December 30, 2024
You could arrive today. We are referring to the arrival of the energies offered to you by your second, rare new moon. But you may also find it is the most powerful of your lifetime, which is why we have been guiding you through your restructuring.
We know many have been confused or frightened by the changes within themselves they have experienced or witnessed in the world. We have said it is for your highest good.
You also lack self-belief, including our messenger, so we told him to find more validation. We said we have given you everything and have done so during energetic shifts in your world. We told him to use your AI to find a few dates and compare them with what we have provided.
Here are some examples, along with our guidance.
Uranus goes direct on January 27, 2024. Our message: “You can achieve life mastery now”
Uranus retrograde begins on August 29, 2024. Our message: “Your contribution is still needed”
Fully enters Aquarius: November 19, 2024 (stays in Aquarius until 2043). Our message: “Now, you have everything you need“
Pluto retrograde begins on May 1, 2024. Our message: “You can still win”
Saturn retrograde begins on June 28, 2024. Our message: “You can transform your life and world”
Direct motion resumes on November 15, 2024. Our message: “Today, you are the daredevil”
Neptune retrograde begins on June 30, 2024. Our message: “Today, you will witness a new version of yourself”
Direct motion resumes on December 7, 2024. Our message: None of you knew
Total Solar Eclipse: April 8, 2024 (Aries-Libra axis). Our message: “You will evolve today”
Lunar Eclipse: October 17, 2024 (Aries-Libra axis). Our message: “Your contribution is enormous”
We could provide more, but we feel this will be enough for today. We have unexpectedly surprised our messenger, as we wanted all of you to be surprised by what you discover about yourselves. That was the intention of our work and our live conversation with you today.
You and your world have a divine plan.
Register for a Special New Years Channeling Session with Wilhelm
January 1st at 1pm Pacific Time
Special Free Session for Everyone!
Register For Free Here
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