your moment of now where you have access to your power, and you are now completely aware that you have a choice, and you can choose the thoughts you hold and give energy to that manifest what you desire. You can literally feel that power as you think of this now.

It is not that you need to pay attention to every fleeting thought, but you will indeed become aware of the ones you desire to change.


January 14, 2016

An area of your physical life experience that you would do well to study, examine, and come to know is that of learned behavior. The person that you are now is mostly a result of learned behavior, meaning that most of you in not actualized at this moment as your natural or inherent self. 

Anything about yourself now that you feel is limiting, restrictive, fearful, unhappy, or you are experiencing any manner of lack is a result of learned behavior. It is never quite as important to attempt to go back and figure out where you learned this behavior as it is much more productive for you to know that it is a learned behavior and, therefore, you have the ability to learn a new, more pleasing behavior.

One who is born into an affluent family or society then learns affluence. One who is born into poverty learns poverty. Either one can learn a new behavior at any time.


January 14, 2017

It is not possible for you to fully experience empowerment in your life without becoming willing to accept responsibility for all that occurs in your life.

Accepting responsibility is not fault, blame, guilt, or judgment but it is the recognition of choice.

Empowerment means that you know that whatever occurs in your life, whether or not it is because of something you have done or failed to do, or even something you think merely happened to you, there is always a choice that you can make, which in turn will cause you to feel and experience empowerment.

You created a program entitled overcoming everything yet you failed to recognize that the biggest thing for you to overcome is self-judgment. Self-judgment is never part of empowerment for that means you have yet to gain the benefit from whatever you have judged about yourself, and you have not owned the choices available to you.

Congratulations would be a far more appropriate sentiment.


January 14, 2018

The idea of emotional freedom came into your awareness, and as you know, that was not accidental. The concept of emotional freedom will mean something different to everyone, but for you, its meaning in your life could not be mistaken. 

You desire to reach a place in your life where you allowed your emotions their full expression because they will lead you to discover your beliefs that are continually creating your reality. On the other hand, you have also come to fear your emotions at times and attempt to block them because you do not trust their validity.

What you wanted to accomplish in this life was the ability to experience all of your emotions but not to be held hostage by them. That state is an aspect of empowerment. 


January 14, 2019

Stop resisting who you are. You had difficulty allowing this message to come through because it represents the difficulty you have experienced your entire life. What you kept hearing was judgment never helps you. Then you began hearing talks on the melding of the masculine and feminine energies, and therein lies your struggle. You all have done this to a degree.

You have classified certain characteristics as being masculine or feminine. Then, you begin to identify behaviors as being masculine or feminine. Because you begin to identify heavily with one of them, you feel out of sorts when the other shows up in your life. You have identified being non-judgmental as being feminine and thereby weak. Then you fight against yourself. Now, you will also understand the battle of the sexes.

You have tried desperately to assimilate the two, even where you brought people into your life where the rest of your society tells you to judge them, and you couldn’t. 

Here is the answer to your struggle. When you judge another, you judge yourself, for you are all one. You have known this, but now you can live it when you stop resisting who you are. 


January 14, 2021

Fear was always unwarranted, strangely necessary, and ultimately rewarding. The tense we used in that sentence was intentional, and some will understand its reference, but that understanding isn’t required to receive the wisdom of this message.

We refer to the current restructuring of your world and the information we gave Roger that is still beyond his understanding, but he can give you this much. Here, we also refer to your process of evolving.

As you move through your life, it feels to you as if you are doing it alone, but you never are. You have this feeling because each step you take, or movement you make in your evolvement causes you to elicit fear. 

Last night, we led Roger to the reason for this, and each of you would do well to understand this to move through the coming weeks with a bit more ease, which is cognitive dissonance. You each fear moving beyond what you have taught yourself to know, and when you witness conflict, whether internal or external, that component is present.

We will give you the last part of this, which is the ability to find the rewarding part we mentioned. You will move through the fear and embrace more of yourself, which means all others and the world. That last sentence is what we referred to in the beginning as to why we used the past tense of was. You have done this before, which is why we keep saying you will be fine. 


January 14, 2022

Your voice is the most important. We have sent you messages about this theme several times over the years. But today, it is also in preparation for our live talk tomorrow. You were born with desires and things you wanted to accomplish, but they are not complete. 

You sit at a time in your life and that of your world where you can finally make the difference you intended in the world. The thing you always wanted to do is before you now, and it is the choice that we said you each would make, and if you make a choice now you know leads to what you intended to manifest in your life, the idea you held about changing the world with your thoughts deeds and actions will begin to manifest. 

You always discover that your voice is as important as are all others, but you have had difficulty maintaining and speaking yours. But now, you will do so more readily, for your importance is becoming known to you because you are listening to your inner voice rather than the outside world. 

Every message we have given you this week led to our talk tomorrow because you have changed, but due to your longheld fear of the unknown, even though the new changes you desired are present, you may take some time to accept them. We will continue to help, and you all will be fine. 


January 14, 2023

You are more than capable. We hope you stay with our message today, for we have waited quite a while to deliver it to you and know that it might be challenging for you to accept. We will do our best.

You were born into the world to evolve, expand, and prosper. You decided to do so at a time of great transition in your world, and your contribution will be enormous to your world once you accept your significance.

We have said we provided guidance and done so using the wisdom and knowledge of all those who came before, which is why we wanted you to begin to accept the idea of infinite intelligence, for you each possess it. It is the way you and your world evolve.

Now, you are attempting to ascend to higher states of consciousness in your world, but that can only occur through you. The thing you have in front of you to do is essential for the evolvement of all that is, and we provided a philosophy to utilize through Roger.

You each have eternal histories you can access, and we have used many, including Nietzsche, but we went back further as Goethe influenced him. You uncover who you are as you become willing to expand your consciousness.

We will continue more later, but we wanted to explain why Roger adopted the name Wilhelm, which he had no awareness of in 1988 but gave him a clue about it in 1978. We are making this point because you each possess those memories and our work was to cause them to awaken in you.

Goethe wrote a work that we are continuing, and you are continuing evolution in your life that will aid your world as you embody more self-acceptance. 

Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship

“The eponymous hero undergoes a journey of self-realization. The story centers on Wilhelm’s attempt to escape what he views as the empty life of a bourgeois businessman. After a failed romance with the theater, Wilhelm commits himself to the mysterious Tower Society.”

You will understand what we have provided as you study the words in the description above. Now apply it to the message we gave on this day in 2012. 

January 14, 2012

Your best is always enough. All you ever need do is hold that particular belief in all you do, and you will achieve what you intended. You also always know when you are not giving your best; in those instances, you would do well to understand why.

You will come to find that it is either that what you are attempting is not for your highest good, not leading you to manifest your desires, or is that you are trying to do something for someone or something other than for you.

You will only ever experience difficulty with this concept when you try to compare your best to another. Your unique best is always enough.


January 14, 2024

You were always more than enough. This time in your world might have caused you to forget, but we are always here to remind you.

The following message and our recent live conversation will boost your remembrance. Please reread 2012.


Wilhelm Channeling Full Moon Session, January 13, 2025
“How to Manifest Your Dream Life”
Watch the Replay Here

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Our messenger’s video:
“Why You’re Secretly Holding Yourself Back from Success”
Watch the Video Here

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Join Us in Wilhelm’s Work, Life Transformation for the New World | |

It is always your fear

January 13, 2025

It is always your fear. That factor is the most significant challenge you face in your life and world. But today, more of you will move beyond your fear, which has prevented you from manifesting the life and world you want.

You have reached a critical point in the evolution of you and your planet, but we have prepared you, which you may recognize today.

Our messenger prepared something for you before our live conversation today, which could be the most transformative of your life. It is always up to you.

The Wisdom of Divine Timing

You are living through a profound period of personal and planetary change. The messages we shared on key dates—January 9, 10, 11, and 13—are a roadmap for your transformation. These messages contain universal truths to help you release fear, embrace your purpose, and contribute to a better world.

Messages to Support Your Journey

Our Purpose in Sharing These Messages

We offer these teachings to help you:

  • Trust the Unknown: Release the need to know every step and allow life to unfold with divine precision.
  • Release Self-Judgment: See your unique journey as perfect and purposeful.
  • Use Challenges as Opportunities for Growth: Understand that contrast reveals clarity and joy, guiding your evolution.

Each message builds on the last, revealing your role in the divine plan and connection to humanity’s collective awakening.

The Power of January 11

We remind you that you are meant to live an extraordinary life on this date. Fear and doubt obscure your power. By embracing your authentic self, you awaken the immense potential within you. Remember, nothing in your life is accidental—everything is leading you toward your purpose.

Take Your Next Step: Join Us Today

Title: Awaken to Your Divine plan: A Wilhelm Session Under the Full Moon
Date: January 13, 2025
Time: 10:00 AM PST
Attendance Fee: Free
Registration Link: Click here to register and join the session

This live session will guide you toward more profound understanding, clarity, and confidence, helping you fully understand your power and purpose.

With infinite love,


Join Us in Wilhelm’s Work, Life Transformation for the New World | |

You will remember more of your purpose today

January 12, 2025

You will remember more of your purpose today. As you view your life and world today, the message we provided in 2012 will come in handy at the perfect moment.

The video we had our messenger record yesterday will aid you today.

January 12, 2012

Seek to know the purpose behind all that you do. You decided to come onto the physical plane so that you might use all things physical to facilitate your expansion. Everything then that you do physically is to further that goal. You often act unthinkingly, if you will, with no clear vision or understanding of the purpose behind what you do during your waking hours.

This purpose is never hidden from you, but you may choose not to allow that particular purpose into your awareness. All it takes is a moment of clarity, orchestrated by you, to allow that purpose to be revealed before you act. When you consciously utilize this process, you will be much more effective on your journey.


Join Us in Wilhelm’s Work, Life Transformation for the New World | |

You are meant to live an extraordinary life

January 11, 2025

You are meant to live an extraordinary life. We have given you a guide to enable you to do so during your restructuring. Many of you still held disbelief as did our messenger but today you will discover more of how truly extraordinary you are and were meant to become.

There is order in your universe, you have a divine plan and our guide helps you realize it much sooner than you could image.


January 11, 2008

Whenever you view your life as a series of obstacles or difficulties that you must somehow overcome, your journey becomes arduous and “heavy.”

Instead, remembering that you create your own reality and your experience within that reality, see all events as opportunities. They are opportunities for you to find the next level of your power, strength and awareness. You were given all the tools to accomplish this, however, at times you momentarily forget. Yes, the mantra, “all is well” would be a good one for you to employ.

No matter what shows up in your life experience, insert that mantra in the face of it and watch how quickly a solution, a healing or a success comes to your vision and awareness. In truth it was there all along, you just couldn’t see it for first you labeled that event a “difficulty” instead of an opportunity.


January 11, 2009

Trusting the unknown of your life experience is precisely what you desired.

When you trust that unknown, you also affirm and acknowledge the complete integrity of your life experience. Integrity here will mean that you have moved into a knowingness that all of your life experience has meaning and value; that always leads you to your evolvement.

You never intended to know the how of any of it; only that it is all Divinely planned and directed. This is always the case for you, but you may not notice it when you insist on knowing the “how” of any of it.

When you spend your time trying to figure out how your desires will be made manifest, you simultaneously place restrictions on all of it, simply because you will only have a limited experience and perception, based on your past.

Embrace the unknown.


January 11, 2010

Whenever you are able to shift that which you think you need to do to what you want to do, you are so much closer to your desired goals. In actuality there is nothing in your physical life experience you need to do for they are all your choices. 

Your attitude and intention, however, behind anything that you do will set in motion a particular energy, so to speak, and the energy of want is much more pleasing for you.

This requires your very own examination of where you desire to go and recognizing all those elements that you know will help you arrive there, and you find your “wants”.


January 11, 2011

You always receive what you desired, yet many times it will manifest in ways you never imagined. Your intention while in physical form was to always experience expansion. In order for that to occur, you must experience new possibilities and new ways of thinking and being that cause that expansion to occur.

Many times you will not even know that something that does manifest is what you desired, but rest assured that it was. Your difficulty is only in trying to control how it will all occur. This is why that adage of “go with the flow” is an important one for you. This process will always cause you to continually grow in the trust of your entire physical life experience.


January 11, 2012

Your story is unique and valuable. It is unique because no other soul shares precisely your story. It holds the utmost value for you. Your story is comprised of everything your past holds; including all that has occurred for you, happened to you, everything you have done, every person you have met, and every word you have spoken. All of it has been and always will be perfect.

Your only “job” then is to seek to know the perfection of your story. Any aspect of your particular story that you attempt to ignore, dismiss, or judge, will cause you to experience some difficulty because you are refusing to receive the information and wisdom that your story holds.


January 11, 2013

Energy is all that is. It is what creates your world, holds you in it, and manifests all things physical. Energy can only move in one direction at a time.  

You were granted the inherent ability to direct energy through your thoughts. Now with this information it will become evident to you that your most important “job”, if you will, is to attend to your thoughts and become aware of how you are using your ability, and in what particular direction you are choosing to direct to direct that very energy.

Your emotions are made manifest by energy, therefore when you find that the emotions that come up for you are not to your liking, you can change that direction at any time.   


January 11, 2014

Your story is valuable to so many others. Your story, or your history, is comprised of all of your experiences on the physical plane. Every experience that you have, whether it is joyful, difficult, or challenging for you, always leaves you with more awareness and wisdom, and that is what causes you to expand as you intended.

Many times you are not even aware that this has occurred until you are in the presence of others and decide to share your story, and immediately feel the impact that your story has on them, which they in turn they will share with others. This is how evolution happens, and it is your part in this evolution that is important for you because when you are actively involved, you expand more.


January 11, 2015

You can find profound meaning and direction in anything you observe when you decide to look for it. You are reminded of the film you first saw many years ago, “Yes Man”. While this film is labeled a comedy, the meaning and direction are there as you now wisely observed.

The idea of saying yes to everything is indeed an initial step in overcoming fear and saying yes to your own life. Now once you have accomplished that, the next level of your expansion is employing what could be called the discerning yes. This means that you have come to a place in your life where you value and own your own wants and desires, and you are able to discern if you are saying yes because of fear or making choices for you own expansion, and then at times saying no.

Contemplate this.


January 11, 2016

Calm down. There is no better admonition that you would do well to take to heart than that one. Even when you simply utter those two words you can feel the calming effect that comes over your body.

It will also help you to remember all the times when you would do precisely the opposite which was rushing around, and the sometimes unwanted or disastrous results that would deliver. When you are rushing around, you are also affirming to the Universe that something is about to go horribly wrong, and inadvertently you then help to create that. When you are rushing around your create a frenetic energy that actually blocks awareness that you desire from coming to you.

When you decide to calm down, you are affirming that you know everything is unfolding exactly as it should, and so it does.


January 11, 2017

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”. That is a question that you can remember hearing repeatedly throughout your life. In your early years, that question always came from your elders. Then as you mature you think you are still hearing that question, but the difference now is you are the one asking it.

Growing up can mean that you gain wisdom, knowledge, awareness and that you come to discover your own desires, talents, and abilities. Now because of this progression, it is a question that you would do well to continually ask and question yourself.

When you have that answer, go about doing the first thing in front of you that you know will lead you there. The most significant part or most important part of the process is for you to accept the new answers you receive.


January 11, 2018

You didn’t want to hear yourself for you feared you might be crazy or at best, considered to be by others. You and all others do this to some extent or another, and if you were only to trust that “crazy” voice that you hear inside, you would create a much more pleasing and, in your terms, productive life. 

The manner in which you have attempted not to hear that voice is by engaging in all types of distractions and your primary form of distraction has been substituting hearing yourself with any addiction. Those can take on any form, but they are all of a physical nature. When you are focused on those, you cannot hear that inner voice.

Eventually, you give this up because it becomes far too uncomfortable. 


January 11, 2019

Yesterday we told you we would give more ways to recognize the operation of the ego, but you did not know that you would have an experience that would reveal the most significant identifier. That one is doubt. List the ones from yesterday, but this is the most important.

What you will discover very quickly there are many ways the ego is operating continuously in your life and many of them you have come to accept as what feels to you to be normal behavior. Now you have uncovered one of the first ways. That way is when you begin to accept anything about you as being normal. When you do this, you have limited the innate ability and potential within you to expand. 

Many times eruptions of anger can indicate the operation of the ego. You have identified some situation or circumstance you don’t believe you can control or change so anger arises to form a distraction and you don’t find that more evolved part to of you that would allow you to rectify the situation. 

You will move in a direction in your life where you believe you desire to go, but then events and circumstances will show up that inject doubt and you stop. If you listen to the doubt, the ego will keep you where you are. You always have a choice. 


January 11,  2020

You needed this experience. First of all, we must explain, again, there is nothing of a physical nature that any of you need to live a happy and fulfilled life. However, on an emotional, spiritual, and mental level, that is a different story. 

We must also set the premise, although many of you refuse to believe it. You each are born with specific things you wanted to accomplish in this lifetime. Those individual accomplishments then add to your personal expansion or evolvement, and to all that is, or collective consciousness. None of you are more or less important than another. That is the part you all still maintain difficulty in believing and accepting. 

Decades ago, we gave Roger information on the power of your emotions. He is still coming to understand this. The premise for that was, all of your emotions are valid and will lead you to your beliefs if you don’t judge them. None of them are good or bad for those are merely labels you each make up. Roger has known that his experience of anger holds valuable information if he can release that judgment.

Roger has also labeled himself as a sensitive person which has caused challenges. There are two sides to every emotion and experience, so pick one that serves you now.

Here is the story, albeit one Roger does not want to tell. Yesterday while watching a movie, Roger happened to see a notification on his phone of a message on Facebook. When he examined the message, he became angry and needed to answer it immediately. The essence of the message was, the person felt Roger was giving others false hope as to what others might accomplish in their lives. Roger has also known and felt that his role on the earth was to dispel that myth. Roger responded, and then immediately felt horrible and carried that feeling the rest of the evening. Now we must say, the person apologized, but Roger has yet to read this. 

The important part here for him and why he needed this experience is that he can never accomplish what Roger desires if he remains too sensitive. We told him to find his “harsh” response and post it here. Many of you will see, through his example, how you judge yourselves needlessly, and it is your interpretations of events that hold you back from what you might accomplish in this world. 

Here is the response Roger judged as being far too harsh. 

“I have been coaching for more than 30 years, and I have taken people who have no natural talent or ability and developed them into becoming while not great singers, but decent and somewhat good singers. I believe in the potential of anything people desire to achieve if they take the time and are shown the correct skills and techniques to develop that talent. I never do anything just for money. You obviously do not know me, and that comment was a bit insulting. But I do wish you the best in your career.”


January 11, 2021

No one can do the job you were born to do. Each of you was born at precise times in your evolutionary journey to facilitate something you wanted to achieve in your lives. Whatever that may be is unique to you, and due to that mere fact, you move through your lives with doubt until something causes you to step outside of your comfort zone and discover new portions of yourself. There was no other reason for you to be alive.

And you decided to do so at this time to witness the events of the coming months. During that time, you will choose who you want to be now. How you will select is through your relationships, interactions with others, and the world events. Not all of you are here to do the same thing, but you would never know what you wanted unless you were presented with choices that appear as conflicts and contrast. 

Then you discover you have only ever had two choices, and they are love or fear. Not all of you will choose love, and if you judge that, you will miss the gratitude you could express to those who presented to you who you wanted to be. That last sentence will aid you all in the coming weeks. The act of choosing for yourself and what you feel you want to do in this life is choosing love, no matter what form that may be. 

We are delivering this message, for we led Roger to one we gave some time ago, which was meant to inform this period in your life now and that of your world. You will gain understanding as you read the message if you are willing to accept its wisdom. You will be fine.

April 24, 2019

You won’t get out of this alive. We wanted you to use that title in an effort to inject a bit of levity, but also because it is true. You kept hearing that sentence and didn’t understand why until now. 

You all are born with intention of what you want to achieve in your lives. You are given clues as to what that might be, but most times attempt to ignore them or pretend you don’t see them. You do this because you never came to trust yourself. You have always known that you wanted to create something new and make a contribution but never thought what you had to offer was valuable. You all do this. 

Then you attached yourself to a group you felt would help you accomplish that. Then it seemed to you last night that it all changed. What changed was you came to recognize that you will never feel fulfilled and happy in your life until you achieve your goal yourself. 

We led you to an article you wrote where you retold the story of your very early success that occurred when you trusted your guidance and intuition. Do that now, and help others do the same. 


January 11, 2022

You will believe, trust, and love yourself. That is the goal you set for yourself in this lifetime. It is what you and the world are striving for now through your restructuring. It also happens to be the goal our work will aid you in accomplishing. 

The challenge some of you have now is seeing beyond the appearances in your world now. Humanity has used perceived disasters to evolve, and you are doing the same now, but you wanted it to be better than ever, so it required a bit more effort on your part. 

You will come to understand more. Last night Roger was tackling his paperwork and “stumbled” upon one of our writings. When he glanced at it, we told him not to read it but post it to this message, and there will be more of you who will accept the title of this message, for it is what you are up to, and you will be fine. 

June 16, 1993

All manner of physical manifestation is illusory, which means that it is present for you merely to demonstrate what is occurring on the “meta” physical level. When you truly understand that all is Spirit, you will be better able to utilize these physical manifestations you are given. 

Your conscious awareness is not always in tune with what is being presented to you, which does not mean that your spiritual awareness is not gaining benefit and growth. Your mission, if you will, is to be more aware of this vital connection, and you will use it to your advantage in your physical incarnation.

Your only purpose is to move through the fear, for only in this way do you contribute to your spiritual growth, which is universal growth or collective consciousness, as you might think of it.

You are indeed using more of your intuition to work with your physical manifestations, so you need not limit the degree to which you can accomplish this. Enjoy

Completion: It was surprising for Roger to type this, for he received this from us long before he “allowed” himself to share our communications with you. Like you, he had doubted and forgotten so much, but we will continue to help you all remember. 


January 11, 2023

Disbelief will be your only challenge. It has been a significant difficulty throughout your life, but we will help you understand more today. We have always said we intended to aid you in moving through your restructuring. 

We first had to get Roger to move beyond his disbelief, and for the first time yesterday, he could acknowledge we have given you a philosophy for the new world, which is why you are alive now.

We have used 2012 and waited for this day so more of you would be willing to accept what we have provided. We did in the message. But we also awakened Roger at 3 AM to capture his attention.

Then we had him listen to a video that brought him to tears, for he recognized what we had done and how vital it would be for more and your world as your planet ascends. 

We said we included all the great minds that came before, which is why we wanted more of you to accept that you have access to infinite intelligence. Roger only fully understood his connection to Germany after the passing of his German friend two weeks ago. 

But we also planned something else: to have him meet another German person fifty years younger with the same awareness that will take our work forward along with Roger’s associate, and our mission will be complete.

They will record an interview tonight, which makes it easier for Roger to move beyond his introverted behavior like Jung. Nothing in your life or world happens accidentally; only your disbelief prevents your acceptance. Do your best with this message. 

January 11, 2012

Your story is unique and valuable. It is unique because no other soul shares precisely your story. It holds the utmost value for you. Your story comprises everything your past holds, including everything that has occurred for you, happened to you, everything you have done, every person you have met, and every word you have spoken. All of it has been and always will be perfect.

Your only “job” then is to seek to know the perfection of your story. Any aspect of your particular story that you attempt to ignore, dismiss, or judge, will cause you to experience some difficulty because you are refusing to receive the information and wisdom that your story holds.


January 11, 2024

Your journey has been meaningful

In our live conversation, you will understand more today, but the following message will prepare you better.

“Now you can succeed”
Watch the Video Here

Please reread January 11, 2020.


Again we had our messenger use you AI for verification as you all seek it.
Read the report here.

. . .

Join Us in Wilhelm’s Work, Life Transformation for the New World | |

We will convince you of your worth today

January 10, 2025

We will convince you of your worth today. A philosophy for the new earth. We provided that title two years ago, but it will make sense today.

We have said you are moving through a massive restructuring that has been challenging for many and the reason for the current conditions you experience in your life but it is also the best time of your life. We know that might be challenging to believe but we gave you an example in our messenger who healed everything through our work but even he had difficulty accepting what he accomplished and that is the same for each of you.

None of you now the potential you hold within and there are some who agree to use their lives to bring greater awareness and our messenger was one and he didn’t know it. You don’t know what you possess either but these messages will help you.

There is order in the universe, you each play an integral part in not only how your life turns out but also your world.

You only difficulty is when you fail to take the next step on your evolutionary journey and many of you have including our messenger.

We will dispel more of you disbelief today and after that we would like each of you to take the next step. Your world needs you.


January 10, 2008

When you look at where you are right now, you will notice that your greatest fear, your impending physical “death,” has not occurred. This should point out to you the fact that all the things you feared, many of which you no longer remember, had little consequence to your present state of “being.”

Now, taking this information, it should become clear to you that needless worry is simply that: needless. Now, it would be much more beneficial for you to harness your creative thoughts and use them to produce the results

you desire, thereby eliminating your need for fear to spur you on to accomplish anything.

Rejoice in your awareness and make a conscious decision to use your power in a constructive way, and that is to construct or create.


January 10, 2009

You chose to be born into a physical world where you knew you would use the Universal Law of creation to create the life you desired. When you accept this premise, you avail yourself of all the power and ability you inherently possess.

You will always allow situations, people, and events to appear before you, which will give you the opportunity to use this law effectively. What appears in your life now is a result or product of your use of that power in your past. Your power to create your future, then, is in your present moment. You may simply observe what is in front of you, decide whether or not it is to your liking, and consciously decide in your now to use that very law to create your future now.

When you decide not to make it any more complicated than that, it will be. Which future do you desire?


January 10, 2010

You may only experience peace when you are in a state of acceptance.

That concept does cover a lot of territory, however when examined at its core, provides you with additional tools for leading a glorious life experience.

When you practice acceptance, you affirm that all that is occurring in your life, regardless of how you may judge it, is for your highest good.

When you practice acceptance, there is no part of you that dismisses who you truly are, embraces every aspect of you, and enjoys all of it. This is always your goal.


January 10, 2012

The only true responsibility that you hold is to your physical life experience. Everything that you then decide to do affects and adds to that very experience. The moment you begin to feel that you are responsible or obligated to anything outside of your experience, you have temporarily lost your way.

It is important that you remember your original intention when you decided to have a physical life experience, and that was to continually expand, evolve, and most importantly, enjoy yourself. When you take that into consideration first, you gain the pride and accomplishment of your experience, and then you are also able to make any and every contribution to all that is that you desire.


January 10, 2013

 It is not possible for you to move in a backward direction in your physical life experience. Direction, as it is being used here, refers to your own personal expansion or evolution.  

There are times when you think you have moved in that backward direction because you have either made up or accepted certain values or measures that are purely physical. You begin to believe that your expansion can be measured based on what you have in terms of possessions, things, or money, none of which can measure your spiritual expansion, which was your intention on your journey.  

All your physical experiences and events, however, do cause that expansion, and you merely need to notice it.   


January 10, 2014

Your unwillingness to ask for what you desire in your physical life experience can only mean that you have yet to come to know, own, and believe that you deserve to have whatever that is. There is no nice or easy way to state this, and if you desire to continually expand, then this is one area where you would do well to direct your attention and effort.

It matters not what you are asking for or even if you receive precisely that; it is you becoming willing to ask. You will notice this in all areas of your life; even in your mundane day to day activities. You have demonstrated an unwillingness to ask, which then turns into a form of fear. You will reverse all of this by becoming willing to ask.


January 10, 2015

You always get better but you do not always notice that. That particular process however is purposeful, for when you do notice, you are better able to practice your gratitude and appreciation which always brings more of the same. 

This is always the case even during those periods, some of them quite long, where you feel nothing has changed, you feel “down” or even a bit stuck. When you emerge from those difficult periods, you are always better in some way.

You would also do well now to attempt to notice how much better you are. While the word better is subjective, you always know what that means to you. You would not be able to expand as you intended without this process. More changes and evolvement will occur when you shift your perception to notice where you are better instead of not enough.


January 10, 2016

A different approach is always desirable for you to employ in your life when your goal is expansion.

A different approach means that you are willing to change something so that you might receive different results.

A different approach means that you are willing to concede that there is much more awareness for you to gain and you are open to receiving it.

A different approach means that you are willing to change your thinking so that you might accept a new view of yourself and your world.

A different approach means that you are willing to let go of any fear you may have held regarding change, and that you know change is where you find all the new adventures in your life.

A different approach means that you acknowledge there is still so much more for you to experience in your life.


January 10, 2017

Your biggest asset in your life has also been your biggest difficulty. This message could have easily been titled trust yourself more because you have turned the lack of trust in yourself into an art form.

Now it is your asset and you will understand how when you read your message from quite a while ago about paying it forward. This is precisely what you have chosen to do in your life. Any challenge, obstacle, or difficulty you overcome or work through, so to speak, you provide an example or pathway for others as so many others have done for you.

You viewed your work from more than thirty years ago and had a realization of how you did not trust yourself then, so you can now use that lesson and apply it to your life now. Trust yourself more.


January 10, 2018

The path to or the manner in which you reach the state of empowerment that you seek is simple and difficult. While that sentence may sound like an oxymoron, it is more of a statement of the system that is in place to provide you with the motivation to strive to achieve that state of empowerment.

The path is simple because all it requires is for you to pay attention to your thoughts and decide only to entertain the ones that feel good and that you know are leading to what you desire.

The manner in which you might accomplish this is difficult only because you fail to make it simple. 


January 10, 2019

How to allow your ego to help you. That is the provocative title we would like you to use, and it is indeed what you are here to teach, as you sensed. First, begin with your definition of ego, which is a separate entity you have created in an effort to keep you safe. 

You have known of this principle for a while but could not live it effectively or express it until now. A very narrow definition that will serve you now is that your ego produces a fear response within you as you attempt to move into a greater acceptance of who you are. The new place you desire to go is unknown, which causes the ego to rise and produce fear because it is unknown. When you recognize this occurring and decide to keep going, your ego has helped you. The next message will reveal ways to identify the operation of the ego. 


January 10,  2020

How to move beyond fear and the day your life changes. For many of you who choose to extrapolate your truth from this message, that sentence and title will be your experience.

We will give you the story. The sequential order of events is purposeful. Yesterday, while having lunch, Roger flipped on his television to watch a recording from a while ago that contained Oprah. Roger didn’t know why he had waited so long, but when he watched it, he did. Roger had just finished a meeting with several other coaches with whom he will be working. Roger expressed his continual reluctance and fear of exactly embracing and revealing who he is. This fear included the mention of us or his guidance. Then Roger happened to notice the television show of Mel Robbins, who he admired and whom we have mentioned. Mel was doing what Roger wanted, but Roger thought this type of thing could not be brought to television or the public. However, now he witnessed both Oprah and Mel doing so. 

Then Roger received a video from a friend which he shared with others. Roger thought he would receive judgment because this particular friend is one who many believed could not change who he was. Roger attempted to hold an opposite belief; however, when he watched the video, he witnessed his own lack of belief, as well as judgment. Again, Roger got to see his lack of belief in himself and his intuition. 

Then Roger fell asleep with his television on. When we awakened him in the middle of the night, there was a talk show playing of someone Roger also had judged and didn’t understand why they had a television show. What he noticed was that this host was doing what he wanted, but his lack of belief in himself didn’t allow him to view the show previously. Gabby Bernstein was also on the show, who we have also mentioned. Again, Gabby said everything Roger was afraid to say, and she was living a glorious life. 

Then Roger fell asleep again, but this time listening to a video of music on his iPad. When he came to, there was a video playing from an astrologer speaking on the powerful astrological shift that is occurring this day, and you all feel it, but you may attempt to ignore this, as Roger did. You are all connected, and this shift is real, and it is calling each of you to own who you are. 

Then this morning, when Roger went to his computer, there was a video staring at him of Lisa Nichols. Yes, you guessed it; we have mentioned her. Again, Roger saw someone who was saying what he wouldn’t say, but she owned every word, and she played something from Dr. Martin Luther King, who, surprisingly, we also mentioned. None of this was accidental, and you reading this isn’t accidental either. 

We know this was long, but it could have been much longer as we were bombarding Roger with information. The reason we did so is we didn’t want this information, or this day to be lost on him or any of you. You’re welcome. 


January 10, 2021

You will understand more, care less, and love more. We love that crazy title so much, as well as this message. And this message is one each of you will find useful in the coming days during your world’s restructuring, which of course, is yours.

We will use Roger as our example, but keep in mind that each of you is here at this time to move through some personal limitations. None of you are doing the same thing in the same manner, but you are all servicing and sharing the exact purpose of evolving in your life and the world.

Roger has struggled with delivering our information due to his ever-present doubt, coupled with his fear of judgment and criticism. We advised him today to let go of that, which is why said to care less about others’ opinions, and we said love more because that is what is allowing him to deliver this message now.

We told Roger this morning that your world will experience what might be thought of as an accumulation of cause and effect. Then we told him we had given you all the messages some time ago, which we will post at the end. 

You are having the restructuring so you may come to love yourself more, which means embracing every aspect of yourself as Roger is doing, which means you will only accomplish your planet’s goal when you embrace all others. 

No matter how things appear to you now, this is evolution, and we cannot say this enough, but you will be fine.

July 7, 2009

It would be beneficial for you to examine your understanding of cause and effect. Your current life experience is a reflection, or effect, of a prior cause or your previously held thoughts that turned into beliefs about yourself.

That statement may be re-read many times by you to gain a deeper understanding. When you absorb this concept and use it to your benefit, you find a magnificent key to creating the life experience you desire.

When you examine your current life situation and begin to place blame, or responsibility, anywhere else, you simultaneously give away that ability, and key, to the creation of your future experiences. In your every moment of now, you may choose the thoughts or causes you desire to hold, and then you will experience the result, or effect, you truly desire.

This will take diligent practice on your part, simply because you have practiced something else. It does not have to be difficult; however, again, that is your choice.


January 10, 2022

Your moral compass will guide your life now. You each are born with an innate sense of right and wrong. When you are quite young, that awareness may not be felt by you, but as you have moved through your life, every decision you have made was based on your held ideas of what is right and wrong, and you always know the difference through how you feel internally. 

The ideas of right and wrong are subjective, of course,  as every human will have their own sense of that, but you cannot ignore or pretend that yours does not exist, for it does, and the challenges you have experienced in your life always came when you tried to not listen to your compass.

We like using the human term of compass to indicate a particular direction you will go. We will also say that you are alive now because you knew that if you followed that compass at this time in your world, you would put in place the ingredients that would manifest the world you wanted and the life you dreamed you would have.

You were correct in that dream, for you decided to be here now to fulfill something you agreed to, of which you would have limited awareness now, but we will tell you what it is. You knew that if you could own every aspect of yourself, your presence in the world would make a difference. You never did that before, but you have a chance now as you take the actions that allow you to know you are following your moral compass and leaving your legacy. You will know you have done so when you are happy and peaceful. We will continue to help, and you all will be fine.


January 10, 2023

A philosophy for the new earth. That is what we have given you, and it took years for Roger to make that acknowledgment as it has taken just as long for you to acknowledge your importance in the world at this time of transition.

You each are in the world now to aid in restructuring your world, which occurs in your consciousness. No physical or material objects or possessions will assist you in reaching that state of higher consciousness; in fact, many of those things have blocked your progression.

We have attempted to give you information that would temper your fear and doubt so you might reach that place of higher consciousness which is the same as loving yourself. There is no difference.

The message we gave you on this date in 2012 was for you to remember your first responsibility, which is to yourself. You are meant to expand and evolve to experience the joy of life, but it was also necessary for you to move through your limited thinking and awareness.

You only achieve your ultimate goal when you take the time to work with your consciousness which requires consistency, as you might have gathered from Tesla.

The first message we gave you in 2012 was about infinite intelligence. You all possess it, and it contains all the information offered to your world by all those who came before. But now you are meant to use it to self-actualize. Then, you ascend to the next level of your expansion and aid your planet in that process.

No one holds more ability than you, but you are the one who must accept that fact. We gave you the information so that you could accept and gradually integrate higher levels of consciousness into your life, for that is the only place you experience your physical life.

The manner you aid in your transformation is to willingly decide to examine and release your darkness and judgments, which have been generational. Then you can live your desired life and manifest the world you all want. 

We will move things to a new level tomorrow, but we hope you catch up with us now. You will be fine.


January 10, 2024

Your life changes when you can move beyond fear. We are restating a message and title we provided four years ago that you will understand today, and it is also the reason for our live conversation tomorrow.

Now, you can read that message again and hear the conversation. “Your Story Reveals Your Purpose”

January 11, 2024

Now you can succeed. (Watch the video here)


Our messenger also doubts, so we had him use your AI for clarification. We only want you to win.
Read the Report Here

. . .

Join Us in Wilhelm’s Work, Life Transformation for the New World | |

Now you can change your life and world

January 9, 2025

Now you can change your life and world. That was the reason for your birth and the ascension guide we’ve provided for you and your planet.

It only works if you do.


January 9, 2008

You have been taught that somehow you are intrinsically “bad” or “wrong.”

This is a result of being raised by parents who intended to give you direction or make you a “good” person. You then take this early information and spend much of your life trying to be this “good” person. The first premise is completely incorrect, and until you come to full awareness of this, you will spend your time trying to live up to the expectations of others. As you do, however, become more aware, you may place situations and events in your life experience that may cause you to take actions or speak words you deem as “bad” or “negative,” simply so that you can come to a different decision about who you really are.

You were born completely “perfect,” and nothing you will ever do will change it.

The quotation marks are placed here so that you may also understand all terms are only relative to your understanding. Release judgment, and you

will experience freedom; it is your choice.


January 9, 2009

Your forgiveness of yourself is your key to salvation. Forgiveness means that you understand that anything you did, said, or acted upon in the past was with the perception and awareness you had at the time.

You may only act in the present, and you may only do so with the still limited perception and awareness you possess.

You always intended to continually gain greater awareness and vision as you lived your physical life. You knew this process would be ongoing, for that is the only way you add to your evolution and, therefore, that of all others, for you are all one.

Any judgment that you place on your past holds you there, for that will be your focused attention. You may only create what you desire with your focused attention “NOW.”


January 9, 2010

There is indeed an order to all events, circumstances, and situations occurring in your experience now that was set up, so to speak, by you so that you might experience the expansion you desired.

When you continually accept this belief, which is precisely what it is, you always align with your highest good. Additionally, you will begin to eliminate a great deal of stress you have become accustomed to carrying and truly experience more of the joy and happiness you seek.

There is always synchronicity; you need to trust it.


January 9, 2011

This situation is perfect now. That is always the reality, no matter where you find yourself in your physical life experience. However, you are often unaware of it because you continually ask the question, why?

When you let go of your insistence on knowing why, you also release your resistance to the situation and allow the wisdom, knowledge, and information you sought to come through.

You have maintained a habit of valuing your own situations, which is not possible simply because you have not yet understood the situation was designed to provide for you. This concept is easy for you to comprehend when you examine past situations and see the perfection they offered.


January 9, 2012

The only limitation you ever experience is in your own thinking. While this concept is not new to you, you would do well to remember it. Anything you desire to be, do, have, or create is possible unless you believe it is not.

You may argue that there are certain physical limitations that you may have that would prevent that, but you have seen numerous accounts of other souls who did not believe that to be true and performed what you would consider to be impossible.

The only reason you do not accomplish what you set out is because you are unwilling to do whatever that might involve or that particular path is not for your highest good in this lifetime.


January 9, 2013

Focus on what you can do today. This is another way of reminding you that you will always do your best and most creative work when you decide to bring your focus into your moment of now and what is in front of you.

This is also the best way to prevent yourself from moving into an experience of feeling overwhelmed, which can cause you to do nothing at all. Deciding to focus on today means that you have no concerns about your future or regrets about your past, but only what you can do and accomplish now.

The benefit of utilizing this process is that you also experience joy and happiness in whatever you do now.


January 9. 2014

There are times in your physical life experience when being uncomfortable is good. Many subjective words are being used here so you might better understand the meaning intended.

When you experience discomfort, it might be because, on some level, you know you are about to step outside of your comfort zone into unknown territory. It can mean that you are about to embark on a new and exciting adventure in your life. That is not the same as those times when you might be experiencing fear, anxiety, or worry, for this uncomfortableness brings with it a sense of excited anticipation.

You have long known that all of the expansion you seek is in those unknown territories, merely waiting for you to become willing to explore them.


January 9, 2015

You are indeed headed in the “right” direction when you believe you are. This is another variation of the phrase you were reminded of yesterday: ” You will see it when you believe it.”

All souls can create their physical life experience in this manner, but not all will do so, and you are continually figuring out which side of that spectrum you will choose. You only receive the validation you think you need when you move in that direction.

This is the genesis of all creation, and anything that appears in your world contributes to the expansion of all that is. Now, with this information, you will become increasingly aware of when you need to work on your own level of belief. Now, the only way you can accomplish that is to decide to do it.


January 9, 2016

At times, you allow yourself to experience contrast so that you can experience gratitude. In other words, you would not appreciate certain experiences in your life without experiencing their opposites.

This process is not necessary for everything that you experience, but it does come in handy at times. You will have an illness because you desire to practice gratitude for good health. You will have a lack because you desire to practice gratitude for abundance.

There is never a need to panic, as it were, when you are having these experiences, but they do cause you to desire to experience the greater part of all that you are. They always pass, and you come out the other end an expanded being.


January 9, 2017

Decide to be yourself because everyone else is taken. That paraphrase of an idea you heard the other day resonated with you because it pointed out your most significant difficulty, which is shared by many.

You desire to be and own who you are, but at the same time, seek a certain sense of approval or acceptance from others before you do that. You will think there is some particular formula to follow so that you might be yourself.

Reckless abandon would be a great attitude for you to adopt moving forward. Instead of fitting into the mold, simply create your own. No great discovery, achievement, or contribution has been made in your world without someone deciding to create a new way.


January 9, 2018

You had an experience last night that was difficult to explain, but you uncovered the path to your wholeness and power. You merely sat and thought about what you had accomplished, felt appreciation for that, and then experienced energy moving through your body that was so powerful it brought you to tears.

You knew that the tears felt good but didn’t fully appreciate their power over you. They held power because that was the experience of pure love, and there is no power higher than that. Teach only this.


January 9, 2019

We are sending you this message and using you as an example for all others who may receive its content. You become the perfect example because you have been communicating with us for many years but still doubt what you are hearing, as you did this morning. You all do this.

When you continually hear a sentence, a voice, or a message, and it does not leave you, there is a reason it shows up. You kept hearing, “you can’t care too much.” This was meant to point out to you a conflict you have set up which causes you to go against the nature of your being. You do this when you allow yourself to be too heavily influenced by the voices of others.

Your benevolent nature causes you to express genuine concern and empathy for others, but then you think you may somehow be taken advantage of. That is not possible.

Remember this, and you will stop fighting yourself. Whatever you give to another, you give to yourself. (Good or bad, in your terms.)


January 9, 2020

You find yourself gradually and continually. This is one of those messages we are thrilled to give you. As we discussed yesterday, Roger made great strides in creating his website. Now, this is not about the mere act of fashioning some physical object; it is about him fashioning himself. We are using those words intentionally.

At a certain point last night, he found himself somewhat stuck as he kept questioning what he was including, or more appropriately, what he should include. Roger knew he wanted to express his authenticity but also judged it.

This morning, we led him to a video discussion of several people he admires, discussing much of our information to the point where Roger could not ignore what he was hearing. Then we told him no one has a monopoly on truth.

Roger thought that sounded familiar, so we told him to search our words. There could be no better way to end this message than to post it here. You will each know you received the intended meaning when you feel liberated, as Roger does now. Also, notice the date.


December 24, 2016

You are continually questioning your reality. This is not necessarily a “bad” thing, as it sometimes feels to you. First, you need to remember that no soul living in your world holds a monopoly on truth because they are individually creating their own truth and, therefore, reality based on the beliefs and thoughts they choose to have. You do precisely the same thing.

The difficulty for you sometimes is you hear the opinions of others or their perceived truth and reality and then make “ours “wrong” in some way, and then you begin to doubt your truth. The value of questioning your reality while hearing the opinions of others is to finally come to know and own your truth and, therefore, reality. Please do that now.


January 9, 2021

Eventually, you come to understand why you were born. While we have spoken about your current restructuring before, we have another story that may provide you with further context.

Several days ago, Roger received an email asking if he had heard a voice message this person left, which he had not. Then Roger attempted to return the call but had to leave a message. When the person returned the call, and the two of them had a conversation, Roger was struck with another memory that reminded him of why he was born.

In 1978, Roger moved from Chicago to New York City. At the time, he left his business and some thirty-five employees. In particular, Roger’s attention was held by one person because Roger knew they were experiencing mental challenges, and Roger had always been supportive. Soon after Roger arrived in New York, he heard the news the person jumped off an apartment building to his death. The person, fortunately, left a note detailing the reason for their departure. Even with the letter, Roger has carried false guilt that maybe he could have done more, but that was not the reason for the experience, and it only made sense yesterday.

The person who called was ready to commit suicide. Roger did not fear this due to his prior experience, which revealed its purpose now. By the end of the conversation and after all the tears, the person ended with more clarity and peace and sent Roger an email.

As you move through the next several months of your life, you will be called upon to remember why you were born and what you wanted to achieve. For each person, it will be moving through some previous limitations. For Roger, yesterday’s experience revealed that the purpose of the program we created is being revealed now, as your reason will be shown.

You will move beyond some limitations, for that is the only reason any of you were born. This period will be challenging, but it will be worth it. It is the one you wanted, and you will be fine.


January 9, 2022

Your greatest fear has been becoming yourself. With the current conditions of your world and the restructuring you are undergoing, you will experience new aspects of yourself that you feared. You feared them because they moved you to some unknown place, and your attachment to certainty has held back your evolution.

Please understand that we are speaking to you, the individual, and the world collective. You each come into the world to contribute to expansion or evolution, but you only achieve that goal by becoming yourself. But often, you have not given yourself the freedom to do so due to fear of judgment from others or somehow not fitting in the established norms. You never intended to do that.

Your religions have controlled some of you, and you failed to notice. We had a lively conversation yesterday, and many found value in it. Roger decided to send the recording to all on his list because he knew it might spark conversation, and it indeed did. He also knew that was his biggest fear. His delivery of us was what has held him back. One person felt that our information might be evil somehow because it was not the same as their idea of God.

The restructuring of your world asks each of you to examine that issue. You have used your ideas of God and religion to create control and division or for healing and transformation, and you get to decide.

When you need others to believe what you believe before you believe it yourself, you discover the real reason for your life not moving forward as you desire.

Study this a bit more, and the illumination will emerge, and you all will be fine.


January 9, 2022

You were born to change the world. If that were not true, there would be no other reason for your existence on your planet. You will not do this alone, for you knew this would be a cooperative movement in your world now. The way that you help change the world is by becoming yourself.

You may not have thought that action would be as critical to your world as it could be, but we will tell you it is. Your world is moving through a restructuring. As we have also said, we guided you in 2012 and used synchronicity so you could believe in yourself more. We also wanted you to move beyond your fear and doubt, for generational limitations will not serve the world and dimension you sought to manifest.

Roger said he was not happy with his presentation the other day. It dawned on him that he had been given something that could help change the world, but he attempted to use outside sources to prove his point.

You have done that, but now it is time to believe in your contribution. Everything you need to change your life and world is within you; we merely gave you a tool to discover that yourself.

January 9, 2012

The only limitation you ever experience is in your thinking. While this concept is familiar to you, it is one you would do well to remember. Anything you desire to be, do, have, or create is only possible if you believe it is.

You may argue that there are certain physical limitations that you may have that would prevent that, but you have seen numerous accounts of other souls who did not believe that to be true and performed what you

considered to be impossible.

The only reason you do not accomplish what you set out is that you are unwilling to do whatever that might involve, or that path is not for your highest good in this lifetime.


December 8, 2018

While Roger finds writing this message somewhat difficult, he also knows it will help all of you who accept its wisdom. Roger discovered a dream he had written in 2005 several months ago. The discovery of this writing seemed mysterious to him, but now it makes sense. He could not believe what he had written until now.

You all have dreams of varying natures and degrees, but because they are personal to you, you have difficulty believing what you are receiving holds the validity of the dream itself. We have asked Roger to transcribe what he received, and those of you who are intended to receive its content will do so.

The Dream

August 2005 4:30 AM

The appearance of this dream was that several spiritual leaders of sorts were in a group in a circle, and we were asked who would do something. I ran forward. It seemed that I volunteered while at the same time thinking, why did it need to be me?

I seem to be in a conflict about whether or not I will continue to listen and be open without the pain or if I will go back to my old ways, which was sort of the indication of me seeing an old friend yesterday.

I ask for guidance and clarity. A part of me still thinks the experiment isn’t real on some level and that I could put it away, while a stronger part knows that is not the case.


“Discover The Truth” November 4, 2021
48 Hours to Unravel WILHELM’s Most Guarded Secrets!
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Here is the path to your success and world peace

January 8, 2025

Here is the path to your success and world peace. That is the essence of what we have provided you through our messenger, but today, more of you will believe that, including our messenger.

You each come to the physical plane with a valuable life purpose that unfolds at the perfect time in your life and world—now.

January 8, 2021

Please begin again, but forgive yourself first. We used the word please to appease Roger, for he, like many of you, feels a bit exhausted with this current restructuring you are experiencing, but that is purposeful. You wouldn’t know anything occurred without your visceral, emotional, and intellectual reaction to the events of your world. 

Roger spent the last several days in workshops. He continually uncovered things about himself he had been unwilling to do during his life and career, which caused him to begin to beat himself up, which is why we said forgive yourself first. As long as you are in existence, eternity, there will be more evolution. If you knew what that was beforehand, it would not be evolution. Please read that sentence again.

What you witnessed yesterday in the United States was the beginning of asking for forgiveness and contrition. Each of you holds the responsibility for what has occurred in your history. Still, you created this restructuring to create your desired future with what you have accumulated. Any regret, judgment, or guilt will deplete your energy. 

This morning, we told Roger to look up the words begin again in our messages, and he was astonished to see how many there were. You are always starting again, but what you desire to learn this time is that you do it much better together, which means you are coming together. 

We will explain more but know you will be fine, and read this thread for further enlightenment


“Discover the truth.” October 30, 2021
Watch the Video Here

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More will be revealed today

January 7, 2025

More will be revealed today. We are referencing an earlier message and the revelation we had our messenger record as he became more authentic and vulnerable, as you are meant to do. It is your birthright.

January 7, 2012

There are times during your physical life experience when all you need to do is allow the results to be revealed to you. In other words, you go about your days creating, and then you simply observe the results of your work. During this observation period, your greatest expansion occurs.

It is essential to maintain a vantage point, if you will, where you study what unfolds. Then, you are better able to create new things based on the results of what you have already received. This process could also be considered your moment of contemplation.

You would do well to seek to become comfortable with those periods and allow wisdom and knowledge to come to you.


Here’s the video: “Prepare for 2025 with the TOP Strategies for Success”
Watch the Video Here

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