You will accept yourself more now

September 30, 2023

You will accept yourself more now. It is a gradual process for all and never ends because you are eternal spiritual beings. But you had an important role this time, and when you activate more of your internal strength, wisdom, and power, you will utilize the message we provided three years ago to benefit yourself and your world. 

September 30, 2020

You are your government that must change. We must tell you this is not the message Roger expected to receive, and it is one of the most difficult. But because Roger has accepted, although always reluctantly, his role in this lifetime, he slips back into denial, as you have. 

While it never really works, denial will only last for so long, and then the jig is up when you believe it is. We had to lighten the mood; now, reread that sentence for greater understanding. 

We told you your world is moving through a massive restructuring emanating from the United States, but it must begin with you. Somehow, Roger thought he might be exempt from this process, but none of you are, which is why you are alive now. You can either accept the opportunity you’ve been granted in this lifetime to evolve or remain miserable and do it again. Now you see the choice Roger has before him.

Roger struggled with his role of being love but not giving it to himself first. Roger thought his meekness was weakness, and it was the opposite, but it was not needed fully until now. Roger has decided to change how he has governed himself and accept his abundance. We are not kidding with that statement; more of you will have this experience.

The challenges you all experience with lack of anything in your lives are born from you not accepting your path, guidance, and role. When you are quiet, you will hear it; if you attempt to blame another, you will not. 


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Peace is within your reach

September 29, 2023

Peace is within your reach. As you study the message we provided ten years ago, it will aid you in resolving the chaos that has existed within you and your world. You are the one to make the difference. 

September 29, 2013

You would much rather experience peace than chaos; the good news is it is always in your power to do so. Chaos, as it is used here, means anything that causes you to lose that experience of ultimate peace momentarily.

You desire peace because it means that you completely trust the integrity of your physical life experience; you are living in your moment of now, which is the only place you fully experience that peace; and because you have now moved beyond or eliminated your reaction to any fear.

You may think you have many goals while on your physical life journey, but they all ultimately lead you to this one.


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You are more capable now

September 28, 2023

You are more capable now. 

We provided a message three years ago on this date, which you will understand now and implement what we suggested. You were meant to shine now. 

September 28, 2020

You never feel capable of being yourself. While that title may sound depressing, we will take it and make it the most uplifting experience you might have today. 

We have said your world and, more specifically, you are moving through a mass restructuring, and you are in this lifetime accomplishing things you had not before. That entire concept is even challenging for Roger to believe and write, even though we keep saying it to him. 

If you have followed us for a while, you might remember our story of his early days of life coaching in 1986. Roger discovered he could help others even more than himself. Roger could not believe he could do this, so he stopped. The other day, we also said that all of you are being provided a second chance, and it showed up vividly for Roger, which still didn’t mean he would accept he might be capable.

You can always “see” your resistance to becoming your best self when you become willing to acknowledge what you resist. Roger had a client experiencing doubt in their life, as are you all. Yesterday, this person sent an email requesting Roger’s help to move through this challenge finally. Because it was Sunday, Roger gave himself the excuse that he did not have to answer that, but the other part of him questioned his ability, as you are doing now.

We can make this general statement as you move through this turbulent period of your life so that you may feel that pressure to become the diamond that has always been within you. 

That cryptic sentence means that you live now to become more, and you never know how capable you are until you do what you doubt. You are looking at what you have questioned your entire life, but that is great! You can see your conscious choices before you now, and only you can decide to find out how capable you indeed are, and that will be what you accomplish in this life. 


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Just do it now

September 27, 2023

Just do it now. We are referring to a message we gave you ten years ago, but you might be more willing to embrace it now. 

Every difficulty you have experienced in your life was due to you not remembering your purpose, and we wanted you to remember it now during this restructuring. It was the reason for your birth. 

When you do what is in front of you, you will evolve, and so will your world.

September 27, 2013

Just do it. The reason that catchphrase resonates with you and so many others is because you always know on some deep level that you have been waiting to actualize the real you. You do this by constantly seeking validation or acknowledgment from others before you experience your own motivation to just do it.

It will help you to know as you move through this dilemma when you recognize that the validation and acknowledgment you seek that will truly make any difference in your life will come from you. 

While it is helpful to feel that appreciation from others, it will mean nothing to you or have any effect on your life until you decide to use it. Again, just do it.


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Your truth can solve any problem

September 26, 2023

Your truth can solve any problem. Anything that you perceive to be a problem in your physical life experience was placed in front of you to solve so you might evolve. It is the same for you and your world.

When you remember the essence of who you are and your connection to your source, you will find the courage and ability to see the resolution, for it is always within you, and that is your authentic self.

Please use the message we provided ten years ago today as you examine your life and world, for they are the same. 

September 26, 2013

Anything you perceive to be a problem that shows up in your physical life experience does so because you desired it to appear. Your first reaction to that statement might be to attempt to reject it; however, if you decide to embrace it, you will use it for your expansion.

A problem is something that requires you to seek to resolve it. The process of resolving it or finding a solution is what causes you to expand and evolve. Most times, the nature of the problem involves your own unwillingness to guide and direct your life, and when you fail to do so, the problem is a reminder of what you are up to during your life journey.

There is no problem that shows up that does not also hold the solution within. Your “job” is always finding it.


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Now, you will confront your biggest irony

September 25, 2023

Now, you will confront your biggest irony. We have said you were moving through a massive restructuring, and how you aid your evolution and the planetary ascension is by becoming your authentic self. 

We provided a message ten years ago on this date that will resonate with you today. It is the reason for all our work and is more critical for you and the world now. 

September 25, 2013

The biggest irony you discover during your physical life experience is that the key to the expansion you seek is being you, and the fear you hold is being you. 

Your awareness of this irony also allows you to resolve it.

You will notice that you decide to wait whenever you hesitate to do something you know you desire to do, which will further that expansion. That very waiting period is when you have allowed your life to be controlled by that fear.

Now, you will also understand that the fear is not because of who you are but what you think others will think of you. When you study this entire concept, you will find it difficult to see any exceptions to this.


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Change can only come through you

September 24, 2023

Change can only come through you. That is any change you desire to experience in your physical life experience and that of your world. That change happens when you remember who you are and your connection to all that is. 

It also requires a reinterpretation of all you have lived and a desire to accept your abilities and power, which means changing your mindset. You do this over time. You decide when you will change and love who you are. 

We provided a message several years ago that we want you to embrace and utilize now during your time of restructuring. You have never been more important.

September 24, 2009

Change is the only constant that you seek. That statement has so much power, and as you continually unravel it, more will become evident.

If you will, your entire life purpose was always intended to be about evolvement and expansion, and it is impossible to accomplish this without change. 

Your resistance to change is always based on fear, an ego-oriented concept that never serves your purpose. Ego is merely used to refer to that part of your life experience that has already been known to you and, therefore, has already served its purpose.

The very experiences you have had then serve your evolvement and that of all others. Those experiences become purposeful when you share them, and you do this through change. More will be revealed.


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Your instincts are always correct

September 23, 2023

Your instincts are always correct. That is the guidance you hear from your guides and through us. You come to accept and understand more as your consciousness and awareness expand.

The message we provided in 2012 was meant to aid you in guiding your evolution and that of your world. You will remember your importance and your connection to all that is.

You could not have known what was ahead for you, but we will say that once you remember and trust your guidance, you will create a different and more pleasing physical life experience and world. 

September 23, 2012

Instincts are spiritual insights given to you to help you guide and direct your physical life experience. They are never wrong, meaning those instincts would not be apparent to you unless they were leading you in a direction that would further your expansion.

When you do not trust your instincts, it is a sure sign that you are operating from some underlying fear and do not fully trust the integrity of your life experience.

At times, those instincts may lead you in an unpleasant direction; however, you always gain greater awareness and expand. That is all you ever intended.


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Your success is at hand

September 22, 2023

Your success is at hand. When we use the word success, it indicates a feeling you have in your life of accomplishment, abundance, and contribution. We say it is at hand now because there is a portion of yourself you have yet to understand, fulfill your potential, and make an energetic shift in your life that would be felt in your world.

We said we have been guiding you through restructuring your life and world and provided messages on specific dates; the one we offered three years ago will make sense today. It would be best if you did not experience any regret, for that would be counterproductive to the change you could make now, which will be most important in your life and world.

Please study the information and take what you can now, for there will be more as there are no limits to what you can create individually and collectively.

September 22, 2020

The secret to success. We will indeed provide you with the secret you’ve sought, but you will still face the dilemma you’ve maintained and entertained for eons, and that is, will you believe it? 

This morning, we led Roger to a video of a reading of the book “The Secret Door to Success” by Florence Scovel Shinn. We have mentioned Florence before and do so again here for context. Roger knew he had read this book more than forty years ago, just as he had read other works of hers. Roger hesitated as he looked at the video this morning before deciding to listen, for he knew he might hear something uncomfortable, of course, as we have always lovingly provided. Yes, we were attempting to inject humor.

The principles espoused in the books have existed throughout your eternity. Still, you don’t understand or accept them until you have extracted the wisdom you were meant to gather in this lifetime. The essence of Florence’s book is that the secret door to success if you are willing to walk through it, is opened by your believing in yourself. That sentence is complicated, so you would reread it.

We will continue with this thread in future messages, for we want you to attempt to embody and truly feel how important you are, for that is the secret door to success, but you must open the door. 


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It’s time for you to fulfill your potential

September 21, 2023

It’s time for you to fulfill your potential. You exist at an extraordinary time on your planet, which means what you possess that could cause evolution in your life and world is awaiting your acceptance.

Everything we have given you was to aid you in releasing your self-judgment and harnessing more of your self-love and belief. We did so three years ago, but you can hear it today. 

September 21, 2020

Become willing to think bigger. As you move through your life, you are presented with numerous opportunities to become the person you desire in this lifetime, but most times, you don’t believe that is possible because those things have yet to manifest. This scenario is accurate for every soul, or you would not be alive now. 

We have given you the idea of possibly having lived many lives, but you don’t have to believe that to understand this story. Roger received a message from a former associate of many years ago. When they met, this person stimulated Roger’s thinking about how to increase his business. Roger noticed his resistance when the associate blurted out what this entity might be called. That resistance arose from his lack of belief and inability to embody fully the vision he was given. 

You each have done this throughout your lives, but it is what you wanted to do as each moment of your life is another step forward to embracing all of you, which is, in essence, evolution. You are doing it now. 

The other part of this story that we didn’t want Roger to miss was that Roger’s business increased the last time this associate appeared. Then, when the name the associate suggested was mentioned, we had emojis show up on Roger’s phone to alert him that this was the right step. Roger doesn’t know whether or not to believe those things were signals, but they were, and you each receive them, but again, you don’t believe them because they are not here yet. They will show up if you decide to think bigger. 


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