Your Valentine’s Gift: Wilhelm’s Messages on Love and Self-Discovery

February 14, 2025

February 14, 2008

Your life was indeed meant to be joyful. Your mind, however, would have you think otherwise. This is because your mind has been trained to envision disaster based on what it has learned from others, observed in the world, and experienced in the past.

This is the reason you enjoy the idea that “you must be out of your mind to experience a joyful life.” You have the ability to retrain your mind. Just as you cannot physically be in two places at once, neither can your mind.

Spend your time and effort being “out of your mind” and connect to the truth that lives within you: you are unlimited. In those moments, new avenues for your joy will rush to you.

— Wilhelm

February 14, 2009

You knew when you came into physical life that your way to expansion and evolution would be made easy if you sought peace first. When you seek peace first, you affirm that your very life experience is in Divine Order.

It is easy to become distracted from your journey when you believe that the peace you seek is found in the illusions of the physical world. True peace is found only in your inner world. When you embrace this belief, your reaction to anything that occurs in your life experience is accepted completely, without judgment.

This is what is meant by the kingdom of heaven. And indeed, when that very peace is your goal, all else is added effortlessly.

— Wilhelm

February 14, 2010

As you struggle with feelings of obligation regarding various issues and people, it is important to remember that your first and foremost obligation is to yourself. Neglecting this will leave you depleted, making any other obligations burdensome.

Your life experience is yours. You intended to accomplish many things for your soul’s progression, and your agreement was to interact with others toward that end. Keeping this in mind, you will find it much easier to sort out your priorities.

In this scenario, everyone wins.

— Wilhelm

February 14, 2011

The choices you make while considering only what is for your highest good and best interest are always for the highest good and best interest of all others.

This concept has been difficult for you because you have been taught to base your choices on what you think is best for others first. But it is not possible for you to know what is best for them, for you came into physical form to live your best life, as did they.

When you make choices with your best interest in mind, you contribute most powerfully to yourself and the world. What some consider selfish is, in actuality, selfless.

— Wilhelm

February 14, 2012

The opinions that matter most on your physical life journey are your own. While the opinions of others can broaden your perspective, they can also hinder your growth when you come to rely on them.

Many times, you have halted your progression because you were waiting for validation from another. When you view this behavior through this lens, you can see the limitations it places upon you.

You intended to have your own experiences to further your expansion.

— Wilhelm

February 14, 2013

Love is a state of being and a destination you reach when you release judgment.

You are seeking most to experience this state of being by first letting go of the judgment of yourself.

At times, you may confuse this concept because you believe love can only be directed at another. However, you use the process of loving another as a means to continue releasing judgment.

Your experience of love with another will only ever be as deep as your ability to love yourself. Your journey will be made easier when your first task is releasing judgment. You are your first goal.

— Wilhelm

February 14, 2014

The only goal you have throughout your physical life is self-love. That goal is the purest form of expansion and evolution.

Everything that occurs in your life serves this purpose. You use other people and relationships as mirrors to reflect back to you what you need to heal. Your mistakes, shame, guilt, and uncomfortable experiences all arise so that you can move through them to reach self-love.

Your moments of complete peace occur when you experience self-love in the now.

— Wilhelm

February 14, 2015

Everything you give to others, you give to yourself, for you are all one.

It matters not whether you give in thought, deed, or form—the law remains impartial and always operates. Becoming aware of what you are giving will reveal what you are receiving in your life.

  • When you choose to be generous, you receive generosity.
  • When you choose to be vindictive, that is what returns to you.

The emotional feeling you experience while giving will reveal what you are truly up to.

— Wilhelm

February 14, 2016

“Better late than never” is a mindset that will serve you well throughout life. It will help you combat the illusion of regret.

From an early age, you learn to carry regret, believing you should have done something differently, sooner, or better. This belief stifles your expansion.

Remember: You are an eternal being. You never truly finish; you are always evolving toward the next thing.

— Wilhelm

February 14, 2017

Your greatest challenge is believing that you are that powerful.

You recently witnessed an incident where something you desired manifested almost instantly. You now have a choice:

  • You can believe you caused it to occur, embracing your power.
  • Or you can dismiss it as coincidence, denying your creative ability.

Since you create your reality, choose the option that empowers you. Because you are powerful.

— Wilhelm

February 14, 2018

You once debated the difference between loving and being in love. You realized there should be no difference—true love exists when you release judgment.

You run into difficulty when you define love conditionally, believing another must behave in a certain way for you to remain “in love” with them. This mindset imprisons you.

On this day, remember: You seek only the experience of love, but first, you must give it to yourself.

— Wilhelm

February 14, 2019

How to move faster

You move through life, witness the power of your creative ability, and then fear creating the wrong thing. This hesitation slows your progress.

The way to move faster is to own your ability to create. Hold thoughts of the future you desire—because now, you know you can manifest them.

— Wilhelm

February 14, 2020

The world needs you.

You may doubt your significance, but that doubt is only an assumption—a choice you make about yourself.

Your experiences help the world evolve. There is no hierarchy of souls. Your presence matters.

— Wilhelm

February 14, 2021

Please love yourself more.

Many of you use this day to express love to others but forget that your significant other is you.

Your journey is one of progressively accepting more of yourself. If you keep reading our messages, you will begin to believe this truth.

— Wilhelm

February 14, 2022

You might have seen your purpose.

You are experiencing a global restructuring. The purpose of life—and the world—is always to evolve.

What you envision now will shape what manifests for yourself and humanity. Choose your vision wisely.

— Wilhelm

February 14, 2024

You were born to change the world.

Your ascension process is the realization that you matter.

Reflect on the messages from past years, and you will come closer to your goal: loving yourself and changing your world.

— Wilhelm

The Interpretation of the Valentine’s messages:
Read the Analysis Here

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Join Us in Wilhelm’s Work, Life Transformation for the New World | |

You no longer have an excuse

February 13, 2025

You no longer have an excuse. After our live session yesterday and a few messages we provided on this date, you will be ready to accept the abundance promised to you.


February 13, 2008

When you place a particular or specific expectation on your desire to create, you may limit what you are trying to do. In other words, when you think that your manifestation must show up in a particular form, you, at that moment, limit the other results that could be available for you.

That is why it is important to have clarity about what you desire; however, it would be more beneficial for you to release your preconceived notions about how it will get done. That is not your part – leave it to the Universe. That process need not be difficult. Your only job is to maintain your complete knowingness and faith.


February 13, 2009

Everything is possible, and this is precisely what you desire to know.

When you chose to have a physical life experience, you knew that the road to greater awareness, expansion, and evolvement would be paved by events, situations, circumstances, and people who would appear to be limitations. Your intention then was to become willing to “see” beyond those limitations to accomplish your original expansion goal.

The greater the physical illusion of a problem or challenge that appears before you, the greater the opportunity offered to you.

It all comes down to choosing limitations or the limitless possibilities always available.

Choose in your every moment of now.


February 13, 2010

One of your goals is to become comfortable in your uncertainty. When you embrace your uncertainty, you also affirm the integrity of your physical life experience. Your uncertainty is where you find all your treasures. Your uncertainty holds the key to your expansion and evolution.

Conversely, when you become so certain about anything, you block the knowledge and wisdom readily available to you. This uncertainty is the unknown that, at times, you have feared, and your life expands when you become willing in every moment of now to embrace it.


February 13, 2011

Everything in your physical world is there because you desire the impetus to do something. This includes events that happen to you, what you observe in your world, and what you witness occurring to others. You would never witness those events unless they held a purpose for you.

It is not that you ever need to look for these things, but more that you remain open to that intuitive voice, which will always speak to you when you are willing to hear it. It would serve you well to study the meaning of the word impetus. Your decision is to use your personally inspired impetus to do something that leads you toward your expansion.


February 13, 2012

You always possess the ability to become bigger, but you often do everything you can to prevent that from occurring. That is a powerful statement for you to take to heart, and when you decide to do so, you will cause your greater expansion on this physical life journey, as you intended.

It is not so crucial for you to sit and figure out why you choose not to become bigger, but to merely acknowledge that it is your very own doing.

As it is being used here, bigger means becoming all you are capable of, and it means not settling for remaining small.


Replay: “The Best Way to Prepare for a Life of Abundance”
Watch the Replay Here

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Join Us in Wilhelm’s Work, Life Transformation for the New World | |

You are meant to experience abundance now

February 12, 2025

You are meant to experience abundance now. It is the reason for our live conversation with you today, and all the previous messages on this date.

February 12, 2008

There is always a solution. To evolve in awareness, you will purposefully (your Higher Self) create particular situations and circumstances in your life to allow you to choose.

February 12, 2009

There are no bad things; everything in your life experience has value and purpose.

February 12, 2010

Movement is always forward, and every path leads you where you desire.

February 12, 2011

Scarcity is not absolute, but it is an emotional, feeling state of being that you create so that you may come to know, experience, and receive the reality of abundance. 

February 12, 2012

Becoming more willing to make your choices indicates your continuing expansion.

February 12, 2013

You live in a world that operates on the law of giving and receiving. 

February 12, 2014

What you accomplish during periods of adversity in your physical life experience can be your most significant achievement. 

February 12, 2015

Loss and change are not the same thing; however, you have become accustomed to seeing them as one, and that belief causes you to experience certain difficulties in your physical life. 

February 12, 2016

Thinking and belief are not the same thing.

February 12, 2017

You have used the experience of lack as a motivating factor in your life so that you might get something done or accomplish your goals.

February 12, 2018

There is indeed what you might think of as a shortcut to empowerment, but most, including you, won’t take it because it requires more effort than you have been willing to invest. 

February 12, 2019

How to bake a cake.

February 12,  2020

How do you know? 

February 12, 2021

Your human drama.

February 12, 2022 

No one has ever taken your freedom.

February 12, 2023

It is your time to receive abundance.

February 12, 2024

You were born abundant

We will clarify each of the cryptic messages we’ve provided. Now you can shine.  

Our messenger did an analysis of the messages and their relation to today. Read the analysis here.


Please join us — Full Moon Wilhelm Channeling Session:
You Are Meant to Experience Abundance Now
February 12th at 9am Pacific Time
Click Here to Register

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Join Us in Wilhelm’s Work, Life Transformation for the New World | |

Your life was not accidental

February 11, 2025

Your life was not accidental. You each come to the physical plane with worth, value, and purpose that unfolds as you live your respective lives.

You each contribute to the evolution of your world and civilization based on how many of you decide to evolve. Many do not make this decision because to do so, you must release outdated thoughts and behaviors you have either accepted or not allowed yourself to accept the new version you have become.

We have provided everything to you systematically that our messenger is beginning to recognize. We would like you to embrace the new emerging parts of you at this time.

Our full moon conversation will culminate in your ability to interpret what we gave you in 2008.

February 11, 2008

You “stumbled” upon two concepts this morning that may be examined together. We used stumbled to point out that you already know there are no accidents, so the term is relative. Those concepts, “time” and “being,” will work for you in the proper context. First, accept that there is no time and all is happening in your now.

Secondly, the “being” is what you may and

do create in your imagination, thoughts, and feelings. When you put the two together, you will “see” yourself “being” that which you desire in your “now” time. There is no more powerful way to create than this, and actually, it is the only way it “works.

Spend some “time” with this one—big smile.


Please watch this video: “Your life was not accidental.”
Watch the Video Here

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Please join us — Full Moon Wilhelm Channeling Session:
You Are Meant to Experience Abundance Now
February 12th at 9am Pacific Time
Click Here to Register

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Join Us in Wilhelm’s Work, Life Transformation for the New World | |

Your pathway to success

February 10, 2025

Wilhelm’s Messages & Reflections

February 10, 2025

Maybe today, you will change your lives and world. We thought today might be a good day for more of you to do so as you examine your lives and world.

We have said we provided an ascension guide to aid you in this restructuring, but the thing most of you lack most is self-belief, as did our messenger.

He did not know what he possessed, and he could not have presented it to your world until he felt satisfied with the results. Now he is because he has healed, which is what we wanted for you all and your planet.

You will have to suspend your disbelief if you expect individuals like our messenger to bring new philosophies so you might be inspired to bring forth the masterpiece within you.

There is order in your universe, and you have a divine plan. We asked our messenger to provide all the messages from 2008 and use your Artificial Intelligence for interpretation. Some of you will be persuaded.

Reflection Questions:

  • What self-limiting beliefs have prevented you from embracing your full potential?
  • Where in your life have you doubted your purpose, even when evidence suggested otherwise?
  • How can you allow yourself to trust in divine order and your personal journey?

February 10, 2008

Your inability at times to relax and enjoy your leisure time should be an indication that somewhere along the way, you have lost your trust and connection to your Source.

In other words, there is some part of your life experience where you still believe that somehow it will not work out for you the way you desire. We can assure you that it always does; however, in the past, you may have been confused by that because your particular expectations didn’t show up. The only problem was you were not clear about your very own desires.

It would be helpful to simply (and we mean this literally) define your desires and know that in that moment they are coming to you. Use your leisure time to relax and know this. It will take practice.

Reflection Questions:

  • Where in your life do you struggle to trust the unfolding of events?
  • Are you clear about your true desires, or do you feel confused about what you truly want?
  • How can you create more moments of relaxation and faith in your journey?

February 10, 2009

Universal Law means that you always receive whatever you ask for. Your only difficulties are that, at times, you are not clear about what you are asking for in your moment of now, and your judgment of what appears before you prevents you from recognizing that you have received precisely what you asked for.

When you experience any sort of discomfort, this will indicate to you that some part of your being has not accepted this as your truth. You are always seeking your own truth, and everything that shows up provides you with the opportunity to accomplish just that.

You always intended for your physical life journey to be a joyful process. You will always find that joy in your moment of now when you accept all of it in your now.

Reflection Questions:

  • Can you identify moments in your life where you received what you asked for but did not recognize it at the time?
  • How do you judge your current experiences, and could those judgments be blocking you from seeing their true purpose?
  • What would it feel like to fully accept and embrace your present reality without resistance?

February 10, 2010

Your own truth always yields the results you desire. Your particular life experience is extraordinary and exceptional, precisely as you intended. Your contribution is unique and special, as you intended. Whenever you are not honoring that very vision, you meet with disappointment and disillusionment, simply for the purpose of guiding you back to your intended goal.

The only truth you can live is your own, as with all other souls. Each one’s contribution, therefore, is important to the whole. This all adds to the very evolvement of the whole. Your judgment about your own contribution and that of others is the only thing that prevents you from recognizing this.

Reflection Questions:

  • Do you trust that your life is unfolding in the way it was meant to?
  • How have your moments of disappointment or disillusionment guided you back to your true path?
  • In what ways can you honor your unique contribution to the world?

February 10, 2011

It is important for you to appreciate what is behind you, for it provides you with the ability to release it so that you might anticipate with joy what is in front of you.

In other words, all those situations, events, and circumstances that may have been difficult or painful for you in the past have gone, and your acknowledgment of that adds to your impetus to move forward.

Even if you are still processing through, if you will, some of them, that initial shock has indeed passed. This is precisely the cycle that occurs throughout your physical life experience, and as you acknowledge that fact, it gives you the ability to know in your moment of now, “This too shall pass.” That is refreshing.

Reflection Questions:

  • What past challenges have shaped you into the person you are today?
  • Have you fully acknowledged and released your past struggles, or do they still influence your present?
  • How can you cultivate more joy and anticipation for what lies ahead?

February 10, 2012

Many times, your thoughts about doing something can be more laborious than the actual doing of the thing itself. This is to say that you do have a very active imagination that can conjure thoughts of difficulty, dread, fear, or challenge at the prospect of creating something.

You would do far better to simply begin. This is what also fosters procrastination. You always intended to create while on your physical life journey, for you knew the actual experience of doing so would help your own expansion.

You now find yourself again with the adage, “just do it.” When you hold thoughts of joy and excitement at the onset of beginning, your journey is much easier.

Reflection Questions:

  • Where in your life do you tend to overthink instead of taking action?
  • How do your fears or imagined obstacles prevent you from starting?
  • What is one small action you can take today to move forward with something you’ve been avoiding?

February 10, 2013

When you let go of trying to be the person you desire to be, you become that person. When you have an image of who you desire to be and try to get there, you are also affirming that you are not there, and that becomes your reality.

While that may seem like a bit of a riddle to you, it should also make you aware that you could spend no greater time than in your moments of reflection in self-appreciation. Self-appreciation means taking the time to notice who you already are, what you have already accomplished, and the goals reached. This builds mental momentum, which causes expansion, and this naturally causes who you desire to be to manifest.

Reflection Questions:

  • Are you constantly chasing an idea of who you think you should be instead of embracing who you already are?
  • What accomplishments or qualities do you already possess that you may be overlooking?
  • How can you cultivate self-appreciation and allow yourself to grow naturally?

February 10, 2014

Communication is the pathway to evolution. This is not only referring to what you might experience as your own personal evolution or expansion but also to your world and humankind.

True communication is engaging in the practice of finding unity or oneness. When you are engaging in true communication, your intention is to see your sameness with others rather than your differences. This is precisely why the act of true communication has the ability to heal your personal life experience and your world.

You know when you are actually engaged in the art of true communication because you enter the process seeking to know not only your desires but that of all others involved. Wars never occur when true communication is engaged. Study the meaning of the word.

Reflection Questions:

  • Do you approach communication with the intention to understand or to be understood?
  • Where in your life could more open and honest communication bring healing?
  • How can you shift your perspective to see more commonality with others rather than differences?

February 10, 2015

Think of your physical life experience as a giant jigsaw puzzle, and as you move through your life, you are continually given clues that help you decide where to place those pieces to solve the puzzle.

You received one of those clues, and that was when you noticed that you “needed” confirmation of a belief or theory that you held before you would accept your own truth as you know it to be.

The word need was used because while all souls desire confirmation of who they are and desire to be acknowledged, when need exists in your thinking, it is a sure indication that you have yet to know, own, and acknowledge your own voice and wisdom. Because of that, you continually halt your own expansion. Contemplate this.

Reflection Questions:

  • Where in your life do you seek external validation instead of trusting your own inner wisdom?
  • How can you become more confident in your truth without needing confirmation from others?
  • In what ways has life already provided you with clues to your path, and have you been paying attention?

February 10, 2016

You are now ready to start. There are certain periods in your life where that particular sentiment feels especially true for you. It is because of all of the experiences you have had and wisdom you have gained that you decide it is much too much work to continually hold yourself back from starting.

Even the fear you maintained about doing so begins to diminish. It never matters when you make this decision or how old you are, or even the regret you may feel from not having done it before, the point is you are ready to start now.

You know there are certain goals you desire to accomplish and certain things you desire to create and manifest, so celebrate your decision now. This newly discovered initiative may overwhelm you, so decide to pace yourself and take one step at a time.

Reflection Questions:

  • What have you been holding yourself back from starting, even though you know you’re ready?
  • How has fear or regret delayed your progress, and how can you release those emotions?
  • What small step can you take today toward your goal?

February 10, 2017

Do the next thing in front of you that frightens you the most. This act could very easily lead you to your greatest reward.

You hold a great fear of judgment, and the only way to move through this is to deliberately place yourself in a situation where you know you could receive that judgment—and then decide to endure it. After you have completed this and you come out the other side, as it were, and you realize you did not die, you begin to conquer that fear.

It is stated here that you begin because you will find many more of those fears to follow. The good news, however, is that you build your immunity to all of it, and then you can finally live as your authentic self. Congratulations.

Reflection Questions:

  • What fear has been stopping you from fully embracing your authentic self?
  • How have past experiences of facing fears helped you grow?
  • What is one fear-based limitation you are willing to challenge today?

February 10, 2018

The only thing that is ever missing or lacking in anything you desire to manifest or become is your level of personal belief.

Take your life right now and examine where you are. From this place, you can quite clearly see the place that you desire to be, which is always more than your current position.

Now, as you look at that new destination you want, the first things you encounter are your doubts, fears, comparisons to others, and judgment. So now you go about creating other distractions, obsessions, addictions, and chaos so that you do not see your lack of belief.

The cure is this: Choose only to hold the thoughts of who you want to be, even if you don’t believe it yet, and you will.

Reflection Questions:

  • Where in your life have you created distractions to avoid confronting self-doubt?
  • How does comparison to others keep you from believing in your own success?
  • What would it feel like to hold onto the thoughts of who you want to be, even if you don’t fully believe it yet?

February 10, 2019

Roger is experiencing a bit of difficulty allowing this message to come through, for while he feels grateful for the information he has received, he also feels a bit of embarrassment that he didn’t know this before—or actually, that he didn’t believe himself. This is the problem you all have.

Roger also said that his life and his experiences were meant to serve a purpose for himself and all others, but at the same time, he doubted that. Recently, he allowed himself to move into frightening experiences and didn’t understand fully why, but now he does.

You all doubt that you could be the person you desire, so you fail to pursue that route. This is what Roger has done, while he also knows it is necessary for him to fulfill his life purpose.

Reflection Questions:

  • Have you ever doubted the value of your own experiences and knowledge?
  • How have fear and self-doubt prevented you from fully stepping into your purpose?
  • What would it take for you to trust in your own wisdom and the path that has been unfolding for you?

February 10, 2020

Stop being so selfish. Roger is taking some time to organize this message to come through, with the aid of his mother, we might add. It would be best just to tell the story.

Years ago, we gave Roger an idea, which he turned into a process in his training program called “How to Have a Happy Childhood.” The point was to take those things you each identify from your childhood that you believe are the reasons for your unhappiness or lack of success, and then attempt to find the benefit those things brought—or how they enabled you to evolve in your life.

Roger does not always understand or utilize fully what we have given him, just as many of you do not pay attention to the internal guidance you are receiving.

When Roger was a child, he remembers his mother saying to him, “Don’t be so selfish.” Roger knew that meant not to hold onto possessions but to be willing to share them. Now Roger understands that he had been selfish in an entirely different way.

What Roger discovered was that he had been withholding his knowledge and wisdom, and in that way, he was selfish. Others in the training he attended were not doing that and were receiving enormous amounts of wealth by sharing what they knew.

Humankind progresses through the experiences, wisdom, and knowledge of all who came before—namely, all of you! Because most of you do not value who you are, this concept takes a while to sink in, as it has for Roger.

Reflection Questions:

  • Have you been withholding your gifts, knowledge, or wisdom from the world out of fear or doubt?
  • How has your past shaped your ability to offer value to others?
  • What would happen if you fully embraced and shared what you know with the world?

February 10, 2021

Do you remember what we told you? You will love this message, and for many, it will provide you with another piece of your own puzzle.

The title of this message is what we asked Roger this morning, and then we had him glance through our recent messages in sequence to put together the pieces of his own life.

Yesterday, Roger made discoveries that startled him, and as we have said many times before, when this occurs for him (and possibly for you), many experience physical distress.

For Roger, many times, it comes in the form of gastrointestinal discomfort that soon passes as he accepts the information we send him. The same is true for you and what you have heard from your guides, which at times you choose to believe—or write off as complete nonsense, as Roger has done many times in his life.

But during this restructuring, he and you will not be able to accomplish that feat.

We will explain more of this later, but we gave Roger an assignment that will aid more of you. We told Roger several days ago to record a video about your evolutionary journey. Roger did not know why we said that until yesterday.

You are moving through a massive restructuring, and as we said, the United States will lead the way, and more will be revealed today.

But the most surprising thing about this restructuring you will discover is your importance in the process. Now that Roger better understands his, he will aid all of you, and then you will know for sure why you will be fine.

Reflection Questions:

  • Have you experienced physical or emotional resistance when uncovering deeper truths about yourself?
  • What guidance have you received that you’ve dismissed as unimportant or untrue?
  • How might your personal transformation be connected to the larger restructuring happening in the world?

February 10, 2022

Your results will be better.

We would like you to take this message personally, for that is why you are alive now. It is no secret that your world is changing, but you might want to consider that you wanted to experience this restructuring for your own reasons.

There is something on your path to the evolution you sought before you now.

It will appear to many of you that your world is splitting apart further, but that is what you wanted to see so that you might make a choice we said you would. But it will require you to hold yourself in higher esteem so that your essence is felt more in your world.

We have said your world has done this many times, which was the only way to produce the world you experience now. When these changes occur, those who have held the belief that their existence is more important than the lives of others will relinquish that illusion of control.

Then, those who believed in the power of others over their life experiences became more willing to accept the power they previously yielded.

We will leave it to you to find yourself in this equation, which is why it seems somewhat cryptic, but you will achieve your goal soon because the coming changes in your world will require you to hold to the vision of the world you wanted firmly, and your result and that of your world will be better. You will be fine.

Reflection Questions:

  • How do you see your own life reflected in the restructuring of the world?
  • Have you ever felt powerless in shaping your reality? If so, how can you reclaim that power?
  • What vision of the world are you holding, and how are you contributing to it?

February 10, 2023

Please stop denying who you are.

We know it is you, or you would not be reading our words, for you have never been in an accidental place. You came to the world to fulfill a purpose within you, and when you own who you are, that purpose will be fulfilled, and you will aid in restructuring your world.

You each were given something to offer that is unique to you, which caused many of you to doubt who you are and what you might accomplish.

We have said this transition in your world is as energetic as it always is. Still, now it is more dynamic and purposeful, for you are here to usher in a new world, as we have often said.

Today is when we wanted more of you to recognize this fact, as there is a galactic shift today that could use the love and light you came to offer, which occurs when you own your purpose.

It is each of you, and the first person we began with was Roger. He finally admitted we had given him an ascension guide to aid you all in remembering your purpose and that we did so on specific dates to reinforce the idea that you each were given a divine plan to follow.

When you do, the life and world you want will manifest. Today is far from an exception.

Reflection Questions:

  • In what ways have you been denying or suppressing your true purpose?
  • How does recognizing your own worth and mission contribute to the collective transformation of the world?
  • If today were the day you fully stepped into your purpose, what would that look like?

February 10, 2024

You are the one you have been waiting for.

That sentence might take some time for you to accept, as it did for our messenger, but when you do, you will change your life and world.

You have always looked for someone outside of yourself to provide you with the answers, but you were given everything you needed when you were born.

You did not always understand how your life was unfolding or why you faced specific challenges, but they were all designed for your soul’s evolution.

Your world is moving through an accelerated transformation, and what will help you most during this time is to embrace your unique purpose and the path you have chosen.

You are not alone, and you were never meant to feel powerless. You have the ability to create a life that reflects your highest self, but you must choose to believe that.

We have provided messages over the years to help you remember, and today, we ask that you accept this truth: You are the one you have been waiting for.

Reflection Questions:

  • Have you spent time looking for external validation instead of trusting your own wisdom?
  • How have the challenges in your life shaped your personal evolution?
  • What would change if you fully accepted that you are the one who holds the answers and power to transform your life?
  • How can you step into your purpose with confidence today?


Please join us — Full Moon Wilhelm Channeling Session:
You Are Meant to Experience Abundance Now
February 12th at 9am Pacific Time
Click Here to Register

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The analysis
Click Here to Read the AI Analysis

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You’ve hidden long enough

February 9, 2025

You’ve hidden long enough. You each have done that in your lives due to instilled fear of examining who you are or your authentic self.

You agreed to participate in this restructuring for your evolutionary journey, so what occurs outside of you never matters. What you allow to develop within you is more vital.

We will repeat a message you will find surprising today. But you will also be grateful for it.

February 9, 2022 

You are creating your legacy now. In “Your Life Operating Instructions,” we gave you a message that would aid each of you now. You might believe that the challenges you might be experiencing are due to world conditions, but they are due to you.

You decided to be born to fulfill your purpose, which will be your legacy. We said a while ago that you would choose who you wanted to be, and this message will aid you.

“Your story is unique and valuable. It is unique because no other soul shares precisely your story. It holds the utmost value for you. Your story comprises everything your past holds, including everything that has occurred for you, happened to you, everything you have done, every person you have met, and every word you have spoken. All of it has been and always will be perfect.

Your only “job” then is to seek to know the perfection of your story. Any aspect of your particular story that you attempt to ignore, dismiss, or judge will cause you to experience some difficulty because you are refusing to receive the information and wisdom that your story holds.”


Please join us — Full Moon Wilhelm Channeling Session:
You Are Meant to Experience Abundance Now
February 12th at 9am Pacific Time
Click Here to Register

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You are closer than you think

February 8, 2025

You are closer than you think. We recognize that recent times have been stressful for many, but it is all for your highest good. You could not have a physical life experience without missteps or wrong turns.

But you are in a new place today, and no matter what you might think about where you are, we can see your progress even when you don’t. We will leave a message that will be perfect for you today.

February 8, 2012

You always reach your destination step by step. You decided to come onto the physical plane so that you might enjoy the experience of linear time. Linear time allows you to experience your very own expansion moment by moment. You never intended to have instant transformations, for you knew there was great value to be gained by your moment of now experiences.

This message aims to make you a bit more aware of certain undo pressures you may place upon yourself to have accomplished something or to have done it more quickly, and the judgment that follows when you think you have not lived up to some arbitrary timeline.


Please join us — Full Moon Wilhelm Channeling Session:
You Are Meant to Experience Abundance Now
February 12th at 9am Pacific Time
Click Here to Register

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Not everyone will evolve

February 7, 2025

Not everyone will evolve. You must decide if you will, which means taking the next step on your path, including our messenger. You each have taken on significant roles during the planetary ascension, and none of you could have realized the abilities and talents you possess, for your journey would have been pointless.

We revealed more to our messenger yesterday and will do more for all of you today. You are all one; we wanted you to figure that out so you could live your best life.

You will only require our headlines, and we will continually guide especially on your full moon.

February 7, 2008

Your priority is to take care of yourself.

February 7, 2009

You have formed and hold core beliefs about the nature of your being and who you think you are.

February 7, 2010

Whatever you resist persists is a valuable adage for you. 

February 7, 2011

Help is always available for whatever you desire to be, do, or become. 

February 7, 2012

You always set your limitations in anything you attempt to do.

February 7, 2013

Your experience of stress or any stressful situation is something you have created and allowed to show up in your life so that you might remember to take care of yourself and live in the present moment. 

February 7, 2014

Deciding to be your best you does not have to hurt another.

February 7, 2015

Your highest desires will always feel elusive, and you would do well to accept that fact and use it to your benefit.

February 7, 2016

The most critical factor in manifesting your reality or creating your physical life experience is the nature of your self-talk.

February 7, 2017

You must actively work on your level of belief.

February 7, 2018

Decide to honor your lack of caution.

February 7, 2019

Now you understand why visualization is vital to achieving your goals.

February 7,  2020

It was always you, again.

February 7, 2021

You may decide to be more successful this time.

February 7, 2022 

You have forgotten who you are. 

February 7, 2023

Love and believe in yourself more.

February 7, 2024

You can have it all. 

We have given you everything.


Please join us — Full Moon Wilhelm Channeling Session:
You Are Meant to Experience Abundance Now
February 12th at 9am Pacific Time
Click Here to Register

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Join Us in Wilhelm’s Work, Life Transformation for the New World | |

Wilhelm’s February 6 Messages: A Cosmic Guide to Your Evolution

Each year on February 6, Wilhelm has delivered messages that guide us through personal and collective transformation. These messages, spanning from 2008 to today, have been preparing us for this exact moment.

Now, in 2025, the world is shifting, and so are we. The planetary influences call on us to release past limitations, reclaim our power, and embrace our divine path. If you’ve been feeling uncertain, overwhelmed, or stuck, this is your invitation to step into the version of yourself you were always meant to be.

🌍 The Astrological Shift: Why This Matters Now

What’s Happening in the Cosmos on February 6, 2025?

Right now, the planetary alignments are mirroring Wilhelm’s messages in powerful ways:

🔹 Sun & Mercury in Aquarius – Encourages new perspectives, breaking free from the past, and stepping into personal power.
🔹 Pluto in Aquarius – Restructuring how we view power, both externally and within ourselves.
🔹 Venus & Saturn in Pisces – Bringing emotional healing and urging us to embrace self-worth and self-love.
🔹 North Node in Pisces – Calling us to trust the flow of life and release control.

These cosmic shifts are accelerating your personal growth—are you ready to step into your next chapter?

🌟 Wilhelm’s February 6 Messages & Your Reflection Questions

These messages have always arrived at the perfect time, and today, they are more relevant than ever.

1️⃣ Release Judgment of Your Past (2008, 2009, 2013)

“When you judge any of your past decisions as ‘mistakes,’ you begin to lose your way and cut yourself off from your creative power.”
Wilhelm, February 6, 2008

🔹 Astrological Connection: Pluto in Aquarius is helping us rewrite our personal and collective stories. The past does not define you—how you perceive it does.

Reflection Questions:

  • What past decision do I still judge myself for?
  • How can I shift my perspective to see the lesson rather than the mistake?

2️⃣ Trust That Everything Is Happening for a Reason (2009, 2012, 2017)

“It was always your intention to completely trust the integrity of your physical life experience.”
Wilhelm, February 6, 2009

🔹 Astrological Connection: The North Node in Pisces reminds us to trust divine timing rather than trying to control every outcome.

Reflection Questions:

  • Where am I resisting trust in my life?
  • How can I practice surrendering to the flow of my divine path?

3️⃣ Recognize Your Own Power (2011, 2013, 2021)

“Accepting responsibility for what occurs in your physical life experience allows you to regain control and power to direct your life.”
Wilhelm, February 6, 2013

🔹 Astrological Connection: Pluto in Aquarius is teaching us that power is not external—it’s within. Mars in Sagittarius urges us to take action based on wisdom rather than fear.

Reflection Questions:

  • Have I been waiting for permission to step into my power?
  • What is one way I can take responsibility for my life today?

4️⃣ Release Shame & Accept Your Worth (2019, 2022, 2024)

“The albatross you have felt around your neck has been shame.”
Wilhelm, February 6, 2019

🔹 Astrological Connection: Venus & Saturn in Pisces are bringing old wounds to the surface—but only so we can heal and release them.

Reflection Questions:

  • What limiting beliefs about myself am I ready to release?
  • How can I practice self-compassion and self-love today?

5️⃣ You Were Always Meant to Be Here (2021, 2025)

“It was never possible for you to be anyone else.”
Wilhelm, February 6, 2021

🔹 Astrological Connection: Pluto in Aquarius is asking us to step into our authenticity without fear.

Reflection Questions:

  • In what ways have I been trying to be someone I’m not?
  • How can I honor my unique gifts and purpose?

🌕 The Bigger Picture: Why This Matters Now

Wilhelm has been preparing us for this moment in time.

✔️ The world is restructuring, and so are you.
✔️ Your past was not a mistake—it was training for what’s coming next.
✔️ Self-love is the key to personal and collective transformation.
✔️ Your success is inevitable—but it begins with your willingness to believe it.

🚀 Now is the time to embrace who you truly are and step fully into your purpose.

🌟 Your Next Step: Join Us for the Full Moon Channeling Session

Wilhelm’s guidance is an invitation to evolve. The planetary alignments are supporting personal breakthroughs—but you must choose to step into them.

💡 Take a moment to journal about the reflection questions above.

🌕 Join our upcoming Full Moon Channeling Session on February 12, 2025, titled:
“You Are Meant to Experience Abundance Now.”

🔥 This session will help you:
✔️ Clear limiting beliefs around abundance and success.
✔️ Align with the energy of receiving and trust the divine flow.
✔️ Integrate Wilhelm’s wisdom to manifest abundance in every area of your life.

Register Here

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Now you have a choice

February 5, 2025

Now you have a choice. You always do as you always possess free will, but during this restructuring, many of you have lost your way.

We provided a message many years ago on this date that you will understand today and know why we advised you then. You can create the life and world you desire, nothing less.

Our messenger held a presentation as he, too, was surprised by what he discovered within himself. We wanted that for you all.

February 5, 2010

It is your belief about anything at all that causes creation. As you examine your physical world now you will be given clues, so to speak, about what particular beliefs you have held. This is used in the past tense simply because what you observe now is a result of your previous beliefs.

As you assess your particular now life experience and situations, you also can choose which beliefs you desire to hold now, knowing they will create particular manifestations. This process allows you to continually uncover your inherent powers and abilities, which is indeed expansion.


The presentation: “Discover the secrets to Happiness and Success”
Watch the Presentation Here

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