You never win

February 19, 2022

You never win. We wanted to capture your attention with that title, and now that we have, we do not want you to become alarmed but understand. You never win because there was never a fight, and the only battle was within. 

You each are born with everything you could need to live a successful, happy life experience, but along the way, you begin to form other beliefs, and they halt your progression as well as that of your world. You are the only one who ever held yourself back, and you did that by accepting beliefs of inadequacy and inferiority. 

You are alive now because you want to experience the restructuring of your world to come to believe in yourself more, for that is the only challenge you encounter on your human life journey. When you foster your belief in not being enough, it will permeate the collective experience that manifests the world you see today.

We recently asked Roger not to see any world events before visiting with us because he has fought himself due to his lack of belief, as you might have. Yesterday when he found further verification of the information we had given him in 2012, he felt more of his confidence and self-acceptance. Then we told him to record a video and send a second broadcast yesterday because it was shocking to him that he missed what he had been given, and that is the entire point of the lives of you all. 

In Your Life Operating Instructions, we began with the idea of infinite intelligence because we knew that concept would be helpful for you now. You each have access to all that is in your world when you decide to acknowledge and accept your gift. Your world events will allow you to make that choice soon. 
You will begin to win now when you give up the fight of being yourself, which is the only work we offer. We have had Roger speak on the course price because humans equate worth with money. After all, it is a system you made up. But when you don’t recognize your inherent and innate worth and value, you cannot allow yourself to receive. Now he has seen the value, as will you if you decide it is there, and we will help, and you will be fine.  

Conversations with Wilhelm “Your New Life Is About To Begin” Please register here: 

Not all of you will believe

February 18, 2022

Not all of you will believe. We wanted Roger to send another broadcast today as when you are caught by surprise as you move through your life, it can shock you out of your disbelief.

We said in our earlier message that you were born ignorant so that you might be more willing to accept the surprising discoveries you will make as your world moves through this restructuring of you and your world.

We also mentioned Roger’s disbelief, and we continually bring it up because of yours. You have doubted yourself somehow or would not have chosen to have a physical life experience. Roger was questioning why others had not yet registered for our free talk on Monday where we said we would help you recognize that your new life is about to begin for it will, and we told him to hold our talk on Monday as more movement in your world will occur the next day.

Roger, like you, questioned how he could have known that as you have asked why you are here, and we will tell you with certainty, it is for an excellent reason if you can move beyond your disbelief. 

You have moved into an era of greater cooperation in your world, and to that end, we will share a video from a young lady we had Roger find the other day, but he discovered what we wanted him to hear today. And you as well, so we’ll leave the link to her video and channel as more of you will begin to lovingly support one another, which was the purpose of your restructuring and that of your world. 

You will be fine. 

We will give you a message where we told you what would occur and how you were meant to utilize it for your benefit, and now you just might. 

August 27, 2020

You are using your current experience of fear to evolve. We speak to you individually, the world at large, and the United States in particular. You might wonder how we know that we know it is you who is doing that, and unlike you, we know that you never end up in accidental places, and if you were not meant to read this message, you wouldn’t be here. It is challenging for many to accept this, for you have spent significant portions of your life denying who you are or that you have guidance. 

First of all, it might ease your fears if we tell you how it all turns out. You will evolve, recognize, and own your gifts, become abundant, and come to love and accept yourself more. We know this because you have done it before, so the only question you have to answer is how long you will allow that to take? The current times of your world are urging you to answer that question. Most times, you resist the information, which causes physical illness, depression, and lack. Roger felt his resistance yesterday and convinced himself he might be sick, which at the same time he knew wasn’t’ the case, just like you have done when you have recognized your distractions.

We said the United States would lead the world in its restructuring, which you will witness more of tonight. You are asking one question of yourself, the world, and specifically the United States. That question is, do I choose love or fear? We have given this message to Roger for decades, but his current conditions allow him to understand and accept it, as will you, eventually. 

The repeated message. 

“While it may seem to you at times that you have many different choices to make when presented with any situation, circumstance, or event in your life, but the fact is you only have two choices, and those are love or fear.

We are not referring to any relationship outside of yourself; it merely refers to your choices regarding yourself. You choose love when you decide to be who you are precisely, and you choose fear when you attempt to hide or discount who you are.”


Here is Alina’s video and channel. Please support her. 

Please join us for the next Conversation with Wilhelm, Monday, Feb. 21, 1 PM PST.

Ignorance is systemic

February 18, 2022

Ignorance is systemic. Please study the definitions of both words and put them together. You were born into the world in a state of ignorance. But because many in your world have taken the word ignorant and added a negative connotation, you have difficulty accepting your ignorance. That act causes your life experience to be more challenging, and it has caused you to experience more fear during this restructuring of your world. 

 You each are born with gifts to offer the world that would allow you to live magnificent lives. Because you don’t want to be seen as ignorant, or you don’t accept some current version of reality, you inadvertently label yourself as ignorant. And due to that mindset you have adopted, you have not recognized the opportunity before you now. 

We know this might be confusing, and it has been that for Roger, which is why he has difficulty acknowledging his ignorance. We have spoken of it often to allow him to move over his obstacle and to inspire you.  When we said we gave you everything you needed to know in 2012, his disbelief was more significant than most. Still, he also knows his purpose is to express that disbelief to aid you all as you move into new parts of yourself of which you have been ignorant. That is why we titled our live conversation on Monday in the way we did, and again that is something Roger never knows in advance as you did not know what you held within you, of which you were ignorant, that you intended to actualize now. 

You will witness revelations in your world in the coming months of which many of you were ignorant. You want to see them because the entire purpose of your life was to actualize your potential now that you have been ignoring your whole life, and those events will allow you to do so.

But please know when you decide to accept your importance, intelligence, and why you are here now, you will evolve, and so will your world. The thing in front of you that you doubted is before you now and meant to be awakened. When you can embrace and acknowledge your prior ignorance without regret, you will be fine.  

Conversations with Wilhelm “Your New Life Is About To Begin” Please register here:

Your plan is unfolding now

February 17, 2022

Your plan is unfolding now. We are speaking of the plan you held for your life and that of your world. We told you that you would approach a time during your restructuring where you would choose who you wanted to be, and that time is coming. 

We even told Roger to prepare by holding a channeling session to help you accept your new life, for that it will be if you make that decision. You have always had free will, but now you will also develop confidence and courage to utilize it more in your evolution. You will reread this message in its entirety for enlightenment. You will not miss its wisdom. 

We said it in that manner because we also gave you this guidance through our program Roger downloaded in 2012. We will post a bit of it here, for you will choose whether or not you will actualize your plan, which will become that of your world, and you are the only one who can choose for yourself.

If you utilize the information we give you now and remember to love yourself throughout all the events of your world, you will be fine. 

January 4, 2012
Communication is always available for you when you decide to pay attention. That communication, most times, feel like you speaking to you. In essence, that is always the case, even when you are engaged in a conversation with another.

The trick here is to hear that communication, decide if what you are hearing is leading you to what you desire to create and manifest in your life experience or not.
You have gained enough knowledge and wisdom to know always what you need to do to create the experience you desire. But you can also pretend not to hear that communication. When you decide to listen, your journey is much more enjoyable. 


Please join us. Conversations with Wilhelm “Your New Life Is About To Begin” Please register here:

Judgment and resistance have been your difficulties

February 16, 2022

Judgment and resistance have been your difficulties. Often when we have given you messages, we have made distinctions between the individual you and the collective you, and we have done to point out to you that there is no difference. You spend eternity discovering this fact, but you never complete wholeness.

We know those words are cryptic to some, and to others, they will make sense as you examine your world and your life. You come into the world to evolve and expand personally, knowing full well that if you do so, you will add to the experience or future manifestations of your future life and world. But you have the two things we mentioned with which you must contend: judgment and resistance. 

We cannot tell you where you fit in precisely, but we’ll give you the options from which to choose, for you are here now to do so. You might be changing so much and so rapidly that you think you might be losing your mind when in fact, you are attempting to find yourself. You might be fighting your governments, and those you believe are in charge of you, and you yell for your freedom also knowing full well that is within you, but your resistance has prevented you from accepting the personal freedom you were given at birth possessed by all. 

You may be feeling the loss of some financial stability that you believed provided you with power over others, also knowing full well that you are taking those actions in an attempt to feel powerful, for underneath, you have held a feeling of insecurity and inferiority. There are those of you who thought you didn’t matter, and you will discover you mattered more at this time in your world than you could have known. Then lastly, there are those of you who believed that subjugating others would provide the self-esteem you sought, but that has never worked.

We have given you different elements of human evolution. There are specific periods in your world’s history where shifts occur to place you all on a new trajectory to cause a change which we have called your restructuring. We refer to it often for Roger had difficulty accepting what he was given to bring to the world because you have had the same challenge, and it has been your judgment of yourself and resisting your gifts, for they are there. 

Last night while working on content in our program, we told Roger to search for the events of 2012, which he had not done. When we told you we gave you this information that year, it was in preparation for this time in your life and your world. Still, you must now be the one to accept yourself, for that is why you are here, and we know you found yourself in one of the scenarios we laid out, and we will explain more, but you will be fine. 

February 16, 2022Judgment and resistance have been your difficulties. Often when we have given you messages, we have made distinctions between the individual you and the collective you, and we have done to point out to you that there is no difference. You spend eternity discovering this fact, but you never complete wholeness.
We know those words are cryptic to some, and to others, they will make sense as you examine your world and your life. You come into the world to evolve and expand personally, knowing full well that if you do so, you will add to the experience or future manifestations of your future life and world. But you have the two things we mentioned with which you must contend: judgment and resistance. 
We cannot tell you where you fit in precisely, but we’ll give you the options from which to choose, for you are here now to do so. You might be changing so much and so rapidly that you think you might be losing your mind when in fact, you are attempting to find yourself. You might be fighting your governments, and those you believe are in charge of you, and you yell for your freedom also knowing full well that is within you, but your resistance has prevented you from accepting the personal freedom you were given at birth possessed by all. You may be feeling the loss of some financial stability that you believed provided you with power over others, also knowing full well that you are taking those actions in an attempt to feel powerful, for underneath, you have held a feeling of insecurity and inferiority. There are those of you who thought you didn’t matter, and you will discover you mattered more at this time in your world than you could have known. Then lastly, there are those of you who believed that subjugating others would provide the self-esteem you sought, but that has never worked.
We have given you different elements of human evolution. There are specific periods in your world’s history where shifts occur to place you all on a new trajectory to cause a change which we have called your restructuring. We refer to it often for Roger had difficulty accepting what he was given to bring to the world because you have had the same challenge, and it has been your judgment of yourself and resisting your gifts, for they are there. 
Last night while working on content in our program, we told Roger to search for the events of 2012, which he had not done. When we told you we gave you this information that year, it was in preparation for this time in your life and your world. Still, you must now be the one to accept yourself, for that is why you are here, and we know you found yourself in one of the scenarios we laid out, and we will explain more, but you will be fine. 


Conversations with Wilhelm “Your New Life Is About To Begin” Please register here:

We told you the experiences of shame and embarrassment would be helpful now

February 15, 2022

We told you the experiences of shame and embarrassment would be helpful now. We know that is a long title, but it is also purposeful, and each of you will understand it as it relates to your life journey and your desire to expand and evolve. You are in the world now to expand and evolve, and when you experience any form of shame or embarrassment, you temporarily forget who you are. You are an eternal spiritual being. You are using this lifetime to come to know the true nature of your being, which is unlimited, so those experiences then are illusions you allow yourself to have so you might move through them. Roger’s experience of shame and embarrassment arises when he reviews the information we gave you all that would aid you in moving through this period.

He questions why he didn’t know that and why he can’t convince others of its value and importance, and then he experiences regret, which we also warned about in “Your Life Operating Instructions.” You were meant to recognize that you have within you everything you need to perform your role in restructuring your life and your world. When Roger awakened, he could feel his level of embarrassment, and we told him to find a message we gave you then because we knew it would be helpful now. You are to apply it to your life now, and you will be fine. 

 February 11, 2012

You judge yourself so harshly because you desire to become more. You will inevitably find yourself judging yourself as you move through your physical life experience. When this occurs, and you decide to notice it, you would do well to try and hold the thought about the process of evolving. This act will produce different results than simply judging yourself with no useful purpose in mind. 

When you recognize that everything you do is an effort to expand, then even your judging you will become useful. You will notice your judging in different forms, including shame, embarrassment, and guilt. Decide to reframe them all. 


You might have seen your purpose

February 14, 2022

You might have seen your purpose. In this message, we are reverting to using the collective you and the individual you, and finding your place in the mix will be your job.

We have said you are moving through a restructuring in your world, which is why you wanted to be alive now. The purpose of your life and that of your world is always to evolve and become more. You also must be willing to envision what you desire to manifest. 

Yesterday we used the event of the Super Bowl to make a point. Many watch this event in your world, and what the masses witness will inadvertently embody in some manner. You notice the results of that in your world now, especially with the utilization of technology and social media. We told Roger to urge you to watch the event to see healing occurring.

If you did watch, you saw a coming together. There was an intentional envisioning of the world you wanted to manifest. And you were shown in the commercials for what you saw was every person, gender, ideology, expression, body type, age, ethnicity displayed equally. 

We wanted you to notice, for you must also notice and become willing to embrace what you contemplated for your life, and that is now your restructuring. If you decide to envision it now, you will manifest that for yourself and your world, which was the purpose you might have seen. 

Please reread this message, for yes, it is one of ours that will require your contemplation for acceptance and understanding, and you will be fine.  


It is your time to win

February 13, 2022

It is your time to win. Please stay with this message, for it is long, and it is meant for you specifically or would not be reading our words. You have never been in an accidental place in your life, but only unknown places that you come to understand later, as you might do with this message. 

You were born to accomplish something in your life, and it is before you now, but your doubt has held you back previously. Your lack of awareness of your worth and value has continued for so long in your life that you find it challenging to fathom that this would be the time for you to win. Yet you will if you can find belief within yourself, for that has always been your struggle, but because you are here during the restructuring of your world, the tides have turned in your favor if you allow yourself to ride them.

When we use the word win, it is done so figuratively because each of you had already won when you were born. But you spend your life uncovering your gift, for it is there. You may have missed it due to the judgment you’ve held about yourself and your life experiences. We will give you an example through Roger again, for as we always say in our live conversations, we go to great lengths to enable you to awaken to your genius. As we told Roger, the only intention of our program was to allow each of you to awaken your genius, but first, we had to convince him, which we have now done.

Yesterday, Roger had a significant dilemma: did he have enough time to go to the grocery store before his next client? We told him to hurry and do it now, and as he’s in the store, a man approaches and asks if it was Roger? When Roger answered in the affirmative, the person told Roger that this was one of his best friends from New York that he had not seen or spoken to since 1980. 

After a pleasant conversation and an agreement to catch up, Roger noticed he was uncomfortable for reasons he could not name. Another friend later questioned why Roger would seek to know more about his uncomfortableness. Still, he knows through our work that there is always more, and you never have accidental incidents.

After some time alone, we reminded him of it all as he forgets, as many of you do. Roger held guilt about his entire experience in New York and this friend. He had a business that was meant to provide so many opportunities for others but did not succeed due to his agreement with a financial investor who misled Roger. Roger gave up everything he owned, including his home, to save the business, but it failed. Still, the public did not know that, so Roger carried the guilt and the perceived judgment of others. 

Years later, he did something similar, and again he thought he might have failed, for again, he opened an enormous place to provide more to others. Due to the economic collapse in your world at that time, this business failed as well. The public did not know this was out of his hands. But Roger carried the guilt along with shame and could not allow himself to prosper due to his interpretation of those events. 

We told him that what he has now will not fail, for it is the right time, and he’s doing what is right for him on his evolutionary journey, and it is in alignment with the significant shift occurring in your world. He then remembered what he had invested in his acquired wisdom and knowledge when we had him review all of this. He even saw the results of that with the current program participants; he still struggled with the amount he was charging, knowing full well that what he has could garner thousands of dollars from so many, but as in all of his other ventures, he wanted more for all. 

Yesterday, we showed him someone doing similar work and charging monthly almost three times the amount for their program, and Roger had to question his choice. We brought you to this point in the story, for this is where you are in your life, and it will be up to you to know it is your time to win. You will come to know your worth and value if you first accept now how valuable you have become due to the life you have led. You will all be fine.  


No one has ever taken your freedom

February 12, 2022

No one has ever taken your freedom. Today’s message comes in two parts, and we did that intentionally to cause more of you to believe in your reason for being alive now and how you will aid the restructuring of your world.

Yesterday we had Roger channel our words which we will attach here as you may also subscribe to our YouTube channel, which we would also like Roger to utilize more. Then we had him notice all the disruptions around the world with those fighting for their freedom. The struggle for freedom and power has always been misguided. That is why you are alive now to shift the balance, and you are doing so for the reasons we placed in the recording. 

Since humans have existed, some of you believed that exerting power over another or holding another in bondage would cause you to experience more control and freedom when it produces precisely the opposite effect. You will witness in your world a reversal of fortunes, so to speak, but the battle now will be within you as it always has been. You will be fine. 

Here’s the recording:


You have only had one goal in your life

February 11, 2022

You have only had one goal in your life. When you were born, that goal was implanted within you, and you move through your life, having experiences that provide you with glimpses of your original destination. And your job was to notice those glimpses and decide to accept them as guidance and direction.

But you could not always do that because your intention was also to evolve, and you can only accomplish that when you allow your consciousness to expand to a greater understanding of yourself and your world. You decided to be here now to experience this restructuring because you knew it would occur at an accelerated pace that would cause the most significant impact on your evolutionary journey.

Your main challenge has been self-belief. We have continually spoken of 2012, for it gives you a human marker that you might better understand the progression of your world. We gave you “Your Life Operating Instructions,” which holds the single intention of what we had Roger discover recently, which was written in 2013, and that was the beginning of his book “Becoming You.”

You typically accept yourself gradually, and putting linear time in place for your recognition always helps. This time in your world will require you to own and accept every aspect of yourself and every experience you have had, for they have caused you to become more valuable now. 

The only goal you had in your life was self-acceptance which is the same as self-actualization or becoming yourself. That is the sole intention we held for any of you, and all our work was to that end. You are doing that now, and you will be fine.  
