November 8, 2022
Today could be the most momentous day of your life so far. Various astrological and galactic events are in play today at a perfect time for your restructuring and that of your world.
We gave you the following message in 2012 because you could be tempted to misinterpret what you witness, but we have told you that what you will see is also for your highest good. It is also the reason we planned a live conversation with you today. You will understand and hopefully accept so much more.
November 8, 2012
Your reaction to whatever occurs in your physical life experience will always indicate to you where you are on your own evolutionary scale. You will either have a reaction of love or fear.
Your reaction of love means that you know that even if the occurrence is difficult, challenging, uncomfortable, or painful, in some way, it is still for your highest good.
If your reaction is one of fear, it means you doubt your eternal nature, believe in lack, or somehow you are not worthy of that highest good.
The key to using this process to your benefit is not to judge your reaction but to merely observe it so it will reveal valuable information that will only help your expansion.
Please join us today.: The Full Moon Eclipse Wilhelm Conversation: “Everything you wanted to know about your ascension” You can register here.
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