December 11, 2024
Nothing in your life or world has gone wrong. You and your world evolve in consciousness using linear time. We do not.
As you view your life and world today you will understand and accept more of your importance in the world now and the guidance we and your guides have provided. But today you and our messenger will understand even more and will be more movitated to pursue your dreams. They were inplanted within you at birth and want to be realized now to aid not only your evolution by planetary ascension.
We know many have had diffcutlity believing they had a divine plan but you all do and more of you will believe and accept that today. There is order in your life and the universe.
In 2021, we told you why you were alive now, but today, you will be more willing to accept it. We will leave the recording. You became more aware in 2022. But you won’t miss it today.
We gave you a theme each year that was to be accepted by each of you and your world, and your contribution is not yet complete.
Also, your full moon and our conversation will bring the culmination of awareness to many of you.
November 17, 2011
There is nothing more vital for you during your physical life experience than your purpose.
Your purpose is what you decided to accomplish and thus contribute during your journey. Each and every soul has this purpose, and each and every one is unique and essential. There is no one purpose more important than the other.
Many times you may experience a feeling of being lost on your journey because you believe you may not have found your purpose. The actuality is you block your purpose from your vision and awareness by choosing to only see the purpose of others; making them more important, and thereby failing to notice your value.
You may change that at any moment.
March 25, 2011
“Seek and ye shall find”. Another interpretation of that saying would be that whatever you believe is real for you, you will indeed find it. You create your reality through your thoughts, which are powered, if you will, by your beliefs.
If you believe that the world is a scary and dangerous place, you will find it to be so. If you believe that you do not deserve what you desire, that will be the case for you.
It is essential for you to begin to examine particular results in your life experience and recognize that they show up for you because, on some level, they are following your underlying beliefs about yourself and the world in which you live. To change your results, seek to change your beliefs.
June 10, 2012
The process of evolving will always contain some sort of reflection on your part. During those periods of reflection it is inevitable that you will also experience self judgment. When you are able to take that self judgment and turn it into gratitude, you have also accelerated your evolvement.
This means that you understand what you think of as your mistakes, even the ones you repeat or what you would term poor choices; all of them are part of the process, and it would not be possible for you to truly evolve or expand without them.
It is also far easier for you to recognize this when you are out of those particular periods and can recognize your new and greater awareness.
July 20, 2013
Whenever you attempt to do, be, create, or manifest anything, and your intention is to cause your further expansion, and that of all others, whatever you do will always be good enough. While the term “good enough” is entirely subjective, it is an idea that you have continually placed upon yourself, which has often caused you difficulty.
When you think you have to be good enough, you are operating from some arbitrary idea that, in actuality, you have made up. This has caused you to not even attempt to do certain things because you hold the fear of somehow not being good enough.
When you begin to recognize that you or anyone else will never know beforehand if what you do is “good enough,” you will realize the absurdity of the concept itself and give yourself the freedom to create and, therefore, expand. Have fun.
November 21, 2014
Doubt is one of those emotional experiences that you can use to either halt or accelerate your expansion. When you experience doubt, it means that you are simply relying on your human abilities to manifest something.
When you decide to notice when you are in that feeling of doubt, you can instantly turn that around and know that you can rely on the infinite power and abilities of a power much more significant than you know to manifest whatever is for your highest good and that of all concerned.
It will help you to understand this when you think of all the instances you have seen where someone exhibits what is called super human strength to single handedly lift a car from someone. They never relied on their human ability and doubt never entered.
November 22, 2015
Low self-esteem is always an inside job. You and so many others think about the idea of low self-esteem and then begin to blame it for many of the difficulties you might experience in your physical life experience because you are not aware that you have taught or trained yourself to think they were real.
Every soul is born with all they need to live a happy, prosperous, and successful life, but then you begin to accept other ideas about yourself, and then you think that low self-esteem simply magically appeared somehow, and it was only your own training and thinking that caused its creation.
Now that you know this you can also begin to dismiss it, and begin to recognize your natural, inherent, and innate magnificence.
July 30, 2016
You had an experience the other day where you observed others who appeared to be angry and expressing their anger but then did not do anything to change the condition that initiated that experience of anger. You are no different.
First of all, it is important to know that you will experience anger throughout your life, so it is not practical to attempt to stop it. The most important thing is how you express it. Having the feeling does not mean you must act out in a violent way, but it does mean you can motivate yourself to do something.
You will get angry at yourself for some perceived failing, which then causes you to feel less than or bad about yourself, and then you continue to do more things that cause you to experience anger. Decide to use your experience of anger to do something you know will be productive.
December 23, 2017
If you could remember nothing else throughout your life, this sentence might be the most beneficial. Abundance and being yourself are the same thing.
You are born into a state of unlimited abundance. Then, you begin learning limitations, which are inadvertently taught to you by others as they try to guide you in life.
You then interpret their guidance to be a denial of who you are, or in other words, you begin to control your behavior to please all others, and in that state, you begin to feel less than complete, inadequate, so you then cut off that natural flow of abundance.
Then you learn that you have done this by the thoughts you have been holding about who you are. But now you also know you are the one who controls your thoughts, and you can stop denying who you are through your thoughts, and that natural flow of abundance must open again for you.
Study this for a while, own it, believe it, and change your life.
October 4, 2018
You had an uncomfortable awareness, and it might first be best to explain why it was uncomfortable. Also, keep in mind that this type of awareness and emotional experience you felt are also the most beneficial. You even found yourself attempting not to notice the awareness itself.
You discovered your ability to readily accept credit for things that show up in your life that feel difficult or challenging but are reluctant to take responsibility or to think that you had anything to do with those results that are pleasing and bring you joy.
When you embrace the awareness and stop beating yourself up for not having seen it before, which is the cause of the uncomfortable feelings, you will turn it into empowerment.
January 8, 2019
Self-love is not gained, it is realized. While this message may seem to you at first to be a riddle, once you understand its content, you will find solutions to many of your previously held difficulties.
You and others have accepted to a great degree the idea that self-love or the experience of self-love is something that is necessary if you ever hope to experience the life you want or to have what you desire. Then you go about your life attempting to find that self-love, and in that quest, you have asserted that it does not exist. You think if it did exist, you would not have to search for it.
You even do this in your personal relationships for you think if you change enough the other person would love you, and that would turn into self-love. Now you understand the difficulties with most relationships.
Here is your solution and the only one that works. Love is your natural state of being, and it was only you who believed something different.
November 3, 2020
Forgiveness is a quicker way to evolution. We awakened Roger to that thought this morning with a bit of a feeling of forewarning but more of a tool that will ease your way. You and your world are moving through a massive restructuring, but you may, at times, forget why you are doing so.
Here’s the part of the message Roger wasn’t sure he could interpret, but he, like you, is being moved to discover and utilize more of your innate abilities.
You have moved through periods of this nature throughout civilization, and each time you do, you evolve more. How that occurs is that each person is born with different and unique ideas and views designed to aid them on their journey of evolution, meaning you. As that happens, the collective energy of the whole creates the world in which you live.
You are creating that world now, and it begins within each of you. As you embark on that internal journey, you will discover aspects of yourself you have denied, hidden, or abilities and skills you never believed you had. As you make those discoveries, you may begin to judge yourself or blame others for your state of being, and both of those actions hold back your progress.
You are all one, and as you discover your ignorance of who you could be, forgive yourself first. You will then grant the same to others, and you will have accelerated evolution.
December 1, 2021
Communication will become louder now. We are giving you information that will be tremendously helpful as you move through the next period of your restructuring and that of your world. You will incorporate the energies of the coming new moon and the total solar eclipse. You wanted to experience this time, for it will be the perfect opportunity for you to purge more of the last vestiges of hate, fear, doubt, shame, and embarrassment.
You will understand why we advised Roger to allow us to communicate with you on Saturday. In preparation for that, we led him to other information that would be helpful for some of you if you had not been able to figure out the ringing in your ears. Subjective tinnitus is a condition that causes the ringing to occur, but the event itself and your ability to hear it are subjective.
You are hearing it more now because your intention in this life is more precise. Even though you had not trusted what you heard before, you will now. You are being asked to remember why you decided to have a life experience this time, and it was to release more fear and doubt from the collective consciousness, and for each of you, that felt to be too big a job, as we mentioned the other day.
We would like you to contemplate these things before the events in your world this coming weekend. Roger attended a group meeting yesterday and later saw a post from the group organizer, and we had him send a message that you would do well to remember now. “The loving energy and momentum felt here today carried enough power to aid you in your master plan of saving the world. It is taking shape nicely, and we thank you all for your participation.”
Please study that paragraph for each of you who have taken on that task. It is not accidental that the moon coming of which we speak is new. And that is the world we said you came to usher in, and when you come together, the momentum of that energy from each of you will manifest the world you wanted to see.
We said it would not be guaranteed unless you decided to become yourself. And more of you now understand. If you do your work, you all will be fine.
August 9, 2022
We did tell you. We would like you to contemplate what we will provide in this message because you have had difficulty believing in yourself as of late, so it would not have been possible for you to accept what we told you as you have not entirely accepted what your guides had told you.
It took a while before we could get Roger to write the words of the title of this message because he didn’t want it to come off as braggadocious, but that is the behavior that he and you must release. False humility serves no one, especially you.
You each come to the world with gifts to be developed and lived. That only happens as you progress in your life, and it is up to you to accept yourself and believe in your mission, for you each have one. It is the thing in front of you that you doubted or did not believe in your ability, and that was what we wanted you to do, which is why we gave you our work.
We said that you were moving through a restructuring of your world and your life and that the United States would lead the way. We have told you that all the events that have occurred in your world would happen, but you typically don’t believe in yourself until you have tangible proof. Now you have more.
We said you would experience things that have not occurred in your world. The added intensity of uncertainty would naturally cause concern. Still, that is why we provided our work: when you are embracing and living why you are alive, the outside world will not frighten you.
Yesterday there was another piece of the collective reckoning that did occur, which has never happened, but it was also progression. There needed to be events that are new to your world that would grab your attention and inspire you all to change. The former president of the United States has more attention placed upon himself, for it provides you all with the opportunity to choose which world you want to manifest.
You contribute to the collective choice by what you choose about your life. If you succumb to fear, so will your world, and if you choose to believe in yourself and continue to develop what you came to bring to your world, the elevation of light and love will happen, manifesting the world more of you want.
Roger was not different. Even though he spoke and wrote the words of these events, even since 2012, he still wanted tangible proof like you, but now you all have it, and you will decide if you believe in yourself now.
December 13, 2023
The rainbow is ahead. When you consider the appearance of a rainbow in your physical world, it always emerges through the rain, but only if you are willing to see the light.
You have stepped into another aspect of your evolution and planetary ascension. As you view your life and world today, the message we gave you on this date a year ago will aid your understanding.
December 13, 2022
Your strength will surprise you. You are on an evolutionary journey to cause your expansion and that of your world, which we have said are the same. But many of you have yet to understand your importance or your significance in creating both.
The life you were given had built-in experiences to move through so you would become more. You also chose to accomplish your goal during a time of restructuring because you collectively desired a better world, which is why you exist. You are meant to shine, and our work was to aid you in that endeavor.
It is challenging for each of you to recognize what you were given, and it was difficult for Roger to accept what he was given, but now he knows he can no longer do that if he intends to fulfill his life purpose.
Roger knew we had given him everything, especially in 2012. Then he faced the duality: many of you are here to heal.
You intended to love who you are and stop denying the gifts you possess. But then you will have to contend with your everyday experiences, some of which will be your upcoming holidays. Still, other parts include losing some people you have been close to while simultaneously awakening to who you could become.
The Recording: “The Purpose Of Your Life,” December 4, 2021
Watch this Recording Here
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December 15, 2024, at 11:30 AM PST
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