Your birth was the gift

May 31, 2023

Your birth was the gift. We wanted you to understand no more important message than this one and the one we provided in 2012. You each come into the world at a specific time to evolve and contribute to your world through your innate contribution. That is the gift within each of you. 

While you do have to move through some challenges and difficulties, that was the agreement you made because if you were to do that, not only would your life become what you wanted, you would contribute to the world at this time of restructuring. It is why we have given you all of our work and are holding our live conversation with you Sunday. And this message is the one we desire you to accept. When you do, you will change your life and your world.

May 31, 2012

There is no more rewarding or fulfilling experience that you have while in physical form than when you are in the process of giving your gift. Your gift is that innate portion of you or your personality that impacts others and yourself.

You always know what that gift is when you are willing to see and accept it. You often attempt to ignore it, for you might wonder why you possess this gift. When you remember that every soul comes to the physical plane with their unique gift, you will become more willing to accept and use yours. It is a very natural progression in your expansion.


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The only approval you seek is your own

May 30, 2023

The only approval you seek is your own. That statement is the lifelong goal you each carry, and you are also the only one who can grant yourself that approval.

As you view your life and world now, you will notice that you each are attempting to achieve the same goal, but you might have inadvertently been seeking goals that were not yours. You want to be unique, but it can become easy to lose your way n your life. 

It would have been even more challenging for you as you are moving through a restructuring or planetary ascension, and each of you must bring something new to your lives and the world; otherwise, the evolution of all that is will be halted or at least slowed down by those of you who do not own your inherent worth and value and remember your connection to source or 


We reminded you in 2012, but as with any ability you develop, you must utilize your human brain or thinking and provide yourself with the time necessary for assimilation before you live as your authentic self.

May 30, 2012

The only approval you ever seek is your own. Whenever you begin to think that any portion of your being depends on others or anything outside of yourself, you lose your way toward the expansion you sought because you are no longer becoming your authentic self.

Before you came upon the physical plane, you knew the most valuable contribution you could make to your world was to be you. Being you, merely requires your approval of your own thoughts, deeds, and actions. It is impossible for you to ignore your approval entirely, even though, at times, you may attempt to do so. You always know your own truth.


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Full Moon, Sunday, June 4th – You Will Discover the Perfection of Your Life

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Your life can manifest a better life and world

May 29, 2023

Your life can manifest a better life and world. The word better is subjective, and you will find your interpretation as it relates to your life. The word can, will indicate your willingness to use your life to make it better first, and that will become reflected in your world.

Today is the perfect day to reveal this message, for many in the United States and elsewhere celebrate a day of memorializing those who came before and made sacrifices for all. The United States is the one leading the way in this restructuring. You are doing the same and decided to live during this time, which means your contribution is enormous.

We gave you a message on this date in 2012 that we wanted you to utilize today. 

May 29, 2012

Decide to be better. Be better; those two small words hold unimaginable power when you decide to use them. It becomes essential for you to understand first that it is a decision and a mental one. You continually underestimate the power of your thinking to affect your life experience.

Your mental decisions influence what occurs in your experience much more than anything you might do physically. This principle is why many individuals may perform the same acts but have very different experiences of those acts because of how they think about them.

You can decide in every moment to be better in every area of your life.


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Full Moon, Sunday, June 4th – You Will Discover the Perfection of Your Life

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You have never made a mistake

May 28, 2023

You have never made a mistake. When you judge yourself for every misstep you might have made in your life, you also form the belief that you are a mistake, and that was never true.

You are constantly attempting to access the next version of your higher self, which you could not accomplish without periods of contrast appearing in your life, and some of it is uncomfortable to examine. But that is what you wanted to accomplish, especially during your planetary ascension.

When you examine the message we provided in 2012, you will better relate to your current journey and use this time to create that life you want rather than the one you believe you were handed.

May 28, 2012

Every decision you make is correct. Correct, as it is being used here means, it influences your physical life experience and leads you toward your expansion.

The fear of making mistakes brings about the most significant difficulty you have with this idea. It can now be easily seen from your history that every single time you held the thought that you made a mistake in some manner, the actual result was that you gained greater awareness and wisdom, which is the content that comprises expansion.

The greater problem for you would be to allow that fear to cause you not to make any decisions. Remember to move forward.


Register Now for a NEW Conversation With Wilhelm Live Channeling
Full Moon, Sunday, June 4th – You Will Discover the Perfection of Your Life

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You are attempting to become more

May 27, 2023

You are attempting to become more. The more of which we speak is your authentic self. The self within you is a particle of God, the Universe, and all that is. You are never separated from that state of existence by you forget that when you have a physical life experience, as does your world. You exist to aid in the ascension of your planet at this time, which is why we called it your restructuring.  

You each carry the ability to own more of who you are, but that requires you to move beyond what you did not understand before and how you judged and put yourself and others down to feel more powerful. 

It is a planetary ascension that can only occur through you. When you decide to love who you are, honor your gifts and bring them to the world. Your planet will accomplish its ascension with your help. 

We gave you our information in 2012 because that was another moment when your planet shifted in awareness that each of you was meant to carry forward now. You exist in an evolution of consciousness always. But, it is up to you to own your part, which is to love yourself and understand everything you have done in your life had meaning and purpose to be actualized now.

You will now understand why we said you would never feel you are enough. You are meant to think that now.

May 27, 2012

There will always be some area of your physical life experience, or some part of you, where you feel you never have enough or are not enough. Accepting this condition as a normal and natural part of your expansion process will make you less likely to judge yourself, halting that expansion.

You sought to have some areas of your life where you always felt you could do, be, or become more; that is what you think of as motivation. It can sometimes cause you to feel deflated, so to speak, when you recognize you have received something you desired but lacked the feeling of fulfillment. Begin to acknowledge that feeling as a nudge to do even more.


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The word potential is meaningless

May 26, 2023

The word potential is meaningless. You heard it your entire life, and you question whether or not you are fulfilling yours. Or you might even wonder what it might be and if you were given one. You were, and it is meant to be actualized now.

You fulfill your potential when you deliberately decide to move beyond your personally held lack of belief and fear. You accomplish that goal in your consciousness or mindset, which takes time and effort to develop.  

You exist now to fulfill your potential to create the life and world you want. It is why we have given you an ascension guide, as we knew these times would be challenging for all of your as you must release your past and become willing to accept something new. Which requires that step into the unknown of who you are and what you and your world might manifest, which can only come through you.

We gave a message on this date in 2012, but your consciousness has evolved enough that you will understand it today. You never did anything wrong or missed the boat, and your potential awaits your fulfillment. 

May 26, 2012

Blind faith means that as you move through your physical life experience, you hold to the idea that no matter what is occurring, you know it is for your highest good. It is indeed blind as you move through it, for you do not possess the current moment awareness to judge or assess the current circumstances and events.

When you can hold to this idea, you experience the peace you always seek and move through any particular fear you may have had. You come to find out that more and more of your life purpose is moving through fear, for that is the way to expansion.


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Your new life will manifest the new Earth

May 25, 2023

Your new life will manifest the new Earth. Whenever you are in physical form, you are accomplishing both. While you might not have considered the importance of your existence to have much to do with the world you live in, that is where you are incorrect.

We gave you a message yesterday that told you no person is more valuable than another, and that was meant for you. It doesn’t matter what you have lived and experienced, but it does matter how you choose to value yourself and your importance. 

We have often said there is no hierarchy of souls, and you each make a decision in your life as to how much you allow yourself to matter and to prosper. When you let the maximum amount of your qualities manifest in your life, they will also appear in your world, for you hold that much power. 

You will decide how much you accept and believe, so we gave you a message on this date in 2012. But we will also play with your timelines a bit more. We will provide you with a paraphrased line from a soon-to-be-released film, which will add to the meaning of our message. “I’ve come to believe it doesn’t matter what you believe, but how hard you believe it.”

May 25, 2012

You rebel against the notion of rules because a wiser portion of you knows strict adherence to rules will hinder creation. In other words, if you hold firm to the idea that there is only one way to create something, you will never allow a new way to appear.

You always intended to find those new ways, which is the road to the expansion and evolvement you seek. This concept is not necessarily referring to particular rules of your society, which are meant to instill a sense of organization and responsibility, but to the rules of your creative ability and what the use of that ability will contribute to all that is.


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No person is more valuable than another

May 24, 2023

No person is more valuable than another. You seek to understand and accept that concept individually, and it is one your planet continually attempts to realize. That is the reason for your current restructuring, which is why we have offered guidance.

None of you could have foreseen your importance in the world at this time, and it is something you accept gradually, which is why we began in 2012. You are always in the process of evolving as a civilization, and you decided to be alive now to aid in that journey for yourself and the world. 

Our message on this date in 2012 will require your study, for your consciousness will eventually accept its wisdom. As you do so, not only will your life change, but the life of your planet will be enhanced. We speak in riddles, so you have to do more with your level of consciousness, which is expanding.

May 24, 2012

You continually establish your value and worth as you move through your physical life experience based on how you decide to think about yourself. There is much information to be garnered from that statement, and you will find that more of its gems will be revealed to you each time you read it. Each word was used purposefully for its impact on your understanding.

You are never at the mercy of anything outside of you or even by anything you have experienced. You can attempt to place blame, so to speak, on what you are now because of what has occurred in your history, but here again, you are the one establishing your value and worth now.


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The planet could not evolve without you

May 23, 2023

The planet could not evolve without you. Evolve means to move gradually into becoming more. That is what each of you is doing. But you’re doing that in your way, and you can only accomplish that when you decide to let go of the limitations you have held in your thinking and the thinking you have believed about others.

The word expansion that we have continually used means that you become more inclusive of yourself and all others. You can only accomplish that when you let go of the previously limited thinking you’ve held in your life and society. 

We gave you a message on this date in 2012 that will make much more sense to you now, especially on this particular day in your world.

May 23, 2012

Your expectations are only set by you. It becomes vital for you to remember this fact, for you often feel what might be termed as pressure from expectations you believe others have placed upon you or you must live up to. You can, however, use those feelings as the impetus for you to do something, but it is never mandatory, for you are the one guiding your physical life experience.

Your goal in this lifetime is continually expanding or evolving, and if it helps you to accept those outside expectations as motivation to do so, so be it. Still, you never need to feel that anyone is forcing you to do so but you.


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Self-mastery and your legacy are the same goals

May 22, 2023

Self-mastery and your legacy are the same goals. When you were born, you were given a blueprint to follow that would allow you to leave a legacy of which you would be proud. But that can only occur when you accept who you are, your life journey, and everything you have experienced. Then you find the beauty and worth of all you’ve experienced to add that to your evolutionary journey and world. 

Everything we have given you is to lead you to self-mastery, which can only occur when you love who you are and understand your entire journey.

We provided a message in 2012 as we knew you would utilize it during this time of restructuring in your world. But please take your time as you study it because the clarity of the information we want you to receive now will require your contemplation. You are alive to usher in a new world and will do so when you allow yourself to have a new life.

May 22, 2012

Seek to know what you desire to accomplish with anything you attempt to do, and your way is made easier. Accomplish, is being used here rather than a goal, as you might think of it, for the word accomplish can hold the idea of contribution. Contribution is what you desire to give to yourself and all others.

You can think of it as a legacy if that helps make it easier to remember, but all of it involves expansion that you always sought. When you allow yourself to become distracted by other superfluous goals, it can be easy to lose your way. When you remain focused on the contribution, your vision is clear.


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