You Will Believe, Trust, and Love Yourself

That is the goal you set for yourself in this lifetime. It is what you and the world are striving for now through your restructuring. It also happens to be the goal our work will aid you in accomplishing.

The challenge some of you have now is seeing beyond the appearances in your world now. Humanity has used perceived disasters to evolve, and you are doing the same now, but you wanted it to be better than ever, so it required a bit more effort on your part.

You will come to understand more. Last night Roger was tackling his paperwork and “stumbled” upon one of our writings. When he glanced at it, we told him not to read it but post it to this message, and there will be more of you who will accept the title of this message, for it is what you are up to, and you will be fine.

June 16, 1993

All manner of physical manifestation is illusory, which means that it is present for you merely to demonstrate what is occurring on the “meta” physical level. When you truly understand that all is Spirit, you will be better able to utilize these physical manifestations you are given.

Your conscious awareness is not always in tune with what is being presented to you, which does not mean that your spiritual awareness is not gaining benefit and growth. Your mission, if you will, is to be more aware of this vital connection, and you will use it to your benefit in your physical incarnation. Your only purpose is to move through the fear, for only in this way do you contribute to your spiritual growth, which is universal growth or collective consciousness, as you might think of it.

You are indeed using more of your intuition to work with your physical manifestations, so you need not limit the degree to which you can accomplish this. Enjoy

Completion: It was surprising for Roger to type this, for he received this from us long before he “allowed” himself to share our communications with you. Like you, he had doubted and forgotten so much, but we will continue to help you all remember.


Your Moral Compass Will Guide Your Life Now

You each are born with an innate sense of right and wrong. When you are quite young, that awareness may not be felt by you, but as you have moved through your life, every decision you have made was based on your held ideas of what is right and wrong, and you always know the difference through how you feel internally.

The ideas of right and wrong are subjective, of course, as every human will have their own sense of that, but you cannot ignore or pretend that yours does not exist for it does, and the challenges you have experienced in your life always came when you tried to not listen to your compass.

We like using the human term of compass to indicate a particular direction you will go. We will also say that you are alive now because you knew that if you followed that compass at this time in your world, you would put in place the ingredients that would manifest the world you wanted and the life you dreamed you would have.

You were correct in that dream, for you decided to be here now to fulfill something you agreed to of which you would have limited awareness now, but we will tell you what it is. You knew that if you could own every aspect of yourself, your presence in the world would cause a difference. You never did that before, but you have a chance now as you take the actions that allow you to know you are following your moral compass and leaving your legacy. You will know you have done so when you are happy and peaceful. We will continue to help, and you all will be fine.


Your Greatest Fear Has Been Becoming Yourself

Your greatest fear has been becoming yourself. With the current conditions of your world and the restructuring you are undergoing, you will experience new aspects of yourself that you feared. You feared them because they moved you to some unknown place, and your attachment to certainty has held back your evolution.

Please understand that we are speaking to you, the individual, and the world collective. You each come into the world to contribute to expansion or evolution, but the only way you achieve that goal is by becoming yourself. But often have not given yourself the freedom to do so due to fear of judgment from others or somehow not fitting in the established norms. You never intended to do that.

Some of you have been controlled by your religions, and you failed to notice. We had a lively conversation yesterday, and many found value. Roger decided to send the recording to all on his list as he knew it might spark conversation and that it indeed did. He also knew that was his biggest fear. For his delivery of us was what has held him back. One person felt that our information might be evil somehow as it was not the same as their idea of God.

The restructuring of your world asks each of you to examine that issue. You have used your ideas of God and religion as either a means of creating control and division or for healing and transformation, and you get to decide. When you need others to believe what you believe before you believe it yourself, you discover the real reason for your life not moving forward as you desired. Study this a bit more, and the illumination will emerge, and you all will be fine.


You Will Better Understand Your Importance in the World Now

You will better understand your importance in the world now. We are giving you the result you will have after our live conversation today. We recognize the fear and uncertainty many are experiencing, but once you glimpse the bigger picture, your worries will be somewhat tempered for a bit.

However, we will not stop there, for you will continue with your restructuring for a while longer. And it all depends on how willing you are to accept your importance, for if you do, the world you wanted to see will continue its manifestation that was set in play long before any memory you could have now.

Your importance is more relevant and essential than you can imagine if you found our words. As we said the other day, you are the most powerful person you know, and you will begin to understand why and you all will be fine.


You Had One Goal This Lifetime

Logo – Any Advice For Today – A daily guide for heightened spiritual awareness
January 7, 2022
You had one goal this lifetime. That one goal was to come to love yourself, and you picked this time in human history for you knew it would offer you the most incredible opportunity to develop your magnificence further. Those words may not make sense to some of you, but to others, they resonate, and you begin to understand your recent memories.

You have discovered things in your life that you thought you had put away or left unfinished that are popping up for you now, which is what you intended. We can say these things, for we know your life journey, and it has always been lovingly directed, which is why you find yourself reading our words at this time.

The division you are witnessing in your world provides you with the opportunity to choose who you want to be, as we told you months ago, was rapidly approaching. We told Roger to make the focus of our talk tomorrow on how you can stay calm during the chaos, for you will witness more for a while.
You have feared the unknown as an individual, which translates into the collective energy your world carries now, and that can lead to conflict and anger because you don’t want to change. You find that challenging at this point because you thought the world might be falling apart, but it was waiting for you to cause it to change and move in a new direction.

More of this will make sense tomorrow, and you will begin to understand your importance and the one goal you had. You have used every moment of fear and doubt you experienced in your life that you have moved through to allow you to love yourself. But you might have failed to notice you have done that and how valuable you are now.

Our work, our philosophy, has always had one goal: to use it as a tool so you come to recognize your brilliance. Roger only understood that ultimately last Sunday when one participant said twice at the end, “I like myself.” Your goal in this life was to come to say those words, believe them, and change your world, for that occurs when more of you love yourselves, and now you know our mission, and you all will be fine.power, and we will help with our live conversation, and you all will be fine.


You Win When You Discover Peace and Happiness

We just gave you the mission you set for yourself in this life and why you chose to accomplish your goal during a galactic restructuring. We told you that it might be challenging to remain calm during this period, but when you remember your mission, you will accomplish your goal.

We are speaking to you and not about your world, for outward appearances will fool you at this time. However, your inner journey is ever continuing, and the success you desired to achieve will only be known and felt by you, and it will show up when you find yourself at peace with the actions you take, the thoughts you hold, and the words you speak.

Your experience of that peace and happiness is confirmation from your soul that what you intended to contribute to the world is now being accomplished. And now you will be rewarded, resulting in increased physical abundance for you; for now, you have aligned with your soul’s mission. For all souls, that is remembering oneness.

Please attempt to remember this message throughout the next couple of days, for your world might appear to present something different. Still, even those conditions will allow you to remember and reclaim your power, and we will help with our live conversation, and you all will be fine.


In 2012 We Told You How to Save Yourself and Your World

We knew you would be at this juncture in your journey, so we provided you with some aids to help you understand and ease your way. The journey is uniquely yours, but your success will create the world you want.

We provided these messages in our work, “Your Life Operating Instructions.” The particular excerpts we are providing now are the ones you requested. You have always had guidance along the way, but now you are much more open and receptive. It was all in the timing.

Where you sit in your journey now has been uncomfortable. But you also wanted that experience to be prepared for this one. Your evolution has always been underway, but your conscious awareness is increasing. Even that experience can cause anxiety, but we were ahead of you again. These passages will help.

We pulled the information we provided on blame for you will have much work to do with that, as will your countries and leaders. Please keep in mind that you and your world are evolving by resolving these challenges. You are witnessing the results of this in your world this very day, and you wonder how we could have known that. You each hold levels of disbelief that halt your evolvement.

But where you are beginning is with you. Our goal is for you to experience your magnificence and importance. And once you do, your world is saved as well as you. Some of the work here will be challenging, and it will take place in your thoughts which will use this information to expand your consciousness. In our live conversations, we have always said where your true power is held. We will leave the attachment of the messages, and if you spend an hour or so in contemplation, you will feel a sense of renewal that we will reinforce continually. Imagine if everyone did what you were about to do.

You will tell them when you’re done. All will be fine.


You Are the Most Powerful Person You Know

You are the most powerful person you know. We have just given you the essence of every communication we have ever given. and it was the intended goal those would come to understand as they move through the work we provided you in 2012, which we now call “Your Life Operating Instructions.”

As we have mentioned, none of you began your evolutionary journies in this lifetime. But you are here now to complete a particular mission you established for yourself, and the process of achieving whatever you chose comes through your self-acceptance which always appears at the right time in your life as it was when you even found our words.

We told Roger to find one message we gave you several years ago to prepare for your world now and how it intersects with your intended mission of recognizing and finally coming to own your internal power. Please also note the direction we had to give him to deliver those words, so do not judge yourself for not moving before now.

We also told Roger our focus for the talk this Saturday will be on how you can remain calm in the midst of chaos for your world will exhibit that quality for you, but you are the one who chose to be here, and when you accomplish the message we leave now, you all will be fine.

December 17, 2017
Stop running from yourself. Please tell your story in detail, as it will help so many.

You uncovered a transcript of a dream you had twelve years ago. The number of years is essential. Here is the transcript.

“The appearance of this dream was there were several spiritual leaders of a sort, in a group in a circle, and we were asked who would do something, and I ran forward. It seemed that I volunteered while at the same time thinking, why did it need to be me?

I seem to be conflicted about whether I will continue to listen and be open without the pain or will I go back to my old ways?

I ask for guidance and clarity. There is still a part of me that thinks the experience isn’t real on some level, and I could put it away while a stronger part knows that is not the case.”

(You have also witnessed the first time Roger has shared that exact transcript, and that is because it makes sense to him now as it will to many of you.)

Now in your current time, after discovering the transcript, you attempted to pretend you didn’t see it; for now, it could no longer be ignored. You now recognize the conflict. Stop running means letting go of the resistance you have had in becoming your true self. Everyone does this to a certain degree, and now you get to decide if you will stop running.


The Importance of Your Birth is Before You Now

The importance of your birth is before you now. We are referring to your restructuring and that of your world, which you timed perfectly. It does not matter whether or not you accept our idea of the eternal nature of your being. You can use your current lifetime to bring illumination to this message and, once understood, will provide you and all others a way to live the life you wanted and continue your mission of ushering in a new world.

In the previous paragraph, you had some difficulty accepting your importance, and that has been your difficulty and your goal this lifetime. You intended to live a life of happiness, success, and prosperity, but you find yourself in the midst of a galactic shift, and then you ask yourself why? You chose the intention of your life before you were born. And the perfection of that was in your timing.

We mentioned yesterday that your memories frightened you because each of you has moments of certain things coming through that either cause you concern, worry, or fear. And those are the elements you knew would exist now, and if you were to accept what you remember that you intended to achieve in your life, you would succeed, and so will your world.

What you are remembering are all the aspects of yourself that you doubted and feared most of your life, but now you are more needed because of the fears you held for the essence of who you are is the balance your world wanted, and you will soon begin to realize more of your importance.

We gave you a message yesterday after Roger had completed the meeting with the first members of our program. Today’s message comes after he held the second meeting, and now he can also explain your importance, for he saw it emerge as did his due to his willingness to embody his memories, and you will do the same. We will continue with guidance, and you all will be fine.


Your Memories Have Frightened You

Your memories have frightened you. We are giving you information that will feel like a sense of relief for some of you, and to others, it will serve as inspiration.

You each come into the world with things you desire to achieve or accomplish. You don’t typically hold conscious awareness of what those things might be, but as you live your life, you begin to have glimpses, as we have called them, or memories of which you do not know their origin. Those memories are the ones you were born with and meant to realize during your life.

Many of you have feared those memories which would explain your inaction in the past. But now, due to this restructuring in which you agreed to participate, you are remembering more.

We had Roger receive that information, and then we told him to wait and do the Zoom session with the members of the Four Weeks program, for it would provide more significant proof of what we had said to each of you. We will have it published if only for you to hear one person remark that they studied with Tony Robbins, Bob Proctor, Abraham Hicks, and others, but this was much faster for them. They did ten days in a night as they wanted to catch up. Roger didn’t trust that result could have come through something he did, as you have doubted your gifts and talent.

We are giving you this information for we want more of you to remember, and then you will create the life and world you desired, and you all will be fine.
