You Will Love and Trust Yourself More

We say more because you will continue to experience periods of fear and doubt as you move through your life, and that might be increasingly more evident to many of you now, but that is also the experience you wanted.

We said you were moving through a restructuring, and that must first occur within you before you might expect to see it manifest in your world. We want you to understand how vital your presence in the world is at this time, and we will explain more of that tomorrow in our live conversation, and we will have much more, which we are predicting now.

We advised Roger to reach out to another philosopher and author in Great Britain as they will make a connection that will aid you all in your understanding. They will have a call later today. As you evolve, new information is always presented to you. Still, you may inadvertently block it, not trust what you feel, or somehow believe you have failed, which is why we developed our program in a manner that gently encourages you to understand and accept yourself entirely.

We have mentioned all the elements included in our work, and today we added Stoicism. We say we added in that Roger allowed his consciousness to expand enough that he could recognize that element has been in all our work. All our work is meant to guide each of you to know your value, and your virtue will lead you to your highest good, especially now. You will be fine.


Please Stop Denying Your Gift

We are preparing you for our conversation this coming Saturday. First of all, you have denied your gift, for that is the only reason you decided to be born. When you keep that gift in front of you, you continue to strive to self-actualize.

You have moved into a different time of your evolution, which is why we have said you are moving through a massive restructuring. Our talk Saturday will be about accepting how valuable you have become, which is your gift. If you wonder what your gift is, you will be pleased to discover it is you.

We will use Roger as an example, for he is the best one. Roger has always been intuitive, as are you all, but he was meant to use it differently but kept denying it existed. Yesterday he attended a meeting with many other practitioners and coaches. When he came on, one person, who was not on camera, began with, “I want first to thank Roger.” He had no idea what she meant and had no memory of it, which often occurs when we bypass him and speak to you directly. This person said that what Roger said to them caused them to remember many things about their lives and set them on a new path or one that had previously been abandoned.

We also explained yesterday some of the energies we used to create the program we have given you, and we said one was Carl Jung. We led Roger to an interview where Carl explained Roger’s challenge of being an introverted intuitive. He can see things from more angles than most, but because he also does not want to pick sides, so to speak, he sometimes fails to act, as you might have done.

Also, as many of you have done, he has never asked for enough money for his gifts, but we gave him the solution last night. We said you have twelve graduates now that we would like to market the program. They will receive half the money. You each will do things of this nature now because the shift of balance of power in your world will now provide you more. You will be fine.


You Were Not Born New

Several days ago, we asked Roger to tell you all that our conversation this Saturday would be about you accepting your value. We did that so he would be willing to share his story now that will help more of you prepare. You came into this lifetime because you wanted to make a big difference first within yourself and then in your world.

None of you are doing the same thing, but you came in with the same intention of evolving and expanding. But at times, you work against yourself. You have held an unwillingness to release your attachments to old ways of being. Most are beliefs about your abilities and that of your world.

We will give you Roger’s example. When Roger spoke of his affinity for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we told him he had forgotten what we told him before. He does this often, as you might, for you also have elements of inferiority woven into your mental makeup, which you also wanted to change now, which is why we said you must accept your value.

We then took him back to messages we had given on the subject, and even where we told him Martin was not his given name, we said now look at the one who came before, and that was Martin Luther. Roger then watched a new documentary, and there was more clarity, and he can explain it somewhat better now, but he’s still working on it as you are.

The program we have given him, and therefore you, is a culmination of Roger’s life and those who came before. They are part of his soul family that would provide him with the information that would allow him to expand in this lifetime. You each hold wisdom from all others who came before and implanted that earned knowledge into you, and all you must do is accept it and allow it to become more.

We have spoken of your DNA for this reason precisely. You cannot know which energies of those who came before would aid your journey more until you begin living your life and those figures appear. We used the energies of Martin Luther because he was about reform and breaking free from outdated norms. Dr. King, Jr. understood the value of extracting that wisdom for the good of all and furthered the idea of inclusion. We used Adler because many of you do not understand the harm a belief in inferiority has caused you and your world. We used Jung because he knew the value of repetition in accessing human potential, which we gave you in the program. And we used Maslow because he would instill in each of you the idea of continual progression.

We will give you more after you absorb this, but you will be fine.


You Cannot Fail

You cannot fail. We are giving you this message that holds many meanings, and you will find yours, as will your world. We have given you many messages about failure, but now we refer to your current restructuring. Your restructuring coincides with that of your world, for that is how you planned it to be because you did not want to fail this time.

Your ultimate desire is evolution. You knew you could only achieve that when you fully accepted every part of yourself, for then, your world would do the same, and you know on a deep intrinsic level that there is more joy, strength, and power in oneness which occurs when you heal the divisions within yourself.

Those very divisions are the ones you wanted to experience now to choose who you wanted to be, and now you have the opportunity. The other reason you can’t fail is you have always cared about others. But you felt a sense of inferiority or that you could not make a difference, and then you held the idea that your idea of being pleasant and helpful was a weakness.

But you knew that if you were to accept yourself entirely, you would fulfill your goal of expansion, and your effort would change and save your world. But you didn’t think you were powerful enough to do so, and you were right. You meant to do it with others, for that is the big picture shift we said your world would move through, and that’s why we say you have become more valuable, and that is why we told Roger to mention our talk this Saturday would address that topic.

You evolve gradually and incrementally, and it only depends on your acceptance of the gifts you hold. Now that Roger knows and can accept all we said in our program, he has awakened his dream of saving the world through you. He knows that if more of you recognize and own your benevolence, value, and worth, you will create the world you wanted, and that is another reason we said you could not fail. We need you. You will be fine.


You Are Moving to Oneness and Leaving Your Legacy

You will understand this message if it is the right time on your evolutionary journey. However, regardless it will still aid you in understanding the restructuring occurring in your world in which you wanted to participate.

You decided before your birth to be alive now, for it would allow you to remember why you wanted to be alive and the aspect of yourself you wanted to develop further, acknowledge, and own so you might leave the legacy you intended. You each did that, and your legacy can’t be less than any other, which is what your world comes to know whenever you move through a significant shift. But you are always provided help, and it is always within you. The process of evolving is coming to that realization and acting upon the information you have been given. For you were given a gift.

We chose this day for this message because more of you will resonate with its intent, and it fulfills a part of Roger’s journey. Today the United States celebrates the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. His actual birthday was this past Saturday, January 15th, where we gave you our conversation to aid more of you in embodying your new self, for you have changed. We also had Roger see for the first time that even Martin’s name was chosen by his father and not the one he was given at birth. You each are in the process of choosing, and you may not need to change your name but only your thoughts.

But Roger didn’t know that we orchestrated it all for him to own his legacy to aid more of you. Roger heard Dr. King speak in person when he was fifteen years old. It awakened something within him, and a little more than two years later, it felt as though that flame was extinguished when Martin was assassinated, but obviously, that was not true because you are celebrating his legacy today.

We went further to aid you all in your self-belief. We had Roger listen to our recording of that session last night, and right before a recording of Abraham Hicks appeared, then Roger heard ours, and he wondered why he held himself back before. You each have thought some of your teachers were your leaders, but you are the leader in your life. Then we told him about all the elements of those who came before, like Jung, Maslow, and Einstein we included in our program to make a point to you all that some will recognize this day. You are here to add more to what has existed.

You were born to evolve, contribute and feel your legacy even in this lifetime, but rest assured you are in the process of creating it now, and you are that essential. We had Roger see a message from someone his assistant sent this morning and told him to put the line here, for it is not about him but you. “Thanks again for your life’s work.”

You will be fine.


You Can’t Lie and Be Happy

We mean those words figuratively and literally. You are born into the world at a time of your choosing to fulfill your desire to evolve. At your birth, you were granted every available resource to use to guide your way. Often you have mistaken some of the incidents and circumstances that occurred in your life to be failures or mistakes. And that’s when you started lying to yourself.

The current restructuring of your world is providing you with the opportunity you knew would be present at this time to aid you further and help you accomplish your desire of contributing to all that is or the evolution of your world. And all you have to do is refuse to lie in any situation. You always know when you have done so by the way you feel. You feel good, prosperous, loving, and happy when you refuse to lie. And when you lie, you experience anger, blame, regret, judgment, depression, sadness, and any other unwanted emotion, along with financial lack.

When you believe someone else is responsible for the current state of your life, you are lying to yourself. When you think that someone was given more skill and ability than you, you lie to yourself. When you believe that somehow the conditions you were born with made you less than others, you lie to yourself. Please contemplate these issues, especially over the next three weeks.

In our live talk yesterday, we revealed more of what we told Roger was included in our program that came through the cosmic wisdom of many who came before you, and you have access to all of that in your own right. And when you do not believe that is true, you are lying to yourself. When we gave you our work in 2012, we began with Infinite Intelligence, and we capitalized it in that manner to indicate you each have full access, and you when think you don’t, you are lying to yourself. You will be fine.


You Will Have More Belief and Courage

We are providing you with the results you will experience after our live conversation with you today.

We said that January would be bumpy for many of you, but not quite in the manner, you might have thought. We have always said you are here now to usher in a new world and become more critical, which you will also understand on a deeper level.

You needed the courage because the idea, the thing, the dream, and the aspiration are in front of you, and the doubt holds you back, but your belief in your unknown will be heightened today for not only your evolution but your world needs you. Even with all your faults for they become more valid now.
We said you were part of the restructuring, but you are the restructuring. You will be fine.


Your Voice is the Most Important

We have given you messages with this theme several times over the years. But today, it is also in preparation for our live talk tomorrow. You were born with desires and things you wanted to accomplish, but they are not complete.

You sit at a time in your life and that of your world where you can finally make the difference you intended in the world. The thing you always wanted to do is before you now, and it is the choice that we said you each would make, and if you make a choice now you know leads to what you intended to manifest in your life, the idea you held about changing the world with your thoughts deeds and actions will begin to manifest.

You always discover that your voice is as important as are all others, but you have had difficulty maintaining and speaking yours. But now, you will do so more readily, for your importance is becoming known to you because you are listening to your inner voice rather than the outside world.

Every message we have given you this week led to our talk tomorrow because you have changed, but due to your long-held fear of the unknown, even though the new changes you desired are present, you may take some time to accept them. We will continue to help, and you all will be fine.


You Wanted Self-Actualization

Before you were born, that is the decision you made, or you would not be alive now, and you certainly would not have accidentally found our words, for you have never been in an accidental place, and you are not an accidental person.

You chose this time to be alive because you knew it would be lively and shake you up just enough that you decide to own just a bit more of yourself. We have said that you accept the greatest with which you were born a bit at a time. We will give you more this Saturday, but we would like you first to contemplate where you are now, for you have changed, and the steps you decide to take will determine your future and that of your world.

You decided to be here, for you were implanted with something new within you that if you develop your sense of empowerment, you will do so with greater ease. We gave you a program in 2012 to accomplish just that, and as you discovered yesterday, it is similar to the ideas and philosophies of Jung and Maslow and many more. You were meant to build upon those gifts given to your society and develop them further now, so your world expands.

You have not grasped the importance of your presence in the world fully now, but you will. We had Roger send a video and message yesterday entitled the end of fear and doubt because he realized he had become that self-actualized person, and his next steps will be in the direction of fulfilling that dream he held of helping more do the same.

The true nature of who you are was with you at birth, and you might be remembering more now. We reminded Roger of Wilson Reese and his sixth-grade class in grammar school. Wilson was different, and no one understood why. And due to that fact and the collective fear of the unknown, Wilson took the brunt of teasing. Roger remembers that now for it disturbs him still and sparks the memory of what he wanted to help change this time. You had something also.

You are doing that now in deciding to move beyond your fear and doubt. We will continue to help, and you will be fine.


You Were Given Something New to Bring to the World

How to embody your new self is the title we directed Roger to alert you all to what we will discuss this Saturday in our live conversation. Little did he know that we were speaking to him, and we will use him as an example. Each of you is experiencing something similar, or you would not be alive at this time. None of this has anything to do with your human chronological age.

You each decided to be born to fulfill something contained in your evolutionary journey that would add value and significance to all that is, or mass consciousness. That is how your planet evolves. That same evolution depends on the individual accepting the gift they were given to fulfill their life purpose and add that wisdom to your world. Often you do not trust or believe what you have been given, which is why we gave you a message yesterday about 1993 only to tell you all that you have long known who you desired to be in this life. Still, at times your acceptance of this is uncomfortable, which Roger knows all too well because we moved him through some of that journey so he could be the teacher and leader he abdicated previously.

We had Roger find a video yesterday speaking on the lives of Carl Jung and Abraham Maslow. He knew there was a connection there but had only investigated slightly, but then we also had another person who happens to be in our group program send him the same video. When Roger finally allowed himself to view it fully, it revealed more that he must embody if he is to fulfill his mission, and each of you is doing the same.

You each were given something new to bring into this world, and there is no one granted anything more than you at birth. You may not embody what you were given for various reasons, but all of them involve your lack of acceptance and the fear and doubt you have carried throughout your life. Roger has received information his entire life but could not fully accept that, and most times, it didn’t make sense, and he couldn’t explain to anyone how it manifested.

The philosophy he received from us and what we told you all we gave you in 2012 is “Your Life Operating Instructions.” Then we led him to Jules Evans, who will not be known to many of you, but it was important for Roger as it gave him more validation. Jules shared a similar journey as Roger’s and, in 2012, published “Philosophy for Life and Other Dangerous Situations: Ancient Philosophy for Modern Problems.” We mentioned in our live conversation Roger’s ancient memory, which you all possess but may not access in this lifetime.

We will give you more as we move to our talk, and as Roger accepts more, so will you. You are in the world now to offer your brilliance, and our work will always be designed to aid you, and you all will be fine.
