You must accept your worth and value

January 31, 2023

You must accept your worth and value. We mean both words and how you might interpret them in your life. Every soul is born with an abundance of both, but you decide when you will recognize them within you and allow yourself to live the physical life experience you desire.

We gave you a message ten years ago that you could not have fully understood then, and it might take some time to decipher it now. You stand at a time of great change in your world, and your part was to offer the light and love within you to allow the ascension of your planet to be one that would serve the greater whole. 

That can only occur when you change your old programming and accept who you have become. 

January 31, 2013

There is nothing that you desire in your physical life experience that you have to go out and get; instead, you merely need to allow it to come to you. This concept is to help you understand that your mental approach and attitude in anything you attempt are most important.

When you understand this more deeply, you will seek to know how you have blocked what you desire from coming to you.

Everything is already available to you in the Universe, whether it be wisdom, knowledge, awareness, or any other physical thing. Your “job,” is to align your mentality with receiving it. It requires practice on your part.


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You have always known your purpose

January 30, 2023

You have always known your purpose. You might have blocked that recognition, but you have also seen it as you’ve moved through your life. But today, you might be more willing to actualize yourself. 

When you read the message we provided ten years ago and examine your life and world, your actions today will have more meaning and purpose. Action will become the operative word. 

January 30, 2013

You resist being given direction. This condition is one of the greatest conflicts you have had in your physical life experience, and it also prevents you from expanding as you intended. 

It would help you understand the cause of this condition so that you might overcome it. When you were young, you struggled to mature and assert your independence. This state is a necessary part of human development. But when you carry that attitude into your adult and mature years, you will block all instruction, guidance, and direction that comes your way because you believe that by accepting it, you are somehow less than whole or complete. 

You will become aware of your emotional reaction to any direction you are given and begin to change this condition. 


Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
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You will remember your purpose

January 29, 2023

You will remember your purpose. Every soul is born with a valuable purpose they want to fulfill on their physical life journey, for they know it will aid their evolution and the world due to the time they choose to incarnate on the planet.

You would have no conscious memory of your choice; otherwise, the events and circumstances you were to experience would not serve the purpose for which they were intended, and that was for your growth and that of your planet.

We know you are the one who came this time to uplift your world, or you would not be reading our words. You are never in an accidental place. You decide when you will listen. We give you messages to awaken that memory because we know you have heard it before, but now would be a more beneficial time for you to remember. 

You will appreciate what we said to you ten years ago. We do not operate on linear time like many of you, but many more will also move beyond that limitation as you continue to follow us.

January 29, 2013

 Communication is your connection to your higher self. This communication can never be lost or stopped, but you can attempt to avoid hearing it or paying attention to it, but nevertheless, it is still there. 

You may choose to censor your very own personal communication with the outside world. Still, you cannot censor your internal communication, which is the only communication that truly matters to you as you strive to expand in physical form. 

You censor yourself because you have maintained a habit of projecting what you believe others might think of your communication or how they may judge you. When you strive to become and demonstrate your authentic self, all communication is united, and that is expansion. 


Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
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You hold systematic hatred and eternal love

January 28, 2023

You hold systematic hatred and eternal love. That is the duality that exists within you and your world. But you live now to shift that balance to everlasting love. That will be what remains as you move through your physical life experience. 

We have said you were moving through a restructuring of your world, which is occurring through you. The recent events in the United States are the ones we alerted you to, but you only sometimes hear us, just as you do not always listen to your guides.

 When you attempt to shift blame for the conditions in your life and world to something outside yourself, you have momentarily lost your way and caused yourself to feel disempowered erroneously.

You help move through duality when you let go of your self-hatred or judgment, develop more belief in yourself and love who you are. When you experience disruptions in your physical world, you often look for others to blame. 

You found that challenging to do with the recent events, for they were not caused by racial hatred but internalized hatred which many of you inherited. You came to move through those generational biases and prejudices. Unless you do your part of loving yourself and what you came to offer, you continue that form of duality. 

Here is a portion of our message from three years ago, but you might accept it now.

June 22, 2020

What you are witnessing personally in the world and in your life is a collective expression of repressed, residual anger at the belief in separateness and inadequacy. You have done this in your life. Naturally, your world would follow suit. We will also say it is not all your fault. You carry a generational belief of which you are unaware.

We led Roger to a photo this morning of the removal of a statue of one of the former presidents of the United States as it depicted the president on a horse with subservient images beside and below him of a Native American and African American. You were taught inadequacy, and that is why you are angry. 


Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
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This message will be familiar to you

January 27, 2023

This message will be familiar to you. You each come into the world with a mission you are to fulfill. You do so as you move through your physical life experiences. You also do so at a time that is beneficial to your world as it is to your evolutionary journey. 

You are at that time now, and everything we have given you was to encourage you to step into your mission with more vigor, vitality, and purpose. The primary goal is to love yourself and your journey. Those goals are not separate but also necessary for your ascension and your world. You each hold that much power, and our message in 2013 will awaken your memory. 

January 27, 2013

You always know what to do in your physical life experience to achieve your desires or accomplish your goals; however, you sometimes choose not to do those things.

To remedy this situation, you would do well not to judge yourself for having this condition, for it is a “normal” part of the human experience and the only way you can achieve expansion. 

You operate in a state of denial when you attempt to think that you do not know what to do, and that way of thinking will always cause you to halt that expansion, for you feel powerless. All power, abilities, and opportunities are available to you when you decide to see them.  


Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
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You were supposed to be unique

January 26, 2023

You were supposed to be unique. There could be no better statement that could describe the nature of the information we have provided over the years, and our intention was for more of you to accept that premise today.

Our message today was prompted by Roger listening to a video that offered how you should be or what is the best way to ascend or expand as each of you and your planet is doing now. If the rules given to you offer any form of judgment, you will lose your way.

You exist at a particular time in your world and your evolutionary journey where you are meant to transcend whatever limitations have been in your way. They will not be the same as others but typically carry some form of shame and embarrassment you inherited from others. You were supposed to move beyond it by becoming your unique self and honoring your individuality in all its greatness. 

The following message will help you understand what we have just given you. 

January 26, 2013

Beliefs are ideas you have accepted as being true and produce certain results in your physical life experience. Your beliefs are unique to you, and no other soul possesses precisely the same beliefs as you. 

No soul, while in physical form, knows if their beliefs are valid in terms of Ultimate Reality; therefore, the only measure of your particular beliefs is the results they produce for you and if they please you. You have also been granted free will of choice, meaning that whenever you are not pleased with your beliefs because of the results they produce in your life, you can change them at any time. Now, these new beliefs become true for you as well.  


Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
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Self-love will change your life and world

January 25, 2023 

Self-love will change your life and world. We mean that statement figuratively and literally. There would be no other goal more critical in your life than to love yourself, but you often struggle with accomplishing that goal due to your self-judgment. 

But you have yet to understand that accomplishing the goal of loving who you are in every aspect would change your world, but that is why we provided our work. You each have difficulty accepting the innate power with which you were born to manifest that extraordinary life you could have and the world you would create. We knew your potential and provided a message on this date in 2013 following our ten-year guidance cycle. 

We went a step further, and that was to have Roger plan a presentation for today where he will reveal his self-love so more of you understand the nature of our work and what it can accomplish for you. You can also listen to Sunday’s live conversation; these puzzle pieces may help you put together those pieces in your life. Collectively you will change your lives and the world. Both the invitation and recording are on his Linktree.

January 25, 2013

You fear your success more than failure. To better understand this condition, you might think of the rule you learned, ” do not touch that, for you might get burned.”

When you come into physical form, you are given many rules and regulations by those in authority that are designed to keep you safe. Unfortunately, you often take that rule and apply it to many areas of your life. You begin to equate anything unknown to you as that area of experience where you might get burned.

Your “job” now is to understand that your success is in that very unknown, and you would do well to embrace it. 


Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
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Your only problem will be disbelief

January 24, 2023

Your only problem will be disbelief. It is the same challenge that has followed you your entire life and will continue to do so as long as you cling to who you used to be.

We have said you are in a time of restructuring your life and world, for they are the same, and it was the purpose of your existence now. Your world is awaiting your emergence, as is your higher self. You came to be the love your world wanted, which can only occur when you love yourself.

We have given you all the tools you could need, and we have done it sequentially for you operate in linear time, and we can see beyond that, which is why the message we provided ten years ago you will understand now.

January 24, 2013

All you are ever up to on your physical life journey is discovering who you are. This process was your goal when you decided to have a physical life experience. You knew that being in physical form, possessing human emotions and characteristics, and holding human thought would help you accomplish that goal.

When you believe your goal is your success, wealth, possessions, or anything else of a physical nature, you temporarily block your true purpose. This concept is not one you will quickly understand or even accept entirely as long as you are in physical form, but you always come to know it eventually. 

You come to know that self-actualization and expansion are the same. 


Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
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Now you can

January 23, 2023

Now you can. That could be a motto you might choose to adopt, for it is the only belief that stands in the way of you and the feeling of success you want to experience in your life.

We said you are moving through a restructuring in your world, and it is happening within you. You came to offer your essence to the world by deciding to love who you are and live an extraordinary life. At times you require further encouragement, which may come from your world events, as happened for many yesterday.

We have said the United States would lead the way, and when more of you care about your physical life experiences, you cause that same concern to grow in your collective consciousness, which is the expansion and ascension you sought.

We have continued our advice on that ten-year timeline we mentioned, and today is no different. When you believe more in yourself, you will accomplish your goal. 

January 23, 2013

You always get it done when you decide to do it now. That statement may seem like a riddle to you. It is a gentle admonition to help you remember that you will always be more effective, accomplish much more, and enjoy your journey to your goals when you focus on what is in front of you and enjoy that very moment of now. 

You live in a world today that continually becomes more complex, and you begin to accept the notion there is somewhere you need to reach, or so much you need to do, or so much you must have. Your intention was always to create in and savor each moment of now. Try that.  


Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
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You will understand more of your evolutionary journey today

January 22, 2023

You will understand more of your evolutionary journey today. You have that opportunity each day, but today is a much more energetic day, and more of you might notice and hear us.

We have said we would reveal more in our live conversation today, but first, we will give you a message we provided in 2013 to ponder. We will disclose what we said in 2012 during our live conversation as you rely on linear time to keep track of your physical life progression, but we will aid you in your soul’s progression, for that is why you are alive now. 

You came to add to the planetary ascension, which you will only accomplish when you love yourself and your journey. 

January 22, 2013

You might think of inspiration as ideas, thoughts, hunches, or intuition that appear to you from unknown sources; or Spirit and Infinite Intelligence. Now because they come to you from those unknown sources, you might tend to dismiss them because of your underlying and learned fear of the unknown.

You also may further that fear because of the thought of judgment or criticism from others because these ideas and thoughts have come to you. Your current moment awareness and wisdom will tell you when you decide to listen to them that that very unexplored unknown that is appearing to you holds your path to further expansion.  


Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
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