You were born worthy

August 12, 2023

You were born worthy. Your worth is located within your authentic self, or your connection to all that is. You make those discoveries as you live your physical life experience, depending on your willingness to take the journey of self-discovery. 

We gave you a message three years ago on this date, and it will make more sense to you today as your awareness has grown and only requires your acceptance. 

August 12, 2020

You were born to discover your worth. We love this message so much, for it will speak to all. You are collectively discovering your worth due to your world’s conditions, but you have always done this. 

In other words, you agreed to be born during a particular time to enable you to have individual experiences that would cause you to evolve, which inevitably adds to the evolvement of all. The only difficulty you have experienced in your life is due to you not understanding and accepting the process precisely as Roger didn’t, which causes him to fulfill his purpose, as we will explain.

Yesterday, Roger had a group meeting where the topic was, “Why is change so difficult? As Roger looked at the group, he saw his purpose. Roger knew that he had experienced the fear and uncertainty many were, and because of that, when he shares his experience with others, they find solace and will offer that to others. 

It became quite apparent to Roger that his life trajectory had brought him to this moment, and he attracted all those who would benefit. None of you are in accidental places or having random experiences, including your pandemic.

We gave Roger a process some time ago that was discussed last night: “What are you hiding?” That process intends to get you to examine things you have judged about yourself, regretted, believed you did something wrong, or any other limiting thought you may have had. 

When you are no longer willing to hide those things from yourself and others, you will find your worth. It took Roger a while to find that purpose; yours will emerge at the perfect time in your life, and this current time is helping you. 


I hope you will join us for this special New Moon session.
Now is the time to recognize the power within you and boldly step into your soul’s purpose. Together, we will shine bright and light the way forward.

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You forgot to love yourself

August 11, 2023

You forgot to love yourself. That statement could be used as the solution to every difficulty you have experienced in your life. It is also the reason for the current restructuring of your world, and you are alive now to remember.

Everything we have given you was intended to inspire you to remember the essence of your being and reverse your self-judgment and fear about your future. You can manifest the one you want when you remember who you are.

We gave you a message on this date in 2012, and as you examine your life and world now, it will motivate you to love yourself even more and to thrive. There is a momentum building in your world that you will help direct in a manner that will cause your life to become magnificent as well as your world. That is the reason for our live conversation next week.

August 11, 2012

Every attack is always against yourself. You may find it difficult at first to accept this concept, but when you become willing to do so, you will also begin to experience a peaceful life journey.

When you attack another, you often think it is with good cause; in actuality, it is because of something you do not want to do, examine, or accept. When you apply the Eastern philosophy that negotiation never fails, but you can forget to negotiate, you will find more truth in the entire concept.

All of this will also take you back to your understanding of blame. It is also a way not to take responsibility for your life experience.


I hope you will join us for this special New Moon session.
Now is the time to recognize the power within you and boldly step into your soul’s purpose. Together, we will shine bright and light the way forward.

Click Here to Unlock the Secrets to Living to Your Potential Today | |

You are still the solution

August 10, 2023

You are still the solution. Every soul comes to the earth plane at the right time, with everything they need to manifest a magnificent life and contribute to the evolution of your world. Still, you also require the use of linear time before you come to accept your importance and remember the essential nature of your being.

We gave you a message a year ago on this date as we would like many more of you to embody it now, for it will aid your ascension and your world, for as we always say, they are the same. 

The message is lengthy and worth it. 

August 10, 2022

You are the solution. As you examine your life and world now, you might assume that you or your world have done something wrong. None of those are true because you have yet to manifest the result. 

Please stay with us, for it will help you. You came into the world at the perfect time on your evolutionary journey so you could spiritually expand and become more. You had no idea you would end up at this place in your life, but we will tell you it is what you wanted. 

No one holds more power or ability to create your life and world than you. Yes, your choice about yourself makes your life and the world. You have difficulty believing you could be the one with a solution, but you all are, and it is only a matter of how much you will accept.

You had a job to do that would aid your world if you helped yourself first. You do that by becoming every aspect of who you are. That was why we gave you our work in 2012, but you had difficulty believing we had done so, and Roger was no different. 

You don’t know your value or what you were given to do at birth, but it does show up as you live, and you must be the one to embrace yourself without the doubt you hold.

That does take some time, but you have become more willing to listen to us. But if you had heard us or your guides, you might feel better about this time in your world. But again, as unbelievable as you believe things are now, they don’t have to be as we provided guidance, and we did it on specific days like today. Please study the entirety of this message, as it will help you over the next few days. 

August 10, 2012

The only problem that you have is judgment. This may seem like a radical statement to you, but its truths will become apparent when you examine it more closely.

It is vital that you first make a distinction between judgment and preference. When you hold a preference, it is based on whether something pleases or feels good. When you make a judgment, you do so after labeling something as good or bad. Your limited awareness does not give you the wisdom to know what is truly good or bad regarding expansion. 

All events, situations, and circumstances serve evolvement or expansion when judgment does not enter the picture.

– Wilhelm

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You were supposed to be unique

August 9, 2023

You were supposed to be unique. That is the one concept that most humans have difficulty accepting, and it is what causes you to experience challenges in your life and world.

It is also why we have provided our information for you during your restructuring, for the more of you who decide to embrace your uniqueness and love yourselves, the faster you and your world will ascend. 

We gave you a message on this date in 2012 because you stand at a crucial place in your life to offer your essence, which will occur when you accept who you have become. Everything you have lived was necessary for your evolvement, and that of your world, and your acceptance will make all the difference.

August 9, 2012

You always know more today than you did yesterday, and you never come to know it all. This is precisely how you desired your physical life experience to progress.

Even after you leave physical form, you come to know more, but not all of it. As you exist eternally in the spiritual realm, you are always in the process of expansion.

Understanding and coming to accept this concept will also help you alleviate some of the self-judgment you target at yourself for not having known better. Every experience, whether you desire it or not, gives you greater awareness, which equals your continual expansion.


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Self-belief takes time

August 8, 2023

Self-belief takes time. Every soul is born with the ability and talent to manifest a magnificent life, but you don’t know how you will accomplish that or in what manner, and you also don’t know how your choices will affect your life and world.

We have given you information on specific dates, for we use your linear time, but you are also affected by the energies of your world, which is why you are alive now.

We gave you a message a year ago and a live conversation, and if you view both today, you will gain more self-belief, especially in the coming days.

August 8, 2022

Today, you will understand why we provided this message in 2012. We wanted you to come to know who you were as you moved through the restructuring of your life and world.

Most have difficulty believing in their purpose and the importance of their existence in your world now. More of you who hear our conversation today will have a head start on assimilating the message we provided. Do your best. 

August 8, 2012

Nothing that shows up in your physical life experience is too much for you to handle. It becomes important to remember that nothing that comes to you is random. Everything shows up to allow you to expand. It is then you who decides if you choose to grow or not.

When you decide to take advantage of that opportunity to expand, all the information, resources, abilities, and talents you require also show up. When you decide something is too much, that will be the case, not because it is ultimate reality, but because of your choice.

– Wilhelm

Here’s the recording.

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Growing pains are real

August 7, 2023

Growing pains are real. You typically assign that term to your children or younger self and are also never sure if they are real or imagined. They are both, for they can only occur in one place: your consciousness. 

They never leave you while you are in physical form, for you are an eternal spiritual unlimited being, so every step you take into a higher dimension of who you are can cause you to offer resistance, for once again, you are stepping into an unknown portion of yourself. 

You never reach your ultimate self or remember and fully embody your authentic self, which would be your connection to all that is, but we are giving you and your world much-needed aid during this restructuring.

The next several days in your world might confuse you, but if you relisten to our recording last week and place the knowledge and wisdom you gained with the following message we provided in 2012, you will be fine. 

August 7, 2012

All emotional pain is self-inflicted. That statement is not meant to cause you to become defensive but to use that very concept to further your expansion.

It is not reasonable to think that you would move through your physical life journey without the experience of emotional pain; however, when you understand that it occurs because of your thinking and that its purpose is to help you, your perception changes.

When you experience that emotional pain, you have accepted some false idea about your inadequacy, or you have chosen to become a victim of your own life experience. Seek to expand beyond that.


Watch the Replay of the Last Channeling Session Here

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You are not lost

August 6, 2023

You are not lost. And you never have been, no matter what you may have previously believed. You were born with a unique purpose and journey to fulfill, and it was comprised of everything you have lived, and it will be whatever you decide for your future now.

Every soul is connected to God, source, or all that is, and you merely forget your purpose, value, and worth. We have been guiding you to remember during your restructuring, which is why we provided an ascension guide and did so on specific days as we utilize your linear time much as you do. The only difference is we see and recognize your worth before you do.

The message we gave you in 2012 will combine nicely with our live conversation earlier in the week. We want more of you to love who you have become so you may create the life and world you want. Please be patient with yourself and your world. You will be fine. 

August 6, 2012

The irony of your physical life experience is that you come to find that what you were always searching for, you already possessed. While this may on its surface seem like a pointless pursuit you undertook, actually, precisely the opposite is true.

The process of searching itself is expansion or evolvement. Before coming onto the physical plane, you knew that having an imaginary, seemingly elusive goal would initiate and cause that expansion.

Ultimately, the pursuit always brings you back to the ultimate understanding that everything you need is within you.


Watch the Replay of the Last Channeling Session Here

Click Here to Unlock the Secrets to Living to Your Potential Today | |

You cannot fail now

August 5, 2023

You cannot fail now. We are taking some liberties with your language today and your use of linear time. The word fail is a human term and has nothing to do with who you are as an eternal benevolent soul. 

You came to the earth with a divine plan that is unfolding at this time to aid your evolution and the planetary ascension. You exist at a pivotal time in your life and your world, which we spoke of in our live conversation earlier this week. But now you stand before another upcoming portal that will allow you to expand and evolve, as well as your world.

Every experience you have had, every action you took, and every mistake you believe you made was crucial to bring you to this moment so you might access your accumulated wisdom and knowledge to add to your world. You will accomplish that when you love who you have become, release your past, and become willing to envision the life and world you want and access more of your dormant potential.

There is no soul born with more ability than you, and it only requires a change in your perception of yourself and your willingness to move beyond your fear and embrace who you are now. 

You are in the process of manifesting a beautiful future for yourself and the planet, and there is no better time than now for you to do so. We will continue to offer guidance. You will be fine. 


Watch the Replay of the Last Channeling Session Here

Click Here to Unlock the Secrets to Living to Your Potential Today | |

You will understand even more today

August 4, 2023

You will understand even more today. You evolve individually and collectively a moment at a time and by every decision you make. You do all things through your consciousness, which is an accumulation of your past beliefs and actions and those of all who came before you. You exist to do more than your ancestors, for that is how you and your planet evolve.

The message we provided on this date last year and the live conversation this week will give you greater understanding and peace. 

August 4, 2022

You could become more. We used the word could because it is always your choice. You each come into the world with potential. No one is given more than another. But not all will use their abilities to serve their evolvement or that of your world.

You expand or become more, which is always within you. Still, you also must decide to believe in yourself and embrace who you are, which is the work we have given you, for we know how the restructuring might affect you.

August 4, 2012

Focus is one of the most powerful abilities that you possess. Focus, as it is being used here, means mentally gathering energy and directing it in any particular direction.

It becomes important that you understand it is indeed an ability and, like all other abilities you possess, becomes stronger with practice. You will also come to understand that you can’t use this ability in two different directions at once. You will notice your experience of being overwhelmed or confused when you attempt to do so.

This does not mean that you cannot do and accomplish many things in your physical life experience, but focus is crucial in each and every moment of now.

– Wilhelm

Here is the replay of the session:

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There are no limits to what you can accomplish

August 3, 2023

There are no limits to what you can accomplish. We are speaking to you and your world, for they are the same. Your difficulty is understanding and accepting your importance and contribution through your life and to your world.

We gave you a message on this date in 2012 that you will find beneficial today and over the next several months, as we also mentioned in our live conversation the other day. If you listen to it today, it will help immensely, and you will release more of the limits you have held in your life and the ones you might have added to your world. You can change that now, and you can change your world as well when you relax into who you have become. 

August 3, 2012

The more relaxed you are, the more you accomplish. This is true in every aspect of your physical life experience. While many times you believe that your anxious energy to get something done may help you, in actuality, it can produce precisely the opposite result.

When you are anxious, you are also fearful, and you are emitting an energy that says you believe, on some level, that you will not get it done or that you do not have the resources. In either case, that will become true because it is your belief. 

On the other hand, when you are relaxed, you are affirming to the Universe you believe that all things are working together for your highest good and that you have access to all of it.


Here is the replay of the session:

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