Self-reflection is invaluable

May 3, 2024

Self-reflection is invaluable. As you move through your physical life journey, you are continually evolving. Without your recognition that it has occurred, it will have little impact on your life. 

Our message of last year will aid you today. 

May 3, 2023

You could not have done this alone. You never do anything alone as you have guidance, but it might have been challenging to accept or remember that as you move through this restructuring or what seems to many as your world in chaos.

When you enter the world, you are attempting to find your place, which always means letting go of the old and examining who you are and where you believe you are headed. But you also exist at a time when your world is doing the same, so finding your place and believing in your importance would be difficult.

You are also moving through massive collective energies in your world, so the energy quality you emit is vital. If you are judging yourself or believing you have done something wrong or haven’t fulfilled your purpose, you emit lower vibrational energy, which means you have yet to gain the meaning and purpose of your birth. There were no insignificant people born.

We gave you a message on this date in 2012 because we knew you would be questioning yourself and what you might be accomplishing. However, when you have the support of other like-minded beings, you will fortify your self-belief. Find the ones who help you love yourself even more. 

May 3, 2012

When you find consensus, you also find momentum. When you decided to have a physical life experience, you knew it would be a collaborative effort with other souls also seeking expansion. When you come together with certain souls, you find that consensus, or a common goal, in what you attempt to do in the physical world.

The formation of that consensus then creates a movement of energy or momentum, which moves and creates everything physical. You find that the value of that collaboration is what you sought precisely, for you never intended to go it alone. 

– Wilhelm

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