Disbelief will be your only challenge

January 11, 2023

Disbelief will be your only challenge. It has been a major difficulty throughout your life, but we will help you understand more today. We have always said we intended to aid you in moving through your restructuring. 

We first had to get Roger to move beyond his disbelief, and for the first time yesterday, he could acknowledge we have given you a philosophy for the new world, which is why you are alive now.

We have used 2012 and waited for this day so more of you would be willing to accept what we have provided. We did in the message. But we also awakened Roger at 3 AM to capture his attention.

Then we had him listen to a video that brought him to tears, for he recognized what we had done and how vital it would be for more and your world as your planet ascends. 

We said we included all the great minds that came before, which is why we wanted more of you to accept that you have access to infinite intelligence. Roger only fully understood his connection to Germany after the passing of his German friend two weeks ago. 

But we also planned something else: to have him meet another German person fifty years younger with the same awareness that will take our work forward along with Roger’s associate, and our mission will be complete.

They will record an interview tonight, which makes it easier for Roger to move beyond his introverted behavior like Jung. Nothing in your life or world happens accidentally; only your disbelief prevents your acceptance. Do your best with this message. 

January 11, 2012

Your story is unique and valuable. It is unique because no other soul shares precisely your story. It holds the utmost value for you. Your story comprises everything your past holds, including everything that has occurred for you, happened to you, everything you have done, every person you have met, and every word you have spoken. All of it has been and always will be perfect.

Your only “job” then is to seek to know the perfection of your story. Any aspect of your particular story that you attempt to ignore, dismiss, or judge, will cause you to experience some difficulty because you are refusing to receive the information and wisdom that your story holds.


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A philosophy for the new earth

January 10, 2023

A philosophy for the new earth. That is what we have given you, and it took years for Roger to make that acknowledgment as it has taken just as long for you to acknowledge your importance in the world at this time of transition.

You each are in the world now to aid in restructuring your world, which occurs in your consciousness. No physical or material objects or possessions will assist you in reaching that state of higher consciousness; in fact, many of those things have blocked your progression.

We have attempted to give you information that would temper your fear and doubt so you might reach that place of higher consciousness which is the same as loving yourself. There is no difference.

The message we gave you on this date in 2012 was for you to remember your first responsibility, which is to yourself. You are meant to expand and evolve to experience the joy of life, but it was also necessary for you to move through your limited thinking and awareness.

You only achieve your ultimate goal when you take the time to work with your consciousness which requires consistency, as you might have gathered from Tesla.

The first message we gave you in 2012 was about infinite intelligence. You all possess it, and it contains all the information offered to your world by all those who came before. But now you are meant to use it to self-actualize. Then you ascend to the next level of your expansion and aid your planet in that process.

No one holds more ability than you, but you are the one who must accept that fact. We gave you the information so that you could accept and gradually integrate higher levels of consciousness into your life, for that is the only place you experience your physical life.

The manner you aid in your transformation is to willingly decide to examine and release your darkness and judgments, which have been generational. Then you can live your desired life and manifest the world you all want. 

We will move things to a new level tomorrow, but we hope you catch up with us now. You will be fine.


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You were born to change the world

January 9, 2022

You were born to change the world. There would be no other reason for your existence on your planet if that were not true. You will not do this alone, for you knew this would be a cooperative movement in your world now. The way that you help change the world is by becoming yourself.

You may not have thought that action would not be as critical to your world as it could be, but we will tell you it is. Your world is moving through a restructuring. And as we have also said, we guided you in 2012 and have used synchronicity so you could believe in yourself more. We also wanted you to move beyond your fear and doubt, for generational limitations will not serve the world and dimension you sought to manifest. 

Roger said that he was not happy with his presentation the other day. The reason for that is it dawned on him he was given something that could help change the world, but he attempted to use outside sources to prove his point. 

You have done that, but now it is time for you to believe in your contribution. Everything you need to change your life and world is within you, and we merely gave you a tool to discover that yourself. 

January 9, 2012

The only limitation you ever experience is in your thinking. While this concept is familiar to you, it is one you would do well to remember. Anything you desire to be, do, have, or create is only possible if you believe it is.

You may argue that there are certain physical limitations that you may have that would prevent that, but you have seen numerous accounts of other souls who did not believe that to be true and performed what you

considered to be impossible.

The only reason you do not accomplish what you set out to do is that you are unwilling to do whatever that might involve or that particular path is not for your highest good in this lifetime.


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Please change yourself today

January 8, 2022

Please change yourself today. What we are referring to is you loving yourself. You exist in the world now to offer that love of who you are to aid in restructuring your life and world. 

You would not be alive now unless that were true, but it requires your willingness to release your old self and embrace who you have become. 

We are specifically speaking to Roger, for he has agreed to be an example. Each of you is a teacher in your own right, but again that can only occur when you love and accept yourself.

Roger was not pleased with his presentation yesterday due to his unwillingness to change. He attempted to explain to you in logical human terms what was occurring in your world while knowing not everyone would understand. That has been his way of holding back his ascension. You each have many of your own. 

You have had ideas of who you want to become. Or you saw what you wanted to manifest in your lives. You meant to do so at this time of your planetary ascension. 

We said today would be a good day because another energetic shift is occurring in your world, and the more of you who offer who you are and love who you have become will accelerate the ascension of all that is. 

No contribution is more meaningful than yours, but it can only be offered when you develop the courage to be who you are, and that has always been the purpose of our work. But today, we will have Roger change to be a further example for you to stop hiding your greatness. It exists within every soul, especially you. 


Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
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You are a gift to humankind

January 7, 2022

You are a gift to humankind. If you have yet to understand that fact, you have yet to discover your authentic self and do not understand the information we have provided you. 

You exist at an extraordinary time to cause the change you desire to see in your evolutionary journey and the restructuring of your world. You would not be alive otherwise. 

You will know what will arise within you once your world events trigger your life. That is occurring now. Roger did not understand why we advised him to do a presentation on this day and why we did not want him to sell you anything today, for your understanding will be more beneficial to you and your world.

Our message on this date in 2012 was not accidental, nor was your powerful full moon. You wanted illumination. You will finally understand why Roger adopted the name, Wilhelm. You each are meant to bring forth something within you to cause evolution, and your access to information that came before and references to specific names help you remember your worth and value. We wanted nothing more than for you to understand that worthiness within you.

January 7, 2012

There are times during your physical life experience when all you need to do is allow the results to be revealed to you. In other words, you go about your days creating, and then you observe the results of your work. During this observation period is where your most remarkable expansion occurs.

If you will, you must maintain a vantage point where you study what unfolds, and then you can better create new things based on the results you have already received. This could also be considered your moment of contemplation.

You would do well to seek to become comfortable with those periods and allow wisdom and knowledge to come to you.


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The sky is not the limit

January 6, 2022

The sky is not the limit. We decided to begin with that phrase in a new way so you might open your consciousness a bit more and accept the responsibility you took to evolve so you would aid your planet in its ascension.

You each have a role to play, and it is within you. We have said we gave you everything you needed to know in 2012, but all of you, including Roger, needed help accepting that premise due to your ever-existing state of limited awareness.

Yes, we gave you a message on this date, but we also went further. We had Roger visit the film “The Cosmic Secret,” which you can find free, and many of you would do well to watch it as you will gain more understanding of why we had Roger hold his presentation tomorrow. 

Nothing is happening accidentally in your life or world, including the lunar movement this weekend, and some of you might have difficulty finding your footing. And it is only your willingness to accept your importance at this time of transition. You contribute by loving who you are, which has always been our intent. 

January 6, 2012

You continually underestimate the power of your imagination. Your imagination is where you experience, feel, and create everything physical. It may help you better understand how you create your personal reality when you think of your imagination. 

You believe that you are making up, so to speak, what you experience there. You do precisely the same thing in your waking, very conscious life experience; however, most times, you are not aware that is what you are up to.

The only particular rule, if you will, is that you cannot create anything in your imagination that is not for your highest good. This should help you remove your fear of using your imagination effectively.


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You can’t be angry and right

January 5, 2023

You can’t be angry and right. The right to which we refer is the one that allows you to fulfill your life purpose and contribute to the healing of your world. 

You were given a role to fulfill at birth, but you did not know you would be doing so during the restructuring of your world or your planetary ascension. 

As we have said, this great shift is generational, and you are born with limitations and restrictions you either brought with you from your ancestors or picked them up in this lifetime, but both are causes for your anger now.

We said we gave you everything you needed to know in 2012 because it is a concept you each have difficulty accepting, and that is; you were given a role to fulfill before you were born. You are to complete it now, for it would allow you to love yourself and add that creative energy to your world, for all souls hold equal power and ability to create their life and contribute to the manifestation of the world you want.

We told Roger to hold a presentation this Saturday so he might stop withholding his role and inspire more of you, for he knows that was his mission. When you withhold what you came to offer, your experience of anger will be at yourself. Then if you are unwilling to acknowledge that, you might take to directing your anger upon another to cause yourself to feel better, and that action will not aid you in completing your role in this lifetime.

Yesterday Roger attended an online networking event with twenty others. He told them his “crazy” story of receiving this information in 2012. Then he told them we gave information on the birthdays of many of you then, and if a message were there, it would resonate with that individual. Five people asked, and every time they were astonished. 

We want you to suspend your disbelief; otherwise, you cannot accept the genius and brilliance implanted within you meant to soar now. We merely provided the tool. 

By the way, the title of the message we gave you on this date in 2012 was, “just do it.” We know that will resonate with many. You will be fine.


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We wanted you to succeed

January 4, 2023

We wanted you to succeed. We have said you were moving through a restructuring in your world and your life. Everything is happening through you, and you will experience the life and world you want by how willing you are to expand your consciousness.

We had Roger use that particular title, for he knows it’s one we rarely use because he had difficulty accepting who he has become, as you might have. You exist in the world to offer your essence, so your planetary ascension turns out the way you intended.

We will leave the message we provided on this date in 2012, and we know many could not accept that. We knew you might have difficulty accepting your importance in this planetary ascension. 

So we also offered reinforcement for you all. You always require stimulation in your current experience to accept what might be possible in your new one. We will leave a video from Gregg Braden, who explains everything we have given you over the past several years. You will believe in yourself more. 

We also asked Roger to hold a Saturday presentation where he will explain “us” in his “normal” voice so that more of you might hear us. 

January 4, 2012

Communication is always available for you when you decide to pay attention. That communication most times feels like you speaking to you. In essence, that is always the case, even when you are engaged in a conversation with another.

The trick here is to hear that communication and decide if what you are hearing leads you to what you desire to create and manifest in your life experience.

You have gained enough knowledge and wisdom to know what you need to do to create the experience you desire, but you can also pretend not to hear that communication. When you decide to listen, your journey is much more enjoyable.


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When you love yourself, you will change the world

January 3, 2023

When you love yourself, you will change the world. That is the reason you always exist and primarily the reason you are alive now. 

We have said you were moving through a restructuring. It is happening within you, and how your world manifests depends on your actions. If your actions are loving of you, they will help your evolution and your world. 

You were given a unique life path to follow, and the universe orchestrated your divine plan to be alive now to aid your planet in its ascension to a higher state of awareness and beingness. But that can only occur through you, for you each hold equal power and ability, and it is contained within the project you were given. 

The reason yours is so essential is that no other soul has your mission. It is never that one person has more ability than other it is only a matter of who will accept their role. The way you accomplish that in this lifetime is to release everything old within you and your family of origin or soul family for everything that came before was learning for the new world you intended to create.

We have given you a path for this time of ascension. Still, we also provided help with that one a few years ago when we told you how to have everything you want in life, and we will leave it again as now maybe more of you will be willing as we have finally convinced Roger. This venture is collective. 

July 26, 2019

We are now going to give you a statement that is true for every single human being. Some of you will believe it now, others will come to know the truth of it after you die, but none of you “leave” existence without experiencing this truth. Open your mind now, and here it is. To have everything you want, you only have to be everything that you are. 


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You are meant to thrive now

January 2, 2023

You are meant to thrive now. We know it is you; otherwise, you would not be reading our words, for you have never been in an accidental place in your life. You decide when you might believe what we say, for we are merely reiterating the words your guides have said, but you might be more willing to accept who you are now. 

You would have no conscious memory of why you chose this time to be alive in your world, but you did do that. And you did so because moving through your evolutionary and generational limitations would accelerate your evolutionary journey and that of your world during this planetary ascension.

You each were given something to bring to your world and cause it to become more within you, but your prior doubt and fear of who you are, coupled with the dramatic changes in your world, has caused many of you to slow down, become fearful or doubt the importance of your existence at this time. 

We have said we guided in 2012, but many of you needed help with that concept, including Roger. But his resistance has been lessened, as we hope will be the case with you. We knew you would require more encouragement, so we continued to the following year, which you will understand today, and we know more of you will awaken eventually.

January 2, 2013

Today, be proud of exactly who you are in every single aspect. When you make that decision, you cause a mental shift that will allow you to bring to your awareness the reason and purpose that you exist as you are. And also why those aspects of you that you previously judged have meaning and purpose designed to help you expand.

You have often observed many who you consider to possess certain physical, mental, or emotional limitations. Still, somehow they manage to accept those things and have them enable them to live productive lives. That is a result of the decision to be proud. 


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