You will see yourself in a new light

June 30, 2023

You will see yourself in a new light. That is always the purpose of your physical life experience, but it is one you gradually accept and understand. We have provided guidance for you in this incarnation, for we knew you would have questions about your journey and your planetary ascension, which we term your restructuring.

You might question how we might have given you a message on this date in 2012 that would apply to your life and world today, but that is only a limitation in your thinking you intended to move beyond. 

That scenario was the reason for your birth and why you chose this particular lifetime, and we will tell you that it is because what you have within you to offer yourself and the world is needed now. It is also why we planned our live conversation with you this Sunday. We will never stop until you recognize your significance.

June 30, 2012

There are no random events that show up in your physical life experience, and they all show up to benefit you in some manner. This configuration is indeed, at times, a difficult concept for you to accept, especially when you experience some disappointment or unpleasantness with those events.

When you examine past events in your experience where you had that unpleasantness, you can also notice how the event caused you to expand in some manner and gain greater awareness and knowledge.

You would do well to allow those disappointing feelings to surface and, in that exact moment, seek to gain the knowledge and wisdom it was designed to provide you.


Please join us Sunday, July 2nd, for the Full Moon. “You Have Never Been Alone.”
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You will complain or change

June 29, 2023

You will complain or change. Those are the choices always available for you as you move through your physical life experience, and which one you make will affect the quality of your life and world.

We gave you a message on this date in 2012, for we knew the conditions you might face in your life and planet due to its restructuring. But if you choose to change, you will let go of what was old and embrace what is new and emerging within you. You will know when you have made that choice when you love yourself more by harnessing your innate talents and abilities.

We wanted you to understand the following message, and it is the reason for our live conversation with you this Sunday. You stand at a marvelous point in your evolution.

June 29, 2012

Complaining is an unfortunate habit that can have numerous effects on your physical life experience.

It is not possible for you to experience joy while you are complaining.

When you are complaining, you are attempting to undo some past event or situation and also attempting to relive those events by adding energy to them.

It is not possible for you to recognize your expansion while complaining, and you inadvertently halt that expansion by thinking it is not possible because you are complaining.

When you are complaining, you often attempt to shift blame or responsibility for your life experience to others or something outside yourself.

The instant fix is only to seek gratitude.


Sunday, July 2nd, for the Full Moon. “You Have Never Been Alone.”
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You will make things better

June 28, 2023

You will make things better. The word better is subjective, but you know what it means to you and how living in that state would feel to you, and you possess the ability to create it in your life and world.

You might not have considered the importance of your life experience or journey to your world, but we wanted you to remember today, so we provided our message in 2012. When you believe it wholeheartedly and implement it into your life, you will notice dramatic changes in your life and world, for they are the same. 

June 28, 2012

It gets better has become a popular slogan, if you will, in your current society; however, it also resonates with a much wider audience than the particular social issue that brought it to the forefront of your mass consciousness.

It refers to your individual, particular life experience as well as your world as a whole. It operates on the system of contrast, meaning that you are given certain choices, some of which may be very distasteful to you; however, they offer you the opportunity to make a choice that is to your pleasure, greater good, and therefore causes expansion in your life and world.

Therefore, it always gets better.


Please join us! Sunday, July 2nd, for the Full Moon. “You Have Never Been Alone.”
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It is time to remember your purpose

June 27, 2023

It is time to remember your purpose. Every soul is born with one to fulfill, and you chose the most critical time on your planet to do so.

We have said you are moving through a restructuring for the purpose of shifting the balance in your world that has been off-center for quite a while. This shift will involve every aspect of your life and world, so we provided guidance on this date in 2012.

You might be tempted to judge yourself or others; if you do so, your mission will not be fulfilled, and the ascension of your planet will be slowed. As you view your life and world today, please take our message to heart. We mean that literally.

June 27, 2012

You are always seeking to know your own value as long as you are in physical form. You do this in many different ways, and when you begin to recognize this, you can use this process more to your benefit, which is always expansion.

You desire to be heard; you desire to be understood; you desire to be loved, and you desire to be recognized. Every soul does this, and when you acknowledge that particular fact, you are indeed living what is considered the golden rule.

The more you hold this idea, the more joyous your entire physical life experience becomes. You also recognize that any form of judgment about you or others is not possible.


Please join us! Sunday, July 2nd, for the Full Moon. “You Have Never Been Alone.”
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Abundance is a choice

June 26, 2023

Abundance is a choice. You each make those choices as you move through your physical life experience, and you will find the road to its attainment is always within you. 

Your definition of abundance may be quite different than anyone else, but you are the one who must own yours. We know that what is within you to bring forth will shift the amount of that abundance you experience in your life, and because you are living during the restructuring of your world, your contribution could be enormous.

We gave you a message on this date in 2012 that might not have made as much sense to you then as it will now. You are continually evolving and expanding, and so are your awareness and ability to implement new wisdom so you might do the same for others. That is the role you each play in the evolution of your planet.  

June 26, 2012

A new definition of abundance can help you immensely. When you think of abundance as the appearance or existence of anything physical in unlimited amounts, you understand reality significantly. There is never a lack of anything physical, and you are a part of everything physical.

Now with this in mind, you will understand that whenever you experience a lack of something that you desire, it is not that the supply is diminished; it is you who has kept it from you. You would do well then to seek to know the reasons why.

It might often be of your own doing or a higher good. It is up to you to know the difference. That is also the process of expansion.


Sunday, July 2nd, for the Full Moon. “You Have Never Been Alone.”
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You are creating your future now

June 25, 2023

You are creating your future now. You are always manifesting the life you want for yourself and your planet. You exist during a great transition, so your contribution now is more vital and essential than ever.

You create the life and world you want to have by deciding to become the person you want to be. The past several years might have caused you to believe you were off track, or your world might be collapsing, but both results depend on your actions and how much you are willing to love yourself.

There is no better day than today to contemplate the message we gave ten years ago on this date, but the energies of your planet today will make the information more accessible for you to absorb and implement in your life. The world depends on you.

June 25, 2013

Your reactions to the events of your physical life experience can be valuable tools for you to use as you strive to expand. Your reactions can be of a physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual nature.

When your reactions are of fear, worry, or dread, it may be an indication that you are operating from your past, or all those unpleasant experiences that, on some level, you fear you may repeat. When your reactions are of a calm and peaceful nature, it will indicate that you trust the integrity of your physical life experience; that you have come to know you are constantly creating your personal reality; and that no matter what is occurring, you know it is for your highest good.

It is always possible for you to change your reactions and more deliberately create your future.


Sunday, July 2nd, for the Full Moon. “You Have Never Been Alone.”
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No one was needed more than you

June 24, 2023

No one was needed more than you. This message will reveal everything we wanted you to understand and accept, for it is why you decided to be alive while restructuring your planet.

The message we provided on this date in 2012 is the one we wanted you to accept, for then you will make your intended contribution to your evolution and the ascension of your planet. 

We know how essential your existence at this time would be to the evolution of all that is. Still, it typically takes you a bit longer to recognize it within yourself, which is why we have given you information years apart to allow your consciousness to embrace your essence more, and the following message will aid our mission and yours. 

June 24, 2012

All you are ever attempting to become while on your physical life journey is you. The irony is that many souls do not honestly know this until they leave physical form. The journey is much more fulfilling and rewarding when you attempt to see this while on your own path.

You may use examples of or emulate others as motivation or inspiration, but the end goal is merely to be the authentic you.

You experience difficulty with this premise when you begin to believe that one particular soul is more important than the other. You are all the same. 


Please join us! Sunday, July 2nd, for the Full Moon. “You Have Never Been Alone.”
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You hold one fear

June 23, 2023

You hold one fear. You might have believed you were plagued by many, but it is only one, and it is the same one most on the physical plane experience, and it is never what you have done or the mistakes you think you might have made. That one fear is who you can become.

It never matters when you come to that realization, for you continually become more or evolve. You chose to be alive now to move beyond your false fears so you can live your desired life and contribute to your world, for every soul does so when they begin to honor their authentic self and bring their wisdom and knowledge to the world. It has only been your interpretation of your particular fears that have held back your progress and that of your world.

We gave you a message on this date in 2012, and as you study it now and apply it to your life and world, you will come to appreciate your importance and why moving beyond your imaginary fears will do wonders for your life and planet. 

June 23, 2012

All fear can be used for your benefit when you recognize and embrace its purpose for showing up in your physical life experience. In other words, fear itself is not based on Ultimate Reality. Fear would indicate that it is possible for something to happen to your being or for you in some way to be harmed. Since you are an eternal spiritual being, the entire notion is false.

Its purpose is to cause you to become more or expand. It would help if you first recognized the fear is not real and simply alert you to some area of your physical life experience where you desire more self-realization. As you contemplate this more, awareness shows up.


Please join us! Sunday, July 2nd, for the Full Moon. “You Have Never Been Alone.”
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Blaming others never aids evolution

June 22, 2023

Blaming others never aids evolution. We mean your evolution and your world, for they are the same. Every soul is born onto the physical plane at a time that would serve their evolution and that of your planet. You chose to live during a time of restructuring or significant change in your world, and you cannot make the contribution you intended if you continue to blame others for your life experience. Blame and empowerment do not coexist.

We have also said the United States would lead the way in this transition. The recent events will reveal what we meant for you and will witness all manner of blame being used to explain the current conditions of your world. Still, you each contribute equally, and your contribution will make the most significant difference when you decide to love yourself, appreciate your accomplishments, and give up using blame to explain your life now. 

You have all you need to change this condition for yourself, and we provided a message on this date ten years ago, and as you study your life and world, you will utilize its wisdom to your benefit. 

June 22, 2013

Every unhappiness you are experiencing in your physical life is your fault. That statement was meant to shock you and get your attention. It is not necessarily to assign blame but for you to actually accept responsibility.

You may argue that your unhappiness is caused by another, a particular situation, or something that has happened to you. The fact is, no matter what it is, you can change it. 

If you continue to give away that responsibility to another, you have no choice or ability to change it. When you accept it as your fault, as it were, now you also regain your power. The choices you currently have are to either change your perception so that you no longer have the feeling of unhappiness or take some physical actions to change the direction of your life experience.

It is also important to remember that in this process, you will continually confront the tendency to shift blame to something else, throwing you off your desired course of action.


Sunday, July 2nd, for the Full Moon. “You Have Never Been Alone.”
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You have never failed

June 21, 2023

You have never failed. You might have believed that some of your previous circumstances, situations, and actions in your life were some type of failure; it was only a misunderstanding on your part because you were in the process of becoming more. It is the only manner you or any other soul can evolve, which is also valid for your world.

You are moving through a restructuring, and the energies of your planet might have caused you to lose your way momentarily. Still, when you read the message we provided in 2012 and apply it to your life today, your wisdom and knowledge now will have you forgive yourself for holding thoughts of failure. 

June 21, 2012

Failure does not exist and therefore is not real. The only place where the idea of failure exists is in your own thinking. It only exists there because you held particular expectations or outcomes about what you desired to occur when you attempted whatever you wanted to accomplish. It is not possible for you to have that awareness before you begin.

Many times, or most times, the awareness of the precise benefit or greater awareness you gained from whatever it was, shows up years later in your chronological time. There is even more awareness that shows up when you leave physical form.

When you make an honest effort to accept this, you discover more of your eternal peace while in physical form.


Sunday July 2nd for the Full Moon. “You Have Never Been Alone.”
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