March 28, 2023
Please do your part. That part you are meant to offer to yourself and your world is your authentic self. Everything we have given you has been to have you embody who you are meant to become, especially at this time of transition in your world. Your creation and the essence of who you are is needed now.
You have held doubt about your importance and judgment about your past; both instances have prevented you from fully actualizing who you could become.
Everything is held in consciousness, and we have provided our guide to aid you, and we did so on this date ten years ago but you will be able to hear us today. You are meant to accept yourself fully, thrive and prosper.
March 28, 2013
You would do well to seek to begin to notice and release all the contradictions that you hold in your physical life experience. A contradiction would be having an idea or image of who you desire to become, what you want to accomplish and manifest, and then taking contrary actions or speaking contrary words, as well as becoming unwilling to do what is presented to you to do that you know will cause those desires to become your reality.
You may attempt to pretend that you do not notice the contradictions, but they appear to you in your moments of pure honesty. As you are engaged in this process, there will also be times when you begin to notice that some of your goals and desires have changed, which also causes those contradictions. Those changes are part of your expansion.
Please join us! Sunday, April 2, 2023
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