You might have forgotten your importance

July 11, 2023

You might have forgotten your importance. We gave you a message on this date in 2012 with full awareness of where you might find yourself now.

As you read the message, apply its principles to your life and world with the understanding that you can only change yourself, and that is what you want. Your life experience with all its aspects is needed in the world now, and when you remember that, you will live the life you want. 

July 11, 2012

You can only ever live your life. This idea becomes important for you because when you hold it, you will also become aware of those moments when you attempt to escape that responsibility by trying to direct the life of another.

This does not necessarily mean you will not have opinions, suggestions, and your own ideas about what you think might be best for another, but ultimately that responsibility is theirs.

You will also now become acutely aware when you have lost track of what you are up to in this lifetime, for you will notice when you allow yourself to become distracted, so to speak, from your path. That is merely your fear that you desire to overcome.


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The present is before you

July 10, 2023

The present is before you. We are giving you a message that will be a brain teaser. Most of our messages are that it is the only way you stimulate your consciousness and raise your awareness which typically requires using your linear time. That is why we have given you messages that speak on the same subject years apart. You always hear us, or yourself, eventually. 

When we said the present, we meant this moment of now but also what you would consider a present or a gift for your life and world. And when we said before you, it means the next step you will take at this moment is to love what you have become and what you can accomplish now, as you can only create your future in the way you use your thinking of yourself and others.

You will never accomplish your goal, and neither will your world if you continue to blame one another for the conditions of your lives and that of your world, for they are the same.

Please put this message together with the one we gave in 2012, and your thinking will be further stimulated, and you will be on the way to further manifesting the life and world you want. 

July 10, 2012

If you create your own reality and guide and direct your physical life experience, then you relinquish that ability anytime you use blame. 

Blame is typically directed at something outside of you that you believe has caused something to occur in your life. It is your attempt not to accept ultimate responsibility for your experience.

Even blame that you might place on yourself is misguided, for when you do so, you are affirming that something has gone “wrong” with one of your experiences. You will block receiving the information available for you in every experience. Seek to know the solution rather than settling for blame.


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Self-love is the journey and destination

July 9, 2023

Self-love is the journey and destination. Today we are giving you a message that will require a shift in your perspective or mindset, but once you make it, you will be further on your path to the love you have sought.

Every soul decides when they will incarnate into physical form, and they choose the time, place, and circumstances currently existing on your planet. They make that choice because they know those conditions offer them the best opportunity to evolve on their evolutionary path, and it is the same one that the planet is taking at the time of their birth.

Then every soul will walk their journey and encounter everything they planned for themselves previously, and they will move further to the goal of self-love with every choice they make in each moment of now. 

There are only two choices any soul has: love or fear. You choose fear when you think your path is not worthy, you are not enough, or are insignificant in some way. Or you will choose love, which means you know there is more ability, power, and talent within you to bring forth, and then you find your alignment with the universe, and everything you have desired will begin to manifest or continue to do so. 

No soul chooses anything they cannot achieve. You chose this time of restructuring in your world because you knew that if you chose to love yourself in more situations and circumstances, your life would be what you wanted. You then contribute to the current planetary ascension, and you will reach the destination you set for yourself of self-love, and we have been the guides so that you could guide yourself. 

In an eventual lifetime, you all come to understand you are one, but that will occur by what you choose now.


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No one is more powerful than you

July 8, 2023

No one is more powerful than you. And you are no more powerful than anyone else. That is the awareness you are attempting to awaken to, and it is the same one your planet wants to achieve now. The achievement of that goal can only come through you.

Power is a state of mind or consciousness, for that is the only place it exists, and the only way you manifest the life you want is to access your power through continually raising your awareness. Every message we have ever given was to that end. 

Every human comes to the physical plane at a time when it would serve their evolution and that of the world. You are each given something to develop that would allow you to access and utilize your personal power, and it is always contained within your life journey. It will never resemble another, which is why most humans have difficulty accessing and owning their power because they are comparing themselves to others or holding on to old beliefs, judgments, and ideas that will not serve the new world you will manifest.

There is no soul on the planet now who is not participating in restructuring your world because you all hold equal power and abilities. Your goal is to access and own yours, so we have given you an ascension guide. You are moving to the highest version of yourself, which will manifest your life experience and transform your world. It will never include any form of judgment, hatred, anger, or war against yourself or others.

No human holds more power than another, for you are connected to and a part of the source, God, or whatever greater presence you consider to exist. The more you love yourself and remember who you are, the more power you will access and use to manifest the life and world your want. It is a gradual process for you and your world, but you will be fine. 


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You will change for the better

July 7, 2023

You will change for the better. We mean you and your planet. The word better is subjective, but you know what it means and how that would feel to you. That is the reason you are alive now, and it was the reason for your physical life experience.

You chose to be alive during the restructuring of your world, which means you possess something within you that would cause that change to become better when you do not resist the changes occurring within you.

We began guiding you in 2012, but we have continued throughout the years, and we have done so on specific days when the prevailing energies of your planet would be more available, and that is today.

July 7, 2020

You are being forced to change. Well, at least that is how it may feel to you. First of all, remember that in the recent past, we have continually used the collective you, meaning you are all connected and one, so what we say to one will apply to all. Also, please be forewarned that we are fully aware of the current conditions of your world; we will not add to your fear because we don’t hold it. What we do hold is great promise for you. 

We took Roger on such an incredible journey; his telling of it will aid you all. Last night his roommate was in excruciating physical pain and wanted to understand what was occurring. Roger knew full well, and we kept giving him the answers, but Roger could not say them because of his persistent passiveness in accepting our guidance and direction. 

What we said to him was that his roommate, or “you,” has been in conflict with yourself over how you want to be seen in the world and how you want to show up in your life. The distinction here will bring clarity because you have done the same your entire life.

Now the reason you have done this is you refuse to change. When you refuse to change, you create resistance, leading to physical, mental, and emotional pain. Those experiences are what you want, for they urge you to become yourself. 

Yourself is a fully integrated being who appreciates your masculine and feminine energies equally, which creates balance, and then you evolve. Now, we would like each of you to reread that last sentence with the collective you held firmly in your consciousness. You will be fine. 


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You are having a spiritual evolution

July 6, 2023

You are having a spiritual evolution. We are using our words deliberately, and when you visit the definition of the word spiritual, it has little to do with religion but with the soul of every human born. When we say evolution, it is the understanding that every person contributes to the formation of your world, and you do so over generations.

You decided to live now to manifest the life and world you want, and that can only occur when you understand and accept your importance and that of your life journey and love every aspect of it and you.

We called this time your restructuring, and we have guided you every step of the way, and we did so on this day three years ago. But you all evolve in the same manner, and that is gradual. You would not expect yourself to embrace what we gave you then entirely, but you can accept it today, and we advise you to do so, for not only will your life change but also your planet.

July 6, 2020

You will do it when the time is right. We are so proud of Roger because, after agonizing moments of doubt, he decided to deliver some complicated information. 

The other day we made a statement that we are not Roger. That was meant to point out to each of you that you exist in many different dimensions, and this physical one you call life is only one of them. We exist beyond what you know, so we can access information that Roger may not, but most times, as with you, he chooses not to do so. Roger usually makes that choice because he thinks he’s not up to accomplishing whatever that might be, but other times, the timing is not right. That is the line we wanted to give to each of you. 

You have lived lives where you continually think you are not living up to your potential or fulfilling some need, but you might have forgotten you are part of a bigger picture. The thing you were meant to do may not have opened its opportunity to you because your specific individual part is only being called forth now. 

We are not Roger because he had heard us for years, just as you have listened to your guidance, but now he is accepting what we have told him, and you will recognize your direction at the perfect time. You will get it done. 


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Ascension is your process

July 5, 2023

Ascension is your process. We are stating it in those terms because many of you have thought of that word as only being significant for specific individuals or a state that was only attainable by a few, but that is the thinking you want to change, which is why your planet has a restructuring now. 

At times in your civilization, massive changes occur to allow your planet to evolve. Every soul in physical form now contributes equally, and you will do so when you recognize and own the importance of your life journey and your very essence. We wanted you to love yourself, which is why we have offered guidance on certain days, and the one we would like you to view today was given three years ago.

It will make more sense today, for ascending requires using your linear time and moving through your resistance of self-acceptance. You will discover that every effort you make each day in progressing through your fear and doubt will change your life and planet. 

July 5, 2020

You may be pushed to discover your greatness now. Yes, we mean you, and yes, we mean greatness. We wanted to use the words that many of you reject. And that behavior holds back your evolution and that of the world.

We will also mention it takes Roger a while to formulate the words. As usual, he is conflicted by his inclination and inherent desire to be helpful and his ongoing embarrassment at discovering what he believes he should have known. We throw that long sentence in to set you up for what you ultimately find about yourself, and it is only a matter of time before you allow that to happen.

You may find it now as we refer to the conditions of your world which affect you personally. Whenever you operate in a state of fear or worry, you will do something to alleviate that feeling, and whatever you do causes your evolution. That is why you find unexpected courage to do things you’ve put off for years. When you finally do whatever your vision is, you facilitate your evolution and now that of the world.


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Your life is your legacy, and Happy Birthday to the United States

Your life is your legacy, and Happy Birthday to the United States. This message is our second for today, but we also wanted to spread it to a larger audience. Many have felt lost in their lives or fearful of your world, and we wish to bring understanding and comfort.

Every soul born does so at a time in your world where their energetic contribution will manifest in your future world. There are no exceptions to this universal law except the ones you make about yourselves. 

When you make yourself insignificant through your thinking, you experience all manner of difficulties in your physical life experience, which will also be your energetic contribution. When you are in love with yourself and understand and accept the brilliance of your life journey, your contribution to your evolution and your world will be far different than what you are experiencing personally now and witnessing globally.

We have given you guidance for decades, but we specifically began giving you advice on this holiday every July 4 since 2012, for that is when your civilization made another shift, and it was to allow you to become motivated enough to become empowered in your life and offer your gifts to the world.

You rarely understand the information you receive from your innate guidance or us. Still, today we will provide those messages, for even if you have never seen them, they will make sense today, for as we always say, we are speaking to you from Universal Consciousness. That is far different than your human thinking which is always limited.


July 4, 2012

A preference is not the same as a judgment. As you move through your physical life experience, you become aware of those things you desire more than others. You make those decisions based on your preferences. Those preferences are formed by what you believe will lead you to your greater expansion. In that process, judgments are not utilized.

Judgments are typically made about others. Those judgments are based on your opinions of others which are always limited by your awareness and also have nothing to do with your personal expansion.

You must know the difference, for you often feel guilty for having preferences, mistaking them for judgments.


July 4, 2013

Your world, or the mass consciousness of humankind, will typically find certain days to assign a particular significance. Today, because of where you live, this day is assigned the celebration of independence, which equates to freedom.

You would now do well to assign the celebration of your own personal freedom to this day. The freedom you actually seek is from your own limited thinking. Your limited thinking is the only cause of your challenges, difficulties, and dependencies. Limited thinking prevents you from releasing unwanted habits, believing that certain things are impossible, and probably most importantly, preventing you from recognizing who you truly are and what you can accomplish.

You could do nothing better than celebrate your freedom by noticing your limited thinking, and become willing to let it go.

Experience of freedom

July 4, 2014

All souls who come onto the physical plane have the same goal: the experience of freedom. The experience of freedom means the freedom to be exactly who you were meant to be, and in that very understanding, granting all others that same freedom.

The understanding of that Universal goal can heal and transform your entire world. It is much more effective if you apply it to your personal experience. You have often denied yourself your experience of freedom by deciding not to be you and attempting to be someone or something other than who you are intrinsically. This all occurs in your very own thinking, which you often allow fear of something to control. Decide this day to declare your own experience of freedom by choosing to be fully you.


July 4, 2015

As you ponder independence today, it is essential to note that the only independence you genuinely seek is freedom from your own limited thinking. This is true in every single aspect of your physical experience. 

When you think about it, you only become surprised by certain events, people, and situations in your life because your limited thinking has not allowed you to envision whatever that might be. This can relate to anything at all, even those things you would classify as positive or negative for you. 

There is such inherent truth in the lyric from a popular song that you still remember because of this: “Free your mind and the rest will follow.” Grant yourself the independence to think differently and use your creative ability to manifest your desired life and world.

Freedom day

July 4, 2016

You can declare today to be your personal freedom day. While you and so many others use this day to celebrate your experience of freedom in your country or world, the most critical freedom that you can experience is your personal freedom, and that can only be achieved in your thinking.

The freedom that you would do well to establish is your freedom of choice. This is meant to make you aware that you often do not feel the freedom to make your own choices in your life, and you think you need some justification to do so. This comes from an underlying feeling of thinking you are not worthy and deserving of ownership of your choices.

The only justification you ever need is that your choices cause you to feel good, and when you choose in that manner, you will never do anything to cause harm to others. Declare your freedom day.

The experience of true freedom

July 4, 2017

True freedom can never be taken away; it must be relinquished. You have often thought on this subject but simultaneously shied away from its discussion because of criticism you thought you might receive. The opposite is true, however, for when more people understand the concept you have offered, they may experience liberation.

You witnessed many individuals who suffered imprisonment for decades and then, when released, held no remorse, hatred, or condemnation for their captors. This is because, during their incarceration, they decided not to relinquish their freedom. They developed the awareness that the only actual place where freedom could be experienced was in their thinking, for that is where they lived. You can aspire to achieve that goal.

Your personal independence

July 4, 2018

As you continually hold the goal and intention of being an empowered person in your life, you will allow yourself to see everything you are doing that blocks or stops that from occurring. Typically when those revelations happen, they can feel emotionally painful, but that is also purposeful because it captures your attention.

You had such an experience and questioned why it occurred, and the answer is that you wanted to trust yourself above all else and anyone else. Understanding this grants you the experience of your personal independence, and that is empowerment. 

The true independence you sought

July 4, 2019

You all miss things in your personal experiences that would give you access to the most significant parts of who you are, but you don’t often see them. Your experience of last night is a prime example. We had to string these events together so they would make sense to you today. 

Your partner in crime (we refer to him in that manner as he always pulls you forth in some way you don’t understand) handed you a book and said, “I think you’re supposed to read this.” He left, and you glanced at the book and noticed so much of it referred to resistance. 

You then called him and said,” the book is about resistance, so I think it’s for you.” You all do this. You think if you can project things to others, you won’t notice your limitations. 

Later he came back and insisted that you let go and move into an altered state of being, but you resisted. His insistence always indicates to you there is something valuable occurring. You acquiesced and then moved into experiences you can hardly explain. While many things emerged from this experience, we want you to explain only this part.

You felt yourself resisting the experience and judging yourself intensely for participating. Then you felt tension, shaking, and an almost unbearable uncomfortable state in your body. Then you decided to let go consciously and moved into another part of yourself, and spontaneous laughter occurred because you experienced the true independence you and all others seek. 

It is funny to realize you only needed to release your judgment and resistance. We know this is long, but it is essential for you and anyone who chooses to understand it. 

Understanding your past may help you accept your present

July 4, 2020

Understanding your past may help you accept your present. We must tell you, those words hold gems that many of you will come to recognize and understand. Today is a national holiday in the United States meant to celebrate freedom, and many of you will find that in this message. 

Yesterday we spoke of reincarnation, and we used Dave as the catalyst. Unbeknownst to you, Dave asked the question we answered as we were delivering the message. How could that have occurred? We spoke of energy, which may help you understand what you think of as reincarnation, but this will be more practical. 

Think of your immediate family. You can know there is a bloodline connection, but that does not always mean there is an energetic connection you often find with others, not within your family. We will begin to explain this, and we say begin, as it is complicated information.

Decades ago, we led Roger to the study of over-souls. Again, not all of this is necessary to understand. Still, vast dimensions of reality exist, which are not essential for you to understand fully to live your life in this dimension. Nevertheless, if you apply the concept of everlasting energy that can’t be destroyed, you may find some understanding.

We have spoken of Roger’s affinity with Napoleon Hill, which he could not explain. Roger was introduced to one of Hill’s books more than forty years ago, and while it made some sense, Roger did not know the significance of that “chance” encounter. Years later, Roger finds himself inexplicably beginning to create the program we have mentioned, and he starts with Hill’s book. Three years later, someone approaches him about being in a group of coaches who were all brought together “mysteriously” due to their interest in Hill’s work. Roger had never told anyone of his interest.

A few weeks ago, we led Roger to a recording of Hill’s speeches, and Roger “jokingly” exclaimed, “I think I’m Napoleon Hill.” In a sense, he is correct. You each have energetic connections to those who have come before, and today, we provided Roger with more proof. The video Roger heard today brought it all together nicely. Everything Roger heard was what we had given him for his program, but we gave Roger enhancements. 

Hill said there is no new idea but only the ones you can grasp and improve upon, which causes evolution. Each of you has that potential, ability, and energetic connection to great souls who have lived, and you are meant to enhance their work. Why do you think we have been yelling for years that there is no hierarchy of souls? 

We will have much more, but after the United States celebrates its freedom this weekend, it will also encounter its enslavement. And many of you will release yours by understanding this message. You are here to do great work. Roger found his freedom this morning through Napoleon; you might find yours also. 

Please choose freedom again now

July 4, 2021

Please choose freedom again now. We are providing information to aid your evolutionary journey over the next several months. We wanted Roger to know the importance of this, so we disrupted his routine this morning, for we didn’t want him to hear anything else before he heard us.

We used this day as it is the celebration in the United States of its declaration of freedom, and we also said the United States would lead the way in this restructuring. But the country itself merely serves as a metaphor and an example for you individually. 

The choice you each will make individually will be aligned with what you believe to be your life purpose. You might have thought that your physical actions would have been the most important during this transition. But as you witness what unfolds in your world, your thoughts and emotional energic connection to what is unfolding will gain momentum to create the world. 

You are accomplishing that now with the choice you make in your life. When you choose to believe in yourself, you are choosing freedom again. When you choose to believe that your essence is influential enough to change the world, you choose freedom again. When you choose to believe that love and light are more powerful than hate and darkness, you are choosing freedom again. 

If you choose to embody every aspect of yourself that you know exists during this time, then you are choosing freedom again, and you will be fine. 

You knew who you were meant to become

July 4, 2022

You knew who you were meant to become. Before you were born, you decided to accept an assignment to incarnate onto the planet, so you might add your essence to the world, make a difference and move through restrictions and limitations you had previously experienced, so you knew the perfect time to be born.

You knew that the best way you might accomplish your goal was to be placed in a specific country with a particular family because they were the race and ethnicity that needed your presence the most. You could make the most significant impact there.

You also knew that every experience of the life you would have could provide you with obstacles as well, for you wanted to move beyond the fears and doubts you held before. You knew it would be far more critical to move through them now because you also aid your parents, ancestors, and all those who came before.

You planned your journey so perfectly that you could be alive during a massive shift in your world that felt to you to be a bit chaotic and uncertain. You knew that if you decided to move through this time in your evolutionary journey and came to love yourself, you would also recognize the love you held for others, and the restructuring of your life and world would be successful.

You knew you would find us to guide you on your journey to aid your self-belief. You will accomplish that goal, and you will be fine.


➤ Watch the Broadcast Premiere of You Have Never Been Alone – A Wilhelm Conversation

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This message could change your life and the planet

July 4, 2023

This message could change your life and the planet. It all depends on how much you are willing to accept and love yourself, for you will accomplish both goals in the same manner. You manifest your life and the world energetically; the most powerful energy is love. You have that ability but don’t always utilize it, but today would be a great day to do more. 

We gave you the message in 2020, but it will make more sense to you today. It was not accidental that we planned it for the 4th of July celebration in the United States, for we have always said they would lead the way in this restructuring and the entire planet will follow suit.

The message is lengthy, and our messenger wanted us to edit it because we used his name too much. We want all of you to use your names a lot so you might accept your importance at this pivotal time on your planet and in your life. You have the time to read the entire message. 

Everything we have given you was to encourage you to move beyond your fear and doubt so you finally love yourself. That is how your life and planet will change. 

July 4, 2020

Understanding your past may help you accept your present. We must tell you, those words hold gems that many of you will come to recognize and understand. Today is a national holiday in the United States meant to celebrate freedom, and many of you will find that in this message. 

Yesterday we spoke of reincarnation, and we used Dave as the catalyst. Unbeknownst to you, Dave asked the question we answered as we were delivering the message. How could that have occurred? We spoke of energy, which may help you understand what you think of as reincarnation, but this will be more practical. 

Think of your immediate family. You can know there is a bloodline connection, but that does not always mean there is an energetic connection you often find with others, not within your family. We will begin to explain this, as it is complicated information.

Decades ago, we led Roger to the study of over-souls. Again, not all of this is necessary to understand. Still, vast dimensions of reality exist, which are not essential for you to understand fully to live your life in this dimension. Nevertheless, if you apply the concept of everlasting energy that can’t be destroyed, you may find some understanding.

We have spoken of Roger’s affinity with Napoleon Hill, which he could not explain. Roger was introduced to one of Hill’s books more than forty years ago, and while it made some sense, Roger did not know the significance of that “chance” encounter. Years later, Roger finds himself inexplicably beginning to create the program we have mentioned, and he started with Hill’s book. Three years later, someone approaches him about being in a group of coaches who were all brought together “mysteriously” due to their interest in Hill’s work. Roger had never told anyone of his interest.

A few weeks ago, we led Roger to a recording of Hill’s speeches, and Roger “jokingly” exclaimed, “I think I’m Napoleon Hill.” In a sense, he is correct. You each have energetic connections to those who have come before, and today, we provided Roger with more proof. The video Roger heard today brought it all together nicely. Everything Roger heard was what we had given him for his program, but we gave Roger enhancements. 

Hill said there is no new idea but only one you can grasp and improve upon, which causes evolution. Each of you has that potential, ability, and energetic connection to great souls who have lived, and you are meant to enhance their work. Why do you think we have been yelling for years that there is no hierarchy of souls? 

We will have much more, but after the United States celebrates its freedom this weekend, it will also encounter its enslavement. And many of you will release yours by understanding this message. You are here to do great work. Roger found his freedom this morning through Napoleon; you might find yours also. 


➤ Watch the Broadcast Premiere of You Have Never Been Alone – A Wilhelm Conversation

Click Here to Unlock the Secrets to Living to Your Potential Today | |

Fairytales are real

July 3, 2023

Fairytales are real. Many of you were told fairytales when you were younger, and they always involved some difficulty or tragedy, but then there is always a happy ending. The happy ending usually occurs when you receive the gift of whatever you seek, the handsome prince comes to save the day, the sleeping princess awakens, or you find your way home, and everyone lives happily ever after.

Fairytales were created to alert you at a young age to the ability you hold within to create a happy ending in your life, and you accomplish that with your mindset, consciousness, and the perceptions you choose to hold. 

We held a live conversation with you yesterday titled “You have never been alone” because you have always had guidance from a higher source to help guide you in your life and your planet in its ascension. We cause you to hear that guidance which is your intuition.

We have said you were moving through a restructuring, and we began in 2012, guiding you and often on particular days. Today is significant, for we knew where you might be in your life and how you may be tempted to view your world, but we wanted you to finally accept how important, essential, and powerful you are to create the life and world you want, and it exists within you.

As you read every message we provided on this date until the premiere today of our talk, you will feel far more empowered, and your goal of self-actualization will be enhanced. 


July 3, 2012

Benefit exists for you in all events. All events mean what occurs in your personal experience and all events of your world. You benefit from all of them just as all other souls because you are all one and therefore connected.

What may happen to you that you would term a tragedy will provide hope and inspiration for another, and vice versa. What you observe as a disaster in another part of your world that you believe does not affect you does cause you to experience some form of empathy or compassion, and therefore you benefit.

You could do nothing better than to seek to know, own, feel, and experience the benefits of all events.


July 3, 2013

You are constantly receiving motivation to become more or expand. You do not have to see or accept that motivation, but it is always there. At times the inspiration will appear in terms of your emotions. You may become angry about something, motivating you to make changes. Certain events or situations occur that are unpleasant for you, and you are encouraged to make changes. Even your periods of unhappiness can be a source of motivation when you see them that way.

The point is that you set out on this physical life journey to expand, and you set up little reminders along the way, which can be seen as motivators, to help you remember what you are up to. The choice is always up to you what you decide to do with them.

Opinions of others

July 3, 2014

The opinions of others can be either a help or hindrance to your expansion, depending on how you choose to use them. Sometimes, you attract those opinions because they reflect certain ideas and beliefs you hold about yourself that you may want to change or even acknowledge and be proud of because they had previously escaped your awareness.

There are other times when those opinions are merely projections from those others of their own beliefs and ideas, which have nothing to do with you, and in those instances, it helps your expansion when you do not let them deter you from your own journey. Regardless, you can always decide how to use the opinions of others to further your expansion when you choose to.

And then it changes

July 3, 2015

You will experience periods during your physical life experience where you feel as if you are stuck, so to speak. You find it difficult to find or maintain any particular impetus or momentum to do much at all, and then it changes.

It changes because you were simply in what could be considered an incubation period, and it was beneficial because it allowed you to assess and appreciate your gifts and talents. Now it all changes because you are ready to use them.

When you examine your past, you will notice many of those periods, and you did always emerge as a new, revitalized being. This is all the process of expansion and evolving and does not need to be feared but actually appreciated.

Design your life

July 3, 2016

Decide today to design your life precisely in the same manner you manifested your car many years ago. Using an event in your history to illustrate this point is helpful.

A new car was released, which appealed to every aspect of your being. At the time, you held no employment or personal savings that would have allowed you to purchase the car, yet you held in your thoughts the assuredness that one day you would be driving that car. 

You had no conscious awareness of how you would accomplish this, but lo and behold, two years later, you had that car.

You can now decide to design your life precisely this way, and you do that all the time, just not deliberately and consciously.


July 3, 2017

You have been attempting to develop and experience self-reliance for quite a while. Your difficulty is not knowing that the only opinion that matters in your life is yours. 

As you study those two sentences together, you will discover your path to freedom and the real seat of power in your life.

Any opinion is only based on a particular feeling that someone holds and is not rooted in any fact. You form an opinion based on how you feel when you observe, experience, or think of anything. You desire to feel good, so when you have an opinion that causes you to feel good and know it is your opinion, you are experiencing, developing, and utilizing your self-reliance. That is the experience of ultimate power. This will require much study and practice on your part now.

The key to life

July 3, 2018

Please relate your story as clearly as possible, for it will not only further your understanding but also aid all others who choose to receive the wisdom from your experience. 

You were sitting with an idea of a condition you desired to occur. You decided to close your eyes for a few moments and went into almost a meditative state, but it was one where you were not holding any apparent thought. Then you opened your eyes, and the desired condition manifested. 

The incident itself shocked you, and then you instantly noticed your questioning of what had occurred. “Did I do this, or was it just a coincidence?”, When you answer that question, you have the key to life.

Change your mind

July 3, 2019

Change your mind. Roger kept hearing those words this morning and dismissed them as being far too simplistic or trite to be taken seriously and thought there must be so much more to living successfully than that. 

You all have your own Wilhelm’s that you, as Roger, alternatively listen to and ignore or block. Roger has volunteered, as he thinks of it, to use his experiences to aid others in their evolution. He has communicated with us in this conscious manner since 1988 and still doubts the communications until the evidence becomes irrefutable, as it has now. 

Yesterday, he had thought to take action, of course, urged by us, and this morning, he saw how that act was now manifesting what he wanted. He had thought of a change in his home and did not know how it would occur, and now he is watching it happen. Yesterday in a conversation with a friend, he exclaimed a comment which surprised him and his friend, to which his friend asked, “Was that Wilhelm?” And he said yes.

You all can experience this if you change your mind. 

A message to Dave

July 3, 2020

A message to Dave. We are so proud of ourselves, for we got more of you to read this message to discover who Dave might be. He is you. Now we will tell you the story to explain, and we are doing it in this manner to aid Dave, for he, like most of you, has carried questions you cannot answer, and you wonder why we can.

Yesterday Dave sent Roger a question about reincarnation. He wanted to know why we used so many references, especially in our message yesterday, telling you all you would be fine. How do we know? First of all, it will be helpful to make some distinctions. We are not Roger, as Roger never believed in us, reincarnation, or that anything we might have given him was valid. We had danced this jig for decades, as most of you have, but Dave questioned it. We could not offer enough understanding to suffice in one message, but this next little part will help.

Roger finds it challenging to find the words to explain this, as most of you believe in linear time, as he did. We rarely use the word reincarnation, for it furthers your belief in the illusion of time. All is occurring now. After studying the likes of Einstein, Newton, and Tesla, Roger only permitted himself to move beyond that limited consciousness. 

Roger, like you, doesn’t fully trust what he hears, so validation from another helps, which is why Dave asked the question. Dave, your natural inclination to help and be of service is your inherent benevolent nature, which you have questioned. You are on the right path.

We will not make this a book, but understand Roger’s acceptance is still occurring like it is with you all! Think of consciousness as ever-expanding, and you only come to understand a bit at a time, but the more you do it, the better you get. That is our simple explanation of reincarnation we will give you now, but you and the world are doing that now. 

Your past experiences of doubt will prove to be more helpful now

July 3, 2021

Your past experiences of doubt will prove to be more helpful now. If you are reading this message, it is meant for you. Every soul is born at a time that best facilitates their evolvement and that of your world. We have often said those words to Roger, but they are making more sense to him due to this current restructuring, and they will make sense for you.

This morning Roger was listening to a video and heard the word plan. That triggered a memory that prompted him to search our messages for that word, and he could see we have used it numerous times over the decades. It is sometimes necessary to let go of some of your humanly created plans to ascend to the person you desire to be in this lifetime.

Roger knows we are giving him some information that we will build upon when we speak next Sunday, but please understand that each of you is here at a pivotal time in your world’s evolvement, and your role is essential, but you may have spent centuries doubting that. Again, something we will explain later because it requires us to move beyond your understanding of time, for you believe it is only linear, which it is not.

We began telling you more than a year ago that your world was moving through a massive restructuring and the United States would lead the way. Roger doubted those words, but you will have more evidence of that in the coming week, which is why we planned our talk for next Sunday, as you will have a better understanding of your essential role in the evolvement of all that is, and you will be fine.

One final word. As we continue to move Roger beyond his doubt, his example will aid you, and you will benefit all those who come after you and your ancestors will be proud. 

Become willing 

July 3, 2022

Become willing to guide and live the physical life experience you always desired.

When you become willing, you allow yourself to acknowledge and let go of the barriers and blockages you have put up that prevent you from experiencing that life.

When you become willing, you acknowledge and let go of all the thoughts, actions, and behaviors you know are keeping you from that life experience.

When you become willing, you recognize that only you can make those choices.

When you become willing, you give yourself access to all the talents and abilities that are inherently yours, which you have previously not acknowledged, owned, and utilized.


Now when you listen to the recording of our live session held on July 2, 2023, there will be no mistaking our intention or yours. We love you.


The session will premiere today at 2 PM Pacific Time. You can watch it live on the YouTube channel here: ➤ You Have Never Been Alone – A Wilhelm Conversation

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