You will find more comfort today

May 7, 2024

You will find more comfort today. As we promised yesterday, the message we provided a year ago and our live conversation on your new moon will leave you enlightened and more empowered.

May 7, 2023

You never needed to worry. Although we said you were moving through a massive restructuring in your life and world, we have provided guidance along the way, and you will appreciate what we gave on this date in 2012.

You came to the world at this time to develop and embody something new, and for many of you, the prospect of stepping into the unknown or your life and world could give you pause. That is where your mindfulness will be most beneficial.

Our session the other day will make more sense to you now.

May 7, 2012

Your state of worry never helps you accomplish any of your goals. This process occurs for many reasons, but the first and most important one is that when you are in that state of worry, you are attempting to prevent something from occurring rather than creating something new. Creating something new is all you are ever trying to do because that means you are in the process of expanding.

The other reason this does not help you is that your focus, momentarily, is on preventing something. That works precisely in the other direction, for you are adding creative energy to something different than what you truly desire.


Here’s that session with the messages that were used.

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Our Next Channeling Session – May 7th – Unveiling Your Path
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Imagine you were given everything at birth

May 6, 2024

Imagine you were given everything at birth. Now imagine it was something that would allow you to live a magnificent life and contribute to your world. Now imagine that all you had to do was remember what that would be and then do so at the right time in your life and world, and you would be correct. When you view what we provided last year on this date and what we will give you in our live conversation tomorrow, you will remember more.

Here is the message: It contains a previous live conversation, and the combination of that session and the messages we provided will help you accept your importance in your life and your world. You will understand and accept far more tomorrow. 


Our Next Channeling Session – May 7th – Unveiling Your Path
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There is perfection in the universe

May 5, 2024

There is perfection in the universe. You discover yours, and we help guide you there. Please review what we provided last year; your planetary and individual restructuring will be strengthened. You are evolving. 

May 5, 2023

Today, a new understanding awaits you. We are referring to the message we shared three years ago, and the live conversation that will follow. Prepare to delve deeper into your spiritual journey.

May 5, 2020

Embark on a journey of uncomfortable yet enlightening self-awareness. It took Roger some time to find the right words, as he, like many of you, found this concept challenging to accept. But it’s crucial to understand that true awareness often comes with discomfort. It’s about discovering the limitations in your actions and ways of operating. This applies to you individually and to the world as a whole.

Last night, while speaking with his friend, Roger said, “Two times in the past you did this.” Then his friend said, “This time, it will be different.” That moment struck an awareness in Roger. While Roger has always thought of himself as someone who sees only potential and progress, here he did not. The next awareness was, if he believes you are all one, how could he expect himself to be different this time if others could not do that?

Then Roger remembered a famous saying penned by someone Roger does not want to disagree with out of reverence. You all do this, and many times to your detriment. You believe that all the wise ones came before you, and that belief is limiting. The phrase he referred to was, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” We have wanted to speak about this one for quite a while as it has permeated your life and the world. 

It continues to have you all believe in limitation, especially in your limitations. Please contemplate this message for a while, as awareness will grow. 


Our Next Channeling Session – May 7th – Unveiling Your Path
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Your potential for abundance is inherent

May 4, 2024

Your potential for abundance is inherent. It is the journey of your soul, a path that you are destined to walk. However, it is crucial to acknowledge and embrace the person you have become, for it is this self-acceptance that paves the way for your desires to materialize.

Should you find yourself in a state of lack, it is important not to judge yourself harshly. Remember, the journey towards abundance is a gradual one, both for you and your world. The wisdom we shared with you last year is even more relevant now, guiding you through this process of self-discovery and growth.

May 4, 2023

Money will be your greatest challenge. Money in and of itself holds no intrinsic value except that which you give it. You do that by how much value you place upon yourself and how much you are willing to give and receive. Everything physical is manifested by the energy you direct with your thoughts.

There is no lack of money anywhere in your world, yet many have accumulated massive wealth while others suffer. You hold the key to shifting that imbalance, and we have said that was the reason for this current restructuring.

You will experience a lack of money in your life when you deny who you are. You were born wealthy, which means you could have as much as anyone, but that also requires shifting your consciousness to acceptance and deservedness. But you must also recognize you are moving through a generational shift in your world, and you carry the limited beliefs and thoughts of all those who came before, and they will be specific to your DNA and your ancestral lineage.

This change can bring up thoughts of shame and embarrassment when you find yourself lacking, but it is also the perfect opportunity to shift that thinking so it has a collective and cumulative effect on your world. We have said a wealth and income imbalance existed for eons in your world, and you intended to make a difference in your lifetime. That occurs when you decide to love yourself and allow the energy of abundance to enter your consciousness.

– Wilhelm

Our Next Channeling Session – May 7th – Unveiling Your Path
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Self-reflection is invaluable

May 3, 2024

Self-reflection is invaluable. As you move through your physical life journey, you are continually evolving. Without your recognition that it has occurred, it will have little impact on your life. 

Our message of last year will aid you today. 

May 3, 2023

You could not have done this alone. You never do anything alone as you have guidance, but it might have been challenging to accept or remember that as you move through this restructuring or what seems to many as your world in chaos.

When you enter the world, you are attempting to find your place, which always means letting go of the old and examining who you are and where you believe you are headed. But you also exist at a time when your world is doing the same, so finding your place and believing in your importance would be difficult.

You are also moving through massive collective energies in your world, so the energy quality you emit is vital. If you are judging yourself or believing you have done something wrong or haven’t fulfilled your purpose, you emit lower vibrational energy, which means you have yet to gain the meaning and purpose of your birth. There were no insignificant people born.

We gave you a message on this date in 2012 because we knew you would be questioning yourself and what you might be accomplishing. However, when you have the support of other like-minded beings, you will fortify your self-belief. Find the ones who help you love yourself even more. 

May 3, 2012

When you find consensus, you also find momentum. When you decided to have a physical life experience, you knew it would be a collaborative effort with other souls also seeking expansion. When you come together with certain souls, you find that consensus, or a common goal, in what you attempt to do in the physical world.

The formation of that consensus then creates a movement of energy or momentum, which moves and creates everything physical. You find that the value of that collaboration is what you sought precisely, for you never intended to go it alone. 

– Wilhelm

Our Next Channeling Session – May 7th – Unveiling Your Path
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You could accomplish anything

May 2, 2024

You could accomplish anything.  It will only be your lack of self-belief that causes you to believe anything other than that. Everything we have given you was to help you move through this restructuring of yourself and the world to achieve the life and success you wanted.

It is in your hands. As you read the message we gave you last year, you will appreciate who you have become now and become much more willing to take the next step on your ascension journey. You will reach a higher state of consciousness and exhibit that in your life and to all others in your world.

May 2, 2023

You are not the same person. That statement is true for you each day of your physical life experience, but we wanted you to pay particular attention to that fact at this time in your life and world.

You are moving through periods of your evolution and that of your world you have not experienced, and many of you have felt uncertain, frightened, and questioned what was happening to you and the world. You are ascending, and you will do it how it serves you.

You are about to move into another period of accelerated energy that could be confusing. But before that, we would like you to hear a previous session as it will be aligned and a completion of a grand transition for you all. Here’s the session.

Our live conversation with you on your new moon will help complete this transition. You will be fine. 

– Wilhelm

Our Next Channeling Session – May 7th – Unveiling Your Path
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You can still win

May 1, 2024

You can still win. Please visit our message from last year; you might do so now. 

May 1, 2023

You can win. You win by choosing to love yourself and become your authentic self. That was why you were born; all your life experiences helped you accomplish your goal. 

You might have interpreted those events based on your previous thinking, but that is what you wanted to move beyond in this lifetime. When you compare yourself to anyone else or begin to believe you are not in the right place in your life or your journey wasn’t essential, you are not winning.

We sent you a message in 2012 to prepare for the upcoming lunar eclipse and full moon in your world, and we wanted you to do the same now. You will do that and aid your world when you love yourself now.

May 1, 2012

Every situation in your physical life experience holds a win-win solution or outcome. When you allow that information to come, your expansion is furthered, and you continue evolving.

Only when you allow yourself to feel somehow defeated when these situations arise do you become the victim of your own life and, therefore, halt any progression you may have sought.

You can examine your history to find concrete evidence of this process, and you would do well to hold that information in your conscious waking states.

Win-win means that you and everyone involved in your life situations gain something that causes expansion.


Our Next Channeling Session – May 7th – Unveiling Your Path
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You deserve even more now

April 30, 2024

You deserve even more now. We are speaking of your ascension process and asking you to continually recognize who you have become and make the difference you intended in your life and world.

April 30, 2023

You deserve more. You will decide what more might mean for you, but allowing yourself to receive it now is far more critical.

We have said you exist at a time of restructuring in your world and your life. You can receive more when you shift your thinking; for many of you, that is limited thinking you have carried for generations.

As you examine your life and world now, you will understand the message we provided in 2012 and apply it to your life.

April 30, 2012

You have formed what might be thought of as a negative connotation around the word entitlement. You would also do well to study the meaning of the word itself. Because of this belief system, you will systematically keep your desires away from you. This habit is so insidious that you do not notice it occurring.

You will notice elements arising when you experience particular guilt when you have received something you think you did not work hard enough for or feel jealousy when you see this scenario playing out in others.

You and all souls are born entitled. There is nothing you ever need to do to experience this as a reality in your life experience except to stop blocking it.


Our Next Channeling Session – May 7th – Unveiling Your Path
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Self-judgment, a challenge you often face, can be transformed into a powerful tool

April 29, 2024

Self-judgment, a challenge you often face, can be transformed into a powerful tool. By reframing the root cause of your judgment, you can turn it into a valuable asset. This process of self-reflection is crucial for your personal growth and understanding.

Your ascension journey will be illuminated as you examine your life and world today and the message we provided a year ago. 

April 29, 2023

Judgment will be your challenge. It is the self-judgment you’ve carried and the judgment you’ve held about others. But you exist while restructuring your life and world to allow you to release them all. It is the only way you can expect to embrace your authentic self and make the contribution you intended.

The message we provided in 2012 will aid you and your world, and you will be pleased with the results.

April 29, 2012

The only real problem that exists for you is judgment. You have difficulty with this concept because you often confuse judgment with discernment. You can use discernment as you move through your physical experience without judgment.

Discernment allows you to choose your life direction with the awareness you now possess that you believe leads you to the expansion you seek. On the other hand, judgment can only be used when you determine right or wrong about something, either yourself or something outside yourself. This task is impossible because you always have limited awareness as long as you are in physical form.


Watch the pivotal channeling session replay: Your Best Life Has Arrived (April 23, 2024)
Ascension Circle Members May Watch it Here 

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You didn’t know

April 28, 2024

You didn’t know. You can’t see the life you will lead when you come to the physical plane, but you always have guidance to chart your way.

The message we provided on this date last year will help you today if you choose to take the next step in your ascension. 

April 28, 2023

You’ve never done this. We are speaking of your current restructuring. It was meant to make you own who you are so your civilization would ascend as each of you does individually.

But this time is different on your evolutionary journey, which is the same for your world. You each have something you were given to contribute, but accepting and understanding what that might be would have been a challenge during your rapidly changing world.

You create both the same way, which is why we have provided guidance. You need only believe our advice, as it is the same one you possess. The message from 2012 will aid you today.

April 28, 2012

Whatever you focus on will increase. This concept is one of the most valuable to remember as you move through your day consciously. Focus means that you are intentionally adding energy to something.

All things physical are pure energy. Your physical mind, or brain as you think of it, can harness and place this energy in specific places. This process is such a natural and automatic occurrence that you fail to recognize that you are always doing it. It is not possible for you to even be on the physical plane without operating in this manner.

Now, you can decide to use it deliberately in your favor.


Watch the pivotal channeling session replay: Your Best Life Has Arrived (April 23, 2024)
Ascension Circle Members May Watch it Here 

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