Yours struggle is self-imposed

June 20, 2022

Your struggle is self-imposed. Please take your time to accept the wisdom of this message, and it is also in preparation for our live conversation tomorrow.

Anything you think is a struggle in your life is of a physical or material nature, and you are an eternal spiritual being. Any judgment or regret that might arise during your acceptance of this information will be counterproductive to your evolvement or expansion.

Everything we gave you in 2012 was to prepare you for this moment. We knew some of you would become fearful and uncomfortable with the uncertainty, but that is because you have momentarily forgotten who you are.

You came into the physical world with built-in limitations and restrictions which were a part of your evolutionary journey and will not look like that of another. You intended to move through your blockages so you might evolve, add your essence to the collective, and cause a shift in your world.

The reason you have struggled is due to your judgment. It was first directed at yourself, and then to rid yourself of that feeling of powerlessness, you project your sense of frustration onto others and your world to find relief that never arrives.

You exist now because you wanted to experience this restructuring, for it would allow you to encounter the limitations you have carried in this lifetime and those in your lineage who have come before. That is why we said you took on a big job. If you accomplish your goal, the world you desire to see will manifest.

Tomorrow there will be another galactic transition in your world filled with a potent energy that you get to direct in any manner you choose, and your choice will affect your world.

If you continue to judge yourself and others, you will add to the darkness and heavy energy currently in your world. If you decide to love yourself and believe in what you came to offer, you will add light and love. Whatever choice you make will cause the formation of your life and world, for they are not separate.

Revisit this message before tomorrow and remember, you will be fine.


Please join us: Tuesday, June 21, 2022 8 AM PST “The summer solstice. The moment for which you have waited.” You can register here:

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Your mission is before you

June 19, 2021Your mission is before you. Yes, you have one, and it is the one you agreed to complete during this lifetime, for it would greatly benefit your evolvement and that of your world.

It is not accidental that you are alive during your world’s restructuring because you wanted to contribute and make a difference so you might usher in a new world you would love. The manner you chose to accomplish your goal was to become entirely and ultimately yourself.

You have not accepted yourself to be that essential. We knew that would occur, which is why we provided you with guidance in 2012 as you have not experienced a shift as significant as this one, but it will yield marvelous results when more of you here complete your mission which is to love yourself and accept the gifts you were given. It will require you to release your fear and doubt.

We held our live conversations with you to aid you, and we also said we guided you the year later, for we knew some of you are still reluctant to move, but please be patient with yourself, for you are moving through thousands of years of programming that was limited and restricted.

Your world will take another step in its ascension, as will you this Tuesday when you experience your summer solstice. It will be ripe with the energy to take action. Several just began our program and have made tremendous progress, so now Roger knows he is on his mission and has moved beyond his fear and doubt to be the teacher he could not embrace. But you will embrace your mission with our help and be fine.

June 19, 2013

You decided to come into physical form for the experience. You did not intend to simply sit and try to figure it all out. In other words, you knew that your intention when you decided to have a physical life was to have experiences, for the experiences provide you with the context for that expansion.

Many times you will literally sit in your head and attempt to try and figure it all out instead of having the experiences. When you sit in your head, as it were, you conjure all manner of fear, trepidation, and worry, which ultimately prevents you from having the very experiences you sought.

When you take the time to examine this, you will readily notice how much you do it, and hopefully, this will cause you to shift your behavior into more action so that you might have your experiences. They are indeed fun.

Please join us: Tuesday, June 21, 2022 8 AM PST “The summer solstice. The moment for which you have waited.” You can register here:

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The importance of your life

June 18, 2022

The importance of your life. You are alive now because you wanted to evolve and become more. You have always desired to live a life of happiness, abundance, and love. You wanted to experience the importance and significance you held within you, and that is why you chose a period where your world would be restructuring.

Every experience and circumstance you have had was meant to bring you to this moment in your life and world. You wanted to move through every limitation and restriction you have placed upon yourself. When you accomplish your goal, you also change your world.

Your world has shifted into a new trajectory, and the energies have accelerated, and change will occur, but you must decide how you will contribute to your life and that of your world, for they are the same.

The work we gave you in 2012 was for guidance. We called it Your Life Operating Instructions because you and your life are unique, and that is what you intended to embody, for if you do so, you are offering the energy of love. If you deny who you are and what you want to achieve, you deprive yourself of the magnificent life you might have, and the world will not be the one you desired.

None of you know who you will become when you are born, which is why you have guardians, such as your parents, to provide direction. Then you attend school for even more, and many of you have coaches, mentors, and courses you use to gain clarity.

But you also develop the wisdom and knowledge you are meant to give others, for that is the process of evolution. You will find it challenging to accomplish your goal unless you release your self-limiting ideas and beliefs, which is why you and your world wanted restructuring.

The other day we had Roger record a video that none of you have seen because he too had difficulty accepting his importance which is why he is the best guide for many of you. We will leave the recording, and please listen when you have time, for it is twenty-four minutes long.

As you absorb what you hear, you will have more peace and understanding, which is always our intention for the next few months in your world might seem confusing. Still, we know if you let go of your resistance to embracing every aspect of yourself, you will experience a magnificent life and world. You will be fine.

The recording:


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Please suspend your disbelief

June 17, 2022

Please suspend your disbelief. The disbelief we refer to is your ability to manifest the life and world you desire. You exist in the world at this extraordinary time because a part of you knew this would be the most pivotal time in your life and your world. You had gifts to offer, and they have all been within you, but your disbelief in yourself has been greater than your belief.

You agreed to be alive now during this restructuring. The reason we used the word please is that we know if you decide to believe in yourself and harness more of your innate abilities and talents, not only do you manifest the life you wanted but also that of your world. We wanted your energy to become stronger, for we knew it would be one of love and creation, then that cooperative world you imagined would manifest.

We provided guidance in 2012, and many of you, including Roger, found that difficult to believe. None of you believe fully in your gifts until you become willing to embrace them.

Yesterday in one of the weekly group meetings with six members in the program, he could no longer hold that disbelief, for he witnessed the results in the individuals, and the strength they will develop together will aid them in manifesting the lives they want.

We said we kept going into 2013 because we felt your resistance to self-belief. We will place the message we gave you on this calendar date in 2013. It will make sense to you because during the meeting yesterday, Roger found a solution, and it was one he offered to the group.

We have said a significant portion of this restructuring will be a redistribution of wealth and income in your world, and you are meant to have more now, and you will do it together. Roger told the members they could participate in the income of whomever they might bring to the program. They each found a way of prospering while pursuing their dreams. Study this message with your life, and you will find your solution. You will be fine.

June 17, 2013

There is always a solution available. This is the most critical state of mind or thinking for you to hold when you face anything in your physical life experience that initially presents as a problem or challenge.

You never intended to struggle during your physical life, and you knew before you came onto the physical plane that you did not have to struggle because the solution was available. You also knew that you intended to expand, and the very way you expand is to allow the solution to appear or be made available.

The difficulty you have is when you decide that there is no solution, which becomes your personal reality. Nothing is more important for you to keep in mind than you are always creating your reality. Look at all other souls and recognize this is what each of you is doing. You have the power to create yours in a manner that pleases you. Nothing less.


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You had one goal

June 16, 2022

You had one goal. The goal that you had was the same as every other person. When you consider that, you will also understand the importance of fulfilling your one dream. When you do so, the restructuring of your life and world will be successful.

You have moved into a new phase of the current transition in your life, and the occurrences in your world will move you closer to your goal. That goal is also the same one we have always spoken of; it was our only intention and the purpose we wanted you to achieve through our work.

We had said that the greatest influence in this particular shift of your world would occur in the United States.
They have created the most significant influence on the creation of your world. They have also held the most contradictions as you have carried within yourself.

Yesterday we encouraged Roger to move closer to the expression of the one goal he recognized for himself, which he gained through our work. He recorded a video we would like more to see when it is released later, for he decided to tell his story and that of our work and why it would matter in your life and world now.

Your only goal and the biggest irony of your life is your only goal was to become yourself. Roger found himself saying he had no fear during the recording. He said that because he now knows when you reach the place of authenticity within yourself, it is impossible to experience fear. For you have touched your eternal nature, you wanted to be alive now to know more of it and add your essence to the collective consciousness.

When you contemplate this message, you will understand why the act you becoming yourself is so essential. You then provide an example for others and no longer need anything from your outside world, which means you love yourself and all others, and you accomplish the goal you held for your life.

You will now understand why we were so passionate about more of you accomplishing your goal, for you will energetically change your world’s trajectory. Eventually, you have no more wars within yourself, which is also your world. You will be fine.


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Trust yourself even more

June 15, 2022

Trust yourself even more. You come to the world to fulfill a mission that includes your evolution and that of your world. You exist at this time to direct your life forward in a powerful way that adds to the collective consciousness that will manifest your future world.

Your trust has not been as strong as it might be due to the nature of the experiences in your world none of you have known. But we provided guidance, and the trust in us many of you held was not what it could have been, and that is because Roger needed to have it first, just as you must develop trust in yourself because you intended to use it now. We only help.

We will leave the message we gave you on this calendar date in 2013, for we knew where you would be today. Your level of trust will become apparent by how much you accept this message, for you will need to suspend some of your disbelief to traverse the next part of your life journey.

June 15, 2013

You always establish your self-worth while in physical form. You know much of this information but have been unwilling to examine it consciously. There are many ways you establish that self-worth, and an important one for you has been what you are willing to accept.

You have accepted less than you desire because, on some level, your recent experience of your self-worth told you that you did not deserve more. This has been an ongoing theme for you; it becomes easy to know when you have made that choice because you will experience some upset, depression, or sadness and find yourself attempting to shift blame for your feelings to another or a particular situation.

The fact remains that it was all your choice. When you recognize this, you also acknowledge your power to change it. The only reason you would not change it is because of some fear you are holding. That is your choice as well.

Now you would do well to examine what you accept and do so to increase your self-worth.


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You hold the solution

June 14, 2022

You hold the solution. The solution we mean is to heal and direct your life and world. That is why you are alive now during this restructuring.

You are provided everything you needed at birth to accomplish your task, but you do not remember that, which is why you have come to fear the unknown.

You were born with equal power and ability as all others, but it is up to you how much you decide to accept and utilize. Your life has given you all the clues of what it was you were to do because it was different and new, and that is what you wanted to contribute, but your lack of belief and trust in yourself has held you back, but that is also why you wanted to be here now.

We have said you are moving through a significant restructuring of your world, meaning it is something none of you have experienced. We wanted you to appreciate the enormity of this time, for you are shaping a new world, and you are the ones doing it.

You add your essence by deciding to own your worth and value, which injects the energy of love into the collective consciousness. When you doubt yourself, are not being authentic, or any other behavior that causes you to feel less than magnificent, you are contributing dense and heavy energy into that unconscious, and you continue your struggle and that in your world.

Everything we have given you was to encourage more belief and trust. We had done that through Roger as he, too, needed confirmation. He knows that we have provided a solution that would aid you all, but it was challenging for him to accept that he was the one to receive something of this value, but he was just as you were. He knew he was meant to teach others, but as we pointed out in 2005, he dismissed that as you have rejected your worthiness. That is why we gave you our program.

But that too was a step too far in the consciousness of many of you. We knew that, so we said we continued our guidance into 2013, for humans do not change or move quickly, but now you can. We planned this exposure on this day, for it is astrologically and galactically charged for providing you with momentum for change.

We gave you the best advice, which we will post here, and this is also why we wanted more of you to embody this message, as it will serve you well over the next several weeks in your world. More will be revealed to you all, and there will be many disillusioned by what they discover, and you would do well to offer compassion and understanding rather than judgment. Yes, Roger hears us clearly, and he is the one who must embrace this message wholly.

June 14, 2013

Be you. When you hear those two words, your intellectual thinking will tell you that you can’t do anything else; however, you have spent much of your physical life experience attempting to do quite the opposite.

You have done this because you began to think that if you entirely acted like you, in some manner, it might harm another. That is not possible, as well as being quite the opposite in Ultimate Reality. When you first connect to your true benevolent nature and act from that place, you are being sincere and authentic, and that behavior helps you and all others.

You can’t expand without the goal of being more you continually, and your willingness to be honest and authentic paves the path to that goal.


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Your money problem

June 13, 2022

Your money problem. Today we will speak of money as it relates to your life and the world. We have said you are moving through a restructuring, and everything will become different, including how your society utilizes money globally.

There has been a significant imbalance, and a more balanced approach was necessary for evolution to continue on a grander scale. You will witness many of those changes very soon, which could cause you to panic. Please remember that money is merely energy, as are all things of a physical or material nature, meaning you have control over them all.

How you have used money is specific to you. Some of you have used it to cause yourself to feel more than others, and others have used it to cause you to feel less. Regardless of what you might have done, it is a part of your evolutionary journey.

Finally, you come to understand that there is no lack of money anywhere in your world, but it is how you have used the energy of money in your life and world.

Roger received a message yesterday that accused him of only wanting the money for his program. He defensively reacted because it touched on something that has been a part of his evolutionary journey for longer than he knows.

Roger’s main concern his entire life has been what he might provide for others, and he left himself out. If you are to read his biography, that fact is evident. He would leave positions if he felt the business did not deliver the best service. He has done that several times and had no monetary backup every time.

He did this because he intuitively knew there was a place to be where he might make a more significant difference. But he doubted and feared what was natural to him, and that was us.

You each have an intuitive side, and some of you also know you have guides, but when you don’t embrace that recognition, you are not recognizing yourself and are not being your authentic self which is why we held the live conversation yesterday.

Roger reached the place where he recognized what was contained in the program and that it would make an enormous difference to whoever utilized it. He also realized what he’d done many times. And that is not owning the value of who he is, his experience, and the accumulated wisdom.

But when you judge yourself and your gift, you do not allow money flow to come to you. Roger’s anger and defensiveness were due to that recognition, and it is what he must change through this restructuring, and there will be something within you to change as well. You will be fine.


Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
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You have been hiding something

June 12. 2022

We had Roger find a message we gave him in 2008, which was never made public as he has hidden his gift as you have been hiding yours. But it was all purposeful because you wanted to awaken now, for then you will aid in the restructuring of your world.

We wanted you to believe in yourself. You are moving through a time in your life and the world you have never done. But you wanted to be alive now to evolve. You stumbled upon us through Roger, for it was a part of your evolutionary journey. How much of this you decide to accept as accurate is up to you.

But we did provide you with guidance through this part of your journey.

After the live conversation today, you can decide the guidance you will follow, as that is also wisdom.

December 31, 2008
There is nothing you do not know, only that which you have temporarily forgotten. When you came onto the physical plane, your intention and desire were to continually evolve, expand and grow in awareness.

The only way you could accomplish this was not to know what you were capable of achieving. You knew that what you achieved would always awaken that remembrance and add to your very own evolvement and all others. Anything that you put your focused attention to grows exponentially.

When you fear taking a risk, you have forgotten that you can never fail, which is merely human perception. When you seek safety in the known, you have forgotten you desired to explore the unknown, for this holds all the promise you desired. Your birthright is your connection to Source or all that is and always will be.

June 12, 2012

The outcome of anything you attempt to do, be, have, or accomplish is none of your business. In other words, if you hold a specific outcome in mind as you move forward with your efforts, you may also inadvertently block the greater good the Universe has in store for you.

It is always the process itself that is more important, for it is only during the process that you experience any manner of expansion that you desire.

It would be helpful to keep in mind that you are always operating from a limited awareness, for it is only in this way that you can experience greater expansion and know that is what you have accomplish.


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Please accept your gift

June 11, 2022

Please accept your gift. The gift of which we speak is you. You came into the world to evolve and become more, and you did so to add to the restructuring of your world.

You might think the occurrences in your life and world are accidental, yet they are not. The planetary shift you are experiencing is what you wanted, for you knew it would cause you to believe in yourself and your importance in the world.

When you move into complete self-acceptance, the gift of who you are is revealed. We have provided you with guidance we sent to Roger in 2012. You all have had difficulty accepting that premise, including Roger. But today, we told him to find the message we gave you on this calendar day and place it here.

We asked him not to read it first, which also causes him to accept his gift. It will make sense to you all why we advised him to change the price of our program, for we want all of you to experience greater abundance, for that is a part of the restructuring you meant to implement in your world and your life.

June 11, 2012

Abundance is an illusion. That statement was meant to grab your attention so that you might think of the entire idea of abundance differently.

First, you mainly think of abundance concerning something physical. Secondly, you usually only ever think of this abundance when you are personally experiencing some particular lack.

In other words, none of it is real. There is never a lack of anything, so then abundance is completely natural, and you only use the experience of lack of abundance as a means to cause you to expand in some way.

When you begin to accept that abundance is natural, you will have little need to think of it.


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