Today you might remember your value

November 11, 2022

Today you might remember your value. Everything you have lived has provided you with worth and value, especially over the last several years.

You may not have noticed who you have become due to the rapid changes in your world, but we gave you something to aid you. While you might have believed it was happenstance that what we provided in 2012 would help you now, that would be a mistake in your thinking. 

November 11, 2012

Each and every day that you are in physical form, you get better. Better means that you expand in some way, and it is not possible for that not to occur. It is possible, however, for you not to notice it.

You continually gain more information and wisdom. You get better at whatever work you do simply by the mere fact of repetition. Anything you do repetitively causes you to gain better skill and ability at that thing.

When you get better, all those who come in contact with you benefit from that. This also explains why many societies value their elderly, for they appreciate that they are indeed better and have something to offer. This is true for you also.


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You are just getting started

November 10, 2022

You are just getting started. We know that may seem strange considering what you have experienced over the past several years, but that was intentional. You were born to be alive at this time in your world to complete some aspect of yourself you have yet to deliver to the world. 

We have called it your restructuring, but it is also that of your world, and you wanted to be alive now to add your essence to the mix, and you do that by becoming your authentic self which is perfect and wise, which you will discover. 

But you are moving into another phase of this restructuring tomorrow as another portal of understanding will open for you all, and we gave you some suggestions in 2012. The more of you who decide to take our advice, the sooner you will manifest the life and world you want. It is all in your hands.

As usual, we were a bit ahead of you, and yesterday we had Roger listen to a conversation we had with you a year ago that you might better understand now. He now accepts the gift he has as you are meant to do. We also gave you a hint when we mentioned the current president of the United States. The country is still leading the way. 

November 10, 2012

Your anticipation of anything will help manifest that into your personal reality or moment of now. While you understand or acknowledge the power of your imagination as well as expectations to create, anticipation can escape your awareness because it is so subtle.

These are all forms of holding thought, and any thought you hold is indeed creative. If you anticipate a particular task to be difficult, that will be your experience. If you anticipate greater awareness to occur for you because of some action you take, that will also be your experience.

Many other factors beyond your current level of awareness will also contribute to your future experiences, but anticipation is one you can control.


Here is that recording.

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Love will continue to win

November 9, 2022

Love will continue to win. This message will require some contemplation on your part and a willingness to continue to suspend your disbelief.

We have continually said that you are moving through a restructuring of yourself and your world, and what you believed about yourself and your world would not be the same. You will discover new parts or aspects of yourselves, which is what you were meant to love, and as you continue to do so, you energetically change your world, for they are not separate.

We said the United States would lead the way in this restructuring, and you witnessed some of those results yesterday with their election, but it still needs to be completed as you are not yet complete with your process of loving who you are. That is the contribution you intended to make, and it was the guidance we provided.

We know it is challenging to accept things in physical life experience that are not tangible but do your best with the message we gave you in 2012, along with the conversation we had yesterday. We wanted to jump out ahead of the election so you might become more willing to offer your love of yourself to the collective mix of manifesting your world.

November 9, 2012

Relax. There are times in your physical life experience when your periods of silence and relaxation will do far more for your expansion than all your physical striving, which often turns into worry and anxiety.

You use your physical world as a means of facilitating your spiritual expansion. However, there are periods when you begin to think that the most important thing is what you do and accomplish in the physical world. When you allow yourself those periods to relax, hearing the information and wisdom coming to you from that eternal spiritual place is much easier. Physical form is always transitory.


Here’s the video replay of our conversation

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Today could be the most momentous day of your life so far

November 8, 2022

Today could be the most momentous day of your life so far. Various astrological and galactic events are in play today at a perfect time for your restructuring and that of your world. 

We gave you the following message in 2012 because you could be tempted to misinterpret what you witness, but we have told you that what you will see is also for your highest good. It is also the reason we planned a live conversation with you today. You will understand and hopefully accept so much more. 

November 8, 2012

Your reaction to whatever occurs in your physical life experience will always indicate to you where you are on your own evolutionary scale. You will either have a reaction of love or fear.

Your reaction of love means that you know that even if the occurrence is difficult, challenging, uncomfortable, or painful, in some way, it is still for your highest good.

If your reaction is one of fear, it means you doubt your eternal nature, believe in lack, or somehow you are not worthy of that highest good.

The key to using this process to your benefit is not to judge your reaction but to merely observe it so it will reveal valuable information that will only help your expansion.


Please join us today.: The Full Moon Eclipse Wilhelm Conversation: “Everything you wanted to know about your ascension” You can register here.

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We wanted you to love and trust yourself more today

November 7, 2022

We wanted you to love and trust yourself more today. We wanted Roger to use that title, and the tense of the word want because many of you are only aware of linear time, so believing there was a divine plan for your life can be challenging, but we assure you there was. 

You are moving through your restructuring and that of your world. Many of you have kept those aspects separate. But you are moving to oneness which has been the divine plan for your world. 

Self-acceptance is a process and one that only occurs when you become willing to stretch your imagination of what you believe is possible. As you examine your life and the world today, you may feel the fast-moving energies, and more of them will merge tomorrow. That is why we asked Roger to hold a live conversation where we will reveal more of your journey.

In the meantime, we would like you to contemplate the message we provided in 2012. We have finally convinced Roger of that occurrence just as you will begin to accept your purpose and reason for being alive, and if you embrace that, you will love and trust yourself more. And that will elevate your vibration and that of your world. 

November 7, 2012

Conflict and unity always coexist in physical life experience and are necessary for expansion and evolvement. This is true in your personal experience and your world at large.

You cannot know unity within yourself without having experienced the questions that conflict brings to your awareness. You spend your entire physical life experience coming to know who you are, and that can only occur with the contrast that conflict offers you.

The end result, then, is always a period of unity. When you have sufficiently answered those questions about who you are, you experience unity; through unity, you generate more energy and awareness to expand and evolve. This process is true for you and your world.


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You have never been needed more

November 6, 2022

You have never been needed more. We mean the parts of you that you have withheld, judged, or doubted existed within you. They did exist, you did not imagine them, but you had yet to gain the cognitive acceptance of who you are.

You purposeful chose to be alive to aid in restructuring your world and your life, but that can only occur when you accept every aspect of yourself. We know the current times in your life and world have been confusing and frightening for some, but at times you require a bit of motivation before you take that next step into the higher dimension of who you are.

You would make that choice now because your world could use your essence, and it will be the one that arrives without your judgment. None of you have experienced a time like this. But many of you, like Roger, have memories of what you are meant to do but denied who you are. 

We said we guided in 2012, and that was a challenge for many of you to accept, especially Roger. But he can no longer do that because he has acknowledged it has occurred, and he can see that we charted the way for you even to the next major shift in your world on Tuesday when you have a well-orchestrated full moon and eclipse. 

We wanted your light to begin to rise now, and you will understand that in the message we provided, and you might even start to believe more in yourself. 

Some of you are experiencing strange physical occurrences in your bodies, which are only your resistance to moving into higher dimensions. Roger took steps the other day which we urged, and now he no longer needs knee surgery or work done on his feet. It is always about you becoming willing to walk in your shoes. 

November 6, 2012

The results of all events and occurrences in your physical life experience are always for your highest good. This concept often escapes your awareness as those results are being presented because they may be uncomfortable for you. Or your current moment awareness does not allow you to capture the meaning of those results in terms of how they further your expansion and evolvement.

This is always true for you personally as well as your world. You always come to know this eventually, and you would do well now to examine your history to find evidence of this. You will find results of events that, when they occurred, were difficult for you, but later, you recognized how magnificent they became.


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Self-doubt will be your only challenge

November 5, 2022

Self-doubt will be your only challenge. We said it would be because you are still moving through a rapidly changing world which we called your restructuring. You are on an evolutionary soul journey, and what is revealed to you about yourself will also be new, and it will be up to you to accept who you have become. 

You only have self-doubt because you have compared yourself to others. Your journey is a unique and integral part of the fabric of the world you manifest for yourself and all others. 

You each have clues of what you are in the world to accomplish, and once you do, you will expand, and so will your world. Last night we had Roger write an article where he would explain the movements in your world as he can feel the uncertainty and fear. He touched on things he previously stayed away from because they could cause more conflict. But he also knows he can no longer hold back his wisdom and that it is to aid all others because we gave him the work.

You each have disbelief in yourselves, but this is also purposeful, for you cannot expand on your journey without first expressing that doubt. But when you receive tangible proof of your mission, holding yourself back does the same to your world, for you each contribute equally.

We said this change is generational, and you are moving through the limitations of your ancestors. It is not accidental that today is Roger’s father’s birthday, who transcended the physical plane twenty-five years ago. But we gave you all a message on this date in 2012 that would aid you. You must let go of your disbelief before you can find your self-belief.

November 5, 2012

If you desire to expand your physical life experience, decide to expand your thinking each and every day. In other words, anything you desire to be, do, have, create, or manifest must first take root in your thinking. It is pretty difficult to do anything physical at all if your thinking has not accepted that very idea of what it is you desire to do.

When you become accustomed to your current conditions or station in life, you will create more of the same if your thinking has yet to expand to include more. It also becomes crucial that you do this a bit each day. Many times what you think of as grandiose thinking will not necessarily produce the results you desire because you might not accept that.


This morning we had Roger listen to a video which also was not accidental as it gave him more belief, and you each will want that moving forward. We will leave a link here as it may aid others but also, we love this channel and want it to grow as momentum aids you all. You may watch this video here.


Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
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We told you how to heal your life and world

November 4, 2022 

We told you how to heal your life and world. It took quite a while before Roger would write those words because he, like many of you, has denied the gifts he came to give your world at this time of restructuring as you might have done.

You each are born with something to bring to your world, but often you judge what that might be and therefore judge yourselves and then attempt to find relief by blaming others for your life and world conditions. No one is given more power than another, and understanding that sentence is part of your journey to oneness.

The challenge for you all is accepting your essentialness in forming your world, not to mention your life. Your world has moved into a new energetic place, and you each will view things differently, as you intended. You cannot evolve without contrast. However, there is also an ultimate truth you are attempting to reach, and as unbelievable as it might be, what you were given at birth could make a difference if you become your authentic self.

It was that way for Roger when he became angry last night, and we said, we gave you something for tomorrow that will aid you. We did it in 2012, and we will leave it here, and eventually, you each come to believe in and love who you are and up-level the energy on your planet. 

November 4, 2012

A grudge is any attitude, thought, or feeling that you carry which prevents you from continuing your own expansion. You may argue that your particular grudge is justified, only directed at another, and serves some emotional release. But the fact is it only demonstrates that you have yet to attain the awareness of the purpose and meaning of the event or person where your grudge is directed.

When you fully accept that all circumstances, events, and people that come into your life experience are to help you expand in some manner, you never have a need or reason for the grudge itself. Understanding this process allows you to let go of a weight that only holds you down.


Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
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Here’s the reason we used Aristotle in our work

November 3, 2022

Here’s the reason we used Aristotle in our work. The primary reason was we knew it would be helpful to you during this restructuring of your life and world. 

The quote we gave you in 2016 will also help you understand our use of human dates. 

“Anybody can become angry – that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way – that is not within everybody’s power and is not easy.” 


You each come to the world with a blueprint for your life that will lead you to your authentic self, which embodies your value and worth. You only sometimes know how to accomplish that, so you study others or take classes to gain cognitive acceptance and assimilation of what you have achieved. 

That is the nature of our work that came through Roger, and he had to accept what he has done as you will, and that is the guide we provided. You do not know who you will become, but you are given clues. Roger did not understand why he wrote those words in 2016 when he began working on a program he knew intuitively would be helpful to himself and others. You have done the same, for it is in your blueprint.

We want to spread more awareness as your world has taken another shift, and the more of you who understand Aristotle’s quote, the more helpful you will be to your evolution and that of your world. 

We led Roger to two videos that will explain more. But the first one on Aristotle he resisted at first, but he also understood every word as others might.

Then we led him to another video that would move him into the next part of his evolution as, typically, you all want encouragement.

Then to tie it all together, we will have him place the message from 2012, for he, like the rest of you, must change if you want to evolve and aid your world. He has a wealth of information we have provided for decades, but he, too, had to move through your very human process of cognitive acceptance. You will because you are that valuable and needed in your world now.

November 3, 2012

You continually struggle with your sense of responsibility, which can hold you back from your expansion. It becomes important for you to remember that you are living your physical life experience, and your first responsibility is to your well-being. 

This is not a selfish act, but one that will place you in a position to do more and help all others. When you attempt to assume responsibility for the life experience of another, you are simultaneously declaring that, in some way, your experience is not as valuable or you deserve less.

When you honestly examine your choices in this arena, the clarity of this will become evident. It will help you remember that the more you do yourself, the more you can do for others.


Meaning – Aristotle’s worldview

Roger’s encouragement that may aid others

Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
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When you love yourself, so will the world

November 2, 2022

When you love yourself, so will the world. This message will reveal everything we have wanted to say to you and what we wanted you to embrace. Your presence in the world will aid its transition during this restructuring when more of you remember who you are and your eternal connection to your source. You can only accomplish that by loving who you are.

Many of you have experienced many hardships throughout your lives, but you have yet to fully understand how valuable that would be at this time, which is why we gave you our work in 2012. We are mentioning that again for one person who referred to it yesterday, and another thought it had no meaning. 

Everything in your life and world has meaning when you decide to see it yourself. You move through evolutionary changes in your world, which are all for your evolvement or expansion if you do not resist them and decide to love who you are, which is your life path.

You have moved into a new portion of this restructuring, and as we said, the United States would lead the way. We have also said there is an order in the universe that coincides with your astrological and galactic changes, so a contentious election is planned for the next full moon on November 8. That is why we would like you to love yourself more now. Your energy will move this transition forward globally with Love.

Not all of you will understand or relate to what we are delivering, but those who know there is a part of you unfilled, we will provide more fortitude. We led Roger to two videos from others we would like you to hear, for they may spark your memory. Then we had Roger find ours from a year ago, for it will make more sense to you now. 

All dates are meant to provide you with something to hold on to when you are moving through your rapidly evolving world, and we wanted you to know it was not accidental, and neither are you. You are essential to the evolution of your world. 

Also, it is Roger’s birthday, and as you didn’t know, we gave him the perfect message for today in 2012. It was not accidental.

November 2, 2012

Your birthday is a day you set aside each year to remember why you decided to have a physical life experience. As you move through your life, you experience all manner of events and circumstances, some of which are happy and pleasurable and others that you consider challenging. However, the goal and purpose of all of them are to have you, experience Love.

You often think that you are striving to achieve success or accomplishment in some way, but the true goal is the experience of Love. You experience it in many different ways, including emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. The end result of the experience itself is expansion. You always come to know fully and own this when you have decided to leave physical form. You could do it now. 


A memory of Atlantis

Who you might be

We tied it together a year ago

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