Everything could change now

June 20, 2023

Everything could change now. You always possess the ability to change anything in your physical life experience when you accept and believe you can.

Every soul is born with a valuable and fulfilling mission for their life. Still, you are the one who must utilize the available wisdom and knowledge available to aid your evolution and that of your world.

We gave a message on this date in 2012, but you will understand it today due to the recent events in your life and your world. When you embody this wisdom, you will continue on your path of continuous evolution. 

June 20, 2012

In an instant, you can be in any emotional state you desire. It is important for you to recognize that you always possess this ability, and any emotional state in which you find yourself is a choice. You may argue that at times your emotional states are caused by some outside forces or events; however, you still maintain the ability to choose to stay in a current state or accept a new one.

You can even practice in this moment of now; for the ability to change these states is an acquired one. It is almost as if you were training some particular muscles in your body. It all gains momentum with practice, just as your ability to change in an instant.


Sunday July 2nd for the Full Moon. “You Have Never Been Alone.”
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The right time is now

June 19, 2023

The right time is now. Every soul comes to the world with a blueprint within them they can use to develop the life they want to have and continue their evolution. That continuation allows that person to evolve and to the planet’s ascension. You are that person.

But many times, you wait for that right time, and we have said it is here now because you chose to live during a consequential time in your world, which means what you possess can make a difference in the world when you decide the time to love yourself is now and then do what it is you came to offer your world. 

We gave you a message on this date in 2012 that will make sense to you now, and if you take us at our word, you will manifest the life you want, and your world will benefit from your existence. That has been the intent of our ascension guide. 

June 19, 2012

Everything always shows up at the right time. Right, as it is being used here, means it helps your expansion or evolvement in some manner. This is not something that you can sit and try and figure out intellectually; however, it is something that you can begin to accept emotionally and spiritually.

When you do make an effort to accept this, you also invite a very different experience of peace into your life. As with most of your experiences, it is easier to observe this after events have passed; but that is purposeful, for it provides you with the proof you seek in knowing that the Divine Plan for your life is unfolding.


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You have always known

June 18, 2023

You have always known. You come to the physical plane with a blueprint within you for your evolvement, so you might also contribute the experience of your life to aid the evolution of all that is. No soul is left out of this equation, and you come to understand and accept your importance when it serves your journey and that of your world.

We have said you are moving through a restructuring of yourself and the world, and what you have known about yourself has been in your subconscious, and raising your consciousness has those ideas emerge. You are the one who then takes hold of it and decides to create the life you want, and when you connect to that authentic part of you, you connect to Source, God, all that is, or the deity you know as being more than yourself.

We have guided you on specific days, and we did so on this date ten years ago, so you might accept what we will give you later today in our live conversation. 

June 18, 2013

Forgiveness is always an inside job, meaning it is most effective when you decide to give it to yourself. Anything that occurs in your physical life experience where you think you need to forgive another is actually your current limited awareness and lack of understanding. No one ever does anything “wrong” to you, but they all offer you something for you to gain.

Whatever the situation, incident, or occurrence was, it had meaning and value for you, but you had not yet understood it. When you grant that forgiveness to yourself, any animosity is released, and you allow your awareness to gain that wisdom and knowledge.

You always know when this has occurred because you experience peace, and your actions and thoughts return to your loving, benevolent nature.


Sunday June 18th for the New Moon. “Your life purpose will at last be revealed to you!”
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Your life was never a mistake

June 17, 2023

Your life was never a mistake. And we also mean anything you might have done in your past that you labeled an error and anything that is before you now that you believe might be a mistake. Those thoughts are limitations you have held, which is also the reason for our live conversation tomorrow.

Every soul is born onto the physical plane at the perfect time in their evolutionary journey and at the right time trajectory of your planet. You chose to live during the restructuring of your world, which is the most critical lifetime you will have, and it means your contribution is immeasurable. 

You are in a state of continual evolution. That process will always involve gaining greater awareness of who you are, and that could only be accomplished through the experiences you have had and the circumstances you allowed yourself to be in. All of them were meaningful for you and your world, and it is that you only come to recognize that later in your life. We have been guiding you to remember it now.

Our messenger believed he made a mistake in the description of our talk tomorrow, as a friend pointed it out, but he will see that was not a mistake either. We offered him an experience to move beyond his belief in mistakes, shame, and embarrassment to recognize that everything is a growth in consciousness, especially when you can stop judging yourself. 

You will also notice you stop judging others as much, and your role in this planetary ascension will be heightened. You will understand more tomorrow, but you will be fine.


Sunday June 18th for the New Moon. “Your life purpose will at last be revealed to you!”
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Say yes to yourself

June 16, 2023

Say yes to yourself. Every soul is born into the world with worth and value implanted within their genetic code, and there are no exceptions to that rule. You are the one who must discover, own, and accept your unique gifts. 

Your actions not only cause you to expand and evolve but so does your world, for all souls contribute to the formation or creation of your world. It all depends on how much you decide to love yourself and your life journey, for all of it has been needed at this time of restructuring in your world. 

We gave you a message on this date in 2012, for we knew you might have difficulty accepting your new self due to the rapid changes in your world and the emerging opinions of others that could cause you to doubt yourself. It is also the reason for our live conversation this Sunday. We want you to own your importance and love your journey, for that is the only way you and your world ascend. 

June 16, 2012

Recognizing your inability to say no at times can provide valuable feedback in areas of your expansion that you desire to develop. Those moments where you find yourself unable to say no, you will also find that it is typically motivated by fear.

The fear may be that you will not feel worthy; you will lose something; that others will not value you; or that others will somehow think less of you. It also points out your unwillingness to chart your own course, so to speak, as you guide your physical life experience. None of this is “bad” and can be very beneficial when you decide to use the feedback for your benefit.


Sunday June 18th for the New Moon. “Your life purpose will at last be revealed to you!”
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You hold all power

June 15, 2023

You hold all power. As we have discussed in previous conversations, the power lies within you. It may be easy this upcoming Sunday to feel like someone else has control over your life, but that is not the case. That is why we are holding a live chat with you. 

You are the one who determines how much power you hold, how you use it, and whether you use it to help or harm others. This idea is at the core of the restructuring of the world that we have spoken about. By revisiting the message we provided in 2012, you can gain a greater understanding of the power you possess. 

You must cultivate and use it for good, making you feel good as you have connected with and owned your authentic self. And that will help you love yourself. Our ultimate goal is for you to achieve this.

June 15, 2012

Your thinking guides, directs, and shapes your physical life experience. You have free will of choice to decide where you would like your thinking to lead you, even though, at times, that does not feel like the reality. 

It would be helpful to remember that it is not as important where you allow your thinking to take you, but it is of utmost importance where you allow your thinking to stay.

In other words, your thinking may take you to some very unsavory places, and that is purposeful. It is intentional because you need to have a contrast of things to decide where you desire your life experience to go. That is indeed true power.


Sunday June 18th for the New Moon. “Your life purpose will at last be revealed to you!”
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The planet needed you

June 14, 2023

The planet needed you. We have often said that need never exists for any of you or your world, but there are times when we want to capture your attention so you might understand how vital your existence is, especially during this time of restructuring. 

You might have judged yourself or your life experiences in a manner that did not serve your evolvement or your world, but we provided a message on this day ten years ago that we would like you to consider today.

Your energetic contribution to yourself and your world will be enormous when you love who you are and who you have become and appreciate how much more you can do. No life was more important than yours. 

June 14, 2013

Be you. When you hear those two words, your intellectual thinking will tell you that it is impossible for you to do anything else; however, you have spent a great deal of your physical life experience attempting to do quite the opposite.

You have done this because you began to think that if you acted as you, it might harm another in some manner. That is not possible, as well as being quite the opposite in Ultimate Reality. When you first connect to your true benevolent nature and act from that place, you are being sincere and authentic, and that behavior not only helps you but all others.

It is impossible for you to continually expand without the goal of being you, and the path to that goal is paved by your willingness to be honest and authentic.


Sunday June 18th for the New Moon. “Your life purpose will at last be revealed to you!”
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The world needed you

June 13, 2023

The world needed you. We wanted to capture your attention with that title because we know how often you have neglected to recognize your importance in terms of what you came to bring to your world or what you have already accomplished and added to the world by your existence.

Every soul is born with a mission to fulfil, and it has shown up in your life, and at this time of restructuring in your world, you could use some further encouragement, especially on this day. 

As you study the message we provided in 2012, please understand that there isn’t anything you can’t accomplish in your life when you know and accept the importance of your existence. The life you desire to have will influence the world you will collectively manifest.

June 13, 2012

Anything that you are experiencing in your physical life that you would call a serious situation, you made up. This is not to say that you do not feel those experiences as being difficult on an emotional and physical level; however, when you remember that they are all of a material nature and, therefore, temporal, you can see that their relevance will pass, eventually.

From your vantage point now, you can remember what felt like a serious life-or-death situation. Now that they have passed, those experiences have little influence on your moment of now experience.

You knew all this before you decided to have a physical life experience, and you intended it to be joyful.


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You fear your potential

June 12, 2023

You fear your potential. You might have heard that you had this potential most of your life, and you keep attempting to fulfill it. The difficulty that you have is not trusting who you are.

You all are born into the world with unlimited potential to do, be, and become anything you desire. But because of your fear of the unknown, you can hold yourself back from experiencing that life that you want, and your world does precisely the same thing by fearing the world it could become. 

This process is why you have a restructuring. When you connect to your authentic self, you are connected to God and all that is. Your potential is held there, but you must be the one to allow it to unfold for you. Please study the message we gave you in 2012.

June 12, 2012

The outcome of anything you attempt to do, be, have, or accomplish, is none of your business. In other words, if you hold a specific outcome in mind as you move forward with your efforts, you may also inadvertently block the greater good the Universe has in store for you.

It is always the process itself that is more important; for it is only during the process that you experience any manner of expansion that you desire.

Remember that you are continually operating from a limited awareness, for it is only in this way that you can experience more significant expansion and know that is what you have accomplished. 


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You are more than enough

June 11, 2023

You are more than enough. That underlying feeling you have had most of your life that told you something different was incorrect. You are meant to evolve and expand while you are in physical form, so when you feel the old programming and thoughts that gave you an imprint of inferiority in any way are what you want to uncover to change.

You chose the perfect time to do so. It is your restructuring and also your planetary ascension. We provided a message on this date ten years ago and will speak on the one we gave in 2012 during our live conversation today. 

Please do your best to absorb the following information now, for it will aid your understanding and acceptance 


June 11, 2013

You always have an underlying feeling that somehow you are not enough. This belief is the feeling you knew you would have before you came into physical form, and you also knew that the feeling itself would be purposeful, for it would motivate you to become more or to expand.

You experience difficulty when you attempt to pretend the feeling does not exist or you attempt to hide it. When you try to hide it, you give the feeling more energy, cause it to grow, and begin to think that this is who you really are. How you change this is to embrace that feeling fully and use it for your benefit.

You can then acknowledge that you have the feeling because you are about to experience, own, and know your own magnificence. Anything less than this causes you to fear your physical life experience. The irony is that you can become more when you can own not being enough.


Please join us! “You Were Meant to Become Abundant –a Wilhelm conversation
SUNDAY, JUNE 11th 2023 5:00 PM PACIFIC

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