June 20, 2022
Your struggle is self-imposed. Please take your time to accept the wisdom of this message, and it is also in preparation for our live conversation tomorrow.
Anything you think is a struggle in your life is of a physical or material nature, and you are an eternal spiritual being. Any judgment or regret that might arise during your acceptance of this information will be counterproductive to your evolvement or expansion.
Everything we gave you in 2012 was to prepare you for this moment. We knew some of you would become fearful and uncomfortable with the uncertainty, but that is because you have momentarily forgotten who you are.
You came into the physical world with built-in limitations and restrictions which were a part of your evolutionary journey and will not look like that of another. You intended to move through your blockages so you might evolve, add your essence to the collective, and cause a shift in your world.
The reason you have struggled is due to your judgment. It was first directed at yourself, and then to rid yourself of that feeling of powerlessness, you project your sense of frustration onto others and your world to find relief that never arrives.
You exist now because you wanted to experience this restructuring, for it would allow you to encounter the limitations you have carried in this lifetime and those in your lineage who have come before. That is why we said you took on a big job. If you accomplish your goal, the world you desire to see will manifest.
Tomorrow there will be another galactic transition in your world filled with a potent energy that you get to direct in any manner you choose, and your choice will affect your world.
If you continue to judge yourself and others, you will add to the darkness and heavy energy currently in your world. If you decide to love yourself and believe in what you came to offer, you will add light and love. Whatever choice you make will cause the formation of your life and world, for they are not separate.
Revisit this message before tomorrow and remember, you will be fine.
Please join us: Tuesday, June 21, 2022 8 AM PST “The summer solstice. The moment for which you have waited.” You can register here: rogerburnley.com/wilhelm >Register For the Channeling Session Here< |