You knew who you were meant to become

July 4, 2022

You knew who you were meant to become. Before you were born, you decided to accept an assignment to incarnate onto the planet, so you might add your essence to the world, make a difference and move through restrictions and limitations you had previously experienced, so you knew the perfect time to be born.

You knew that the best way you might accomplish your goal was to be placed in a specific country with a particular family because they were the race and ethnicity that needed your presence the most. You could make the most significant impact there.

You also knew that every experience of the life you would have could provide you with obstacles as well, for you wanted to move beyond the fears and doubts you held before. You knew it would be far more critical to move through them now because you also aid your parents, ancestors, and all those who came before.

You planned your journey so perfectly that you could be alive during a massive shift in your world that felt to you to be a bit chaotic and uncertain. You knew that if you decided to move through this time in your evolutionary journey and came to love yourself, you would also recognize the love you held for others, and the restructuring of your life and world would be successful.

You knew you would find us to guide you on your journey to aid you in your self-belief. You will accomplish that goal, and you will be fine.


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This is Daily Guidance from Any Advice For Today

Become willing

July 3, 2022

Become willing to guide and live the physical life experience you always desired.

When you become willing, you are giving yourself permission to acknowledge and let go of the barriers and blockages you have put up that prevent you from experiencing that life.

When you become willing, you acknowledge and let go of all the thoughts, actions, and behaviors you know are keeping you from that life experience.

When you become willing, you recognize that only you can make those choices.

When you become willing, you give yourself access to all the talents and abilities that are inherently yours, which you have previously not acknowledged, owned, and utilized.


Please join us: Sunday, July 3, 2022 8 AM Pacific Time “The Hidden Benefits of Your Life Now.” You can register here:

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This is Daily Guidance from Any Advice For Today

Everything you wanted to know

July 2, 2022

Everything you wanted to know. We thought we would pull out the stops today as you think of it in your world, but we are doing so because you have reached a pivotal time in your restructuring and that of your world. The choices you each make now will determine the life and world you will manifest.

Last night we had Roger see a news clip of an event most of you would not remember, and to many, it would seem insignifcant, yet it wasn’t. A planned massive fireworks demonstration was to take place in San Diego, CA, in the United States. A technical glitch caused it to ignite earlier than anticipated, and the entire event was done in 12 seconds. All felt such disappointment, but there was a greater meaning to that event that you would do well to consider now, and it helps tie together everything we have given you over the last two years.

You sit at a place in your life and world where you could cause instant manifestation and shift the trajectory of your world if you held the same expectancy about your life and world as you did when many anticipated that fireworks display. The only reason you have not done that is your lack of belief in yourself and your abilities. But that is also why you are alive now. You wanted to know that power within yourself, for that is the only manner you and your world evolve.

You each come to the world at specific times to cause your evolution to continue and your world. We said you were moving through a restructuring, and the United States would lead the way. While that did not make sense to you when we first gave you those words in 2020, the recent events in that country have caused you to pay attention.

Every iteration of your civilization, you attempt to move closer to the oneness of the essence of all that is or God, the Universe, Gaia, or whatever human term gives you the impression or feeling of something greater than yourself. We provided you with guidance to perform that task in 2012. But you each carry a limited awareness, and you must become willing to suspend your disbelief if you hope to move beyond the biased society you have erected.

We said the United States would lead the way because they were seen as the world’s leader. But they lost their way, as many of you have, but if you choose to correct your path, so will the world. But too many of you have not believed in your innate power, so a significant imbalance was created that would not serve the further evolvement of your world. You came to make a difference energetically, and you do that by deciding to embrace who you are and love every aspect of you. That is why we gave you our program.

Many of you here have an awareness of that but have feared embracing that knowledge, which is why we have Roger speak of his disbelief so often. We had him send something the other day that detailed his journey to help you, but there was one part he didn’t do well, and he knows that as you have known what you have not embraced about yourself.

We asked him to have the Akashic Records reading edited to demonstrate why he held information that would enhance your awareness. Still, he kept putting it off as his acceptance was lacking as it is in each of you, but again that is why you are here and decided to have a physical life experience.

None of you watched the video, for if you had, you would have heard the reader confirm some of the information we have given you, mainly in our live conversations. You each come with different talents and abilities, and if you fear or judge them, they do little good in affecting change in your life or world.

Everything in your world is connected energetically. That includes your galaxies, stars, planets, and even existences beyond your current awareness. Roger has ancient memory, which is why he received this information, as there are many others in your world doing the same. But he had to move through his disbelief about what he came to offer, as do you.

He could not have known what he received in 2012, just as you could not have known what was within you, but we will say you wanted to know now, for that is why you are here, and as more of you embrace yourselves, the challenging times in your life and world will transcend, and collectively you will manifest the world you want.

We prepared you for every event occurring now and will give you a couple of examples. You live in a world where you have placed value and worth on money and have done the same to yourselves. Nothing of a physical or material nature has any value except that you give it, and you do the same to yourself.

September 28, 2012

“You will never find your feeling of security in anything physical, meaning anything that only has value in the physical world. Those things include your money, possessions, position, and even certain physical personal relationships.

You intended to use all those things to find merely your security or value in your spiritual world or your true eternal self. When you try to accept and believe this concept, you will save yourself countless days or years of frustration and disappointment in trying to find that sense of security in the physical world.”

Roger knew this information as well as the fact that this restructuring meant changing the wealth and income disparity in your world, yet he did not change the price of our course to attract more of you, but he must do so for himself and the rest of you to shift that imbalance,

Many have been frightened by the war in Ukraine and other places and the conflicts in your countries, but we gave you information about that as well.

November 7, 2012

“Conflict and unity always coexist in physical life experience and are necessary for expansion and evolvement. This condition is true in your personal experience and your world at large.

You cannot know unity within yourself without having experienced the questions that conflict brings to your awareness. You spend your entire physical life experience coming to know who you are, and that can only occur with the contrast that conflict offers you.

The end result then is always a period of unity. When you have sufficiently answered those questions about who you are, you experience unity; through unity, you generate more energy and awareness to expand and evolve. This outcome is true for you and your world.”

Roger would like us to apologize for the length of this message, but we will not do that, for we know some of you will understand as you will want to embody these ideas over the next several months, which is why we gave you the program. The coming difficulties could be changed in 12 seconds, just like the fireworks. You will be fine.


Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
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Please join us July 3, 2022 8 AM PST
“The hidden benefits of your life now”

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Choose the future you want now

July 1, 2022

Choose the future you want now. That is similar to the theme we gave you on December 31, 2012, for we knew you would be traveling through this time in your world now.

Yesterday we had Roger compile what he was hiding, and now it will be time for you to reveal what you’ve been concealing or that you did not believe about yourself or your capability to manifest the life you wanted. Some of you might examine your world and think that a dream life may not be possible, and that is where you are wrong.

Please attempt to accept this next part, for it will make your way less challenging. You chose to be alive at this time because you knew if you decided to move through the resistance you have held in living the life you wanted, this restructuring would provide you with more energy to create the life you want, and it would make a difference in your world which is why you picked this time.

You create everything through the thoughts you choose to hold, and your current beliefs are limited as you continually expand in consciousness, and that is the only place where power is contained within you and your world.

We gave you this two years ago, but it will make sense to you now. We said you are moving through a restructuring, and the United States would lead the way. The reason is that they represented an ideal the world followed. They also lost their way. At the time of their founding, the goals they set then have not been realized. They are coming upon a celebration and an inevitable galactic change that will give you more opportunities to choose who you want to be.

Your dreams have not been manifested fully due to the division and separation you have held, which you see demonstrated in the United States, and now you want to review it all and make changes. The change you wanted to make is to believe in yourself, which is why we gave you our program.

You will experience more contrast and conflict in your world, but they appear, so you might choose the future you want and the world you want to see. When you stop holding back on what you have within you, the world you all want to see will be glorious.

We had Roger download a conversation we had with you on December 4, 2021. Roger has held back as you all have, but now he knows what he was given is valid, and the same is true for you. We only wanted you to believe that.


I invite you to read about my complete philosophy, inspiration, and roadmap in this extended article.

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