July 6, 2024
You were born worthy. We assure you every word is accurate regardless of your beliefs about yourself or that statement.
While it may take you time to come to that realization, we have helped you along the way, and we did so several years ago on this date and also in our conversation yesterday. You might be more willing to accept both today.
July 6, 2009
There is nothing you will ever physically do to cause yourself to be worthy simply because your natural state of being is inherently worthy.
In the past, you have attempted to do things, take actions, speak words, or do deeds in an effort to cause yourself to be worthy. These all failed because you began from a false premise. You may, however, do all those things and more to allow yourself to experience that natural state of your being. While that difference may seem subtle to you now, it will become abundantly clear. (Take that literally).
You have only ever blocked or obscured your awareness of your natural state of being worthy. Acknowledging what you are doing in your words, deeds, thoughts, and actions is beneficial.
You are always worthy and deserving in this moment of now. Be willing to own it.
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