September 12, 2024
You might hear us today. We are referring to all the information we have provided you through our messenger as you move through this transition on your evolutionary journey and planetary ascension.
You each come to the physical plane with a role you want to fulfill, and as you do, you live the life you desire, amass your wealth, and contribute to the evolution of your planet.
Self-belief is all anyone lacks, including our messenger, so we decided to move to a higher notch today as many of you have not taken the steps you have heard from your internal guidance and us. Still, all of you, including Roger, will hear us today as we want you to hear yourself and own your essence. The energy of the love you could have for yourself will change your life and world, which was our only intent.
It only works if you do, and that is all of you.
September 12, 2008
You ordain everything that comes into your life experience so that you might have the full and rich life experience you desire.
When you fully understand this more profound, you will eliminate the fear surrounding any of those events. You then know that they all serve your purpose of “being,” the actualized being living a physical life.
With this, you more fully accept the common adage, “Go with the flow.”
You are always on your way to fulfilling your very own desires and that which you intended to create.
Your resistance to any of it will surely stop that natural flow, and you will be made aware of it through your uncomfortableness. Now you’ll more easily relax and let go.
Enjoy your day.
September 12, 2009
The only voice you ever desire to hear is the one voice that only speaks of limitless possibilities and potential. Any other voice that you hear can only be based on fear.
It was your intention in this lifetime to only progress, evolve and expand and this is not possible when you listen to anything other than the one voice.
The other voices continually cloud your perception and take many different forms. They sound like caution, being careful, thoughts of others’ opinions, and possible failure or loss. All are simply based on the past and, therefore, have their origin in fear.
You may only hear the one voice when you deliberately take the time to listen to it, for it always exists. Now you also understand more deeply the benefits of meditation for then you allow yourself to listen.
September 12, 2010
There is nothing broken and, therefore, nothing that ever needs to be fixed. This message contains many subjective terms in reference to your physical life experience so that you might gain a better understanding of its meaning.
When you take the approach that any aspect of you is broken and needs to be repaired in some manner, you miss the gift that particular aspect of your being is offering.
There are no meaningless aspects of you. Everything that you observe and experience about the nature of your being is there for a purpose, and that is always for you to use for your expansion and greater awareness. The only difficulty you ever have with this concept is your own judgment of yourself. This is the perfection of you.
September 12, 2011
You always receive the right outcome. Again, many subjective words are being used here to help you understand the concept.
You have recently thought of the idea of power versus force, which is a good one to consider here. When you are using power, you are allowing the Universe, if you will, to unfold in a way that all the right conditions and situations lead you to your goal of expansion. When you are using force, you are attempting to make things happen or occur in a way that can only be assumed from your current level of limited awareness.
The good news is that both ways provide you with the right outcome, for you do expand. One way however, will be more comfortable than the other.
September 12, 2012
A crisis is an event or situation that you allow to show up in your physical life experience in order that you might be motivated to become more. This is a very different way of looking at anything that you might consider to be a crisis for you, and it is also empowering, rather than leaving you feeling victimized by something outside of your control.
When you change your mindset and understand that you do indeed allow these events to occur, you will embrace them and approach them differently. When you seek to gain understanding as to why you would have them show up, those answers will become readily available.
September 12, 2013
There is always mutual benefit to be found in anything you attempt to do, and you will find yourself much happier and fulfilled, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually when you seek to find it.
Mutual benefit means that you know whatever it is that you desire to do; it will be of benefit to all who come in contact with it or observe it, as well as benefit you. It must benefit you because the process of beginning what you set out to do must cause you to expand in some way. It requires you to seek new information and wisdom and to utilize your already gained knowledge.
One of the difficulties that you have had in the past with this is not including yourself in that benefit part. When you think about it, you will gain clarity.
September 12, 2014
All the events, circumstances, and situations of your physical life experience all occurred at the right time with the intention and purpose of providing you with fertile ground for your expansion.
That statement is meant to point out to you your incessant habit of wallowing in regret. It is indeed a habit, and you can only have the experience of regret because of the way you choose to think, so it would be beneficial for you to become aware of your thinking, and make any changes necessary.
Your life experience was designed uniquely for you, and your mission is to put together all the sequences of the events and find the meaning and purpose for their occurrence and that leads you further into your expansion.
It is not possible for you to compare yourself to the journey of another because the only comparison that is meaningful to you is how much have have expanded.
September 12, 2015
You will begin to experience what it truly means to live a successful life when you are able to fully embody the following sentence. No matter where you stand now in your physical life experience, you always hold the ability to become more, and in each and every moment of now, you are choosing whether or not you will do that.
The more you study that sentence, the more it will remain in your awakened consciousness, so to speak, and you will become much more deliberate about the choices you make.
It is important to remember that whatever has gone before in your life does not alter your ability to choose in the here and now. The only measure that will matter to you about your successful life will be the wisdom you gained and if you decided to use it.
September 12, 2016
There is nothing more important or a more powerful determinate factor in your life than your self-image. Your self-image is the image or thoughts that you hold about who you think you are now. This is not referring to who you desire to be because you will also discover that it is difficult to manifest who you desire to be if your self-image now does not match the one to which you aspire.
You could do nothing better than to seek to know the self-image you hold. This may sound strange that you do not fully know the self-image you currently hold, but that is because you have merely attempted to project an image to others and not the one you actually hold.
Now, as you study this more, it will become clear what you can do next.
September 12, 2017
There is a natural process of progression, and you have difficulty with it at times because you don’t fully understand it, and without that understanding, you don’t find acceptance.
You have an idea or vision of who you desire to be in this life. You will then begin to do the things that you know are leading you in that direction, but then you experience what almost feels like an inexplicable doubt.
Now, the doubt is productive if you decide to embrace it because then you know you are about to do something that will cause you to begin to embody that original idea or vision of who you desire to be. The only problem you or any other person has is deciding to move through that doubt.
September 12, 2018
Every person is born with what you think of as individual personality traits. Now, some of them you may judge as being good or bad, or positive and negative, in your terms. But understand those are all your assessments and have nothing to do with reality, as you may think of it.
What is essential for you to understand is that every trait exists within you to aid you in your expansion when you know why and how. You have held a belief in the feeling of insecurity. That belief then causes you to seek security. The manner you chose to have the experience of security was by doing things that provided you with physical proof that what you had done provided you with the results you wanted, then you would feel secure. So that trait you judged has actually been a benefit for you.
September 12, 2019
Release your money shame. Roger has agreed to receive this message if we make it fun because it is uncomfortable for him, as it is for you all.
You each have a form of shame attached to money, even though you may not recognize it as such. It is not possible for you to live in the physical world without forming your individual attachments and usage of money. Some of you use it to cause yourself to feel more powerful than others, hoping it might boost your self-esteem. There is shame involved there.
Others will use it as a form of guidance, and that is what Roger has done. And he knows this, but the arrival of shame blocks him from knowing this or even hoping to believe this.
We will now make this fun for him. Yesterday he had to review his money usage over the last few years, and the greatest source of his shame was he knew we had given him the information be he didn’t believe it. Sound familiar?
Read the message, “The Energy of Money.” He has now found him, and being transparent and honest about his process releases the shame. Now, laugh at yourself because anything less is not helpful.
September 8, 2015
Money in and of itself holds no intrinsic value. It is merely a form of energy exchange and every soul will use it in a particular manner that serves them.
You have been unconsciously using it as a motivating factor. In other words, when your deepest desire is to expand and become more, you will restrict that money or energy flow from coming to you so that you might do something to expand.
It has nothing to do with the money itself but how you have chosen to use it. When you are willing to do the things that you innately know will cause you to expand, you will no longer cause a lack or restriction on that energy flow from coming to you. This is never good or bad; it is merely what you have done, and you can adjust or change it at any time.
September 12, 2020
Your job just became more important. Yes, we are speaking to you, and you were meant to hear it at this time in your life. First of all, we must commend Roger, for he willingly decided to take on interpreting the information we are giving him that is somewhat complicated. Still, he prides himself on making things simple, which is his life purpose. Roger uncovers slowly, just as you do.
Last night, Roger found himself watching a movie filmed a few years ago about the African American experience in the United States. As we have said, your world is moving through a major restructuring, and the United States would lead the way. As Roger watched the film, he was shocked at what he had not known, and Roger questioned why he had not seen the movie earlier. We told him that it was not the time in his life to have come to this awareness.
Here is the point of the story. You each are born with specific goals you desire to achieve in your life, and those goals are intricately intertwined with those of your world. In cake baking, every ingredient, meaning you, which we referred to years ago as you think of your world, is essential and necessary. The challenge you all have naturally is not accepting your significance because you have yet to experience it. When you earnestly contemplate that sentence, it will make sense as it relates to your life.
Beyond all this, you decided to be born at a particular time so you could be alive now to aid your world in its restructuring. This time in your world is helping you restructure your previous lifetimes now. That is why none of you have the same “issues” as others. We love using the word issues because none of you have them in truth, but that word allows you to recognize your resistance to change and evolution in your life and that of your world.
Each of you was not meant to know your importance in this world until now, but when you begin to accept the words we have provided in this message, you will utilize this message and time in your life wisely.
Oh, and by the way, the reason Roger hadn’t seen the film earlier is that it would have taken him off his path, and we wanted to point out to each of you no matter what you believe, you have not failed at anything in your life, you are on your path, and as we said, your time is now.
September 12, 2021
Another crossroad is before you. You were born to evolve, and for that to occur, you have to make choices in your life. The only choices that you have are between love and fear. You are making that choice based on your evolutionary journey this time and what you desired to achieve, which has always felt unfilled by you somehow.
You decided that living through a restructuring of your world would aid you, for you are the same. We would like you to remember that theme, for it is the collective aim you all sought.
We will share a message now we gave you years ago that each of you is reconciling in your life, and as you do, your restructuring will be complete, and you will witness the same in your world.
July 20, 2009
Everything that shows up in your life experience offers you the opportunity to make a choice, and the only two choices you possess are love and fear. Love is always expansive and limitless, while fear is restrictive and limited. It matters not what is in front of you but, more importantly, what you decide to do with it.
If your intention on this life journey is always about expansion, then it would behoove you always to seek to choose love. You always know which you are indeed choosing by the “feeling” in your emotional body when you allow your present moment awareness to remain conscious.
While you may argue that there are certain situations, circumstances, and events that “should” cause you to be fearful, in the end, you always see the error of your thinking. Even your own death never happens.
September 12, 2022
It will help if you become yourself. That is the goal you held for your life and the reason you are moving through a restructuring. You wanted to evolve, and the uncomfortable events you might experience will become helpful in your process. We mean you and your world.
You come into the world with a mission about much more than you. It is also about the future of your world. You are creating that now through your willingness to complete your assignment. It is uniquely yours.
We know it is challenging for many of you, and it is not because of difficulties in your world that you observe as being division and conflict; those are your qualities. Once you accept yourself, you will contribute to your evolution and your world.
We struggled with Roger this morning. For he, like you, has inched toward his goal and what he knew he was meant to do, but that doubt remained. We sent him information that explained his connection to his understanding of world events. We provided a road map in 2012 but believing in himself and that he was one to receive this guidance is the same fear within you. Moving through it will be what you desire.
We will leave a message we gave you on this day, and many of you will find it helpful now, especially Roger. You are typically the last to recognize your value and worth, but we will continue to help.
September 12, 2012
A crisis is an event or situation that you allow to show up in your physical life experience so that you might be motivated to become more. This is a very different way of looking at anything that you might consider to be a crisis for you, and it is also empowering, rather than leaving you feeling victimized by something outside of your control.
When you change your mindset and understand that you do indeed allow these events to occur, you will embrace them and approach them differently. Those answers will become readily available when you seek to understand why you would have them show up.
September 12, 2023
You can hear yourself now. What you hear over time is the guidance and awareness that always exists, but you access it when it is right for your evolutionary path.
We know it is that time for you, and now you are better equipped to accept and understand what we provided many years ago.
There is never a time when judging yourself is helpful, but it is especially so now. The planet is awaiting your light.
September 12, 2009
The only voice you ever desire to hear is the one voice that only speaks of limitless possibilities and potential. Any other voice that you hear can only be based on fear.
It was your intention in this lifetime to only progress, evolve, and expand, and this is not possible when you listen to anything other than the one voice.
The other voices continually cloud your perception and take many different forms. They sound like caution, being careful, thoughts of others’ opinions, possible failure or loss. All are based on the past and, therefore, have their origin in fear.
You may only hear the one voice when you deliberately take the time to listen to it, for it always exists. Now, you also understand more deeply the benefits of meditation, for then, you allow yourself to listen.
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Tuesday, September 17 at 12pm Pacific Time
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