You will change for the better

July 7, 2023

You will change for the better. We mean you and your planet. The word better is subjective, but you know what it means and how that would feel to you. That is the reason you are alive now, and it was the reason for your physical life experience.

You chose to be alive during the restructuring of your world, which means you possess something within you that would cause that change to become better when you do not resist the changes occurring within you.

We began guiding you in 2012, but we have continued throughout the years, and we have done so on specific days when the prevailing energies of your planet would be more available, and that is today.

July 7, 2020

You are being forced to change. Well, at least that is how it may feel to you. First of all, remember that in the recent past, we have continually used the collective you, meaning you are all connected and one, so what we say to one will apply to all. Also, please be forewarned that we are fully aware of the current conditions of your world; we will not add to your fear because we don’t hold it. What we do hold is great promise for you. 

We took Roger on such an incredible journey; his telling of it will aid you all. Last night his roommate was in excruciating physical pain and wanted to understand what was occurring. Roger knew full well, and we kept giving him the answers, but Roger could not say them because of his persistent passiveness in accepting our guidance and direction. 

What we said to him was that his roommate, or “you,” has been in conflict with yourself over how you want to be seen in the world and how you want to show up in your life. The distinction here will bring clarity because you have done the same your entire life.

Now the reason you have done this is you refuse to change. When you refuse to change, you create resistance, leading to physical, mental, and emotional pain. Those experiences are what you want, for they urge you to become yourself. 

Yourself is a fully integrated being who appreciates your masculine and feminine energies equally, which creates balance, and then you evolve. Now, we would like each of you to reread that last sentence with the collective you held firmly in your consciousness. You will be fine. 


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