Not all of you will believe

February 18, 2022

Not all of you will believe. We wanted Roger to send another broadcast today as when you are caught by surprise as you move through your life, it can shock you out of your disbelief.

We said in our earlier message that you were born ignorant so that you might be more willing to accept the surprising discoveries you will make as your world moves through this restructuring of you and your world.

We also mentioned Roger’s disbelief, and we continually bring it up because of yours. You have doubted yourself somehow or would not have chosen to have a physical life experience. Roger was questioning why others had not yet registered for our free talk on Monday where we said we would help you recognize that your new life is about to begin for it will, and we told him to hold our talk on Monday as more movement in your world will occur the next day.

Roger, like you, questioned how he could have known that as you have asked why you are here, and we will tell you with certainty, it is for an excellent reason if you can move beyond your disbelief. 

You have moved into an era of greater cooperation in your world, and to that end, we will share a video from a young lady we had Roger find the other day, but he discovered what we wanted him to hear today. And you as well, so we’ll leave the link to her video and channel as more of you will begin to lovingly support one another, which was the purpose of your restructuring and that of your world. 

You will be fine. 

We will give you a message where we told you what would occur and how you were meant to utilize it for your benefit, and now you just might. 

August 27, 2020

You are using your current experience of fear to evolve. We speak to you individually, the world at large, and the United States in particular. You might wonder how we know that we know it is you who is doing that, and unlike you, we know that you never end up in accidental places, and if you were not meant to read this message, you wouldn’t be here. It is challenging for many to accept this, for you have spent significant portions of your life denying who you are or that you have guidance. 

First of all, it might ease your fears if we tell you how it all turns out. You will evolve, recognize, and own your gifts, become abundant, and come to love and accept yourself more. We know this because you have done it before, so the only question you have to answer is how long you will allow that to take? The current times of your world are urging you to answer that question. Most times, you resist the information, which causes physical illness, depression, and lack. Roger felt his resistance yesterday and convinced himself he might be sick, which at the same time he knew wasn’t’ the case, just like you have done when you have recognized your distractions.

We said the United States would lead the world in its restructuring, which you will witness more of tonight. You are asking one question of yourself, the world, and specifically the United States. That question is, do I choose love or fear? We have given this message to Roger for decades, but his current conditions allow him to understand and accept it, as will you, eventually. 

The repeated message. 

“While it may seem to you at times that you have many different choices to make when presented with any situation, circumstance, or event in your life, but the fact is you only have two choices, and those are love or fear.

We are not referring to any relationship outside of yourself; it merely refers to your choices regarding yourself. You choose love when you decide to be who you are precisely, and you choose fear when you attempt to hide or discount who you are.”


Here is Alina’s video and channel. Please support her. 

Please join us for the next Conversation with Wilhelm, Monday, Feb. 21, 1 PM PST.

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