Self-sabotage is avoidable

November 21, 2022

Self-sabotage is avoidable. Even the formation of that phrase should cause you to examine your actions. You know you are sabotaging your life and progression, yet you continue to do so. 

Roger had a call with his family last night and shared his discovery of the gift he has, and he knew it could make a tremendous difference in the life of anyone who would utilize it, and he knows it would make a difference in your world over time. But the part he wasn’t willing to change was his resistance to asking for help to move things forward. 

To make things worse, he saw the message we provided on this date in 2012, and it is one that you each want to consider now and especially over the next several days as your world continues to move through this restructuring. That is also the reason we planned a live conversation for Wednesday. We wanted you to be prepared for the changes in your world.

None of you have experienced these events, so it would be natural to need help accessing the next part of your journey. You practice your self-sabotage when you refuse to accept the help that is always available and being offered, for you have never done anything alone. 

November 21, 2012

Self-reliance can also include asking for help. Many times throughout your physical life experience, you will encounter situations and challenges where you do not currently hold the answer or solution. Asking for help in those instances is also a signal from you that you understand you live in a collaborative Universe and that access to information, wisdom, and knowledge can come from many sources, and you deserve to receive it.

On the other hand, your refusal to ask for that help will actually reinforce a belief that you do not deserve that help, or in some way, you are less than enough by not already possessing the information and knowledge you desire.


Please join us on Wednesday, November 23rd at 3pm Pacific Time (6pm Eastern/11pm Universal). It is called You Are Ready for Your Breakthrough.
Please register for the live session here, at no cost to you.

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Your self-doubt was necessary and unwarranted

November 20, 2022

Your self-doubt was necessary and unwarranted. That statement is a form of duality that you exist to heal within yourself and your world.

At birth, you were given something you meant to actualize and live, and as you do so, you move ahead on your evolutionary journey and aid the restructuring of your world that is happening now. 

While we have said we provided all you needed to know in 2012, you each had difficulty with that concept because you have trouble accepting and owning the gift you were given for you do have one. Roger doubted this as well, but he can no longer do that as he knows his mission was to bring this work forth to aid more of you and himself, and you all then collectively change the trajectory of your world through the light and love you will offer when you finally believe yourself. 

Yes, we provided a message on this date in 2012 because we wanted more synchronicity to impact your awareness. Our goal was to help you move into more acceptance of your value and worth now. You exist now to change your life and the world, which will occur when you try to move beyond your self-doubt. 

November 20, 2012

Doubt will always be your greatest obstacle as long as you are in physical form. Obstacle means that it has the ability to temporarily block your awareness and prevents you from accessing the full nature of your being.

The irony of this situation is that it is also necessary. You need it to be motivated to expand in any way. It causes you to ask questions continually and ultimately seek proof. When you find that proof, which you eventually will, some of that doubt is lessened as you expand further as you intended.

Seek to become comfortable with your doubt and know it has a purpose.


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You can do all things

November 19, 2022

You can do all things. That statement is true for you, but it all depends on how much you are willing to accept. No person was born with more ability, talent, or gifts than you. But you were given something to bring to the world that is unique and needed, which is why you are alive.

You will move through your life and notice the direction you feel inclined to take, and not all of those choices have pleased you in the past. But that is where some of you lost your way. But you exist now to evolve and uplift your life and that of your world. You will do that by honoring who you are, which is your authentic self.

Roger had to accept that his role was to bring in information to aid you all in your ascension process, for it is more profound now. Still, he, too, had to accept what he could accomplish, which is a mental process that you undertake to remember your connection to your source or all that is. That recognition will let you know there isn’t anything you can’t do but only what you become willing to do.

November 19, 2012

It would be extremely helpful if you were to pronounce to yourself every morning you arise that “this is a new day.” That statement, when said aloud by you, will remind you that you are not held back by anything that occurred yesterday, last year, or years before. Your personal history is for you to gather wisdom, knowledge, and awareness to create the future you desire.

You never intended to live in your past. You attempt to live there through the thoughts you hold. When you fully understand that you create your personal reality through those thoughts, you will take and use this process deliberately and fully.


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Please choose your new self today

November 18, 2012

Please choose your new self today. Yes, you are new today, as in every day you are alive, but this time in your life and world is different because you decided to live through a restructuring. The purpose of which was to cause you and your world to evolve.

You were given something to bring to your world and, therefore, your evolutionary journey. It would also uplift all, but holding that gift back will not aid you or others. You have held back who you could become due to a lack of belief which is a normal part of ascension. 

We have used the synchronicity of the dates of 2012 because we wanted to impress upon each of you that you have a divine plan and nothing is happening randomly. You exist now to uplift your world by deciding to become your authentic self.

You may find yourself moving in new directions in your life, which is a part of your path and will not be the same as any other soul. You are meant to own every aspect of yourself, and that action will add to the healing of your world, and that is the other reason you are alive, and we hope you begin to take yourself more seriously because you are that essential. What we provided in 2012 might make more sense now, for you always understand more in hindsight.

November 18, 2012

Every decision you make is the right one. Subjective words are being used here to help you understand the meaning of the concept and process. Right, means that it leads you in the direction of your expansion no matter what that decision is.

It might be that you are not pleased with the result of your previous decision; however, you gain wisdom as a consequence, which always causes you to expand. Many times you find more of that awareness from the decisions that are unpleasant for you in some way. But then you also gain the ability to make decisions in your future that will be more pleasing to you.

The more significant problem for you is squandering your moment of now with worry and anxiety about your decisions.


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You could change your life and the world today

November 17, 2022

You could change your life and the world today. We know most of you will find it challenging to accept that statement, and as you do, we would like you to ask yourself why. 

You are each born with equal talent, ability, and a unique gift, and if you were to actualize it, you could have as much or more influence than anyone else you might witness in your world now. Your only challenge has been total acceptance of your authentic self. 

We reminded Roger of this fact last night and this morning, and he too has difficulty with acceptance, for it is something you each come to in your time and in your manner that serves your evolutionary goal and that of your world, for as we have said, they are the same. 

What Roger heard this morning was a reference to what we have provided all these years: the divine plan for humanity. You exist at a time in your world that we have called a restructuring so you can choose what you want your life and society to manifest in your future. You do that by acknowledging who you are and owning your gift.

There is another energetic shift in your world today, and we provided a message in 2012 on this date to aid you. As you study its content, please understand that we have provided information this way because you accept yourselves incrementally. But we gave you this message because you exist to improve your world at this time, and we offered the pathway.

November 17, 2012

Throughout your physical life experience, you are always seeking to take lemons and turn them into lemonade. While that popular saying may appear to you at first to be somewhat trite, it actually holds the key to the expansion you sought to experience.

All events and situations hold duality or contrast, and expansion occurs when you can find the part of that equation that equals lemonade for you. You can think of it in terms of good and evil if that helps your understanding; however, all of it is always good when you seek to find it.

When you think you have made some “bad” choice or decision, there is always a gift to be found there.


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Your time is now

November 16, 2022

Your time is now. Today we are speaking to you as we speak to Roger or in other words, as your higher self has spoken to you often, but we might catch you off guard today, and you will hear us. 

You were born to offer something to your world, and now is the time it would be most beneficial in your evolution and the restructuring of your world. While you might not have thought your contribution could not make a difference, that is where you were mistaken. 

You have also doubted what you had to offer and kept putting it on the back burner, but you will no longer be able to do that comfortably. You are ascending into new dimensions of your being, and resistance will cause it to be challenging. 

On the other hand, when you honor your gift now, you will soar. We provided help on this date in 2012, and today you might understand what we meant as you examine your life and world especially. 

November 16, 2012

All limits are illusions that only exist in the physical world. Limit, as it is being used here, means what is thought of as impossible. You will always experience limits or limitations as long as you are in physical form because they show up in order to inspire you.

Inspire means to come into Spirit or to remember the true nature of your being. As you seek to move beyond any sense of limitation you experience in your personal life or even the world at large, it requires some expansion by you or becoming more.

Now with this information, you may actually welcome the limits you might experience, for you know what you are up to.


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Now that you can walk, you will soon run

November 15, 2022

Now that you can walk, you will soon run. We are using this as a metaphor to explain what you might be experiencing during your restructuring. Your world is 

quickly moving as are you, for your intention was evolution or ascension, which is the process you and your planet are moving through now. 

You might be experiencing shifts in your physical bodies, which was why we used this particular metaphor. Roger could barely walk two weeks ago and considered surgery until we reminded him that he knew the challenge and why he was having the difficulty, and it is the same one many of you have which is why we gave your our work. The only problem for any of you is self-acceptance. 

You came to the world to offer your gift, for that action will add a high energy of love and light to your world and your life. But you doubt your worth and value which is also a process, but we wanted you to move beyond that more today.

We wanted you to understand that there will be changes in your world today so you can offer your essence. Part of the struggle you will witness in your world today and in your life will be for control. You each hold that control when you understand its source, and we provided information on this date in 2012 to aid you. 

Roger can run now because he no longer doubts this was accurate and what he was here to do, which is to help you do what you are here to do. 

November 15, 2012

It is ultimately you who has complete control over your physical life experience. You exercise that control through the thoughts you choose to think, the actions you decide to take, and the words you choose to speak.

You may argue that there are many outside events, circumstances, and influences that happen to you which cause you to act in a particular way; however, you still have your greatest control, and that is how you decide to think about all of it.

To have complete control over your life experience, you must eliminate any blame; that includes the blame you place on others and yourself. When you operate from that clarity, you can make choices that give you that control.


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Self-acceptance will still be your greatest challenge

November 14, 2022

Self-acceptance will still be your greatest challenge. It is the same challenge you have had since birth, and the one we have repeatedly advised would be the most worthwhile endeavor you could undertake now, not only for your evolution but for your world. 

At birth, you are each given a gift you are meant to bring to the world, and when you do, you flourish, and so does your world. When you withhold who you are, you struggle and suffer in your life and add that vibration of lower energy to your world, and you then witness events currently happening globally. Your primary difficulty has been needing to understand the importance of your contribution. 

We said self-acceptance would continue to be your challenge for your evolution, and that of your world is on an accelerated pace now, so you might experience difficulties in your physical bodies you might not understand. Many of them are caused by your resistance to owning who you are. 

Many of you, including Roger, could not believe we had provided guidance for this time in your life and world, but he can no longer deny what we have provided. We hope that more of you heed our message on this date in 2012, for not only will your life improve exponentially but also that of your world. 

November 14, 2012

Denial can be a valuable tool to use as you strive for expansion. Denial, as it is being used here, means your desires that you prevent yourself from having through your own thoughts, deeds, actions, and words.

You will deny certain relationships because, on some level, you have accepted you do not deserve them. You will deny yourself abundance by unconsciously wasting that abundance you receive or not allowing it to come to you.

When you become willing to acknowledge and notice the times you practice denial, you can make new choices. None of this involves judgment but merely a choice.


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Everything you did was perfect

November 13, 2022

Everything you did was perfect. You might think we are using the word perfect in a subjective sense, but we are not. We have always said that each of you is born perfect, but it takes time for you to recognize and own that fact. But during this restructuring of your world, it is a good time for you to accept more of your state of perfection, for it will uplift the energy of your world, which is why you are alive at this time.

We are also saying everything you did was perfect as some of you will be leaving physical form, and it aids you to know this information now as you all come to this realization when you decide to transition. Yes, that is a choice you make like you did to be here now in this lifetime. 

But now you have a grand opportunity to move your evolution forward at lightning speed and that of your world, for they are the same. You each are born with a mission you intend to complete, and it would include everything you have experienced so far. 

Everything you judged as a failure on your part was perfect because you moved through some limitations in the collective consciousness, so others do not need that burden. Everything you doubted about yourself was perfect because you could not discover the perfection of who you are without first questioning who you might become. The energy you add to the collective is immense when you make that discovery. 

You are a part of all that is. We will use that term more now as it is what Roger remembers, and many of you over eons have created other words that introduced separation, which led to the need for your current restructuring. We said the United States would lead the way, and women or the female energy would be vital. Many of you did not believe us, which is why you are confused by the results of the last election. It still needs to be completed, but you have made great strides. 

We are giving you this information today because there are events in the trajectory of your world currently that would be aided by the up-leveling of your energy, which happens when you release your self-judgment. And that is why we wanted you to accept your perfection now. We also know it is a cognitive process you use your human brain to facilitate. Still, we gave you information to awaken your eternal mind, for that is the ultimate perfection.

We said we gave you everything in 2012, and many dates would correspond and aid your understanding, and today is one of those days. We must also say that Roger becomes uncomfortable when we make the messages lengthy, but today was important. 

November 13, 2012

Just go with it. That somewhat recent and popular expression is one you would do well to apply to your mental and emotional attitude as you move through your physical life experience. When you evoke that phrase, you are more likely to be receptive to the information and wisdom coming to you through whatever particular events and situations you have experienced.

You will also be affirming that you trust the integrity of your life experience, which will become your reality. That phrase will be difficult for you to accept and adapt only because of some fear you harbor or believing in your demise, which has been greatly exaggerated.


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You also created the pyramids this way

November 12, 2022

You also created the pyramids this way. We have said you are moving through a massive restructuring of your world. You exist to add to that evolution as well as yours, for they are the same. You contribute by becoming your authentic self which is the most loving thing you can do. 

We also said we gave you everything you needed to know in 2012, and we began with infinite intelligence. You each possess your unique connection to that intelligence. You can manifest anything you desire as those who created everything that came before, such as your pyramids. Many of you are still in disbelief that those creations could have occurred, just as you doubt the purpose of your life at this time in your world.

You may have done many different things in your life before now, and you might find yourself moving in new directions. Those could be indications you are willing to become your authentic self, but you must first let go of your previously held obligations that may not have served your ultimate life purpose, which is before you now. Yes, we provided advice.

November 12, 2012

The only obligation you have is to live your life in a manner you know is leading you to become the person you desire to be. Any other obligation that you feel you have is one that you have made up or decided to take on because you knew it was leading you in the direction of your goal.

When you reflect on the particular choices you make in your physical life experience; you will clearly see if you are operating from the obligations you choose or ones that truly do not belong to you. Whenever you find yourself using words such as have to or need to, it will indicate that you might not be heading in the direction of that very person you desire to be.


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