July 25, 2024
There is only one thing holding you back. We told you many years ago and even had our messenger record a video today so he could own his reason for holding himself back from the life he could live, but you all do the same thing. But you did it because you wanted to evolve, and now you might be ready.
July 25, 2011
The only thing that ever holds you back is you. This applies to any area of your physical life experience where you desire to create, manifest, or become something. But remember, you have the power to change this.
Everything you need to accomplish is within reach. You have the skills, the knowledge, and the potential. Don’t let fear or unwillingness hold you back.
You may think a better time or some other favorable condition will appear, but all those are merely your excuses for not taking action. This may seem harsh, but at times, that is what may be needed to stir your awareness. Look at the time that has passed in your life now and decide you will use it wisely.
Please watch the video here.
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Now you will appreciate our work, which you can find here.
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