There is no secret

July 13, 2022

There is no secret. There is no secret to anything you want to do, be or have. There is only the choice that you choose to make. You were born with the ability to have anything you want, but you also came with your unique set of circumstances and experiences you wanted to have, for they would allow you to evolve, for that is why you are alive.

Like so many others, you believe that if you could find that secret to success, money, or love, then your life would go well, and you would end your struggles. You can accomplish that, but there is no secret involved.

The only thing you had to do to have everything you wanted in life was to believe in yourself. You were given something that was a part of your evolutionary journey that you intended to create, manifest or heal in your lifetime, and it is before you now.

You are moving through a restructuring in your world, and everything we have given you was to aid you in this transition. Roger had to believe that he was the person to receive something of that value, and the same is true for you. You each move through periods in your life where you think you can do whatever was placed on your path, but then you also have fear and doubt, and the only secret you have sought is within you, and that is the choice you will make. That choice always comes with risk, for none of you know for sure what you might manifest in your life, but if you decide what you want it to be, you will eliminate the mystery.

We will give you a short explanation. When we gave you our work in 2012, we began on January 1 with Infinite Intelligence. That means you each have access to all the information, wisdom, and knowledge that has been developed by all souls who came before you, and your job is to allow yourself to have access to it and then add your essence to whatever you choose, and cause it to become more. Then we told you on December 31 that you are now creating your future. Little did you know then that we meant you are creating your life and the future world now.

Roger was attempting to find another name for our program now that he understands what he has. We suggested “Your Last Development Course – How to become your best self.” We used development, for that is all you are ever doing. You choose whether or not you will develop what you have been given. We offer guidance.

He, too, thought he had to have a secret and had meetings scheduled today with those who would help him get his message out. We had him cancel them because he, like you, only has to state what you have clearly, and all the right people will appear in your life.


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Please suspend your disbelief

July 12, 2022 – Part two

This message is the second one today, for we wanted to give you more understanding and support as you move through your restructuring and that of your world. 

You came into the world to evolve. So that you might accomplish your goal, your world presents you with events, circumstances, and situations that may seem perplexing to you due to your limited awareness. But rest assured, they are all for your highest good and your world. 

You each have something within you that you want to offer to the world, for it would aid your evolution and that of your world. But because everything is unknown to you, doubt and fear of your life direction and that of your world might escape your current level of awareness. And that is why you are alive. 

If you can bring yourself to believe in your vision, your creation, or whatever you feel you are destined to do in your life, you will restructure yourself and your world. You individually hold that much power, and collectively you cause dramatic changes in the trajectory of your world. 

We gave you a message on this date two years ago, for we knew some of it would be in play today in the United States. We are also aware not all of you would recognize the significance of this or this period in your world which is why we gave you our work in 2012. Roger had to suspend his disbelief today when we told him to place that message here. He had difficulty accepting his gift and importance as you have. We are doing this for you. You are also evolving, which will ask you to believe in yourself far more than you have in the past, which is the evolution in your life you want. 


July 12, 2020

You and the world are evolving, and you cannot fail. We know those words may fall on deaf ears for many of you, but it will be your experience. The other day Roger’s friend asked him how he could know whether the information we provided him was true or accurate. We will tell you that he did not know beforehand and only recently began accepting more due to the proof we have provided. 

What we are describing is your life. You have had ideas of who you might become in this world, followed by constant doubt and uncertainty, which you and the world are experiencing now.

We will leave one of our earlier messages to offer further understanding. When we delivered this message, Roger didn’t believe us either, but now over time, he can see the evidence of what we said. While we will continue this conversation for quite a while, we will leave you with something we gave you some time ago, and now it might make more sense, especially when you think of it while reading the message we will post here. 

The statement was that even Hitler went to heaven. There is no such thing as heaven, but the concept will make you aware of the choices you are making in your life. In other words, you, meaning the world, will allow catastrophes, calamities, pandemics, and all disruptions in your personal life and that of the world so you might be moved to evolve. That is why you are finally willing to do what you were meant to do in this world. And due to that, you and the world evolve. 


May 3, 2019

You cannot go back and be happy. Roger didn’t want to write that sentence, for he thought that if he could avoid it, he would not be required to fulfill his life purpose. While that last sentence may sound insane, it is what most do. 

However, Roger has more difficulty with this concept because he has chosen a career where he might offer this guidance to others. He knows that he can only accomplish that if he becomes the example, but he also pretends not to believe the first sentence of this message.

We will give you and others this information to help you move through this period in your life. There is no hierarchy of souls, and all are necessary for the evolution of your world. Do your part.


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Self-acceptance will change your world

July 12, 2022

Self-acceptance will change your world. We do mean that if you were to come to accept yourself and believe in your importance for being in the world now, the world you see manifest would be the one you wanted.

You each are born into the world to offer gifts to yourself, which means you wanted to evolve. You also chose to do so during the restructuring of your world. Your importance at this time is more meaningful than you could have imagined.

But we did give you help, and we knew it would be helpful today and tomorrow. Your world will move into another phase of your global evolvement today, and tomorrow will be the perfect day for your reflection, and you will have galactic assistance. Please use the message we gave you in 2012 to aid you now. You are not accidental, and neither are the current world events. You will be fine.

July 12, 2012

Gradually you become you. This statement will help make you more aware of the expansion process and hopefully alleviate some of your self-imposed judgment.

You often find yourself sitting in judgment of your thoughts, deeds, and actions with the accusation that you should have known better. In truth, had you known better, there would have been no need for any expansion or evolution.

You decided to live in a physical world that operates on linear time precisely so that you might experience that gradual transformation, for, in that manner, it becomes known, owned, and actualized by you.


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The reason you don’t have enough money

July 11, 2022

The reason you don’t have enough money. We thought that title would capture your attention which was our desire. We gave you our definition of money through the work we provided in 2012, but that is the part many of you have had difficulty accepting, just like Roger.

Money is energy, as are all things in your physical world of a material nature. Still, you use all things physical in a manner that allows you to navigate your physical world. Humans have collectively made money one of the most critical factors and have done so as long as humans have existed on your planet.

During the current restructuring of your life and world, you are using money again to shift the balance of power in your life and world, for they are the same. We know this might be unclear to some of you, but for Roger, it is not; that is the message we wanted you to hear, and it will also tell you why you don’t have enough money.

The only reason for that condition to exist in any of you is that you have yet to understand and accept your worth and value. It is always reflected in you when you decide to accept your gift as your soul intended for you to accomplish during this lifetime. We must also remind you that the gift we speak of is you.

Yesterday before a meeting, Roger was working on wording for his website, and when it came to him describing our program, we urged him to say, “the last personal development program you would ever need.” He experienced hesitation as you have felt about your gift or what you came to bring to the world.

You have that gift, but it also comes with limitations and restrictions. You are all born with them; otherwise, there would be no reason for your birth. But you are the one who must take the steps right in front of you that you know have been blockages of your self-acceptance. As you do so, you will manifest all the money you could want or ever need. That is the guidance we provided; if you utilize it, you will all be fine.


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You life is perfect

July 10, 2022

Your life is perfect. We are using your human definition of the word perfect so that you might understand the intent of this message.

You decide when you are to be born into the world, and you make that decision because you know the time in the history of your world that would be best for you to evolve. You knew the conditions that would exist when you decided to live would provide you with the best opportunity to accomplish something you had not done before.

As you travel on your physical life journey, you will be given glimpses of your mission, and then you will choose whether you will fulfill your desire. You might think you are moving through all your challenges and difficulties for some other purpose, but the first one is you wanted to know and own your worth.

If you decide you will change your perception about your life and every experience you have ever had, you also add to the expansion of ultimate reality, for that is the only reason any of you are born. You wanted to add to the perfection of your world by recognizing and owning the perfection of who you are.

Now you know why you are moving through a restructuring in your world. And the reason we provided our work. You eventually discover the rewards of your efforts, as did Roger yesterday. Then your life changes instantly, and you will wonder what took you so long to recognize your brilliance, for you have always held it within you, and changing your perspective was the only thing you wanted to achieve.

Please attempt to hold the truth of this message for yourself over the next several months in your world and remember all others are doing the same thing. You will be fine.


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You were being prepared

July 9, 2022

You were being prepared. We have used that title previously, but today, you will understand what we meant. We had Roger record a video conversation this morning as we wanted you to be prepared for the next phase of your restructuring. 

We are repeating this message which you will see in the video, for we wanted you to notice the date we gave you this information as you have difficulty accepting and believing things about yourself and the world. Still, our work was always to help you overcome your fear and doubt so you can manifest the life and world you want, for this is within your power. You will be fine. 

August 27, 2020

You are using your current experience of fear to evolve. We are speaking to you individually, the world at large, and the United States in particular. You might wonder how we know that we know it is you who is doing that, and unlike you, we know that you never end up in accidental places, and if you were not meant to read this message, you wouldn’t be here. It is challenging for many to accept this, for you have spent significant portions of your life denying who you are or that you have guidance. 

First of all, it might ease your fears if we tell you how it all turns out. You will evolve, recognize, and own your gifts, become abundant, and come to love and accept yourself more. We know this because you have done it before, so the only question you have to answer is how long you will allow that to take? The current times of your world are urging you to answer that question. Most times, you resist the information, and that causes physical illness, depression, and lack. Roger felt his resistance yesterday and convinced himself he might be sick, which at the same time, he knew that wasn’t the case, just like you have done when you have recognized your distractions.

We said the United States would lead the world in its restructuring, which you will witness more of tonight. You are asking one question of yourself, the world, and specifically the United States. That question is, do I choose love or fear? We have given this message to Roger for decades, but his current conditions allow him to understand and accept it, as will you, eventually. 

The repeated message. 

“While it may seem to you at times that you have many different choices to make when presented with any situation, circumstance, or event in your life, but the fact is you only have two choices, and those are love or fear.

We are not referring to any relationship outside of yourself; it is merely referring to the choices you make regarding you. You choose love when you decide to be who you are precisely, and you choose fear when you attempt to hide or discount who you are.”


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Here is the audiobook we mentioned:

You always win

July 8, 2012

You always win. Today we are referring to your collective you or your world. You exist in the physical world at this time because you want to evolve and help your world accomplish that task. You will achieve both tasks by being willing to embrace every aspect of who you are.

Everything we have given you was to help you on your journey, for we knew you might observe the conditions in your world and falsely believe things are falling apart and they are not. You are coming together, and now we just switched to the individual you. You have not understood the importance of your evolution at this time or your significance to your world.

We know this information might not make sense to you, but those who have heard our live conversations, as someone said yesterday, will accept more. We have said in those talks that you are moving through an evolutionary ascension of the entire planet, and that has never happened, and most of you have a distrust and unwarranted fear of the unknown. Everything we have given was to help you move beyond that, beginning with the work we provided you in 2012.

You each come to the world to perform different tasks that would cause your world to evolve. Still, it would help if you also moved through your disbelief which is why we have used human linear time so you might make the connection to the universal you or your eternal spiritual nature.

We said that the United States would lead the way during this restructuring. When we gave you that information more than two years ago, many of you were in disbelief or ignored the news, but you will no longer be able to operate in that manner. In the next week, there will be another change where more information about you, your world, and the United States will be revealed, and holding to the knowledge of your sovereignty will be helpful for you. Again, that is why we gave you our work.

In 2012 we said conflict and unity always coexist. You each add to the energetic mix of what will manifest in your world, and if you make it about how great you can become, you and the world will win; and this entire message will make sense. But be patient with yourself, for we know many have not believed us, but you must believe yourself, for you have so much to offer. You will be fine. We have always meant the collective you.


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Please do you best to understand this message

July 7, 2022

Please do your best to understand this message. We have given you quite a bit of information regarding the current restructuring of your life and world, and we are doing so again.

You have maintained a lack of belief in yourself and your ability to create and manifest the life and world you desire, but as we have said in our live conversations, you will have to choose. But that is also the reason for your existence.

The next several months in your world may seem chaotic and uncertain, but that is the element that your world requires, and you agreed to help. You exist to move beyond your limited awareness and previous restrictions in this lifetime so you might evolve. The only thing you may not have recognized yet is how essential your evolution is to that of our world.

We did not accidentally give you this advice in 2012; just as it is not accidental, you are reading it now. If you heed its advice, you will move through this time in your life and world more easily than many others, and that was the intention of our work.

We used the dates intentionally, for it is another attempt we are making to get you to think outside of the box as you think of it and believe in the unknown with you and the world because that will be the most helpful. You will be fine.

July 7, 2012

You are the only one responsible for how you experience your physical life journey. There may be many different ways of stating this idea, but this particular one may help you genuinely accept that idea.

The operative word there is how. How refers to the way you decide to think. In other words, many things outside your personal control may influence your life, but how you choose to think or perceive them will affect how you experience your life.

No one else can cause you to think, feel, or react in a particular way, for that decision is yours and yours alone.


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The experience of success is a decision you make

July 6, 2022

The experience of success is a decision you make. You will have that opportunity as you continue your evolution which was the reason for your birth. You want to achieve certain things in your life that are inherent within you. But you chose a time of the restructuring of your world.

That world is one you have created, and deciding to have it manifest the life you want will require you to develop more belief and faith in your abilities, and you are the only one who can decide to utilize them. While you may look to others for a decision you might make, it is always your responsibility and your life. Your thoughts and actions at any moment are what create your life experience.

What we gave you in our work was the awareness that you live a physical life experience to further develop at the soul level, for you only stay in a physical body for a finite period, but you are eternal. You use your physical experiences to aid your evolution. However, you choose to view yourself determines your experience of anything, including whatever you consider to be a success.

There will be more opportunities to choose your life experience in the next few days. There will be contrasting opinions and beliefs from others, but you came to the world to claim autonomy and sovereignty that is yours and yours alone. When you make choices that align with your life mission, you will have the experience of success you sought.


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Regret is counterproductive

July 5. 2022

Regret is counterproductive. You will have moments where you want to engage in beating yourself up for something you believe you should have known or you could have done better. You have then taken the energy available for your use and placed it in a direction that only causes you to feel worse than the joy you might feel and appreciate recognizing your mistake.

Roger has recognized what we have given you all could have made a more significant difference in his life and others if he had believed himself the first time. That is called evolving, which is the only reason you are alive. But he did decide to see what we gave you on this date in 2012, and surprisingly it is appropriate for him and many of you today.

July 5, 2012

Everything you do is perfect. This can be an excellent mantra for you to use to help motivate yourself to get going when you have allowed fear to direct your path concerning what you believe lies ahead for you.

While that statement may be a bit difficult for you to accept emotionally, the reality is it is a true statement. Even those things you think you have done that were less than perfect brought you to heightened awareness.

You continually seek to trust the integrity of your physical life journey, and these experiences will help you accomplish just that. This is also another interpretation of “just do it.”


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