Forgive yourself and them

October 31, 2023

Forgive yourself and them. As we have said, you are moving through a massive restructuring of yourself and your world. Through your evolution, you will encounter all manner of things you thought you did wrong, and you will witness the same in others.

We gave you a message three years ago on this date that will make sense today. The most powerful thing you can do now is forgive and love yourself, and you will grant the same to others. 

October 31, 2020

It was never their fault or yours. We are giving you and Roger a message that will help you move through this current restructuring of your world if you choose to understand the meaning intended. We threw in that sentence because it is an individual choice you each make about what you choose to believe.

It took quite a while for this message to come through for two main reasons. The first is Roger is a bit embarrassed to write what he discovered, and he struggles with his need to have others believe him or us, which has been a long-standing challenge for him and you. 

You each discover where you have placed yourselves in limitations of your own making, and when you find that, you will blame someone. You first will attempt to blame another, but ultimately, you will blame yourself. None of those actions are helpful and indicate you have yet to understand the evolution process fully. 

You each are connected generationally to all that came before you. And all of that was limited, and you were born to move through that limitation individually and collectively. Roger’s life path is to be a beacon of truth as he finds it but simultaneously judges himself, so he thinks if he could blame another for his challenges, Roger could skip them, and he can’t, and neither will you. 

Over the next few weeks, as you examine the events of your world, attempt to remember that you are witnessing them so you might choose who you want to be and stop blaming others for your lack of progress. Blame and empowerment do not coexist. You will be fine. 


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You are much more valuable today

October 30, 2023

You are much more valuable today. Every soul is born with inherent worth and value, but you use your physical life experience continually to come to that realization. That was your life purpose.

We provided a message on this date ten years ago as we have been guiding you through the restructuring of your life and world. As you view your life and world today, you will be more inclined to embody the information we gave you then.

October 30, 2013

The value of anything in the physical world is only an illusion made up by the one who perceives that value. This means that you are constantly placing value on certain things, including yourself as well as other people. You do this, and every soul does this. There is no right or wrong in placing a value, for it only matters to you in how you place value on anything that affects your personal life experience.

All of this is meant to alert you that the value you experience about who you are has been made up and placed there by you. Now, with this idea in mind, it would behoove you to decide to put the highest value on who you are right now.


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The experience of joy will help you

October 29, 2023

The experience of joy will help you. We have said you are moving through a massive restructuring in your life and world. To live the life you intended and evolve individually and collectively, you will have all manner of experiences in your life and the world you are experiencing now.

We held a live conversation yesterday for your full moon.

When our messenger listened to the recording, which you all will hear later, he began to judge himself because he was too happy and thought many of you would not understand how he could feel that way as you are viewing your lives and world. 

We provided a message three years ago that will make sense today.

October 29, 2020

You will become more selfless. When Roger awakened this morning, we had him search for the definition of selfless, and when this occurs, Roger knows it is because he is ignoring something right before him, as most of you do. We will indeed explain.

Yesterday, Roger held the final meeting of the four-week series on empowerment. During that session, he continually pointed out to his clients their reluctance to acknowledge their accomplishments, and he was doing the same thing. 

The webinar went wonderfully, and Roger knew he was doing the work he was meant to do, and it was a feeling of complete fulfillment. He was so fulfilled within himself that the idea that he had to get anything from others was non-existent, which was a new space for him. 

You each were born to accomplish your goal of evolvement that would naturally cause the evolvement of all, for you are one. The challenge you have is accepting all of you. When you do, you become more selfless, a natural result of evolution. 

Please study this message, for it will aid you over the next several months of your continual individual and collective resistance to change. But again, that is also a part of evolution. Remember, you will be fine. 


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Today, you will recognize your magnificence

October 28, 2023

Today, you will recognize your magnificence. While you may have thought the past several years or decades of your life didn’t hold significance, you will discover your error.

You decide to be alive now during the restructuring of your world because you were needed. When you read the message we provided on this date in 2012, you will understand how we have guided you to this moment. We wanted you to love yourself, for that is when you make your greatest contribution.

October 28, 2012

You have every right to be magnificent. In actuality, you were born magnificent, and you spend your entire physical life experience coming to know this fact, for that is indeed the process of expansion you desired.

You knew that having a physical life experience would provide you with the opportunity to evolve. You have done this many times and, if you desire, will do it as much as you desire.

This is not only your personal path but that of all mass consciousness or humankind. Your world is in a constant state of evolution, and your personal evolution adds to and propels that forth.

This is all meant to make you aware of when you think it might be boastful or arrogant, if you will, to seek your magnificence.


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You can choose love now

October 27, 2023

You can choose love now. When you do, you are choosing yourself. When you come to the physical plane, you have choices of how you might spend your life, and many times, you make choices based on what has previously existed in your society or how all those around you influenced you. 

When you operate in this manner, you deprive yourself of your inherent gifts, and you do not make the energetic contribution to your world that you intended.

When you review what we provided three years ago, you will be more motivated to choose love, which means yourself and you and your world evolve.

October 27, 2020

You thought you had to choose between money and love. That sentence reveals the source of the current difficulties in your world and most of the challenges you have experienced in your life. We have been sending Roger this information for some time, but it is only beginning to make sense to him, so he might offer it to you.

Roger began “mysteriously” studying the pandemics and natural disasters throughout civilization, the corresponding results of those events, and how they shaped the world you now know. Upon careful examination, Roger noted that humanity became more humane each time. Every instance required accepting some part of the existing society previously denigrated due to the belief that only so much power goes around. 

While you ponder that a bit regarding your world, we will apply it to you because you decided to be here now to reach the next level of your evolution. That is different for each person, but it does exist for everyone, and when everyone allows themselves to move to that next level in their lives, the world evolves, for you are an integral part. The part you did not accept is your importance in accomplishing this grand feat. 

We threw that sentence in, and it gave Roger pause because he knew the part we wanted him to include is that he and you have falsely believed you had to make that choice. When you discover no choice, you evolve, as does the world. You might also understand why we keep saying, “You will be fine.” 


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You can love yourself more

October 26, 2023

You can love yourself more. We are answering the question many of you have today, but we also gave you the solution three years ago. We love using your linear time to enable you to break your limited awareness of what you might accomplish in your life and world.

October 26, 2020

You have already won. We know those words may sound a bit crazy as you examine your world, but that belief is the one that has held you back in your life as it has Roger. Yes, we will explain.

We have continually spoken of your global and individual restructuring. Every time we do, Roger hesitates to receive and deliver the information, for he doesn’t believe us until he sees physical proof, as is typically required by most humans. It would be best to never judge yourself for operating in this manner, for it is the only way evolution occurs.

Yesterday, Roger saw more evidence of this when he observed a report on the election in the United States of 1876. While the political parties and positions were reversed, the issues you all struggled with were the same, and we also told you the result some time ago. 

You were born with pieces of yourself broken apart, and you spend your lifetime attempting to put them back together, and you do this by embracing all of them, meaning all of you. The result is you become more powerful, and each time you do this, you get better at it, and the effect of that is the world you see today. 

However, the world you want is what you have already created, and now it will take time to manifest as you operate in linear time. We do not. We can see the result of your work, but it only takes time for you to acknowledge and accept this individually. Each one of you is doing this now. 

You will finally come to understand what was meant by the meek shall inherit the earth. You will be fine. 


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You create your world

October 25, 2023

You create your world. We mean the world you experience personally and the world you witness externally. We gave you a message three years ago on this date, and if more of you embody it, you will achieve your goal of self-love, your planet will benefit, and your life mission will be fulfilled. 

October 25, 2020

You can’t stay where you were. Yes, we are still speaking of your restructuring, and you will succeed in your process of evolvement. That is if you don’t resist what is being placed before you. Of course, we have a story, and those who choose to accept and understand it will ease your journey over the next several months.

Yesterday, Roger held a webinar for his singing program. While it felt great for Roger to offer it, it wasn’t as fulfilling as the webinar he had for his empowerment group. The reason that occurred, which Roger was unwilling to acknowledge, is Roger was attempting to keep himself where he was. Now, the title of the message will make sense to you all. You try to stay where you are, for it feels safe, but is it also not what you want.

Roger knows this is not new for him, and we have been screaming it to him for decades, but now, for him and you, the transition will be easier. Acknowledge you are allowing your fear of your future to prevent you from manifesting that future, but you will, as will your world.

We will leave you and Roger with a message, and the study of it will provide comfort for each of you, but please be patient with yourself and the world; look at how long we have tried to get Roger to pay attention. You will be fine.

January 22, 2015

Be prepared. Those two words comprise a slogan that resonates with you and many others, and this is because of the intrinsic truth it holds. When you are in the process of becoming prepared, it also means that you are vibrating on an energy wavelength that is in alignment with who you desire to be, what you choose to create, and what you want to accomplish. It also means you believe you will receive whatever that is.

The process of becoming prepared is also something that can only be accomplished in your moment of now, which also means that you are not sabotaging your journey by projecting your limiting beliefs into some imagined future. How it all gets done is none of your concern.

The more you study this, the more the pure logic within the concept will be revealed. The slogan, be prepared, easily leads you to the next one, which is “be all that you can be.”


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You were right

October 24, 2023

You were right. We are answering a question we posed to you three years ago, but you might be more willing to answer it for yourself now. 

You came to the physical plane to evolve and offer your essence to your world during this time of restructuring, and when you believe you are right, you will accomplish your goal, and your planet will benefit.

This message is not meant to be an admonishment but an encouragement. 

October 24, 2020

You were not wrong. First, we must acknowledge our struggle with Roger because all our recent messages begin with the pronoun you and Roger thought it was redundant. We said no, we will continue to use it as none of you are through or fully accepting of the restructuring of your world and of you occurring now. 

We began this message with Roger last night, for he was consumed with self-judgment as he examined his life and found all the things he might have done wrong and numerous instances where we felt he had been taken advantage of or tarnished in some way. We said that is impossible, which is what we are saying to each of you. 

You are examining and questioning your lives due to the various conditions apparent now as your pandemic and the election in the prominent United States. 

It is challenging for you to recognize your importance in the world or the timing of when that importance might come through. But we will tell each of you and Roger that the timing is now. Last night, we kept telling Roger he had not done anything wrong, and he knew we have said that for decades, and we do so because he, like you, doesn’t believe us. 

Yesterday, Roger attended a meeting where he witnessed another thing we have said he did not believe fully. Women will be the most significant influence in your restructuring, for the balance needed to shift for evolution to continue is the embodiment and inclusion of the feminine energies within each of you. Roger saw those women at the meeting yesterday, so his trust in our words was strengthened.


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Awakening is progressive

October 23, 2023

Awakening is progressive. You do it as you live your physical life experience, but for it to be effective in your life and world, you must also take action.

You will be far more inspired by the message we provided three years ago on this date. We love having you recognize your divine plan is always in motion. 

October 23, 2020

You have changed. We gave Roger an incredibly long title for this message, but we think those simple words will capture the attention of many, for it has occurred for all. 

We are speaking of the restructuring of your world being led by the United States and manifesting and being felt internally by you at this time. You each have been lying to yourselves to stay where you were and not evolve, which you cannot accomplish. But what you have done is resisted your restructuring.

There was a political debate in the United States last night, and the stark contrast has been embodied within you. The restructuring is causing each of you to own every aspect of you, individually and collectively, which cannot be accomplished through judgment. That is the definition of inclusion. When you notice how you have allowed yourself to believe lies you have told yourself, you may blame others when you were the one who withheld who you were and the power you hold.

We will not explain more of that at this time, but your feminine nature will shift the world’s balance, as we have said. You will nurture yourself more, which includes forgiving others who allowed you to see your truth. You will be fine. 


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You might still fear success

October 22, 2023

Today, as you will understand, we decided to repeat one from three years ago. 

October 22, 2020

You fear success. Yes, we mean you, for you have cultivated a fear of the unknown, so you don’t want to change as that would leave you vulnerable to that unknown you have feared. Success is a subjective word, but you know what it means for you, and what it means for each soul is the experience of complete empowerment. You will not have that in this lifetime or any other, for you exist in a continual state of evolvement, as does your world. 

We are also still referring to the current restructuring of you, your world, and the United States. Please do not judge yourself when you discover the manner in which you have conducted your life, for it is a natural progression of evolution. Over the decades, we have given Roger many messages on success, and each one of them has led to this moment in time.

Yesterday, Roger had his brilliant webinar, as we predicted, because he was in his element and owned every moment of it. Roger then had a call with his family later, which went really well despite previous conflict fears. Still, Roger trusted his intuition and injected his natural benevolent self into the mix. 

However, during the call, Roger attempted to explain his new awareness and found it challenging at best because others don’t need to understand your journey for you to do so. And one of the ways Roger, and probably you, have held yourself back is by needing others to understand you.

Then Roger noticed another situation that he knew he had created by being overly generous in an attempt to cause himself to feel worthy. Many of you do that one until you decide enough is enough. You are collectively deciding you no longer want to devalue yourself, and you will succeed. We have spoken of this before, but it will make more sense now. 

Roger has held an “emotional memory” of a comment from his mother, which he turned into a way of avoiding success. The phrase he hears is, “Don’t be so selfish.” Roger later interpreted that to mean give everything away. He created an imbalance within himself that manifested in various forms yesterday.

The solution to this, to the healing of your world’s current conditions, is not to judge another but to decide to regain your power. The United States will lead this restructuring, but it will take time, as it will within you. But the good news now is you want to do so despite your fear of change. As you study this message over the next few days, more illumination will emerge. 


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