You will understand everything today

October 11, 2022

You will understand everything today. But first, you must become willing to suspend your disbelief which has always been our goal. Everything we have provided will cause you to recognize your worth and value. We wanted you to know how vital it was to manifest everything you have ever desired in your life at this time of restructuring your world.

Sunday, we had our live conversation with you, where we explained all that was occurring in your world. Last week we said everything would change on Monday, and many of you noticed those events. We spoke on Sunday, and we held the conversation that day, for we knew what would be coming next, and it wasn’t because it had to occur, but it was also due to the inaction on your part. 

Our only message has been to alert you to your importance and the fact that no one is alive better than you, and what you have to offer the world is needed now. 

We then told Roger we wanted him to change the structure of our work today so he might take our message to more, but he, too, must move beyond his limitations, so we went to work this morning. We first had him “stumble” upon a video speaking of mystics which he knows he is but still holds back what he might offer, just as you have done. 

Then he noticed what his partner had completed on his blog that Roger had not seen, which is a pattern of his and one you might have used. If he doesn’t look at what he was given to bring the world, he might not have to fulfill his mission. That never works for him or you.

You exist at the most monumental time in your evolutionary journey and that of your world. We told you this a year ago, and we do love using dates, as you might have heard in our session Sunday, but you will not be able to miss the points we gave you a year ago that will resonate now for you as most humans do not see what’s coming until it arrives. 

Roger knows he can do more but has held back as you have, but now we would like all of you to change that, and when you do, you will change your world. 

We will leave the links here; “I was a reluctant mystic.” 

Sunday’s session, “Now is the time you want to succeed”

“The reason you are alive now” Channeled October 20, 2021. .

You will find it challenging to move through the information we provided in this message and not understand your significance. 


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You didn’t make a mistake, and neither did we

October 10, 2022

You didn’t make a mistake, and neither did we. We are speaking to you from several vantage points today. The first might be what you consider God or your higher self, for they are the same. And the second one is what we meant when we said we had given you everything to aid you in moving through this restructuring of your life and world.

We know the recent times have been challenging for many of you, but as we have also said, we provided guidance. Belief is the most challenging aspect of your physical life experience for you to gain and the most vital element you would do well to harness.

We had our live conversation with you yesterday, where we revealed much more. It will be life-changing for some of you as it was for Roger. Here is the video replay of that session.

While we have used the synchronicity of dates from 2012 to help you gain coherence, there was no message given on this day, for we knew you would want to rely on your resources now, for you have developed many. 

You stand at the most pivotal place in your life and your world. The results will be derived through your actions. 


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We provided this message in 2012

October 9, 2022

We provided this message in 2012, but you will understand it today, especially after our live conversation with you today. You would not have comprehended the information then, but you will now.

Your personal history, or your story, is meaningful and valuable and shapes or influences who you become in your future, depending on how you retell your story. Your history includes all events, circumstances, and situations of your life that have passed, whether five minutes ago or twenty years ago. All of it is subjective, meaning that you interpret it depending on your current level of awareness. If your current level of awareness calls you to interpret your history in what you think of as a positive light, then that will affect your future in that same light. 

In other words, everything that has occurred in your personal history holds that positive light for you if you decide to see it.


Please Register for Now is the Time You Want to Succeed – a Wilhelm Conversation
Sunday, October 9, 8 AM PST

Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
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The world needed you now

October 8, 2022

The world needed you now. All the information we have provided over the last several years was meant to make you understand and accept that premise, for it is accurate. 

We are still providing information we will clarify tomorrow in our live conversation, but first, we would like you to study and attempt to absorb a message we gave you in 2013, as we have guided you all along, just as your guides have done.

“Every soul is born with particular gifts. There are no gifts more important than another, for they all add to the expansion of the individual who possesses that gift, as well as to all others who will benefit from your gifts.

You always know when you are accessing your particular gifts because you experience joy as you engage in your gift. It is never important what you think the magnitude or extent of your gift might be, but it is what you can think of as a seed to your successful and happy life when you decide to pursue it.

It can even be things that you take for granted, such as being a good parent, listener, being of service, or merely what you think of as a good employee. The fact is you know when you are in the process of pursuing it because you experience joy. You are always moving in the right direction in your life when you experience that joy.”


Please Register for Now is the Time You Want to Succeed – a Wilhelm Conversation
Sunday, October 9, 8 AM PST

Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
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Everything changes on Monday

October 7, 2022

Everything changes on Monday. While we have said often in our live conversations, we are not physic but merely interpret the current energies of your life and world to provide guidance for a safe passage. Many of you have found that difficult to believe and accept, just as you have done with your dream, life purpose, and the magnificent life you intended to lead.

We said you are moving through a massive shift in your world, and you exist to aid its evolution. No one holds more power or ability to shape your life and earth than you. You merely decide when you will believe in yourself, which is why we said it would all change on Monday.

We are giving you that information based on several factors. The first one is if you are hearing, reading, or listening to us, you have had a desire to aid humanity through your existence but have had difficulty accepting and believing your importance in the world. 

The second reason is we have given Roger so many synchronicities that it would be impossible for him to deny the value of what he holds, which would provide you with the ability to shape your life into one of love, light, happiness, and prosperity. We gave you all the tools to do so. 

We did so again today with our message from 2012, and we have never been wrong. You will move through another galactical shift through your full moon configuration on Sunday, which we advised Roger to hold a live conversation so we can provide more.

Then in the United States, you will continue your Pluto return, and your actions will be seen and felt by the rest of your world. If you honor who you are and your life mission, you will manifest the world you want. That choice is made collectively by the choices you make individually.

Roger has understood what is occurring in your world and how he could aid his evolution and that of all that is. Still, he, too, had to accept what he was given, which is a tool to help so many others if he helps himself first, and that, dear friends, is the culmination point we wanted each of you to reach.

The change in your physical world is financial, and those here know you would use your wealth to foster benevolence in your world. Still, you must first accept that prosperity for yourself, which is a pattern and habit many of you would do well to break, and we will begin with Roger, and we will do it Monday.

As you read our message from this day in 2012, you might be more motivated to believe in our work, but it is far more critical for you to recognize and own who you have become.

October 7, 2012

Seek to find the benefit in all that you do. Every action you take, an event that occurs in your life, or a circumstance that shows you up for you carries two very different aspects or contrast. 

You will experience those two different things personally as pleasurable or uncomfortable for you. It matters not which particular experience you currently have; there is always a benefit to be found.

When you seek to see it, you will create a life experience that is much more fun, and you will build a type of momentum that urges you to do more. It is not difficult to see this process in action. All you need do is observe others around you and will see the contrast.


Please Register for Now is the Time You Want to Succeed – a Wilhelm Conversation
Sunday, October 9, 8 AM PST

Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
Your Last Development Program, 100% Guaranteed

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We gave you a pathway to happiness

October 6, 2022

We gave you a pathway to happiness. When you accept your particular path, you will experience that happiness and have everything else of a physical nature you could want.

We know the recent times in your life and world might have been challenging, but they are also for your highest good. We mean on your evolutionary journey and that of your world.

You have never been in an accidental place in your life, and you only discover later the importance and significance of everything you have lived, and for many of you, that time is now. 

Not all of you will want to become happy, for it is your choice. Everything we provided enabled you to change your perceptions about yourself and the world so that you can evolve and aid your world in its evolution.

We will leave the message we provided in 2012, and while it will speak to Roger specifically, it will do the same for you if you are willing to become happy. 

October 6, 2012

It is indeed noble for you to do things for yourself. A thought pattern you have carried reinforces what you learned: doing something for you would make you selfish or unloving in some way. This is a false idea, and, in actuality, one of the most loving things you can do is to do things for yourself.

When you are nourished emotionally, spiritually, and physically, you are in a much better position on many levels to do much more for others. When you pay attention to some of your thinking, it will become abundantly clear that you spend a great deal of time trying to figure out what you think others want and end up doing nothing. Think about it.


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Please do the impossible

October 5, 2022

Please do the impossible. That is why you are alive. You each come to the world with something you desire to manifest, create, achieve or heal from your past. It is before you now.

We have said you are moving through a massive restructuring, and you have no memory of what came before, but you do know what you have yet to achieve in your life, and this time in your world is aiding your evolvement as your world ascends to a higher state of being.

We will give you this information in increments as more of you must accept your purpose in the world now, and that will cause the impossible to become possible. And yes, we are referring to everything in your life and the world. We provided guidance on this date. 

Please consider the entirety of this message as your world has shifted into another dimension. Many of you fear the unknown. When you do that collectively, you manifest chaos. You can change it all when you absorb the following message.

October 5, 2012

You can indeed experience the physical life you desire when you decide to focus on what is possible rather than what you have been taught and come to believe is not possible.

Your intention, and the only reason you wanted to live in this time and place, was so that you could expand and evolve, and that can only occur when you seek what is possible. When you focus on what is possible, it is not only for your personal benefit but for all others.

You often are unaware that you have limited what you might experience in this lifetime because of where you have held your thinking. You can change that.


Watch the Mastermind Replay Here

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Disbelief will be your only challenge

October 4, 2022

Disbelief will be your only challenge. You are becoming a new being, as is your world, so any resistance you might have to change or the unknown will be made known to you, and your job is to accept every aspect of yourself.

None of you have seen the current events in your world before, and there will be more, but it will also be for your highest good when you remember who you are.

We recognize that even the idea we provided guidance in 2012 arouses your disbelief. Still, we will continue as our only intention was to aid you in your ascension process, and the message we provided on this date is no different.

October 4, 2012

You are always better today than yesterday, and it is impossible for it to be any other way. Better, as it is being used here, refers to your greater level of awareness, wisdom, and knowledge. It matters not what you might think of your current state of affairs, for the fact is, as long as you are in physical form, you are indeed better in some manner.

This scenario often escapes your awareness because you tend to focus on what you have yet to do or accomplish or what you believe might be your failures. Even your so-called failures cause you to be better today because you have gained information that allows you to make new choices in your moment of now that create a better future. Rejoice in this each day.


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Your life purpose is before you now

October 3, 2022

Your life purpose is before you now. We have said you are moving through a restructuring of yourself and the world, and nothing will be the same as it was, including you.

You will begin to discover things about yourself you did not know or feared did not exist. Either way, you discover more of yourself, as was your intention during your physical life journey.

We did provide help on this date, for again, we want you to accept the divine plan for your life as it is before you now, and this message will help you focus and manifest it into existence.

October 3, 2012

Your objective will always guide and direct your way. As it is being used here, objective means what you desire to accomplish with whatever you attempt to do. You sometimes experience difficulty with some of your projects when you have not taken the time to become consciously aware of your particular objective before you begin.

Your most successful results in what you attempt will usually contain a twofold objective: to further your own personal expansion and contribute to others or all that is. You will find that when your objective is in place, your choices and decisions become clear.


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How to Find the Blueprint for Your Success and Happiness

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The reason we had our session yesterday

October 2, 2022

The reason we had our session yesterday. We understand many of you might be confused or frightened by global events, but that is also why you are alive now. 

You intended to make a difference, and your only job was to believe in yourself but that is also a lifelong journey; we gave you additional support because you each have had it from your guides, and we show up as reinforcement. 

October 2, 2012

All of you is acceptable. This refers to every aspect of your physical being, including your physical traits, emotions, moods, or anything else that makes up the unique you.

You only experience difficulty when you attempt to ignore, hide, or pretend that certain aspects of you do not exist. All of them are purposeful and valuable, or they would not exist, and you would have no experience of them.

In actuality, many of those traits that you find displeasing to you may offer you the most guidance in your quest to expand. What you may think of as a deficiency leaves room for more expansion, as you intended.


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