You must accept your worth

March 31, 2023

You must accept your worth. Every soul is born with worth and inherent value, but it also must be discovered, accepted, and owned by you. We wanted you to recognize your authentic self, for all abundance is there. 

We also said you exist in your world at this time to experience a restructuring so your evolution continues and you aid your planet’s ascension. That can only occur when you offer your essence to yourself and the world. 

Your world took another step in the direction of expansion yesterday. We said the United States would lead the way in this transition, which is also why we planned our Sunday chat. We want more of you empowered and abundant, and we gave you advice ten years ago. Please heed it today. 

March 31, 2013

Your first responsibility is always to yourself. You have struggled with this concept throughout your physical life experience because you have attempted to gain value and worth by believing that your first responsibility was to others. You thought if you made a different choice, you would somehow be perceived as selfish or egotistical. That approach is quite arrogant, for you are attempting to take away the responsibility and free will of choice that others have for their own lives and experiences. 

When you make choices and decisions based on what is best for you and become willing to take responsibility for your expansion, all others benefit as well, for you are all one. 

This principle is also why everyone expands when you seek to find win-win solutions in any situation. 


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Love yourself more now

March 30, 2023

Love yourself more now. We say now because you typically only do that in increments because the other times, you are judging yourself for what you have done or not done previously. You exist at a time in your evolution and that of your world where the power of love to transform your life and the world is needed now.

It is why we have provided all our work and Sunday chats. We want more of you to accept your importance and let go of your self-judgment. Many of you were ready to give up before you reached the epiphany. Others have been too fearful, and loving your authentic self will alleviate that emotional pain. We gave you something ten years ago that you will understand and utilize today. 

We are pointing this out because each of you has a divine plan that is unfolding now, and your belief in your worthiness is needed, and we want you to stop hiding who you are.

March 30, 2013

Choosing to live inside your comfort zone will also curtail your expansion. You can think of your comfort zone as everything you have experienced, felt, attempted, thought, and created until this moment. 

Those are all the things known to you. If you desire to expand and evolve continually, you must become willing to step outside of your erected comfort zone. The only thing that prevents you from doing so is fear or your built-in need to comply or conform with what is already established and known by you and your world. 

This process requires you to become willing to trust in the integrity of your physical life experience and let go of your attachment to anything physical. One of your biggest obstacles is the fear of judgment, and judgment of any nature has nothing to do with the real you. 


Please join us! Sunday, April 2, 2023
Ask Wilhelm – What’s happening in your life and the world?

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Self-acceptance and ascension are the same goals

March 29, 2023 

Self-acceptance and ascension are the same goals. You each come into the physical world with gifts and talents to be developed to cause your life to become more so that you thrive, but it is up to you to accept your importance and your life journey.

You must begin to use the power of your consciousness, which you know as mindset, to elevate to the next level of your potential so you add your essence to your world. That is why you are alive now, and everything we have given you is to aid you in knowing your significance, but it is also a step-by-step process.

The message we provided on this date ten years ago is the one we most want you to accept and implement, which is also why we are holding our Sunday chats. You will create a different life and world when you embrace who you have become. Please contemplate the following message for complete absorption. 

March 29, 2013

You have often thought of the idea of your ego but have yet to give it a deeper examination and gain a new understanding. When you enter the physical world, you begin to form what can be considered your ego. This formulation is already started with or through your caregivers. Their purpose is to attempt to protect you or help you learn your way around the physical world. As you mature, you begin taking on that task by allowing an ego created by you to develop and serve as that protection. 

The ego then serves to protect you from everything previously unknown to you. This process begins to foster fear of things unknown. Now you know that everything you desire, who you want to become, and your innate gifts are all held in the unknown. Now you can figure out the rest. 


Please join us! Sunday, April 2, 2023
Ask Wilhelm – What’s happening in your life and the world?

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Please do your part

March 28, 2023

Please do your part. That part you are meant to offer to yourself and your world is your authentic self. Everything we have given you has been to have you embody who you are meant to become, especially at this time of transition in your world. Your creation and the essence of who you are is needed now. 

You have held doubt about your importance and judgment about your past; both instances have prevented you from fully actualizing who you could become.

Everything is held in consciousness, and we have provided our guide to aid you, and we did so on this date ten years ago but you will be able to hear us today. You are meant to accept yourself fully, thrive and prosper. 

March 28, 2013

You would do well to seek to begin to notice and release all the contradictions that you hold in your physical life experience. A contradiction would be having an idea or image of who you desire to become, what you want to accomplish and manifest, and then taking contrary actions or speaking contrary words, as well as becoming unwilling to do what is presented to you to do that you know will cause those desires to become your reality. 

You may attempt to pretend that you do not notice the contradictions, but they appear to you in your moments of pure honesty. As you are engaged in this process, there will also be times when you begin to notice that some of your goals and desires have changed, which also causes those contradictions. Those changes are part of your expansion. 


Please join us! Sunday, April 2, 2023
Ask Wilhelm – What’s happening in your life and the world?

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This talk could change your life

March 27, 2023

This talk could change your life. That is the title we asked Roger to use for the question and answer session we held yesterday, which we would like more of you to hear.

Our intention has always been to provide guidance so each of you actualizes your full potential and lives an extraordinary life, but you might not have known how vital it would be for you to become the person you are meant to be would be to your world. 

We also gave you a message on this date in 2012 that would be best for all of you to utilize this week in your world. You are creating the one you want to have. 

March 27, 2012

Picture it as all going well. This mindset is merely another way of thinking about how you use your power of visualization, imagination, and projection. You are always projecting particular thoughts or feelings about upcoming events, circumstances, or situations in your physical life experience. You would do well then to picture the ways that are pleasurable for you and make you feel good.

You always receive what you ask for, but you may need to recognize that is what is occurring. Everything that shows up is for your highest good, and you always come to know this eventually. Picture it that way now.


Watch Yesterday’s Session Here

Please join us! Sunday, April 2, 2023
Ask Wilhelm – What’s happening in your life and the world?

Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
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We gave you the key to mindfulness

March 26, 2023

We gave you the key to mindfulness. We are stating it this way because our messenger decided to jump ahead and use a different message for our live talk with you today, which will be appropriate. Still, you all must master the message we gave you in 2012 first if you hope to achieve any goal you set for yourself, especially during the restructuring of your life and world. 

You will need to give yourself enough time to understand the message we gave you then, which is how we always stimulate your thinking which is the increase in consciousness you all seek now. 

When we speak with you later, it will be about using the message we gave you in our ascension guide to cause the expansion you want now and what your world needs.

March 26, 2012

Nothing surpasses the power of choice in your physical life experience. You may think other causes or reasons may cause you to experience your life in a particular way. However, you always choose how to experience your life. It matters not what occurs or happens to you; the choice of how you experience or think about it is still up to you.

When you decide to remember this fact, you regain the autonomy to direct your life, which is always there but sometimes obscured by you through your choice. Choice is what also allows you to choose to live in your moment of now. You can always maintain control of your thoughts there. You merely need to practice.


Please join us! Sunday, March 26, 2023
Ask Wilhelm – What’s happening in your life and the world?

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You are still the solution

March 26, 2023

You are still the solution. As you examine your life and world, the message we provided ten years ago will make sense, and you will also understand the timing of all we have provided.

You have more ability than you ever knew, and now is the time you want to actualize more of it to improve and expand your life and aid in your planet’s ascension. 

March 26, 2013

You are the solution to anything that presents itself as a problem, difficulty, or challenge that shows up in your life, or it would not be there. It might help you to think of all those problems, challenges, or difficulties as puzzles. You then go about putting those pieces together to solve the puzzle. 

The process of solving those things is your expansion. Your expansion will occur when you change your mind or how you perceive what is happening; you become willing to do whatever is required to find a resolution, or you let go of your fear that initially caused you to see any of it as a problem. 

The point is to not defeat yourself by thinking the solution does not exist but instead decide to allow it to be revealed to you, for it is always inherent within any situation. 


Please join us! Sunday, March 26, 2023
Ask Wilhelm – What’s happening in your life and the world?

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You were always enough

March 25, 2023

You were always enough. If there were one statement we wanted more of you to understand and accept the most, it would be that one. 

You were born into the world at the perfect time to evolve, expand, and offer your essence to your world so you would live an extraordinary life and thrive, but that will only occur when you accept that statement. 

It is only your lack of belief, but this is also purposeful, for if you did not hold that doubt, you would not be motivated now to become all you are meant to be. While we know the past years have been challenging for you and your world, we will continue to guide as we did in 2012 and will continue to do so in our live conversation tomorrow. Please do your best now to absorb the following message, as we always provide something to stimulate your consciousness, for that is all that needs to expand. 

March 25, 2012

You are always enough, and self-doubt is good. While that statement may feel that it holds conflict, in actuality, its subjective phrasing will help you understand your physical life journey on a deeper level.

Your intention when you decided to come onto the physical plane was expansion. Every moment you are on the planet causes this to happen because you continually have experiences. Every experience, whether you enjoy it or not, holds that very expansion.

When you have the feeling of self-doubt, that is, in actuality, a call for greater expansion. Your asking for that expansion means that it is always answered. It would help if you simply looked for it.


Please join us! Sunday, March 26, 2023
Ask Wilhelm – What’s happening in your life and the world?

Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
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Wilhelm on YouTube

Please choose authenticity

March 24, 2023

Please choose authenticity. You are born into the world with gifts, talents, and abilities that were God-given and meant to be developed by you. They become apparent as you move through your life, but you also must contend with your judgments of yourself. No person is born better than another, and you use your cognitive processes while in physical form to accept your authentic self, but you also hold fear and doubt.

You exist at a time in your world where your authentic self is needed for that energetic contribution you make to yourself, and therefore your world will aid its ascension.

Usually, you doubt your worth and value, which is why we gave you our work, and even our messenger doubted we did so in this manner. Still, we did, and you are uncovering what you thought was lost now or believed you couldn’t achieve, and you will succeed when you utilize the message we provided in 2012. You have a divine plan. 

March 24, 2012

Any defense you offer is your resistance to your very own expansion. You may argue that there are many reasons and causes for you to provide a defense and that only becomes true when you believe in the mortality of the physical body. When you remember that you are an eternal spiritual being and that you and all others are one, you never need any defense.

Whatever it might be that you are defending is something within yourself that you are unwilling to acknowledge at that moment. This process does not mean that you will not have your own opinions or preferences, but those will never cause you to offer a defense.


Please join us! Sunday, March 26, 2023
Ask Wilhelm – What’s happening in your life and the world?

Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
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Everything is about you

March 23, 2023: Message Two

Everything is about you. This message is our second for this day because we wanted you to pay attention to the one we provided in 2012. You can understand and accept it now, and it is a critical time in your life and your planet’s ascension for you to do so. 

We are also having live talks with you because you intend to live an extraordinary life, and we want to bolster your belief. 

March 23, 2012

Everything that occurs in your physical life experience is about you. This premise holds many different layers to its meaning, and you would do well to absorb them to gain even a modicum of success in mastery of your life.

It is about you, or you would not have your life experience. You can attempt to shift the focus or blame to another or a situation or circumstance, but the moment you do, you also give away your power and

ability to guide and direct your experience.

A helpful first step would be to recognize that all experiences are designed to help you expand in some manner. There are no “bad” things then, and you will be more willing to hold responsibility for your experiences, for they are indeed about you.


Please join us! Sunday, March 26, 2023
Ask Wilhelm – What’s happening in your life and the world?

Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
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