You can stop denying who you are today

January 21, 2023

You can stop denying who you are today. We said today because it is an energetic time on your planet which is also why we planned our live conversation with you tomorrow. You will also notice we did that intentionally on your lunar new year. 

But we also advised you on this date in 2013, for we knew some of you would still hold back your progress by continuing to doubt who you are and your importance in the world. Everything we have given you is to that end as you move through your planetary ascension. We have used a ten-year timeline because we know your reliance on linear time. 

None of you knew who you would become, but it is before you, and like Roger, you all must own your mission to love yourselves, offer your unique contribution to your world, and become willing to drop your past and ancestral limitations and judgments. There will be much more tomorrow. 

January 21, 2013

You allowed all the events of your physical life experience to occur. This concept is one of the most difficult for you to accept and understand, and it is also one of the most empowering. 

First, the word allowed was used to imply that this was a decision you made before you came into physical form, so it is not part of your current awareness. You did not necessarily know what events or situations would occur in advance, but you did know that all of them would help you expand, which was your only goal. 

When you begin to accept even a portion of this concept, you no longer feel victimized by your life experience; you accept all that comes to you, knowing you are in that process of expansion and continually feel more powerful.  


Please join us Sunday – “It is Time to Recognize Your Importance in the World Today” a Wilhelm Conversation

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Evolution occurs in consciousness

January 20, 2023

Evolution occurs in consciousness. That might be a shocking statement to some, but it is what we attempted to tell you and inform you of your importance in the world now during its restructuring or your planetary ascension. 

You are not in physical form forever, but you are eternally alive. But when you come into an incarnation, it is for the express purpose of expanding your soul, which is how you contribute to evolution. 

You have difficulty accepting your unique contribution at times, which is why we have used Roger to bring you our information, but all of you, including him, might take time to accept the gift you came to offer.

We are giving you another piece today before our big reveal in our live conversation on Sunday. We would like you to ponder what you have called savants or prodigies that you cannot explain, just as you still question the pyramids.

We will give you the message we provided on this date in 2012, but for those adventurous enough, you might listen to a YouTube channel we introduced to Roger. It could aid your understanding. It is called essentisalsalts. That name is not accidental, and neither are you. We will explain Sunday. 

January 20, 2012

It is not necessarily that you are uncomfortable with what you would consider to be success; it is that you have become comfortable with what you would term failure. In actuality, failure never occurs. However, the effects can be felt in your physical life experience when you think you have failed at something.

You would do well to shift your focus to look for what you have gained from every event and circumstance of your life, for it is there. You create your own personal reality by who you think you are. If you think you are a person that fails, that will be your physical reality, and if you think you are a person who always succeeds in some way, that will be your experience and reality.


Please join us Sunday – “It is Time to Recognize Your Importance in the World Today” a Wilhelm Conversation

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Artificial guilt will no longer serve you

January 19, 2023

Artificial guilt will no longer serve you. You could not have understood the message we provided in 2012 until now. You expand your consciousness a bit at a time which is why we have given everything in increments. It is up to you how much you accept.

You are moving through a generational change on your planet, and you each carry ancestral memories you meant to transcend. It is the only manner you can complete your evolutionary journey and add to the collective. 

We are giving you another element today as we lead you to our live conversation on Sunday. Some of you will not hear us as you have not been willing to listen to your higher guidance, but we will do our best. 

You are in the world to evolve, expand, and prosper or you would not be reading us. But you have also held what we term artificial guilt, meaning it serves no purpose in your evolvement. That guilt is artificial because you have carried it for generations. You may have no conscious memory of why you feel guilty, but it has impacted your life and world.

We said this is a restructuring of your world, and the United States would lead the way, which you will witness more of in the next several days. They will decide how much they allow prosperity for the good of all or continue generational limitations that have you maintain a sense of separation from others. 

You are doing that. 

January 19, 2012

Every soul comes to the physical plane with their own agenda, including you. Your intention was to always attend to your agenda, and if that agenda includes others, you will always know what actions and decisions you will make that affect your agenda and theirs.

This does become tricky for you at times, for you have let artificial guilt enter the picture. Guilt that is artificial means that it serves no purpose in your expansion or that of another. You will sometimes find yourself holding back your own progress, for you feel guilty that doing so will hinder the progress of another. Seek to know your agenda during this lifetime.


Please join us Sunday – “It is Time to Recognize Your Importance in the World Today” a Wilhelm Conversation

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You have always been in the right place

January 18, 2023

You have always been in the right place. That sentence will make sense today as we give you our message delivered in 2012. You might now be ready to accept your importance in the world at this time of planetary ascension.

You were not an accident, nor were the events and circumstances of your life. They were all designed to bring you to this moment in time, so you might thrive if you can believe in yourself. 

Everything we have given you was to that end, for when you allow yourself to expand in joy and love, you offer the same to your world.

It was challenging for you to accept your recent global events, but they, too, were necessary, so you might receive the message we will give you now. 

January 18, 2012

Where you are now is correct. While correct is a subjective word, it is purposefully being used so that you might gain deeper insight through this concept. 

At any given point and time in your physical life experience, the place you find yourself offers you the information, wisdom, and expansion you desired. Your only “job” is to allow it to be made known to you.

Whenever you bemoan, complain, or regret your current position, you block the very information you sought. You sometimes think that random events and circumstances are occurring, and nothing could be further from the truth. It is all beautifully orchestrated for you to further your evolvement.


Please join us next Sunday – “It is Time to Recognize Your Importance in the World Today” a Wilhelm Conversation

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Now you will be wildly successful

January 17, 2023

Now you will be wildly successful. That is, if you utilize the guidance we provided on this day in 2012 and take advantage of the prevailing energies in your world now. 

You came into the world to evolve and expand so that you aid your planet in its ascension. You have found it difficult to believe that you have that much importance, but you do. 

There is an energetic opening, if you will, that is beginning now, and it is why we planned our conversation with you for this Sunday. You will be able to release more of your fear and doubt, accomplish what you intended, and live the life you wanted for yourself and the world. 

No insignificant people are ever born, especially you, and we wanted you to believe in yourself. Collectively you will manifest the new earth. 

January 17, 2012

You guide, direct, experience, and create your physical life experience through the use of your focused attention. You and only you have the ability to decide how you will use that focused attention. If you were to study this concept more closely, it would be challenging to take it for granted.

Your focused attention can also be thought of as pure energy you decide to put in a specific direction. When you focus on lack, you create more lack because of the energy you have placed there. When you focus on and appreciate your current level of abundance, you create more of the same because you have decided to place your energy or focused attention there.


Please join us next Sunday – “It is Time to Recognize Your Importance in the World Today” a Wilhelm Conversation

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You were meant to accomplish more

January 16, 2023

You were meant to accomplish more. You were born into physical incarnation at a time of your planet’s ascension so you could provide a heightened sense of consciousness and awareness to enable the expansion of all that is. 

What you came to offer is unique to you and your evolutionary goal. You decided to emerge during a shift in your civilization so you might usher in a world that would be more sustainable for all and inclusive of what you came to offer. 

You could not have known what that was before now, which is why we guided this date in 2012 to aid your memory, but we went further than that today.

First, we planned a live conversation for this Sunday where we will reveal more because you typically only accept a certain amount of information at a time as you allow what you have gained to assimilate. 

It took Roger some time to accept his particular contribution was meant to compile our work to aid you all. It still required his acceptance, and this morning we led him to a new video hoping that more of you will suspend your disbelief in what you think you can accomplish in your life and the world. 

Our message on this date was not accidental, nor is your life or your importance now. Enjoy. 

January 16, 2012

You only experience the feeling of being lost when you have yet to set your sights on where you desire to go. There may be many different reasons you have yet to set your particular goals and desires, and you would do well to allow them to be made known to you.

They are never hidden but may be obscured from your vision and awareness because of your beliefs.

Those beliefs themselves will contain some element of the word impossible. You either think that achieving your goals is impossible, you do not possess the ability, or some outside source is standing in your way. That is all merely your limited thinking.


Please join us next Sunday – “It is Time to Recognize Your Importance in the World Today” a Wilhelm Conversation

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Change through love is eternal

January 15, 2023

Change through love is eternal. You exist in the world during a time of significant change, as we have called your restructuring. It is occurring within you and your world. The results you produce in both arenas depend on the tactics you employ.

If you resist change within yourself, you do so out of fear. Your world will respond in like kind. When you embrace the change within yourself with love, you produce those results in yourself, and your world will follow suit again.

You always have guidance from those who came before, including us, but we also used this date so you might remember the tactic employed by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., for it is his birthday. 

January 15, 2012

Change is inevitable, and in actuality is all you seek. In other words, your intention was always to expand and evolve continually; that is only possible when you become fully willing to embrace change.

You often do precisely the opposite, and your reaction to that change becomes one of resistance. You always know when you resist any change because it feels uncomfortable and difficult.

It is as if you are setting up your own conflicts and begin to think that something outside of yourself is victimizing you when you are initiating it all.

Resistance can only be born out of fear, and your journey involves overcoming fear.


Please join us next Sunday – “It is Time to Recognize Your Importance in the World Todaya Wilhelm Conversation

You can register here:

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Learn to Meditate and Channel Like Roger

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You are more than capable

January 14, 2023

You are more than capable. We hope you stay with our message today, for we have waited quite a while to deliver it to you and know that it might be challenging for you to accept. We will do our best.

You were born into the world to evolve, expand, and prosper. You decided to do so at a time of great transition in your world, and your contribution will be enormous to your world once you accept your significance.

We have said we provided guidance and done so using the wisdom and knowledge of all those who came before, which is why we wanted you to begin to accept the idea of infinite intelligence, for you each possess it. It is the way you and your world evolve.

Now you are attempting to ascend to higher states of consciousness in your world, but that can only occur through you. The thing you have in front of you to do is essential for the evolvement of all that is, and we provided a philosophy to utilize through Roger.

You each have eternal histories you can access, and we have used many, including Nietzsche, but we went back further as Goethe influenced him. You uncover who you are as you become willing to expand your consciousness. 

We will continue more later, but we wanted to explain why Roger adopted the name Wilhelm, which he had no awareness of in 1988 but gave him a clue about it in 1978. We are making this point because you each possess those memories and our work was to cause them to awaken in you. 

Goethe wrote a work that we are continuing, and you are continuing evolution in your life that will aid your world as you embody more self-acceptance. 

Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship

“The eponymous hero undergoes a journey of self-realization. The story centers on Wilhelm’s attempt to escape what he views as the empty life of a bourgeois businessman. After a failed romance with the theater, Wilhelm commits himself to the mysterious Tower Society.”

You will understand what we have provided as you study the words in that description you might now understand. Now apply it to the message we gave on this day in 2012. 

January 14, 2012

Your best is always enough. All you ever need do is hold that particular belief in all you do, and you will achieve what you intended. You also always know when you are not giving your best; in those instances, you would do well to understand why.

You will come to find that it is either that what you are attempting is not for your highest good, not leading you to manifest your desires, or is some way you are trying to do something for someone or something other than for you.

You will only ever experience difficulty with this concept when you try to compare your best to another. Your unique best is always enough.


Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
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Your life is not accidental

January 13, 2023

Your life is not accidental. Every soul is born with a divine plan they are meant to fulfill; if they do so, they add to the fabric of all that is and further their evolution. 

You will have to contemplate that statement for a while, and we will add some context today that we also provided in 2012, which all of you have difficulty accepting, including Roger, but today, that will change.

You have an energetic movement occurring on your planet today, and the more of you who come to accept your importance, the better.

You are ascending to a higher state of understanding, which means accepting who you are and what you came to offer your world. Roger’s role was to bring our guidance which not even he understood, as many of you have yet to understand your importance.

We advised him to record a video later as his explanation will aid you all. But first, we led him to a quote from Goethe that he is only beginning to understand, yet he had a glimpse of it in 1978 when he lived on a street bearing that name. 

On January 1, 2012, we said that you each have infinite intelligence. All the knowledge and wisdom brought to your planet from those who came before is available to you, for you exist in universal consciousness. 

The following quote sums up the intention of our work. “Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and you help them to become what they are capable of being.” Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

January 13, 2012

Progression occurs in increments. It would help if you remembered this fact to allow that process to occur as you intended. In other words, your intention was always to evolve or progress while you were on the physical plane. 

You agreed to be involved in the linear time sequence so that you might literally have the “time” to experience, feel, notice, and, most importantly, acknowledge that progression.

You often place a particular amount of judgment on your life experience because you think that time should move much faster or you should be in a different place. You never intended for it to be a race.


Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
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Your life purpose is most important

January 12, 2023

Your life purpose is most important. Please consider those words carefully, for you could not have known how vital they would be on your evolutionary journey and that of your world, but you are on the physical plane now to thrive.

You could not have known on a conscious level that your world would be in the midst of a restructuring, but your soul knew on the eternal level, which you only discover as you live your life and nothing about your life is accidental. We wanted you to recognize your importance now, so we provided the following message in 2012. Please suspend your disbelief so you might accept your significance now. 

January 12, 2012

Seek to know the purpose behind all that you do. You decided to come onto the physical plane so that you might use all things physical to facilitate your expansion. Everything then that you do physically is to further that goal. You often act blindly, if you will, with no clear vision or understanding of the purpose behind what you do during your waking hours.

This purpose is never hidden from you, but you may choose not to allow that particular purpose into your awareness. All it takes is a moment of clarity, orchestrated by you, to allow that purpose to be revealed to you before you act. When you consciously utilize this process, you will be much more effective on your journey.


Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
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