Now everything will be perfect

July 26, 2024

Now everything will be perfect. We are referring to a message we provided in 2013 that our messenger finally understood, so we also had him record a video to explain it to everyone.

July 26, 2013

Everything you do from now on will be perfect. That statement can be very powerful when you take it to heart.

First, it helps you remember to let go of the past and decide to live in and enjoy your moment of now.

Secondly, it reminds you that no matter what you do moving forward, there is value and purpose to be found there when you look for it and stop judging yourself.

Finally, it helps you remember that self-judgment is one of the biggest detriments to your goal of expansion.

When you judge yourself for whatever you have done, you cannot attain the awareness and knowledge that you desire to receive through your words, deeds, and actions.

All of this now helps you remember that you intended to have fun on this life journey. You feel lighter now.


Please watch this video.

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Now you will appreciate our work, which you can find here.

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Wilhelm Has the Answer to Your Question – Inquire Here About Personal Channelings With Wilhelm

There is only one thing holding you back

July 25, 2024

There is only one thing holding you back. We told you many years ago and even had our messenger record a video today so he could own his reason for holding himself back from the life he could live, but you all do the same thing. But you did it because you wanted to evolve, and now you might be ready.

July 25, 2011

The only thing that ever holds you back is you. This applies to any area of your physical life experience where you desire to create, manifest, or become something. But remember, you have the power to change this.

Everything you need to accomplish is within reach. You have the skills, the knowledge, and the potential. Don’t let fear or unwillingness hold you back.

You may think a better time or some other favorable condition will appear, but all those are merely your excuses for not taking action. This may seem harsh, but at times, that is what may be needed to stir your awareness. Look at the time that has passed in your life now and decide you will use it wisely.


Please watch the video here.
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Now you will appreciate our work, which you can find here.

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Wilhelm Has the Answer to Your Question – Inquire Here About Personal Channelings With Wilhelm

You can transform today

July 24, 2024

You can transform today. We have said you are moving through a restructuring in your life and world, and each of you alive now will aid that transformation when you decide to embrace who you are and have become.

We also said we have guided you through this transition since 2012, but today, with the alignment of the universe, you will better understand us and yourself, including our messenger.

As you view our messages, you will also understand your own process and the universe’s evolution.

Today is your opportunity to transform.

July 24, 2012

Your indecision about what you desire to do in your physical life experience usually stems from your unwillingness to chart your own course, own who you are, and state that to the world.

When you hold a clear vision of where you desire to go in your life and who you desire to be, indecision does not enter the picture. Of course at the root of your unwillingness is some manner of fear. That very fear is of judgment, not being enough, or any other inadequacy that you may think you possess. All of that is also untrue, and the process of expansion you desired to experience is about undoing those “untruths”.

July 24, 2013

Your only goal when you decided to have a physical life experience was to be authentic. Being authentic means that you come to know, honor, love, and appreciate every aspect of you. You knew that following this particular direction would cause your expansion.

This journey can at times become difficult for you because you also posses the accompanying emotions of envy, jealousy, and you also learned competition. Competition then is one the greatest illusions with which you struggle. When you believe in competition, you think that others are either “better” or “worse” than you, and that being authentic is not important.

You can now see that this line of thinking and reasoning goes completely against your original goal of being authentic. Now anytime you find yourself speaking any words, performing any action, or harboring any emotions that do not honor who you are, you are not being authentic as you planned.

July 24, 2014

You could do nothing better than decide to continually play the good game. The game is that idea from the novel and film “Pollyanna”, there referred to as the “glad game”; but it proposes that within every situation, occurrence, or event there is something to be found that you would consider good.

Some of your greatest wisdom is delivered to you and your society through things that you would consider entertainment. Because you have classified it as merely entertainment, it is easy to miss the prolific information coming through them.

The other difficulty is you begin to accept connotations of “being Pollyanna” as somehow being weak or too optimistic as well as gullible. You get to decide how to live your life, and one of your intentions was to experience as much happiness as possible, just like Pollyanna. 

July 24, 2015

You are the light of the world. That sentiment resonated for you while studying “A Course In Miracles” many years ago, and it both frightened you and inspired you. It frightened you because you thought that if you dared to believe it, you would be seen as arrogant. It inspired you because you thought that maybe if it were true you could make a difference.

This is indeed a conflict you have carried, and you could do nothing better than attempt to resolve it. It will help you to know that every soul has this ability but not all will aspire to experience or achieve it, but it is important for you to know it is completely your choice. It is not possible for that light to shine until you resolve your own inner conflict.

July 24, 2016

There has been one obstacle in your life that has prevented you from creating and manifesting the life you desire. What you have thought is there were many different obstacles, however as you come to understand this you will gain the awareness that it has been only one obstacle. The difficult part of this is that it is one created by you.

That one obstacle is your fear of judgment and criticism. While this subject is not new for you, it is now important to understand how you overcome, get around, or move through the obstacle. When you think of one of your favorite sayings it will make sense; “what you think of me is none of my business”.

As you revisit your life and gain the awareness that this is the only obstacle that has held you back, be gentle with yourself as you undo it.

July 24, 2017

Stop limiting yourself. Now, that sentence is easier said than done. The reason you have difficulty with this is that you have formed systematic ways of creating limitation in your life, and because they have felt “normal” to you, they also go unnoticed. 

You will earn a particular amount of money one year, and you begin to believe this is your limit, so you never surpass that. You will go out for enjoyment and spend money and immediately think that may have been too much, so you are reacting here to a previously set limit made up by you. 

The idea of this was presented to you earlier but you rejected it, and now you can see that was because you knew change on your part was required to stop limiting yourself. 

July 24, 2018

Love yourself harder. It may take some time for the wisdom of this message to be seen and accepted by you, but the effort will pay big dividends. You will even feel the energy contained within those words rise as you continue.

You intended to move through your life in a manner where you knew you would continually evolve for your benefit as well as all others. You even knew you wanted to be an example. In this process, it is inevitable that you will acknowledge awareness of your previous actions, thoughts, and beliefs that held back that very progression.

Now, this is the time to love yourself harder because you are receiving that for which you asked which was empowerment. 

July 24, 2019

The reason you experience states of depression. Many of you who receive the information intended in this message and choose to understand it will also experience a sense of relief as will Roger when he’s received the transmission. 

We will attempt to make this easier for you to receive by acknowledging the difficulty Roger is having speaking on this, as he and most of you have used those periods of emotional depression, which is actually spiritual depression, to cause you to feel worthless when the opposite is true. The reason you experience those periods is to alert you to your faulty thinking so you might change course. 

It feels like depression or something holding you down because you are choosing to hold yourself back. That is all we will give you for now, so that you might contemplate this, and then take new inspired action. 

July 24, 2020

Your self-doubt was helpful. That sentence is one that each of you will come to understand, and as you do, you will begin to rejoice in the life you were given or have lived. We said that last sentence in that manner as some of you will come to know it in this lifetime and some in others. It is not essential to fully understand that now to gain value from this message. And there is some value for all, but we are also speaking to a few specifically. 

This morning, Roger came to his computer, and we placed in front of him a video by Paul Brunton entitled “The Short Path to Enlightenment.” As Roger began to listen, the reason we wanted him to hear it became evident. Yesterday, Roger began questioning our use of language. Roger wondered why we seemed to use words and a manner of speaking that felt antiquated at times. When he listened to Paul, he found a style that was more ancient than ours, and Roger knew that while he could understand all that Paul was saying, Roger knew that others wouldn’t.

Suddenly Roger realized why we called our work, “Empowerment Made Simple.” 

Over the last few weeks, Roger has had an incident with his thermostat, and he spoke of it in one of his groups but had not allowed us to talk about it because he still hadn’t answered the question, as most of you haven’t. Roger thought the temperature was too warm, so he went to turn on the thermostat, and as he outreached his hand, the thermostat came on. Then Roger thought it was now too cold, so he got up to turn it off, and as he outreached his hand, it turned off. We will tell you this occurred several times. Did he hold that power? That is the question you each are asking of yourselves continually. 

We will now attempt to tie this all together, and as you make sense of it, you will know your life is not and never has been accidental. In 1987 Roger decided to write a song, and the title was “Better Than Me.” Roger took the song to his friend, who is a music publisher, for critique. Roger thought this was the best song ever, but the publisher said it made no sense to her, so it would not appeal to others. Then she told him, “everything in songwriting has already been written, and your job as a songwriter is to say it in a new way that will reach others.” While the song’s full lyrics could be placed here, the essence was to answer the question, “who knows better than me?” 

Roger has been attempting for decades to answer that question in all that he does and doubted his answers all the way, just as you have. But now he knows his doubt was helpful, and now he will have the courage to see that it was him holding power over the thermostat, just as you are. 

July 24, 2021

Your purpose is being revealed now. That statement is true for every person, or you would not be here now or reading this message. You have never had an accidental thought. You were born at the right time to facilitate your evolution, that of your family, and that of the world. It is all intricately connected, and we will continue to reveal more.

We keep saying that we are leading up to the 25th only to impress on more of you that evolution is a process and you only accept as much as you can at any given time. The time process is in alignment with your evolutionary journey. You have never waited too long to discover yourself unless you believe you have.

Roger knows that he is using his life and our writings to move through his resistance. And that is in alignment with the restructuring of your world as it is for you. He also knows that the part he agreed to play was to move through his fear and doubt to aid others and his soul family. 

We will leave you with a message from 2015, and the second paragraph is one that Roger is only understanding today as you will appreciate more tomorrow, and you will be fine. 

January 22, 2015

Be prepared. Those two words comprise a slogan that resonates for you and many others, and this is because of the intrinsic truth it holds. When you are in the process of becoming prepared, it also means that you are vibrating, so to speak, on an energy wavelength that is in alignment with who you desire to be, what you desire to create, and what you desire to accomplish. It also means you believe you will receive whatever that is.

The process of becoming prepared is also something that can only be accomplished in your moment of now, which also means that you are not sabotaging your own journey by projecting your limiting beliefs into some imagined future. How it all gets done is none of your concern.

The more you study this, the more the pure logic within the concept will be revealed. The slogan of “be prepared” easily leads you to the next one: “be all that you can be.”

July 24, 2022

You were born for greatness. This message could be the one that changes your life. The title we gave you is the truth for every soul ever born, but it is up to you to decide to believe that about yourself to let it manifest in your life now. 

You are alive at a particularly pivotal time on your evolutionary journey and that of your world, so there is a collective fear of what your future might hold. Still, we have given you that guidance and information, but you, like Roger, have had difficulty accepting and believing in the importance of the gifts you meant to unleash on your world at this time of restructuring.

We had Roger write an article yesterday, and he called it “You could save the world.” You can read the article here. We used those words for those are the ones you have difficulty believing, and it is only the only reason you have not experienced the life you desired and the world you all wanted to see. But that is why you are alive.

We explained it all in the article. And you will also hear in the live conversation we held several months ago that we informed you of the coming events in your world. You will listen to the disbelief we knew you possessed, and we advised Roger to change the price of our course, which will happen after today. More of you are meant to experience greater abundance now to help shift the imbalance that has existed within you and your world. 

Everything we have provided was to aid you all through this transition, but we also know that some are not ready to make that move in their lives, but those who are will change your world. It doesn’t need saving, for that is human terminology, but we knew it would capture your attention. 

But now we will tell you where you sit in your life now, and we knew that in 2012, which is something you also have difficulty accepting, just like Roger. Still, today could be the day you all change, for we have given you everything you could possibly need, and you will make a decision today if you decide to experience your unique greatness. And we will always help, and you will be fine. 

July 24, 2023

Barbenheimer will light the way. The other day, we gave you a message saying that term was not accidental because we wanted you to understand that you are not accidental and your life, with all its experiences, matters most now.

We have said your world was restructuring to create an inclusive and sustainable planet, and that can only happen through you. Every soul is born to contribute to the evolvement of your world, and it happens when you love who you have become and decide to do the things you love and honor who you are. That is a choice you each make individually, and your collective choices manifest your world.

Barbie recalled earlier memories when your connection to the divine was more apparent. Over the years, you lose that memory, and so does your world, which was the reason for this restructuring and your participation. 

Oppenheimer caused you to remember that your choices with your technology will have consequences in your life and world depending on your intention. You always have control over those results when you become aware of the intent of your choices, but you often allow fear to stand in the way of deciding to love yourself.

We gave you a message on this date in 2012 that you would do well to embody today and during this week on your planet. We also would like you to hear a live conversation we had with you a year ago, and it will make sense today, especially as you view your global conditions and your weather.


Message from Wilhelm

Now you will appreciate our work, which you can find here.

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Wilhelm Has the Answer to Your Question – Inquire Here About Personal Channelings With Wilhelm

You might choose success today

July 23, 2024

You might choose success today. You make that choice as you move through your physical life experience, and it requires you to take the next step on your evolutionary journey.

We have given you a guide for years to move through this current restructuring, but each of you holds resistance, as did our messenger.

It’s not about judging yourself, but about moving forward with courage and conviction. This is why we asked Roger to share his vulnerability in a video today. It’s a reminder that embracing your vulnerabilities is a sign of strength, not weakness.

The message we shared with you years ago is still relevant today. It’s a reminder that the guidance you’ve received in the past is a valuable resource for your journey.

July 23, 2019

Success is always a decision you make. First, you need to define what you deem to be success, for it is entirely subjective, and you each concoct your own interpretations.

You could be the most successful person on the planet and have no money because you are experiencing success in the only place where that is possible: your thinking. 

Then, there are physical manifestations you have created in your mind that you think would cause you to feel successful. Those conditions exist right now, which is that part you and others don’t readily accept. Most of you do not realize this because you are focused on why you couldn’t do what you wanted or the obstacles in your way. When you give yourself a respite from those false beliefs, you will see success in the next step you choose to take. 


Please watch the video here.

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Wilhelm Has the Answer to Your Question – Inquire Here About Personal Channelings With Wilhelm

The pathway to euphoria

July 22, 2024

Our messenger provides you with the pathway to euphoria so that you can utilize it to manifest the life and world you desire.

We had him create a presentation for you today. When you use it with our conversation yesterday, you can decide whether to find your state of euphoria and positively influence your world during this restructuring, knowing that we are here to support you.

We began with the message below. But today, you might accept it. Our wish has always been for you and your world to live in that state, but it can only come through you.

July 22, 2012

You can experience a state of euphoria when you create what you desire with no regard for expected results.

When you hold your ideas of what results you might receive from your efforts, you will either place limitations on them or project the exact opposite of what you desire and create that instead.

This process will make more sense when you attempt to hold an expected result of what you desire and notice that the unwanted result will also come into your consciousness.

When you hold no expectations, you experience joy, happiness, and access to all your abilities and talents, which is that state of euphoria. It is possible to continue that state with practice and persistence.


Please watch the recording here.

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Wilhelm Has the Answer to Your Question – Inquire Here About Personal Channelings With Wilhelm

You desired peace

July 21, 2024

You desired peace. Once you have it, you will have fulfilled your life mission. All we wanted was for you to find it.

You might have looked in the wrong place, but you will know where to find it today. We refer to our live conversation with you today and the message we provided in 2012. Your life has never been more meaningful than today.

July 21, 2013

Peace is always your desired destination. You arrive at that destination when you become satisfied with yourself. You find that satisfaction when you know you have done everything in your power to cause your expansion.

This can be thought of as your ultimate goal when you decide to have a physical life experience. When you are satisfied with all that you have done, nothing that occurs or is done by anyone else can disturb your peace.

This concept is also another way of understanding that you are always attempting to gain and accept full responsibility for your life experience. It occurs when you grant yourself the experience of peace, which is always joyful. Try that today.


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Wilhelm Has the Answer to Your Question – Inquire Here About Personal Channelings With Wilhelm

You are more than good enough

July 20, 2024

You are more than good enough. We wanted more of you to accept that statement, and it is also the reason for our live conversation with you tomorrow on your full moon.

We will refer to a message we provided on this date many years ago, but you will be better equipped to accept it today due to your evolution. It is also the reason for your restructuring. The evolution of your planet depends on more of you coming to accept your inherent worth and value.

July 20, 2013

Whenever you attempt to do, be, create, or manifest anything and intend to cause your further expansion and that of all others, whatever you do will always be good enough.

While “good enough” is entirely subjective, it is an idea you have continually placed upon yourself, which has often caused you difficulty.

When you think you have to be good enough, you are operating from some arbitrary idea you have made up in actuality. This pattern has caused you not to attempt to do certain things because you fear not being good enough.

When you recognize that you or anyone else will never know beforehand if what you do is “good enough,” you will realize the concept’s absurdity and give yourself the freedom to create and, therefore, expand. Have fun.


Please join us for the next Channeling Session. “Embrace Your Inner Light”
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Wilhelm Has the Answer to Your Question – Inquire Here About Personal Channelings With Wilhelm

It is you who must change

July 19, 2024

It is you who must change. We wanted you to understand the experience you might have to today as you are moving through your restructuring but we have given you guidance.

We will give you some excerpts from several years. You’ll only need the first paragraph. We even had our messenger record a video today as he faced his resistance to change, as many of you do.

July 19, 2012

When you find yourself feeling somewhat uncomfortable during those passages of complete peace in your life experience, it will also indicate to you how accustomed and comfortable you have become with chaos. When you are accustomed to that chaos, you begin to believe it is a “normal” state, and therefore you are continually creating the same.

July 19, 2013

You get better at anything you practice. Many subjective words are being used here so that you might better understand the meaning contained in this message. Better, means that you improve; and that improvement always causes expansion in some manner.

July 19, 2014

You only ever experience what feels to you like anxiety when you attempt to do something while holding a belief in your own inadequacy. You will now attempt to find the truth of that blanket statement, and you will find it in everything you examine where you experience that anxiety.

July 19, 2015

One of the biggest challenges you have during your physical life experience is coming to fully accept that you cannot experience ultimate power in your life without accepting full responsibility. They both must exist together.

July 19, 2016

While it is indeed helpful, inspiring, and at times motivational for you to study the lives of successful people for your own guidance, there is another way that is also effective and maybe more so. That other way is for you to become your own inspiration.

July 19, 2017

The other shoe does not have to drop! Screaming at you. There is an idea that you and so many others hold that signals to you that when things are going well in your life, that must mean that something bad is about to happen. There are so many things inaccurate about that sentence.

July 19, 2018

You had a great deal of information that came through this morning, and we feel you will interpret it efficiently if you allow yourself the time and focus. You have been thinking of a story for days; you have spoken of it previously, but you wondered why you could not let go of it now. The answer is because now you can understand it better, and you could not have received its wisdom before because your awareness had not expanded to this place. You do this throughout your life. 

July 19, 2019

Your point of power is in the present. We will now give you some life-changing advice. Any time you are experiencing discomfort, confusion, depression, or any unwanted emotion, it is due to not understanding and accepting that first sentence. There are no exceptions to that rule.

July 19, 2020

The world you wanted to see is before you. We know those may not be the words many of you wanted to hear at this time while observing your world’s current conditions, but if you study and understand this message, you will feel better. We are also having some challenges with Roger in disseminating this information as we are navigating around his human judgment of what is occurring. You each do this as well, and it will become evident to you.

July 19, 2021

If you continue to move forward, healing will occur. We are speaking to you about why you are in the world now and what you wanted to achieve on your evolutionary journey. And we are speaking of the current restructuring of you and your world.

July 19, 2022

You are the change you wanted to see. Your world is moving through a massive restructuring. You exist to aid that movement through your willingness to move through your evolutionary journey so you might accomplish something your relatives and ancestors did not.

July 19, 2023

The change was necessary. We are giving you information today to explain the recent changes in your life and world. They are the ones we have called your restructuring, and they will all have the most significant effect on you and your world when the change you make is to recognize and own your importance and love who you have become.


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Wilhelm Has the Answer to Your Question – Inquire Here About Personal Channelings With Wilhelm

Self-acceptance will be your only challenge

July 18, 2024

Self-acceptance will be your only challenge. We know it can be challenging for many, so we have offered guidance during your restructuring.

This day could be difficult for many, including our messenger, so we had him record a video to accompany the message we provided in 2012. When you combine the two, you will become more willing to accept your new self.

January 3, 2012

You are continually “working on” your very own self-acceptance. The term working on is being used so that you might understand that it is something you put forth the effort; it does not always feel like fun, but it pays you great dividends in the end.

As you begin to look at this concept, you should also realize that your judgment of thinking that you should “be there” already or should have met this goal is useless and absurd. It should also give you the idea that you never get it done, and it was precisely your reason and intention for having a physical life experience.

You could do nothing better than continually look in a mirror until you find that self-acceptance.


Please watch this video.

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Please join us for the next Channeling Session. “Embrace Your Inner Light” 
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Wilhelm Has the Answer to Your Question – Inquire Here About Personal Channelings With Wilhelm

It is never too late still

July 17, 2024

It is never too late still. We are starting our opening sentence in that manner because it will help you finally understand the message we provided on this date a year ago.

But we also went a step further today, as we have done with many of our messages recently, as we still want you to accept your importance in the world now during your restructuring.

You have never been alone.


July 17, 2012

Perspective is one of the most valuable gifts you will receive as you move through your physical life experience. In other words, every experience that you have causes you to also have greater awareness as a result of that experience. It matters not whether the experience itself was pleasurable or difficult for you; you still maintain that greater awareness which is perspective.

Now with that perspective, you are better able to make choices in your now experience that allow you to create the type of future nows you desire.

When you remember that you are always in the process of creating your own reality, you will use your gift of perspective wisely.


July 17, 2013

In order that you might guide your physical life experience, you need to make the decision of who you will be. It is not necessarily thinking of it as becoming, but as who you will be. While the semantics may not at first seem important to you, they do matter a great deal.

You create your own personal reality, and when you hold the idea of becoming something, you are unintentionally placing that goal outside of, or apart from, yourself. When you decide who you will be, you are making a declarative statement, with the knowledge that this goal is already within you, and you need merely to allow it to manifest.

When you make that decision first, all other decisions become easy for you.


July 17, 2014

No tragedy has occurred. That statement refers to a mindset you would do well to adopt when anything occurs in your personal life experience, or your world, that you are tempted to label a tragedy. When you have that mindset, you are also in a place to receive the wisdom and knowledge the event or occurrence was designed to deliver, and then you can use that information in a manner that will propel your life forward, so to speak, and also provide you with the motivation and desire to make a change or improvement in your life, which must then also make a contribution or change in your world.

You only think of most things as being tragedies in the first place when they involve physical death. You are all eternal.


July 17, 2015

Mistakes made by you are always helpful depending on how you choose to view them. A mistake, as it is being used here, merely means something that you did or failed to do that, because of that, did not deliver the result you desired.

You now have two choices. You can decide that you are the mistake or the same as the mistake and then go about berating yourself for it, or you could choose to become grateful for the mistake because now you have greater awareness and can make new choices and decisions in the future. When you simply think about those two choices, you can instantly feel the difference between them in your emotional body. The latter will always fill you with optimism and even newfound energy to move forward.


July 17, 2016

You have used reasons, excuses, and distractions to keep you from reaching your true goals and desires. This message is difficult for you, which is why you hesitated even writing it.

This goes on for most souls, but most continue the game, so to speak, and never come to the reality of what they have been doing. You are now making a conscious decision to move beyond all of your reasons, excuses, and distractions.

It becomes important for you to understand why you have done this in order to move beyond it. It is far easier, so you think, to have the reasons, excuses, and distractions than to attempt to do something with and in your life that you think will be great, and then fail. You move beyond this when you understand it is impossible for you to fail.


July 17, 2017

The most powerful thing you can do today is to focus on only the things you can do, for anything less than that will be disempowering for you. That sentence may seem confusing until you attempt to accomplish this.

You will notice how often you go back to what happened yesterday and try to fix that, and that act itself is disempowering because it takes you away from the momentum you could be establishing in your life that is leading you to your goals.

The things that you can do are not things outside of your control, or what others may do, or even your thoughts about what might occur. You will notice how much fun it becomes for you when you develop this focus.


July 17, 2018

When you began receiving this information this morning, the clarity of its content almost shocked you, and at the same time, you experienced a feeling of guilt and even embarrassment. The embarrassment part was you thought you “should” have known this before now, and also because you so often offer this advice to others.

The awareness that showed up was, yesterday you were doing two distinct activities that you were eager to do and were enjoying, but felt that maybe you “should” have been doing something else that was directly related to bringing you money.

Here is your big answer. You become rich when you are not doing anything for money, but you do what feels natural or fun for you. You only have to believe this, and all else will follow.


July 17, 2019

Refuse to worry, no matter what. We wanted you to use that opening sentence as most of you will think that is an impossible task, and as you hold that thought, you also uncover the source of every difficulty you have ever experienced in your life. As you and others understand this message and decide to accept it, you will unearth your power to create your lives the way you want.

You all do things that go against even your own level of intellect and understanding at this point. You attempt to believe that your thoughts create your reality, but you consciously choose thoughts of worry, which means you are actively creating whatever you worry about, as you place your attention there.

Here is the part we want you all to realize. Many times you used the “practice” of worry to serve as a distraction and a valid reason for you not to become yourself. You will not be able to move through your day now and not notice this, and that act in and of itself will change your life. You’ll see.


July 17, 2020

How your intolerance can serve you. First of all, you need to acknowledge that you have it, and then ask yourself why. That sentence contains the answer you will find in this message. We told you that your world is moving through a restructuring period, and how that occurs is through establishing new norms or ways of being. You do this by making choices of who you each desire to be. The choice you make will aid evolution in some way. The challenge you all have is making those choices while holding on to your ideas of right and wrong. We will tell a story to illustrate.

Yesterday Roger could feel his anger rise as he watched what was occurring in the world, which to him seemed unnecessary. We say to him, because in those moments, he is thinking with his human mind and not ours. You all do this. From an early age, Roger found himself investigating events of the world for understanding. He did not know why he was doing this. When John F. Kennedy was assassinated, Roger felt his world collapse. Even though quite young, he made a scrapbook of all the events to remember what occurred. Soon after, Roger began hearing conspiracy theories emerge as to who might have actually shot Kennedy and if it were some plot concocted by who knows what. Roger questioned why that would matter. What did matter to him was a man who Roger believed expressed the ideas and the hope the country needed was gone.

When the pandemic began, and the controversy over wearing masks erupted, Roger could not understand that as well because to him, whatever choice would be for the common good, that would be the one he would make. Roger’s intolerance emerged when he could not accept that his choice would not be the one all would make.

We will leave with a message we gave him years ago, which might have informed him earlier in his life of who he was to be. But before that, we will tell you all that the choices you each make now that are not in some way to aid the common good will be restructured. You will witness the truth of our words eventually, but attempt to believe them now.

October 14, 2017

Just stay in your lane. Attempt to go with this stream of thought for a bit. You saw a performance last night, and what stood out to you were two particular pieces the artist performed that moved you so much that you told them it was their lane. You said and felt that because you experienced authenticity through their performance.

Every soul can do this, including you. This does not mean you would not explore other areas of your life experience to find value and to define further who you are, but it does say that you will find that particular lane you feel is indeed yours when you don’t judge it or compare it to anyone else. What creates your world and continues to cause it to expand is the willing contributions of unique people like you.


July 17, 2021

A continual effort to accept more of your gifts at this time will be beneficial. You were born to offer a contribution to the world in the form of the gifts you possess. At times they do not

seem like gifts to you, but they certainly are, and at this time in your world, it is imperative that more of you accept that and then offer them for your good and the good of all others.

Your willingness to do this adds to your expansion and that of your world. This practice of seeking to offer more of your gifts allows you to acknowledge and recognize them, but it also moves you beyond your fear and into your purpose. When you accept this, you also understand that you are constantly given more gifts.


July 17, 2022

You possess an abundance of gifts. We are beginning this message in this manner as we want you to accept its truth and that is why we will also give you the same message on this date. You have each been born with an abundance of gifts that are meant to be utilized during your time of transition.

What is occurring is you have not become willing to accept the gifts you possess, for to do so would cause you to own your power and be responsible for the evolution of your planet.

Today is also the day that you have become willing to see this.


July 17, 2023

It is the continual process of seeking to love yourself that will help you recognize the gifts you possess. There is so much going on in your world now that has caused many of you to question whether or not you matter in any way, and we assure you that you do. But more than that, you matter more now than ever, and you will be of great value to the world when you decide to embrace the gifts you possess and utilize them now.

When you seek to love yourself more, you uncover more of your gifts. You may have held beliefs that your gifts were not that valuable or important because you were attempting to measure them against those of others, and that is never possible. Each of you only recognizes your gifts when you decide to love yourself more.


Here’s is the session held a year ago on this date:

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