November 21, 2022
Self-sabotage is avoidable. Even the formation of that phrase should cause you to examine your actions. You know you are sabotaging your life and progression, yet you continue to do so.
Roger had a call with his family last night and shared his discovery of the gift he has, and he knew it could make a tremendous difference in the life of anyone who would utilize it, and he knows it would make a difference in your world over time. But the part he wasn’t willing to change was his resistance to asking for help to move things forward.
To make things worse, he saw the message we provided on this date in 2012, and it is one that you each want to consider now and especially over the next several days as your world continues to move through this restructuring. That is also the reason we planned a live conversation for Wednesday. We wanted you to be prepared for the changes in your world.
None of you have experienced these events, so it would be natural to need help accessing the next part of your journey. You practice your self-sabotage when you refuse to accept the help that is always available and being offered, for you have never done anything alone.
November 21, 2012
Self-reliance can also include asking for help. Many times throughout your physical life experience, you will encounter situations and challenges where you do not currently hold the answer or solution. Asking for help in those instances is also a signal from you that you understand you live in a collaborative Universe and that access to information, wisdom, and knowledge can come from many sources, and you deserve to receive it.
On the other hand, your refusal to ask for that help will actually reinforce a belief that you do not deserve that help, or in some way, you are less than enough by not already possessing the information and knowledge you desire.
Please join us on Wednesday, November 23rd at 3pm Pacific Time (6pm Eastern/11pm Universal). It is called You Are Ready for Your Breakthrough.
Please register for the live session here, at no cost to you.
Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
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