Your life is not accidental

January 13, 2023

Your life is not accidental. Every soul is born with a divine plan they are meant to fulfill; if they do so, they add to the fabric of all that is and further their evolution. 

You will have to contemplate that statement for a while, and we will add some context today that we also provided in 2012, which all of you have difficulty accepting, including Roger, but today, that will change.

You have an energetic movement occurring on your planet today, and the more of you who come to accept your importance, the better.

You are ascending to a higher state of understanding, which means accepting who you are and what you came to offer your world. Roger’s role was to bring our guidance which not even he understood, as many of you have yet to understand your importance.

We advised him to record a video later as his explanation will aid you all. But first, we led him to a quote from Goethe that he is only beginning to understand, yet he had a glimpse of it in 1978 when he lived on a street bearing that name. 

On January 1, 2012, we said that you each have infinite intelligence. All the knowledge and wisdom brought to your planet from those who came before is available to you, for you exist in universal consciousness. 

The following quote sums up the intention of our work. “Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and you help them to become what they are capable of being.” Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

January 13, 2012

Progression occurs in increments. It would help if you remembered this fact to allow that process to occur as you intended. In other words, your intention was always to evolve or progress while you were on the physical plane. 

You agreed to be involved in the linear time sequence so that you might literally have the “time” to experience, feel, notice, and, most importantly, acknowledge that progression.

You often place a particular amount of judgment on your life experience because you think that time should move much faster or you should be in a different place. You never intended for it to be a race.


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