December 26, 2023
You can reach the next level in your life, and that is a state of total empowerment. To accomplish that goal, you must release your old self and embrace the new self you have become. You are much closer to your evolutionary goal and your planetary ascension.
Today, we have taken you back a bit further, for you will find reviewing your past and that of your world will aid you in manifesting the life you want and the world you desire to see.
December 26, 2009
Asking is an essential aspect of your creative process that sometimes you fail to examine more closely.
Asking sets in motion, so to speak, the intention of your desires. It also affirms that you can receive whatever you ask for. You set an alignment in place so that the Universe has a manner to deliver your desires.
You will find that when you experience your particular results in that extraordinarily creative process and are disappointed, it may be that your very own asking was not in place.
Remember that asking is quite different from expectations.
December 26, 2010
You are always in the process of going somewhere. This principle applies to every aspect of your being and physical life experience.
Even when you are in a state of confusion, you are in process. Even when you are in a painful emotional state, you are in the process. When you hold this belief in your moment of now, it will always provide you with a sense of comfort that the somewhere place will always be revealed to you.
Now, you will also more fully understand, comprehend, and accept faith and trust. The only reason you would ever think anything different is that you have come to believe some fatalistic outcome. That does not exist.
December 26, 2011
When you realize at certain times in your physical life experience that you desire more for others, even than yourself, you are also reaching a new understanding that you are all one. This awareness is no indication that you are willing to deprive yourself but that you know and affirm that you live in an abundant Universe and there is more than enough.
Another result that occurs when you hold this manner of thinking is that it inevitably creates and manifests more for you. This realization is another manner in which you experience the expansion you sought. Conversely, when you are unwilling to share anything because of a fear of lack, you will produce more lack in your personal experience and reality.
December 26, 2012
All that ever prevents you from experiencing pure joy, happiness, and bliss in your moment of now are your attachments. Attachments come in all forms and are always related to something physical. This process is not the same as what you usually think of as your memories, for those can be fond of and find pleasurable. Attachments, on the other hand, typically cause you some discomfort and, therefore, thwart your experience of now.
They can be your attachment to how you wished it had been, what you wanted had occurred, or something you believe you lost. These can also be mental or emotional attachments, but nevertheless, they cause you to leave your moment. Joy, happiness, and bliss can only be experienced now.
December 26, 2013
You will exponentially expand when you decide to direct your time, attention, energy, and effort to your next creation. This journey is precisely how you intended to live your life experience while on the physical plane. You can only accomplish this in your moment of now, for when you are there, you hold no thought of the future or what might be the result, and you are not allowing your ideas of the past to keep you from the task at hand.
When you accomplish this, you affirm that the most valuable thing you can do is be in that creation process. You will bring with you all that you have previously gained in terms of wisdom and knowledge, and you will surely experience the joy in that.
December 26, 2014
You only need to become willing to take the next step as you move forward in your life with the intention of expanding or becoming more than you are right now. You have to attempt to take the next step. As you do this, you summon forth all the support of the Universe to help you on your journey.
This concept is not news to you, for if you examine your past or personal history, you will find evidence of this all around, even in those small, inconsequential events. Still, they were all building blocks that allowed you to develop your faith and trust in the process. Everything you do in this life will flow in this manner because you came here to expand.
December 26, 2015
Everything you did was right, and when you start practicing gratitude, you will begin to see this clearly. Subjective words are being used here so you understand the meaning.
You tend to second guess so many things you have done in your life and choices you have made and then end up judging them as somehow wrong, and then you never receive the value and meaning that all of them were designed to bring you. When you become grateful for everything you have done in your life and every choice you have made, you open your consciousness to receive greater awareness and wisdom and then use that in your moment of now to create a brand new future for yourself.
Changing past decisions is impossible, but using them to great benefit now is possible.
December 26, 2016
When you decide to look at anything through the eyes of gratitude, you find appreciation, and then you move into a state of grace. As you continue to practice this in your life, it will become far more natural for you.
There are certain days when this is easier for you to accomplish because you are experiencing some grand celebration or experience of joy. Still, you can even do this with things from your past and, therefore, change your experience of those things and your past.
When you look with gratitude at those things from your past that were challenging, you will begin to notice what you appreciate now from those things because you are removed from them. Then, you move into that state of grace because you recognize that everything always works out for you. Now, you will be free to live in your present moment fully.
December 26, 2017
There are times in your life when it feels to you that certain events that are currently occurring offer very similar, yet not identical, feelings, memories, and emotions of past events. More often than not, those past events were challenging for you. Your second chance is to allow yourself to discover, recognize, and own your gained wisdom now.
You will know you have utilized this chance quite well because now you will make new choices, see it all differently, and create a different future because you know now what you know and who you are so much more clearly.
The big news is this. You have this second chance daily if you are willing to take hold of it and use it.
December 26, 2018
Decide who you want to be now. Please examine that sentence again, as it is one of the most important you want to understand. Who you desire to be in your life is always a decision. You don’t always believe that is true, which causes you to halt your progression toward that person.
It is also imperative that you understand why we used the word now. You can only make that decision in your moment of now, which, as you know, is where you have power. But more importantly, when you are “consciously” in your now, you have released your judgments and regrets about your past. Everything you want is in front of you.
We also gave you this message “now” because you are beginning to think of your “new” year. (Our quotation marks are purposeful)
December 26, 2019
Next year will be your best. Yes, this is more of a predictive message but also a forewarning. We provided you with the tools and mental preparation two days ago to make you enjoy your day yesterday. If you heeded our advice, those forecasts proved to be true.
Roger initially thought we might have been incorrect. After he delivered our words, he received a text message from the host of the day’s events that forewarned them all that the hosts were not feeling their best and not to expect them to be their usual cheerful and welcoming attitudes. Roger attempted to hang on to our words, expect things to go well, and become willing to receive. They proved to be true. Those are the words we are giving you now for next year.
You all are connected, and every soul will experience this as your world shifts. Then, you may become doubtful or discouraged because it will be vastly different for you, and you are accustomed to hanging on to worn-out beliefs and behaviors. But if you continually remember our advice and prediction, it will materialize. You are the ones who have made change uncomfortable, and you are the ones who can allow it.
December 26, 2020
If only you could stop believing in accidents, you would prosper. We had to pull those words out of Roger because he knows that many of you may not believe them, as he has not for eons. However, you are all alive now to move through your disbelief.
As we have said, you are moving through a massive restructuring, manifesting first through you and then materializing in your world. You have done this many times, and each time, you move through some of your individual limitations, and then again, that result is reflected in your world.
We know some of this may not make sense to you now, which also occurs for Roger. As most of you do, he usually only understands his life in hindsight. But this time, due to the massive shifts, you each have more energy available for you to use to break through your previously held limitations, but that will be challenging for you to accomplish if you believe things are occurring accidentally. That line of thinking is what contributed to your feeling of inadequacy.
Each of you was born to fill a particular role in your world’s evolution, and your part is unique. None of you have the same one; all are essential, and none are more important than another. That crazy sentence is one you have trouble with, including Roger, due to your judgment. You will judge others as wrong, so you may find some sense of belief that you are right, but you were right when you were born, but believing in accidental occurrences blocks your awareness.
Roger has opened up so much information that we cannot put it all here, but we will give you one point. You are alive now to accomplish something you hadn’t done in one lifetime or another. We cannot tell you what that is for you, but we can tell you what that was for Roger. We gave him a message a year and a half ago, and he understands and accepts it now. You will do the same in your life, but we will leave the transcript.
No matter how you may judge your world and your life now, we still say you will be fine, and you will know that sooner when you stop believing in accidents.
May 17, 2019
We may have broken you, finally. Please transcribe this message without censorship; it will help you and others.
You have often been aware of our communication while at the same time doubting its accuracy. You then pretend that the conversations never occurred; you can forget them and disregard some voice you hear in the distance directing you to do something or be someone. But you never believe that any of this could be true.
Then you create situations in your life that fall far outside of what is deemed “normal” by others, and you know on a deep level why you have done this, but you deny what you intuitively feel because of what you think others might think.
This morning, you took arbitrary actions that brought you outside of your routine, and you heard recordings discussing the coming Scorpio full moon and how powerful it is, and all the descriptions you heard described how you felt. How could that be an accident? How could you be an accident? How could you now ignore what you are to do in your life? Now you know how we broke you; now help break others.
December 26, 2021
You wanted to change. In this message, we are accomplishing several things. We will explain your experiences of the last several days or even many years for many of you. It will explain the restructuring of your world and life and how you may aid in the transformation of all.
You are moving through some limitations in your life, which are expressed in your world. We told you how you might feel in our 2012 work on this date. And again, we bring it up to move you beyond your disbelief in yourself, which is the purpose of your life experience.
We will give you one example and the message from this date, and you will find your part in it. Roger was tardy again for his group this morning, and there were many good reasons he could attach to that, and he would be justified. But he also knows he is still moving through his experiences of guilt and shame, so for today, this message is appropriate for him and you.
The more of you who decide to actualize the following message will understand your role in restructuring your life and the world. You all will be fine.
December 26, 2022
It would be best if you detached from your old self. As we have said, you and your world are moving through what we have termed a restructuring. We have also said it is a planetary ascension, and you exist now to offer your essence.
You each do so when you embrace and embody who you have become; when you do so, you reconnect to the source, which is love.
We understand this concept is challenging for many due to your prior reliance on third-dimensional reality. Your world is moving to a new one. Your roles are individual; it is time to own yours and cause your life to become what you want. The love you emit will alter your life and world trajectory.
We were clever enough to guide you on specific calendar days so the synchronicity of events will awaken you to your value and worth; that is what we did today.
December 26, 2012
Your attachments prevent you from experiencing pure joy, happiness, and bliss in your moment. Attachments come in all forms and are always related to something physical. This process differs from what you usually think of as your memories, for those you can be fond of and find pleasurable. On the other hand, attachments typically cause discomfort, thwarting your current experience.
They can be your attachment to how you wished it had been, what you wanted to have occurred, or something you believe you lost. These can also be simply mental or emotional attachments, but they cause you to leave your moment of now. Joy, happiness, and bliss can only be experienced now.
– Wilhelm
Here is our audio message for you today
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