December 29, 2024
The future of your life and world still depends on you. We are reviewing information and a pivotal channeling session we held in 2021 on this date. We had our messenger cull excerpts from previous years. You will accept more of your importance today, and you and your world will appreciate the life you have led.
December 29, 2007
You came here to create. What you desired to create was experience, for through experience, you remember who you truly are. You have free will to create any experience you desire. The tools you use first for creation are thoughts.
December 29, 2008
You will never think big enough simply because, in your current perception, you do not know what is possible for you. This is precisely as you planned it or intended.
December 29, 2009
Become willing to see what shows up.
Take that statement apart in many different ways, and you will find all manner of tools for living a happy, healthy, and prosperous life experience.
December 29, 2010
One of the most powerful tools you have to lead you to expansion is to allow yourself to become aware of your intentions behind anything you do. While that is a lengthy statement, it would behoove you to study it deeply.
December 29, 2011
You and all others are continually seeking validation. Understanding this concept is important so that you might also begin to accept yourself and others more.
December 29, 2012
When you think something might have gone wrong, you discover later that it actually went right. Many subjective words are being used here to help you understand the meaning.
December 29, 2013
Your only purpose in deciding to have a physical life experience was to come to know, realize, and actualize the perfection that is you.
December 29, 2014
Please take this message to heart, and that is meant quite literally. As you strive to expand or become more during your physical life experience, you will become quite aware of the steps you can take in that direction. At the same time, you will become aware of your resistance or particular illusions of obstacles that show up for you.
December 29, 2015
The greatest hindrance to your expansion is your self-judgment. It is important for you to examine this area again so that you might move beyond it.
December 29, 2016
It was always you. This message may be a bit difficult for you to accept at first, but you will discover that it leads you to the empowerment you seek.
December 29, 2017
You had a great year. If you disagree, then you are not looking at your life in the manner that would best serve you.
December 29, 2018
Own your life. When used together in this manner, those three words may seem insignificant, apparent, or in some way not necessary, yet on a deep level, you know that is not true.
December 29, 2019
It is still a wonderful life. This message will do wonders for many of you, including Roger. Roger continually heard us referring to a message we delivered some time ago entitled, “It’s A Wonderful Life.” He didn’t understand why we were having him remember this, and as is usual, Roger doesn’t trust our guidance, as much of our audience does not trust themselves.
December 29, 2020
The perfection of your birth is being revealed to you now. You were born perfect because you came with certain “new” things you wanted to accomplish. We are speaking to you in this manner, for we know that you are reading our words because, in some way, they are aiding your evolutionary journey, even though you may not know precisely how.
December 29, 2021
Everything still depends on you. You were born with aspirations and dreams you desired to achieve. As you have moved through your life, you have had several experiences and found yourself in certain circumstances you could not understand. Today, we will explain more of that during our live talk, and more of you will experience a greater sense of calm, which will be the perfect energy to use to manifest the new world you want.
December 29, 2022
Who you become may shock you. That occurred for Roger yesterday after he finished our question-and-answer session. We came through powerfully, so much so that he began to experience physical symptoms shortly after, similar to the flu. But he also knew they were ascension symptoms many of you might encounter, either through resistance to the new energy or, as in Roger’s case, through acceptance of a higher state of being.
December 29, 2023
The future of your world still depends on you. On this date, we are repeating the message from last year and our live conversation. You will appreciate both today.
Here’s the conversation from December 29, 2021
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