Today, you are the daredevil

November 15, 2024

Today, you are the daredevil. That means you are finally willing to let go of your limitations, accept your new self, and aid not only your evolution but also the planetary ascension.

You have always had guidance, but we will remind you of what we provided years ago. You will then be prepared for your full moon and our conversation.

November 15, 2014

Be a daredevil. A daredevil acknowledges that some particular challenge or difficulty in front of them may elicit significant fear. Still, they decide the only way to conquer and move beyond that fear is to do the thing anyway.

There is no greater exhilaration than knowing you have done this and you continually expand. You recognize that you did not die in either the physical or spiritual sense. You would do well to adopt this attitude with everything you do, even those mundane things, for you have allowed that fear to control your life.

It is fear of judgment, criticism, lack, and other things, and none matter in the end. When you decide to leave your physical body you know none of those things were truly important.


Join Us at the Next Wilhelm Channeling Session: You Can Choose the Life You Want Today. Full Moon Session.
November 15, at 10:30 am Pacific Time
Learn more and register here

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