It is you who must change

April 20, 2022

It is you who must change. As we have mentioned, it would be difficult not to notice the restructuring of your world, which again is you. 
Nothing happens accidentally, and you want to change because you might live the life you always intended. 

Last night while working on a promotion, Roger had to review much of the work he’s put in his program, which he has doubted. We told him to find the message we gave in 2012, and he has not followed our advice completely today. 

Please use this message for yourself, and hopefully, Roger will do the same. 

“Only you can guide and direct your physical life experience. While that statement may seem a bit simplistic to you, it often escapes your awareness. You will consider what you believe others may desire of you or what others may think of you, but only you can allow any of that to affect your experience.

You would do well to consider first what you desire to do or be, how that leads to your own expansion while in physical form, and then act on that.

You only feel helpless, victimized, or depressed when you momentarily forget who directs your life journey. This is not to say that others will not have any influence on what you do, but it is only you who chooses what you do.”


“Conversations with Wilhelm”, April, 23, 2022

Your Pathway To Success –

You will never be the same

April 18, 2022

You will never be the same. Today’s message will be pretty different, and it will be revealing for you and Roger. It will also require him to be vulnerable, which he has come to accept as a part of his purpose this lifetime. The message is lengthy, and you are not reading it accidentally. 

Yesterday out of his frustration to explain to his family and friends what was occurring in the world, we had him sit and make a short timeline of his life journey with us and his difficulties. Last night, he sent the document to them, which was healing for him. 

Here is part of the email he sent: “I know the world is confusing to most but not to me. That doesn’t make sense, I’m sure, and it didn’t to me either, and I’ve hidden all this for years. After a conversation with Terry and then Rita, I thought I would put a few things in the attached document that demonstrates how long I’ve known and that I do know my “problem.” Everyone has always thought it was money, but it was fear.” Now you know why we had him write the book.

The document’s title was, “Here’s why I know what’s happening in the world and why I have no money.” You each will place yourselves in family situations and collect friends that you may not at first understand why, but we assure you it was all divinely planned, and eventually, you figure it out. We will have him attach the document, and while it is uncomfortable for him, it will still be healing and helpful for you all. Untitled document.edited (2).docx

We have said you were moving through a major restructuring in your world. You exist at an extraordinary time in your world to affect change and usher in a new world that would be much more to your liking. If you were to do your part and decide to actualize who you were and add your energy to the collective, that in time will manifest something far different than what you are experiencing. 

We informed you all and Roger that he had ancient memory during our live conversations, which was challenging for him to accept. Then we had him have Akashic records reading last year where there was more confirmation. The reader even mentioned that he was given an operating system but believing his attachment to Egypt was still challenging. 

Months ago, we mentioned Roger stumbled upon a work called the Kybalion, which he had not heard of before but felt its resonance because it was pretty similar to ours. Yet he never investigated the author, but this morning we led him to an audiobook by the author called “Thought Vibration,” and we’ll leave a link as it will reinforce belief for you all, and don’t miss the comments from the listeners. It is fun.

Before that, we had him hear an explanation of his channeling, which he could not have explained as Roger has never studied the academics of this which do exist as your science continues to learn more about the nature of reality and human existence. This is something Roger has never been able to explain, and we will leave that link as well, “The Channeling State, Spiritual Intelligence.” If you wonder how Roger might have moved along this path, remember that we have given him over 10,000 messages. 

Those who might listen and have heard our live sessions will notice the correlation. We said the first decades of Roger’s life were moving through these stages of ascension so that he might be clear now for this restructuring, and it was his dharma. 

His ADHD was not accidental, as we told him about it years before, but he could not have known that as it served a purpose for him and you. He did not discover he possessed this “ability” until 2020, when we began preparing you for this restructuring. When he had the help of medication, his connection to us became more robust, and with his work, he will again move to the place of needing nothing physical to continue his expansion.

Finally, we have had him talk about money because that is another part of this restructuring. We have always said it would be a shift in income and wealth inequality that has existed for eons. We told Roger to take our product off the market today for it will not have the impact we intended at that price point. Before that, we had him send a broadcast that he thought was for you, but it was for him. “You might have created a masterpiece but didn’t know it.” He has.

While still in this dimension, humans place more value on the material, so we want him to work with those ready to make a difference and have the resources to do so, for that will foster more significant change in your world. 

We told him to have a channeling session this Saturday as it will be another time where providing guidance will be helpful for all. Roger wants us to apologize for the length of this message, and we are not because we know how important it is for him and some of you. You will be fine. We’ll give him the content later, but you can register now.

Roger again didn’t want to impose, but we will. We told him to find the message we gave you on this date in 2012, and it is what we want him and you to do now, for you will accelerate your evolution and expansion and that of your world. 

April 18, 2012

There is always a way for you to accomplish anything you desire to be, do, have, or manifest, and your job is to allow that way to come to you. When you accept the belief that there is no way, you will not see it, and you also halt your own expansion.

This is the process you decided to begin on your physical life journey, for it is the only way that you evolve or expand as you intended. It may be helpful for you to think of all the past times in your history when that way seemed impossible, and then miraculously, it was revealed to you. In actuality, it was not miraculous, but a natural turn of events.


Last day at this price:

Judgment is your only problem

April 17, 2022

Judgment is your only problem. When we use the word judgment, it means the value judgments humans place on anything that labels them either good or bad. You always exist in a limited state of awareness, so you can’t know that in your current moment of consciousness. 

You will judge yourself as wrong and therefore manifest difficulties in your life. Or you will judge others as wrong and manifest wars in your world. You are in the world now to change that dynamic. The first place to begin is to stop judging yourself, for that is the source of your challenges.

We knew this message would be compelling for this weekend as you have pulled together various religious celebrations and recognitions worldwide, so you might begin to notice the contradiction in your world that has always existed. Still, the purpose of this restructuring which you all desired, was to manifest a new world that would contain less of your judgment.

The place to begin contributing what you intended to the world is to give up your self-judgment. When Roger heard our recording of the channeling session yesterday, he immediately recognized that his self-judgment had manifested difficulties in his life. He couldn’t own his gift of receiving us because he judged himself as you have done to yourself. 

Our work has always been to encourage each of you to eliminate all forms of judgment. Instead, choose your preferences of how you want to live and give that permission to all others, and you will have less war within yourself and the world. It will be a while, but we will continue to offer guidance, and you will be fine. 


You also wanted courage

April 16, 2022

You also wanted courage. The current conditions in your world provide ample opportunities to develop that strength and courage if you choose. We even told you the best way to accomplish your goal in 2012. 

Roger has finally come to believe that we did give you everything then, and we hope it fosters more belief in you. 

You will find many correlations in the specific dates as we wanted you each to recognize the importance of your existence in the world at this time, for you are that, and synchronicities awaken your memory.

April 23, 2012

Whenever you use an excuse to explain your behavior, you have also chosen to put up a barrier or block your own expansion. You may seek to try and find examples where this may not be true; however, after close examination, you will be hard-pressed to do so.

Any excuse then becomes your reason for not choosing to find a way, or solution. Or to make something possible, which is precisely expansion.

The moment you become willing to own your worth, value, and inherent gifts, you no longer need excuses.

Eliminating or not making any excuses involves the development or recognition of your inherent courage and strength.


Conversations with Wilhelm “The Most Profitable Full Moon Of Your Life” Apr 16, 2022 12:00 PM Pacific Time You can register here:


Believe yourself more

April 15, 2022

Believe yourself more. We speak to each of you and the group Roger will talk to in a few hours. We have said you are moving through a restructuring in your world and within you. 

Many of you have had difficulty trusting and believing in yourself or the world. Still, we continually will say that you are here to usher in a new world, and we gave you all the help you would need in 2012, but your lack of trust and belief in yourself will make your progression during this transition challenging.

Everything we have done has been to offer more comfort and understanding, but some can not believe us just as you couldn’t believe yourself as Roger couldn’t believe himself. This morning he knew we wanted him to find a reference for today. Still, he looked everywhere except the most obvious place, which we told him was in “Your Life Operating Instructions,” On some days like today, we made it fun and surprising to capture your attention. We will reiterate that in our live talk tomorrow.

In the meantime, please pay attention to the message we gave you on this date in 2012, and you are not seeing it accidentally. Use it to foster more belief and trust in yourself, and you and the world will be fine.

April 15, 2012
Your uniqueness, or individuality, is what you desired to celebrate, own, and contribute when you precisely came onto the physical plane. However, you have often sought conformity or what you think is normal, which is in stark contrast to your original intention.

You knew that contributing your uniqueness would make the most significant impact on your expansion and all that is. You would do well then to seek to fully know, own, accept, and celebrate every element of you that is different and unique.

There is no greater gift you can offer, and it is your most assured path to happiness and joy while on your journey.


Conversations with Wilhelm “The Most Profitable Full Moon Of Your Life” Apr 16, 2022 12:00 PM Pacific Time You can register here:

A Gift:


Why not you?

April 14, 2022

Why not you? That is the question we would like you each to ask yourselves about your lives and what you want to achieve. You are in the world now to experience a restructuring of your world. And for many of you like Roger, it is a restructuring of yourself.

We will use him today as an example, and many of you will find yourselves. Roger had his class yesterday describing how fear and doubt can help you, as he knows all too well. During the presentation, several participants commented on Roger’s work and the value he brings. Yet, he could not accept that, which is why he continually struggles with tuition he should charge, for he knows the value our work has brought him. 

Many of you have patterns that have controlled your life, and Roger’s pattern has always been giving away more to others than to himself. As you might have, he has done this because he has ingrained beliefs of inferiority that he intended to move through in this lifetime. We continually ask him why he couldn’t be the one to make a difference in the world with his gift?

Roger’s brother then sent him a video of someone doing the work as he does, but the only difference was the other person thought it was them, which is why they are succeeding and prospering. Roger also knows why he maintains this behavior, and he even explained how you each could change it in the workshop yesterday, but he still questioned if it could be him. 

We will leave you and him with this today, for now, as the best time for you to answer that question in your life is now, and it will also help heal your world, as Roger also knows all too well. You will be fine. 


Here’s the replay of the masterclass:

Conversations with Wilhelm “The Most Profitable Full Moon Of Your Life” Apr 16, 2022 12:00 PM Pacific Time You can register here:

A Gift:

Decide to choose your priorities

April 13, 2022

The date of the message we are providing below is not accidental, and neither are you. As you examine your life and world now, it will be challenging for you not to believe that something else was occurring in your life to bring you here now and discover peace and understanding.

We will continue to provide more. You will be fine.
April 13, 2012

You would do well to choose your priorities by what you believe will lead to your most significant expansion, what you enjoy the most, and what you think will make the most significant contribution to all others. 

As it is being used here, priorities refer to what you choose to do, be, have, or create. Anything is within the realm of possibility, but that does not necessarily mean that all are worth your time and effort based on the result you desire.

This process will allow you to gain clarity about your current life path and enable you to move from any momentary place of procrastination. This is how you chart the adventure you have always intended to experience.


Free Masterclass – “How Fear And Doubt Can Help You” You can register here: 

Conversations with Wilhelm “The Most Profitable Full Moon Of Your Life” Apr 16, 2022 12:00 PM Pacific Time You can register here:

Self-judgment is the only problem

April 12, 2022

Self-judgment is the only problem. It is a problem in your life and your world. That is why you are alive during a restructuring of your world. You wanted to restructure yourself, and if you had done so, there would be no war in Ukraine. 

We want to stretch your imagination and belief as those two factors have been lacking in many of you, especially Roger. But fortunately, after years of attempting to get him to release his self-judgment, we have been more successful. We have said you are in the world now to aid your world in its restructuring, for it will aid your evolutionary journey of evolvement.

But you are only successful when you release your self-judgment. When we use the word judgment, we refer to the assessment you each will make about a thing as being good or bad. You cannot know that because you have limited awareness as long as you are in a physical body. 

We said we gave you everything in 2012. We had Roger notice how many messages we gave you about judgment, for we knew where you would be now. We will leave one of those messages, and you will remember from our live conversations that we said more would be revealed to you, and nothing you knew before would be the same. You will need to release your resistance, and that resistance is within you and not believing in your worth and value.  

You use self-judgment in one of two ways. You will judge yourself for not believing you have something to offer the world, or what you have isn’t enough, or some other thought of inadequacy. Or you will judge another in an attempt to make them wrong so that you might find more belief in yourself.

Whichever path you chose led to the collective war your world is experiencing, and it is the same one that has existed throughout the existence of humans, but you are here to shift the trajectory. Across the world, everyone is choosing to be either only for themselves or for the collective you.

We will tell you as we did when we said you never win. You seek oneness and unity within yourself so that it might manifest in your world, and you will not accomplish that goal if you judge yourself, for you are all one.  Please study the entirety of this message, for it will aid you over the next several weeks. You will be fine.

“Your indecision about what you desire to do in your physical life experience usually stems from your unwillingness to chart your own course, own who you are, and state that to the world.

When you hold a clear vision of where you desire to go in your life and who you desire to be, indecision does not enter the picture. Of course, at the root of your unwillingness is some manner of fear. That very fear is of judgment, not being enough, or any other inadequacy that you may think you possess.

All of that is also untrue, and the process of expansion you desired to experience is about undoing those “untruths.”


Free Masterclass – “How Fear And Doubt Can Help You” You can register here: 

Conversations with Wilhelm “The Most Profitable Full Moon Of Your Life” Apr 16, 2022 12:00 PM Pacific Time You can register here:

Nothing about you was accidental

April 11, 2022

Nothing about you was accidental. Every soul is born with a purpose and the intention to contribute to the evolution of your world. You do so at the time of your choosing on your evolutionary journey. But you also incarnate into the world at a time that would be most beneficial for the evolvement of your world, and that time is now.  

This morning we took Roger on an adventure to help you. We had him hear a video that sparked a memory, and that action is occurring for many of you now due to the restructuring of your world and you. Roger has often told the story of his original communication with us in 1988, but it was before that time. That year, he chose to listen because he was in a stressful place in his life.  

When he began with automatic writing, it took several days before he “heard” us, but that was when he decided to hear us, which is the same for you. You each have guides, and as some refer to them, guardian angels, but the terminology never matters, for it is all pure consciousness. When we did come through, it frightened Roger at first, who asked, “who is speaking to me?” We then said, “We are a higher part of you, but if that makes you uncomfortable, you can call us whatever you like.” Roger exclaimed, “Wilhelm,” which again he thought was accidental, and we say it was not, just as none of you have had random experiences, but you come to understand them at the right time in your life. 

In all these years, Roger has never looked up the meaning of the name Wilhelm until today, and this is what he found; “resolute protector.” Then we said to find the message we gave you on resolve in “Your Life Operating Instructions” and place it here for you each will find meaning in your life now, and you might begin to accept that you are not and have never been accidental. You always come to accept yourself eventually. You will be fine. 

“Resolve is something you always possess, you never have to fight to get it, and you only ever need to allow it to come to you. Resolve is what you might think of as the fortitude and energy to accomplish, do, or be anything in your physical life experience. 
You will always underestimate your abilities while in physical form, as you will underestimate the amount of resolve you might have. You need to allow it to come to you because when you think you have to try and find it or manufacture it, you affirm and acknowledge that you do not have it, and then create that personal reality.”


Free Masterclass – “How Fear And Doubt Can Help You” You can register here: 

Conversations with Wilhelm “The Most Profitable Full Moon Of Your Life” Apr 16, 2022 12:00 PM Pacific Time You can register here:

Self-acceptance was your only goal

April 10, 2022

Self-acceptance was your only goal. You each are born with the ability and talent to manifest anything you desire. But the problem you encounter along your journey is a fundamental lack of self-acceptance.  

You each hold different levels of that self-acceptance depending on various factors, but they have to do with what you wanted to accomplish on your physical life journey, which we will now explain in greater detail.

In our program, “Your Life Operation Instructions,” we set the primary goal you would achieve to be total self-acceptance. The only challenge we faced was your and Roger’s belief. But now we have that, for he reached complete self-acceptance even though it took us a while, which is also a natural progression you each experience. 

Last night we had Roger listen to a video discussion of two other coaches in an association where he is a member. They discussed their disappointment with the many programs they have either created or participated in and did not receive whatever the promised results were. As Roger listened and the coaches discussed all the problems, he discovered ours did not encounter those, and all the participants received the desired results, which shocked even Roger.

None of you know what you possess until you become willing to find out.  Our program worked and why Roger could wake up and feel total self-acceptance because we began at the cause rather than the effects you experience in your lives. The cause is always in your thinking. You only change anything when you change your thinking, and that begins with the cause, and that is you. It also required time.  

Roger did not know this until he put the program together and could review what we gave you in 2012 that was challenging for him to accept as you each have difficulty accepting the gifts you were given at birth.  We will explain more, leading to our live conversation Saturday. But in the meantime, study what we gave you at the very beginning of our program.

Roger could not have known the truth of this until today. You will accept yourself at the time that is right for you. You will be fine. 

January 3, 2012

You are continually “working on” your very own self-acceptance. The term working on is being used so that you might gain the idea that it is something in which you put forth the effort. It does not always feel like fun, but in the end pays you great dividends. As you begin to look at this concept, you should also come to the realization that your judgment or thinking that you should “be there” already, or should have met this goal, is useless and absurd.

It should also give you the idea that you never get it done, and it was precisely your reason and the intention for having a physical life experience. 

You could do nothing better than continually looking in a mirror until you find self-acceptance. 


Free Masterclass – “How Fear And Doubt Can Help You” You can register here: 

Conversations with Wilhelm “The Most Profitable Full Moon Of Your Life” Apr 16, 2022 12:00 PM Pacific Time You can register here: