Self-acceptance is abundance

August 3, 2024

Self-acceptance is abundance. That is the essence of everything we have given you in our work and the reason for our live conversation on your new moon. You stand at a place in your life and world filled with unlimited potential you have yet to actualize individually or collectively, which is why we provided our philosophy for your restructuring.

The session yesterday presented our messenger and his team with technical challenges you will face during this time in your way, but we wanted you to know there are no limits to what you can achieve. That realization surprised our messenger, and you will be astonished at what you can accomplish when you discover and accept your authentic physical life journey. You will hear it in the recording.

We used several previous messages, which we will post here. Even though the dates are not sequential, you will find your awareness growing as you read them. This is a reminder that personal growth is not a linear journey. You will understand that your life journey has never been a straight line, and that’s perfectly okay. It’s all part of the process.

When you are willing to take the next step into accepting the new self you have become, you will experience fulfillment in your life, which will be the abundance you’ve sought your entire life. We have given you a guide.


Here are the messages referenced during the session.

September 2, 2020

A more perfect union. We love this message so much because you will see how inventive we have been in providing you with the previous messages during your “pandemic.” We told you that your world was experiencing a  restructuring, and the United States would lead the way. We began with that declaration from your constitution to point out that nothing is accidental in your individual world, which is the world of all.

The union part is what each of you has missed. The bringing together or the formation of that union must first occur within the individual, meaning you. We said you have come into this lifetime to accomplish certain things you have yet to achieve. We know that concept is strange to many, but you don’t have to go back that far. You can examine this life, and you find those grand ideas you held or those accomplishments you envisioned that you didn’t know whether or not you could achieve.

Here’s the good news. You can, and you gave yourself this lifetime to prove it to yourself that you could achieve a more perfect union of you. Please take this next part of Roger’s story and apply it to yourself. Roger had a project he released, which he expected to perform better than it had by now. When he asked others what might be occurring, it referred him back to his behaviors, which were impatience, lack of self-belief, and not recognizing his value. We gave him something years ago, which he will use now, and so might you, the world, and the United States.

You can achieve whatever you desire with practice, patience, and persistence. Now you know why we have referred to the law of attraction, and the law of cause and effect. They are all the same, and the only trouble you have experienced in any of your lifetimes, but especially this one, is not utilizing those laws. Please understand that most humans don’t, which is why they resist change, just like you, so remember the patience part of this message. 


January 1, 2012

Infinite Intelligence is available to all souls and all one need do is become willing to access it. You are continually being made aware of this fact but at certain times you are not willing to listen.

You will experience many times where you think you are hearing certain information again, but the only difference is you are now hearing it as an expanded being. This is precisely the process of expansion that you sought.

There is no monopoly on information or intelligence, and it is shared by all for you are all one. Study, is the process of repeating or reliving that very intelligence so it becomes part of the new you.


January 11, 2012

Your story is unique and valuable. It is unique because no other soul shares precisely your story. It holds the utmost value for you. Your story is comprised of everything your past holds; including all that has occurred for you, happened to you, everything you have done, every person you have met, and every word you have spoken. All of it has been and always will be perfect.

Your only “job” then is to seek to know the perfection of your story. Any aspect of your particular story that you attempt to ignore, dismiss, or judge, will cause you to experience some difficulty because you are refusing to receive the information and wisdom that your story holds.


September 11, 2023

Your history has never been more valuable. That is your life history and your generational history. Both are in the process of evolving. When you reinterpret all of your histories in a manner where you unearth the wealth of wisdom and knowledge you hold, you not only accelerate your evolution but your planetary ascension.

The following message will aid you and your planet immensely, but you must be the first one to live it.

September 11, 2010

Your history was predetermined. In other words, before you came into physical form, you set forth all the conditions you knew would provide you with the greatest opportunity for expansion. Those conditions included your parents, family, friends, places you lived, and everything you can think of that you now consider your history.

Now, on the other hand, your future is never predetermined. You were also given free will of choice to use your history to create the most incredible life experience imaginable. 

There is such power and freedom in that concept that when you begin to accept it, you will also fulfill your intended desires, and those are always expansion, more life, experience, awareness, and knowledge. You get to choose.


September 17, 2023

You were supposed to be different. We mean that statement in two ways. First, who you are at your core and the life experiences you have had and will have were intended to be new and unique, and you are the only one who could fulfill that role on your planet.

The second way you were supposed to be different was so you might do more than all those who came before could have done. You will accomplish that when you love who you have become and forgive everything you may have believed about yourself that was wrong. 

Everything we have given you in our ascension guide was designed to lead you to more self-belief and love, and we did so on this date in 2012. Please suspend your disbelief about yourself and your world, for when you accept this message, you will aid your evolution and the planetary ascension. You were needed. 

September 17, 2012

Your goal is always something different. In other words, when you decided to have a physical life experience, it was with the sole intention of adding to your evolvement, that of all others, and your world at large. How you accomplish this is to create something different. There is little value in attempting to recreate what has already been done.

This also requires extreme courage on your part. As you live in your society, there is an emphasis on normality or fitting in. When you hold your belief in something different, you are going against that norm and truly creating.

This all occurs through inspiration, or accessing and allowing spiritual wisdom and knowledge to come to you.


October 19, 2023

Your anger, judgment, and hatred might be old. Every soul is born with embedded beliefs and ideologies that may not serve them now as your planet is moving through a restructuring.

We provided a message three years ago that will aid you now as you experience more conflict.

October 19, 2020

Your pain is not new. You will gain some comfort through this message, and if you are diligent about genuinely desiring to understand what we are about to give you, your life will be easier to traverse. 

We have said you are currently experiencing a restructuring of the world you knew, which begins with each of you. You decided to be alive to aid you in your evolution. It will be different for each and the same. We love our cryptic sentences, but that is one you will come to understand.

One of Roger’s “issues” has been guilt, and we must say it has been typically artificial guilt, which he could not explain most times. Roger made an error in his email to his family and had horrific guilt episodes that bothered him all night. Last night, we told him to use one of our techniques, “sit in it.” 

What we meant by that is, at times, you do not know the origin of some of the difficulties you experience because they are quite old. We have said you have connections to your ancestors that continually surface for their release; using our sit-in-it technique will make sense.

We had Roger observe an explanation about climate change that can apply to Roger’s condition and your world. You can easily understand the importance of not leaving a child in a hot car. The science has told you that when hot air cannot escape and is trapped inside a vehicle, it will be harmful and kill the child.

You have been that child; you placed yourself in the car, allowed the heat to accumulate, and almost killed yourself. You collectively have done it over lifetimes, so also apply this analogy to your planet. But using it for yourself will be more helpful. Allow yourself to breathe who you are.


December 31, 2012

Today is the day you have decided to consciously and deliberately release your past and embrace your future. This is something that you also have the opportunity to do each and every moment of your physical life experience, but it is much easier for you to notice and appreciate the process of this today.  

You do indeed create your future and personal reality by what you decide to do physically, but you would also do well to remember that the first and most important step of the process begins in the thoughts you choose to hold. These thoughts will allow that future to be made manifest for you. It will never be precisely as you imagined for it will always be better, or for your highest good in some manner. 


November 5, 2023

Conquering self-doubt is your goal. As you view the message we provided last year on this date, you will be moved to love yourself more. 

November 5, 2022

Self-doubt will be your only challenge. We said it would be because you are still moving through a rapidly changing world, which we called your restructuring. You are on an evolutionary soul journey, and what is revealed to you about yourself will also be new, and it will be up to you to accept who you have become.

You only have self-doubt because you have compared yourself to others. Your journey is a unique and integral part of the fabric of the world you manifest for yourself and all others. 

You each have disbelief in yourselves, but this is also purposeful, for you cannot expand on your journey without first expressing that doubt. But when you receive tangible proof of your mission, holding yourself back does the same to your world, for you each contribute equally.

We said this change is generational, and you are moving through the limitations of your ancestors. It is not accidental that today is Roger’s father’s birthday, who transcended the physical plane twenty-five years ago. But we gave you all a message on this date in 2012 that would aid you. It would be best if you let go of your disbelief before you can find your self-belief.

November 5, 2012

If you desire to expand your physical life experience, decide to expand your thinking every day. In other words, anything you desire to be, do, have, create, or manifest must first take root in your thinking.

It is pretty challenging to do anything physical if your thinking has not accepted your idea of what it is you desire to do.

When you become accustomed to your current conditions or station in life, you will create more of the same if your thinking has yet to expand to include more.

It also becomes crucial that you do this each day. Many times, what you think of as grandiose thinking will not necessarily produce the results you desire because you might not accept that.


Here’s the replay, “Unlocking Abundance and Self-Acceptance”

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Wilhelm Has the Answer to Your Question – Inquire Here About Personal Channelings With Wilhelm

It’s time for you to receive

September 2, 2024

It’s time for you to receive. You will receive the abundance your life experience has brought you and the further prosperity you will manifest on your journey of self-acceptance.

We sent you a message on this day in 2012 when we began guiding you through your restructuring, and that is the reason for our live conversation with you today. You have reached a pivotal point in your journey, and we are here to support and guide you every step of the way.

September 2, 2012

Developing your ability to receive is one of the greatest pathways to your continued expansion. Receiving, as it is being used here, refers not only to what you might receive in physical things but also to what you are willing to receive emotionally, spiritually, and mentally.

All of these are indicators of your self-acceptance. On the other hand, when you feel uncomfortable about what you might receive, it is merely an indication that you are in the process of self-acceptance and actualization. You would do well to seek to embrace those uncomfortable moments and transform them.


Please Join Us for a Special Channeling Session: “Unlocking Abundance and Self-Acceptance”
September 2, 10am Pacific Time
Register for Free Here

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Wilhelm Has the Answer to Your Question – Inquire Here About Personal Channelings With Wilhelm

You can choose happiness

September 1, 2024

You can choose happiness. You will make that choice when you choose yourself and begin to accept and understand the life experiences you agreed to have so you might bring your brilliance to the world during this restructuring and your evolution.

It does not matter what those experiences might have been. What does matter is how you interpret them, and we always want you to see them as the steps you took to finally recognize your power and importance.

The message we provided yesterday said you could not have known that importance because we did not want you to use any form of self-judgment for what you discover now and instead choose to become empowered with what you have accomplished.

We have been leading you to your new moon tomorrow and have asked our messenger to hold a conversation. We wanted more of you to accept your abundance, which happens when you accept yourself.

You use linear time for that process, and we do not. We asked our messenger to use portions of the messages we provided on this date for the last four years, for they were pivotal in your progression and your world. You will understand them tomorrow.

September 1, 2020

Fear and limitation are purposeful. We know those words may not comfort many of you, but your earnest attempt to understand our message will help. Each of you is reflecting on your lives and the state of the world and attempting to make sense of it all. We tell you that you will be fine, and this is all part of the process, but without any conscious understanding of what is occurring, you feel your fear and confusion.

September 1, 2021

Ignorance is not bliss. We are giving you information today that will lead to our next live talk. It is surprising to Roger, for he is beginning to understand that most of what we have given him, and you, by extension, is the premise of this message. And it relates to you, your world, and this restructuring.

Many of you have lived believing that the key to your salvation was to adopt the original line that ignorance is bliss. That was coined by humans who falsely thought they desired safety in the human physical experience, and it was one of your first accepted erroneous beliefs.

September 1, 2022

Your suffering is self-imposed. When you refuse to become your authentic self, you inadvertently allow circumstances in your life and world to experience more unpleasantness than necessary.

We are providing this message as your world is moving through another transition. The person who has allowed his suffering to continue has been Roger by not revealing who he is, which we have finally convinced him to do. You will hear it tomorrow.

September 1, 2023

You are ready for a happy cycle. When you embrace who you are and who you have become, you will cause that to occur. The energy of love you will evoke in your life and world will aid in your ascension and that of your planet.


Please Join Us for a Special Channeling Session: Unlocking Abundance and Self-Acceptance
September 2, 10am Pacific Time
Register for Free Here

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Wilhelm Has the Answer to Your Question – Inquire Here About Personal Channelings With Wilhelm

You could not have known your importance

August 31, 2024

You could not have known your importance, what you were capable of accomplishing, or that you chose to live during this time to usher in a new world. You could not have known that the power to manifest the magnificent life and world was within your hands, but we assure you it is.

Our messenger could not have known either, so he was quite surprised when we had him put together another mini-class for you. As we have said, we have given you everything. But you are the one who must take the next step in embracing who you have become and what you can accomplish.

Today, the energies on your planet are filled with potential, but that will only manifest if you move to a higher state of yourself—and we mean you individually and your world collectively.

You and your world evolve as your planets shift, and we have guided you for this entire period, which began in 2008. There is alignment in the universe and within you. The planet Pluto has been an integral aspect of your progression.

We wanted you to love yourself, for that will be your contribution to yourself and the restructuring of your planet.

August 31, 2008

It would be helpful for you to re-examine your individual “Theory of Evolution.” Think of it as expansion, helping you dispel what you have previously learned.

This expansion is the natural state of your being and your world; every soul contributes to it. The evidence of this may be seen all around you in the advancement of technologies, sciences, medicine, and human abilities.

At times, this is obscured by your own judgment of “good, bad,” and “right and wrong.”

You may see poverty and judge it as bad, while at the same time, it may inspire others to abundance. You may see war and judge it as bad, but at the same time, it inspires others to show compassion and love. Everything is a contribution.

Know that all you do contributes to this collective expansion of humankind.

August 31, 2009

There is no destiny; there is only experience, and you may only have experience in your moment of now.

For you to grasp this concept on a deeper level, it is important that you consider the use of experience here as a noun. You desired to live your physical life in a manner that provided you with the free will of choice you would always be able to access in your moment of now. You knew this process would lead to greater awareness or expansion that you would come to through experience.

If there were some predetermined destiny, you would have no free will of choice. This should give you great comfort and joy; for now, you know that you can change your future and past in your moment of now. All lead to your highest good, and you always reach the “promised land” eventually.

August 31, 2010

You always get better. Every situation in your physical life experience is for your betterment. This is always true, and you will not always know it in the moment while you are having the experience. All you need to do is look at past experiences and find the truth there.

There are also many experiences where you will not come to this awareness while you are in physical form; nevertheless, the statement always holds true. If you would even attempt to own the statement no matter what appears before you, great comfort will be found. The only difficulty you ever have is trying to figure it all out, and that is not how you intended to spend your now moments; simply trust this is so.

August 31, 2011

Anything physical is also meaningless until you assign it meaning. When you understand that you always have free will and the ability to assign meaning to anything, you also gain the clarity and wisdom to assign meaning to those physical things you know will help you expand spiritually.

As you examine your life experience now, you will notice all those things in your world to which you have assigned a meaning of importance. When you seek to know and recognize why you have done so, you will also regain your ability to change or assign new meaning that causes you to experience a physical life of joy and happiness, and always in that effort, you expand spiritually.

August 31, 2012

A respite is that period of time where you consciously retreat from your physical world and all its activities and distractions so that you might gain more connectedness to your eternal spiritual self.

Every time you allow yourself to take this journey, you come out the other side more evolved than when you entered. This is always the case, whether or not you are consciously aware of it.

There are many opportunities for you to take this journey, such as your holidays; however, it becomes even more powerful when you make the decision to take the journey and understand its benefits.

August 31, 2013

There is no greater thing you can do to facilitate your own expansion than to own your mistakes and then become grateful for them. This concept may initially strike you as a bit nonsensical, but once you study it, the meaning will become clear.

Owning your so-called mistakes also means acknowledging your power and ability to do anything. Taking ownership also means that you have regained your power to make new choices with your gained wisdom and knowledge. Owning your mistakes means not blaming others and maintaining your own power to guide and direct your life.

The only reason you would not be willing to own what you consider to be a mistake is that your ego is operating, which is that part of you that would rather not have you expand at all. Now, you also realize that mistakes never happen, and they are all stepping stones for you.

August 31, 2014

You would do well to start paying closer attention to what you are willing to accept into your life experience. The key to using this process is not to hold any judgment about what you decide not to accept but to acknowledge your own preferences about what you do accept.

This also has the ability to change what you attract into your life. When you indiscriminately accept anything into your life, you are simultaneously attracting anything as well because you are affirming that your own preferences do not matter and that, on some level, you do not deserve to receive what you truly desire.

This is something that you can apply to every aspect of your life, including people, places, activities, and, most importantly, thoughts—the thoughts you are willing to accept and the ones you hold.  

August 31, 2015

Playing small does not serve you, your intention, or your world. During your physical life experience, you always intended to continually expand, contribute to all that is, and have your legacy known. Most times, those thoughts are overwhelming to you as they “should” be because then you know you are up to doing something important.

Many of your great leaders held doubts and had no idea what they might accomplish before they began, and you are no different. You would do well to hold the loftiest ideas of what you might achieve, and the biggest would be that you can save the world. When you accept this, you also imbue others with the same idea, and what a difference that makes.

August 31, 2016

There are times in your life when it feels as if you have magically found guidance and direction or that someone has come along who has provided that guidance and direction as well as motivation for you. In actuality, what has truly occurred is that you simply decided to see and accept that guidance and direction that you had all along but were unwilling to follow through with until now.

This moment is indeed a time of personal celebration for you because it means that you are now more willing than ever to live your life in a way that serves your expansion as you intended. In that process, you will contribute to all others as you desired. It was not really magical at all.

August 31, 2017

You wanted to experience being indestructible. While that is who you are because you are an eternal being, you do not always know that as you live this life. As you have certain experiences, especially challenging ones, you inadvertently form certain fears of experiencing those again, and in those instances, you feel completely destructible or vulnerable. 

​​​​​​​To change this, you allow new circumstances or people to come into your life so that you can use and demonstrate the wisdom and knowledge you gained from those old experiences, and now you have your authentic experience of being indestructible. Congratulations. 

August 31, 2018

Yesterday, you received acknowledgment and appreciation from another for something you had written. At that moment, you also recognized your emotional reaction, which was almost one of dismissal. You found it difficult to believe or accept that something you had created could offer that much value. Now, you and others continually do this, and in essence, you are unable to recognize your worth and the value of merely being you.

You live in a world that evolves because each person within that world evolves, and that is important. You are important.

August 31, 2019

 It was always you holding yourself back. This message is challenging for Roger to receive, but it will be meaningful for all of you if you accept its wisdom. All the words we just used were intentional. 

Yesterday, Roger had a guest who commented on an observation they had of having blinds that blocked the light. It wasn’t clear to Roger why this comment stirred something within him. Then Roger was inspired to read a communication he received more than thirty-five years ago. We are using the exact number of years for impact. 

In that message, Roger was told that the physical pain he was experiencing was due to his denying a voice he heard inside. Now he understands he had the blinders on, so he couldn’t see the light.

We must add this as he is attempting not to. He always had an inkling of this and tried not to notice. You all do this, but you will come to remember who you were born to be, and now all you need to do is get ready: “Just do it!”

August  31, 2020

You were not meant to “find” yourself until now. We used those quotes in the title of this message, for that is how most humans believe they are moving through their lives, but you were never lost. You have continually denied what you think you hear about yourself, which could be interpreted as guidance, but you have trouble understanding this concept.

While analogies are never satisfactory, we will attempt to use one. You would not expect your kindergarten self to perform mathematical feats before learning math in later grades. You do the same in your life, but because you think you should have known or seen these things before, you judge yourself and develop the consciousness that you have failed in some manner, which you have not.

We will use a story now. We have continually given Roger information about the restructuring of your world and told him the United States and Black women would help lead the way. This information seemed so strange to him that he only spoke of it to a few. Then Roger watched the film “Black Panther” last night and began to make the connection. Roger could not understand why he had not seen this viral film before, and we told him that it would only make sense now. You each will have those experiences. 

We are pointing this out because Roger has always doubted the information he receives from us, just as you have questioned all the information and guidance about yourself you think you might be hearing. That sentence was intentional.

We have much more on the subject, but take this for now. You are each born with gifts that will develop at the right time in your life, but typically, you don’t allow that to happen or believe it is happening until you find yourself in situations where you feel “pushed” to do something. For many of you, that time is now. 

August 31, 2021

Please choose you. While that statement may not be grammatically correct according to the rules set in your language, it is precisely why you are alive now. You came to change some of the rules, so you wanted to live during a restructuring. 

We said this period in your world’s evolution would encourage you to come together with others of a like mind, for then you will build a momentum of energy that will shape the further of your world. We became quite passionate because we do not think enough of you believe in your importance and why you chose this momentous time to live this lifetime. Those words will also begin to make sense to you.

You came to perform a very unique task, and that was to fulfill that thing within you. We are speaking in those terms because you each have felt this, which is the tiny thing you feel you have yet to accomplish. It is challenging because you cannot find anyone else doing stuff like you do. You can’t even find others who hold all the beliefs that you do, and due to that, you have carried this feeling of smallness that you thought prevented you from experiencing the life you dreamed of and what you believed others might have been living.

You have done this because you knew you would be presented with a myriad of choices about who you might be. So, you chose a complicated path filled with misgivings, disappointments, and failures you could not understand. If you continue to choose yourself, you will know why you have done this and be extremely grateful for your journey. 

We mentioned that Roger began to judge himself when he heard our recording of last Sunday’s meeting for the second time. He judged himself because he heard us express opinions and views that he held but had been reluctant to accept. He did that because he, like you, has not believed that little thing inside that keeps calling you, but this restructuring is aiding you. We will continue to explain, but you will be fine. 

 August 31, 2022

Your belief in yourself will increase. You are moving through a rapidly changing world. You are changing purposefully to aid the restructuring of your world when you release your resistance. 

You are not doing this alone; attempting to lift heavy boulders was not your intention. You also wanted to enjoy your life experience.

It is challenging to accept that we provided guidance years ago. You have always had guidance, but sometimes, you don’t listen or follow what you hear. 

It took Roger a while, but he trusts more in his guidance through us. We know what you could use now, which will lessen your resistance to change.

August 31, 2023

Your mistakes are blessings. As you contemplate the message we provided ten years ago and apply it to your life and world today, you will discover more of your importance and significance within you that only requires your shift of perception to become the self-actualized being you were meant to become and contribute to the restructuring of your world.

August 31, 2013

There is no greater thing you can do to facilitate your own expansion than to own your mistakes and then become grateful for them. This concept may initially strike you as nonsensical, but the meaning will become clear once you study it. 

Owning your so-called mistakes also means acknowledging your power and ability to do anything. Taking ownership also means you have regained your power to make new choices with your gained wisdom and knowledge. Owning your mistakes means not blaming others, and then you maintain your own power to guide and direct your life.

The only reason you would not be willing to own what you consider a mistake is that your ego is operating, which is that part of you that would rather you not expand at all. You also realize that mistakes never happen and are all stepping stones for you.


Wilhelm Has the Answer to Your Question – Inquire Here About Personal Channelings With Wilhelm

Joy wasn’t accidental, either

August 30, 2024

Joy wasn’t accidental, either. We are beginning this message in that manner to capture your attention, particularly those in the United States, but remember we said this was a global restructuring.

We gave you several messages last year on Barbenheimer to alert you all that you are provided information from your history that allows you to make new choices now that will enable you and your world to experience healing. That healing will become evident when you allow yourself to experience joy. That healing has been made manifest in our messenger, but not even he has accepted what he has accomplished, as you have not.

We want him to repeat the entire message we provided on this date last year, as it will benefit you all.

August 30, 2023

You will manifest the new world. We have provided information so you might understand and accept the changes in your lives and world.

Every soul contributes to the formation of their lives and the planet. Your job is before you, and we gave you something three years ago that you will incorporate now. You have the wind at your back.

August 30, 2020

Things can’t be the same, but you could use that belief to keep them that way. Roger was struck by this thought this morning, and we pointed out he used it himself yesterday. It is an excuse many of you use to stay where you are in your lives and continually deny your innate power. Of course, we mean you as an individual and the world as a whole, and now we will explain it all.

Yesterday, when Roger remembered events in the United States more than fifty years ago, he heard a current video that sounded to him like the same language and behavior exhibited then. However, you do have the advantage of the history you can see, and if you examine it, the pattern of evolution is more than apparent.

The way you will harness your change and how the United States will lead the way in the world’s restructuring is a redistribution of perceived power. In other words, you must acknowledge and own your strength and ability to create your life in the way you want it to appear, and the more of you who do so, you collectively change and restructure the world.

We said things couldn’t be the same because when Roger heard those words of decades past, he was no longer willing to allow them to dim his view of his world personally and as a whole. You are doing the same in your life. Because of that, you are creating the world you want, and it all begins with you.


Wilhelm Has the Answer to Your Question – Inquire Here About Personal Channelings With Wilhelm

Your contribution is still needed

August 29, 2024

Your contribution is still needed. We use ‘still’ because we are referring to a message we shared a year ago, and we understand that many of you may not have taken the next step in your journey of self-acceptance. Remember, self-acceptance is crucial to your personal growth.

That acceptance is of your unique journey, which may have been confusing recently due to the restructuring of your world. But you are not to revert to judgment or regret but move to progression. As you view the message, more of you will awaken. We also had our messenger find a conversation held two years ago where we explained everything, but we will have him leave it again.

August 29, 2023

Your contribution is needed now. Every soul is born onto the physical plane at the right time in their evolutionary journey to develop something unique within them that would aid the evolution of all that is.

You typically require linear time to accept what you have to offer and who you have become, but we gave you something in 2012 that will make sense today and what we would like you to absorb now.

August 29, 2012

As you move through your physical life experience in your effort to continually expand, you will encounter what might best be interpreted by you as resistance.

At times, it may be in the form of illness or dis-ease in your physical body. It may show up in the form of mental or emotional depression. It may show up as a lack of motivation. None of the forms are important, but what you do with them is important.


Here’s the session from two years ago that will resonate today.

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Wilhelm Has the Answer to Your Question – Inquire Here About Personal Channelings With Wilhelm

Your best was always enough

August 28, 2024

Your best was always enough. You discover that fact when you leave physical form, but uncovering that fact during your life experience is much more rewarding. That is why we have provided you with guidance during your restructuring.

We have often said that your only difficulty is self-belief. You are each born with innate gifts that will allow you to experience an extraordinary life, which we have instructed our messenger to tell you often.

However, like you, he has difficulty accepting what is within him. We have provided everything in an order you can receive as you continue to evolve individually and collectively.  

Today, we will give you more as we would like each of you to take the following steps in your lives, as our messenger will. You all seek validation, and now you will have it. What you do with it is in your hands.

August 28, 2012

It is not possible for you to fail at anything you attempt to do when your intention is to do your best. Your best is always enough, and in each and every new moment of now, it is more than it was five minutes ago, last year, or years prior.

You are a continually expanding being, so your best is increasing constantly as well. Your best, as it is being used here, means the contribution you desire to make, not only to  your own expansion but to all others as well.

When you are focused on your best, you also know this is occurring because you feel good.

August 28, 2013

The idea of seeking gratitude may seem a bit strange to you at first, but once you understand its meaning and how it holds the ability to completely transform your physical life experience, you will actively engage in the process.

Seeking gratitude means that you consciously decide to find all those things in your life now for which you are grateful. You always create your own reality, and you do so through the thoughts and beliefs you hold and the words you speak. When you are in the process of seeking gratitude, you are actively generating a type of energy that will manifest more of those things for which you are grateful.

It is not possible for you to simultaneously be grateful for something and think about those things that displease you and then inadvertently create more of that. All you need do is use your logical thinking to understand the importance and power this process holds for you. 

August 28, 2014

You have often thought of the power of intention in your life, but now you would do well to study it even further. You came to the physical plane with the purpose of having experiences. Experiences are what enable you to gain awareness, wisdom, and expand as you intended.

You only ever get lost in this process, become confused, and hesitate to do certain things because you have failed to become clear about your intention.

Intention is not the same as a goal or some desired result. Those things cause you to focus on something outside of your moment of now. Intention is unlimited and expansive and means, more often than not, the contribution you intend to make to yourself and your world. This is the true power of intention, and it would help you to choose not to forget that fact.

August 28, 2015

The process of consciously breathing can lead you out of most difficulties you may encounter in your everyday life. While you may think that you are always breathing, you are not aware that you can actually use the process to bring you back to your present moment of now.

It is not possible to you to worry when you are consciously focused on your breath. When you decide to simply breathe in your moment of now, you will instantly feel its ability to calm you down, so to speak. This can alleviate pain, which you have previously experienced.

This is not only referring to any physical pain you might experience, but also emotional or mental pain.

It is not possible for you to feel hurried or rushed when you decide to pay attention to your breath. So today, just attempt to simply breathe.

August 28, 2016

It is far more important for you to focus on that for which you are grateful rather than what you regret. This refers to your incident or experience yesterday where you felt you might have received greater compensation for the work you did.

Now instead of regretting that experience and what you accepted, you ignored what was most important, and that was the recognition, appreciation, and ownership of your own talent and ability.

Your level of abundance or what you receive in money and possessions will reflect how you value yourself. Now through that experience then you gained something that will in the long run turn out to be far more beneficial and rewarding in your life than one particular incident.

August 28, 2017

“The Game of Life and How to Play It,” is the title of a book you read many years ago that recently came to your awareness, and for good reason. You have reached a place in your life where you can clearly see that everything you desire to do and achieve is right in front of you, and all that is necessary is for you to move toward your dreams.

Having that awareness does not necessarily make the process easy for you, as you are still encountering some of your self-imposed fears. Now, if you were to make this a fun process and think of it as a game, which indeed it is, you would have much more fun than you intended. If you approach it in this manner, you will always.

August 28, 2018

Respect your belief in time. As you think about that sentence, you will start to ponder and ask yourself what you do believe about time. You and most others believe in and have accepted linear time, meaning that you think things and creations must follow a sequential order of occurrence.

Now, because you do believe this, the events in your life unfold in this manner. But then, when things don’t show up instantly, you think things have gone wrong instead of the fact that your life is following what you believe precisely.

Here are your instructions to help you out of your dilemma. Know that what you intended to create and the life you wanted to live is just following what you set up, so know in every moment of now that everything you want is coming, and it will.  

August 28, 2019

You always know what to do, but don’t always do it. Roger is becoming increasingly more annoyed with us as he feels as though we are forcing him to speak on certain subjects he finds uncomfortable. You all operate in this manner, which is why you encounter difficulties in your lives. 

To explain this more fully, as you begin to believe there is something in your life that feels to you it is your path, evidence of that will continually show up. And to such an astonishing degree that you can’t possibly ignore the information. Though you might attempt to, this morning, Roger “heard” us nudge him to revisit a message entitled “Kicking and Screaming.” 

Now he hasn’t read it, but he did glance at the date it was written. When he reads it now, the reason we caused it to manifest in this way will make sense to him and all of you! We wanted the exclamation point.

August 12, 2014

When you observe the birth of a newborn, most times they come into the world kicking and screaming. They do this as an expression of their own resistance of leaving a place of safety and moving into an unknown territory.

This is, to a greater or lesser extent, what you do as you are about to embark on a new journey in your life or move into an unknown territory of your own expansion.

You would now be wise to become aware of this process; understand that what causes you to exhibit that kicking and screaming is your own fear. Then you will have a remembrance of what you are up to and what you intended on this life journey. Embrace the fear and decide to use it knowing that it allows you to make the difference you intended.

August  28, 2020

You are right, and so are they. Yesterday we told you more of the restructuring of your world would be revealed, and Roger wondered how that would occur, and he even posed the question to his friend. Then last night, he saw it right in front of him, and surprisingly it was within his family. 

The family was having one of their pretty regular Zoom meetings, and at some point, the conversation turned to politics. Of course, we speak of the United States, for as we mentioned, you are leading the way. Each member had an opinion that they felt strongly about and, at times, could not hear the others’ views.

In the beginning, Roger was pretty quiet, but then he began to speak up. He said he was making his decisions based on how they will define his life, and ultimately his life purpose. You each are doing that. Even if you think you are not involved in politics, that is not true, or you would not be here. 

All of your life experiences occur to provide you with a context to choose who you want to be. That creative sentence refers to the restructuring we mentioned, and none of it is right or wrong, and none of your individual opinions are right or wrong. Still, they are necessary because it is what you chose in this lifetime. You are moving through previously held limitations. 

We will provide you with Roger’s, and possibly it would inspire you to find yours. Roger has long known that finding his autonomy was challenging. Through a source other than us, he was told that he feared his benevolent nature. While that may seem to be a bit ridiculous, it was purposeful in his life. You each are here, in this lifetime, to evolve more. We are using phraseology, you will understand. 

We are giving Roger a statement that is somewhat shocking even for him. Roger feared if he unleashed his benevolent nature, he might harm others as it would avail him to innate power. Of course, the opposite was true, and his restructuring is happening, and making his choices about politics helped him own more of himself. You are doing the same, and it will be easier for you all when you know everyone is doing the same thing. 

Remember, we told you yesterday how it all turns out. 

August 28, 2021

Your life purpose is before you now. We are speaking to you, for every soul is born with a purpose they are meant to fulfill so they may evolve. They pick a time and place within the time trajectory of your planet to provide them with the best circumstances to accomplish their individual goal, which happens to coincide with the evolution of your world. Now you know why you wanted to be here during this restructuring.

That paragraph may be confusing to some, but there are others to whom the truth is recognized. That is why you are reading our words now, as confirmation that you are on the right path in your life. You always have been, but you only come to that awareness at times specific to your evolutionary journey and your willingness to release your resistance and belief in your smallness. You will no longer do that if you take advantage of this time in your life. 

We are giving you information we will explain further tomorrow in our live talk, but we have been leading you here for eons, which we will also clarify. We gave you a message years ago with the title, “you were being prepared.” We meant it was for this time in your life for each of you. You only thought things were happening accidentally.

Last night we had fun with Roger to inspire you all. You have thought your aspirations or dreams were fantasies at times or thought everyone else was given the gifts you weren’t. That thought pattern is one many of you have used, but when you discover that was never the case as Roger has learned, you will know why he has such passion now to have you know the same.

While watching television, Roger saw a young pianist he had never heard of but was impressed with his artistry. He decided to look on YouTube and discovered his work. Roger saw one video, and then we led him to another. The moment he touched the play button, the same song was being performed live on the television, and Roger did a momentary double-take as he couldn’t believe the synchronicity. Then we had him notice the clock, and it said 11:11, the angel number. Nothing occurred randomly in your life. 

Now you know your life purpose you have doubted, and we will explain more tomorrow, but you will be fine. 

August 28, 2022

Nothing feels better than this. What that would be is you become your authentic self. That was your only life goal, which is more important now in your life experience and that of your world.

We have said we provided guidance for this transition in your world, but belief in yourself is something you each come to at the right time in your life.

You each have guidance from your higher selves, and we will reinforce what you have heard but may not have yet embraced.

We have used specific dates with Roger for the experience of synchronicity is meant to cause each of you to have more faith and belief in your purpose, and as you will see, it is before you now. 

August 28, 2023

Your best is more than enough. Every soul is born onto the physical plane with what they need to fulfill their life mission as you each have one. It will allow you to manifest a magnificent life and contribute to your planet.

Your acceptance of what you possess becomes evident to you as you live. You exist at a dynamic time in your world because what you have will aid the ascension of all that is.

Please do your best to absorb the message we provided in 2012, and your way will be much smoother. We have always said you will be fine, but that depends on your actions and willingness to embrace and utilize your gifts and every aspect of you.

You can reread the 2012 message now.


Wilhelm Has the Answer to Your Question – Inquire Here About Personal Channelings With Wilhelm

Self-love is still the solution

August 27, 2024

Self-love is still the solution. We are stating it in this manner so that when you view the message we provided on this date last year, you will not judge yourself but instead take the actions that honor your life journey.

We have said you were moving through a restructuring in your life and world, and they both turn out well when you decide to understand, honor, and love your journey. We have given you the pathway.

None of you know the potential you hold until you move in the direction of embracing your gifts as you each have them. Our messenger noticed his resistance yesterday, and we advised him to record a video that will aid you all more today.

August 27, 2023

Self-love is the only solution. You might believe that the difficulties you imagine before you are problems you are experiencing in your life and world; they are opportunities for you to practice the most valuable asset you possess, which is self-love.

It never matters what you have done in the past or what you have yet to do because it only matters what you choose to do now.

We gave you a message on this date in 2012, and as you apply it to your life and world now, you will be more motivated to practice self-love actively. 

August 27, 2012

Anything that shows up in your physical life experience that you perceive to be a problem only does so to help you. While that might seem contradictory to you, it is always true.

You would not need to seek to expand without some motivation continually. All problems also hold the solutions, and your “job” is to allow the solution to come to you.

The operative word is allow. When you begin to fight against the problem, you also affirm its authenticity. You start to believe it is accurate, and no solution is available. When you accept that stance, it will be your reality.

Seek to allow problems to be mere challenges for you.


Watch the video here.

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A masterclass in personal development

August 26, 2024

A masterclass in personal development

Still, No life experience is more valuable than yours

We are stating it in that manner to reference the message we provided on this date last year. But we also gave you more each year on this date for you require linear time to come to believe and accept that statement.

We have given you everything to accomplish that task so today we thought we would give you a masterclass in personal development, which in essence is all we have provided.

Please take you time with each message and you could even use one per day for that will accomplish more of the task you each undertake of gradual expansion. Now you have the tools.

August 26, 2012

Everything in your physical life experience is about you. It is important for you to remember this fact, for you will begin to interpret all events, circumstances, and people that come into your life in a different way.

This is not to be taken as some sort of selfish journey on your part, but a path to expansion that not only benefits you but all others, and mass consciousness. This concept allows you to accept responsibility for your life, and eliminate the blame and causation you may place on others.

When you feel not acknowledged by another, it is because you desire to acknowledge yourself. When you feel not loved by another, it is because you desire to love yourself. All about you.

August 23, 2013

Your identity, or the way you think of yourself, is not something you were born with. Your identity is something that you made up along the way, began to believe in and assume, and then proceeded to project that to the world. Your identity then is not something that is intrinsically real, but merely an illusion.

It is important for you to understand and accept, for when you do so, you also begin to recognize that you have the ability to change it if it no longer pleases you, and you can assume a new one. This is the ultimate experience of freedom that you seek.

While you may think that your identity develops because of how others perceive you, rest assured that they only perceive you in that manner because you told them to. Now, you can tell them something different, and you can make it as glorious and magnificent as you choose, and that is indeed expansion.

August 26, 2014

It is not possible for you to become more as you intended while simultaneously deciding to stay the same. You will experience what feels like inevitable plateaus in your life. You gain a certain amount of awareness and wisdom and use that in your daily life, and it becomes rather routine for you.

Your intention was to expand or become more, so that means you must step off this particular plateau in order that you might reach another. It does, at times, feel to you as if the plateau is a cliff, and if you dare step off, you risk some great injury or misfortune. That is merely your own fear, and what you know now is your ego attempting to keep you safe. Stop listening to that voice and decide to step off.

August 26, 2015

You can become quite rigid at times, so to speak because you are attempting to control things that are outside of your control. The rigidness is your fear that somehow you may lose control; which is not possible because the true and only control that you possess is in your thinking.

No matter what occurs in your life, you do indeed have the ability to control your thinking. This does not necessarily mean that the first thoughts that come to you are ones that you desire to entertain, but it does mean that once you realize the undesirable ones, you always have the ability to change them to ones that cause you to feel good.

You are always picking and choosing your thoughts, it is just at times you are not doing it consciously.

August 26, 2016

There is indeed a purpose to your experience of shame, and that is to point out to you aspects of who you are, your life, or experiences that you have had that you have yet to own, accept, and gain the wisdom and knowledge they were all designed to deliver to you.

That incredibly long sentence holds such value for you, which you will discover as you study and absorb its meaning and intention. This is indeed the only value that shame holds for you, for if you were to come to a place in your life where you accepted all of you, there would be no experience of shame.

While you think you would rather rid yourself of the experience altogether, you can now decide to notice when you are having those experiences of shame and use them to accept you completely.

August 26, 2017

You could also assume this. That sentence is meant to make you aware of certain expectations you hold in your thoughts. You know that your thoughts are creative, but you have been neglectful of the particular ones you choose to hold.

This is particularly the case when events are occurring in your life that you do not necessarily understand or know where they are leading, and you assume that possibly something “bad” is going to happen or you will encounter difficulty. This occurs because you have trained your thinking in that manner.

Now, the good news is because you did that, you can train your thinking differently.

You could choose to think and hold the expectation that whatever is coming will be for my highest good. That feels better.

August 26, 2018

Please take a momentary abdication from your pride and share your story, for it will aid not only your understanding but also that of all others. You had an experience the other day, and its importance almost escaped your awareness until now.

You returned a telephone call to a client of yours, and when they heard your voice, they were surprised, shocked, and expressed a sense of honor. The person even found it difficult to speak. At that moment, you also noticed your own feeling of discomfort, and you practically squirmed in your seat.

The entire experience was for you to recognize the innate power you hold, how you don’t always believe that, and how it frightens you. Embrace your power. 

August 26, 2019

You needed this also, or don’t try this at home. That last part is something Roger wanted us to add, as he thought it would lighten the mood. He thought of the disclaimers you hear before witnessing something that might be dangerous or difficult where you might be tempted to try it yourself, which brings us to the point of this message.

We have given you this message of needing something many times, and then we follow it with, there is nothing that you need, but it will feel that way to you if what comes to you is something that is helping you to live the life you wanted.

The reason we repeat this message is that you all forget. The reason you forget is you can’t get away from judging your experiences as good or bad. They are all good. 

Roger said, don’t try this at home because he did, and it was dangerous, but the result is glorious. He watched himself experience a problematic situation, but he did not attempt to change it because he knew the emotional pain he was experiencing was allowing him to let go of his resistance and old beliefs and, therefore, get on with what he wants to do in his life. That is occurring for you all. 

August  26, 2020

Jesus held opinions, as do you. We thought that title would capture your attention, and we will have it make sense. While we could have used the name of any influential person you idolize, this name serves our purpose.

Yesterday, while in conversation with a friend Roger had not spoken to in a while, the subject turned to politics. The friend was quite surprised by Roger’s strong opinion. The friend remarked that they didn’t believe that Wilhelm would have spoken in that manner, and they were correct.

We have often noted that it takes a while for Roger to decipher our messages as he must process them through his human thinking. Roger is quite aware of the difference, as was Jesus. We throw that in here as we led Roger to a video this morning that recounted the instances where Jesus needed to take leave to connect with his higher self, as each of you must, which is why we encourage meditation.

Your life experience shapes your individual opinions, and none of them are right or wrong, but they all add to the fabric of and evolution of all that is. Through the conversation, Roger was reminded of his childhood, and this morning we had him look up the word subjugated, for it is a state each of you lives at times in your life, or you would not recognize your evolvement. 

We are going to tie this into all of our previous messages. The memory Roger had triggered through this conversation with his friend, who happens to be Jewish, allowed Roger to notice how he became subservient in his life, as you all have at some time. Roger never made this connection until last night.  

In a process, Roger was asked about his earliest memory concerning money. Roger had difficulty locating that memory until last night. Roger’s father worked for a Jewish man who, by most definitions, was a slumlord. The tenants of this man’s properties were all Black, so Roger’s father was to collect the rent. Roger would see piles of money on the dining room table before the gentlemen would come to get it. All Roger saw was money leaving.

You each are living lives formed through your experiences as are all others. None of them are right or wrong, but they provide you with the context to decide who you are and who you want to be. As you look at your world now, please understand you are moving through your subjugated thinking.

Please look up the definition of subjugating and apply it to all people, and your world at this time, and then decide who you want to be.

August 26, 2021

Now is the time to believe what you see in the mirror. You each come into the world to achieve something that would cause you to expand, which causes your world to develop. That statement is accurate for all, but you each come to recognize and own that fact at a time that is right in your evolutionary journey. For many of you here, that time is now.

We will not make this message long because we will include a link to a long message we gave you more than a year ago, but it will be a welcomed relief for those ready to recognize and own their greatness.

Last night, we were asked for a quote for today, and we gave Roger, “Objects in mirror are closer than they appear.” We were referring to you, and if you accept the following message, you will have used your restructuring well, and you will be fine. 

The long, revealing message: 

November 30, 2020

What if you were right? That is the existential question you ask yourselves throughout your lifetimes, and we will also say the answer is yes. We will have this make sense for you. You might want to examine the definition of existential, for it will aid your understanding.

When Roger awakened, there was a text on his phone from an associate stating that Roger’s material he’s created for his online program was great and only needed people to see it. There was a moment of hesitation on Roger’s part, for he always thought the program was great for, after all, it came through us, but Roger still doubted himself, just as you have done.

The point of the restructuring you are experiencing now is for you to answer that question for yourself finally. The only manner you do so is by doing the thing you doubted you could do, but you are more motivated now due to your world conditions.

Please understand that it is not accidental, and neither are you. You wanted to be here now to end a significant portion of your doubt. We threw that in, for we don’t want you to think it will permanently disappear, for then you would have no more questions to answer, and evolution would cease.

Roger complained to us yesterday that our messages are getting too long, and most of you don’t have time to absorb them. We pointed out to him the irony of that feeling for Roger was the one who for decades didn’t want anyone to hear us. You may be feeling you are more willing to be heard and seen now, and that was also not accidental.

We made a compromise with Roger and will leave the link to another “long” message, but for those who venture there, this entire escapade will make more sense.

As you examine your world today, remember we said you will be fine. 

The link: December 29, 2019

It is still a wonderful life. This message will do wonders for many of you, including Roger. Roger continually heard us referring to a message we delivered some time ago entitled, “It’s A Wonderful Life.” He didn’t understand why we were having him remember this, and as is usual for him, Roger doesn’t trust our guidance, as much of our audience does not trust themselves.

We told Roger to just go with it and see what happens. Many of you have expressed to Roger that you felt our words were speaking directly to you. They were! When you have those experiences, you don’t trust them, as Roger doesn’t trust our urgings. This is typical human behavior, but it is also purposeful, as we will demonstrate. 

The reason we wanted Roger to refer to and post that earlier message is that now with the passage of time, it will make sense.

You each live your lives with little or no appreciation for who you are and the contribution you could make to others and the world at large. To prove the point, we gave Roger an experience yesterday. While in counseling with a client he had not seen for a while, Roger was distressed to hear the client tell him of a choice they had made in their life that Roger knew, from his experience, would not turn out well, and it was a choice made out of desperation.

Roger could not change what had occurred, but what did have an impact was that had he decided to embrace what we had given him in that message many years ago, the outcome for his client, your world, and his life might have been different. 

Contemplate all this, and remember it is never too late to have a wonderful life. Yes, we are speaking directly to you. 


December 25, 2015

The reason the film “It’s A Wonderful Life” resonates so much for you and so many others is that it speaks to the core of your being. It is especially important that you might take this day to remember or fully understand its meaning.

It was such a prolific and profound film that seemed to you to be before its time, but in actuality, it exists in immortality and eternity. The message is the world would not be the same if you had not decided to be here and be who you are.

That is the core meaning and the heart, if you will, of your existence and also what you strive to know, understand, and finally accept.

No one knows the impact that they may have on the world before they have made that impact. That is the full meaning of faith.

August 26, 2022

We said it would all be about you. You took this life journey. At the same time, it may feel like you are somehow being punished by what you have recently experienced in your world and your life.

But you will discover you have done this because you wanted to evolve, and even though we know it is challenging to see beyond the current conditions, we will keep letting you know you were never alone. And you will believe in yourself. You had something to accomplish, and you will if you keep going.

Attempt to imagine the divine plan of your life or what you thought it might be and know that you were correct. We were helping and providing guidance even before you knew you would benefit. Now you will understand why we have used specific dates. 

August 26, 2012

Everything in your physical life experience is about you. It would help if you remembered this fact, for you will begin to interpret all events, circumstances, and people that come into your life differently.

This is not to be taken as some sort of selfish journey on your part, but a path to expansion that benefits you and all others and mass consciousness. This concept allows you to accept responsibility for your life and eliminate the blame and causation you may place on others.

When you feel not acknowledged by another, it is because you desire to acknowledge yourself. When you feel not loved by another, it is because you want to love yourself. It is all about you.

August 26, 2023

No life experience is more valuable than yours. That statement is true for every soul born onto the physical plane, but it is not one you or your world accept easily.

That is the reason for the current restructuring of your world and why we have offered guidance on specific dates for you, which typically require using linear time to accept your importance.

As you contemplate the message we provided in 2012, you will have more comprehension now, and your acceptance will aid in transforming your life and world. 

You can reread it as we posted it twice, as it was that vital.


Wilhelm Has the Answer to Your Question – Inquire Here About Personal Channelings With Wilhelm

Self-acceptance is a choice

August 25, 2024

Self-acceptance is a choice. It is also the one element you each desire in your lives, but when that opportunity is presented, you tend to reject it as you are still clinging to your old self.

This message is not meant to cause you to experience more self-judgment, as that has been what has held you back in your life and contributed to the difficulty you collectively experience in your world.

We have said you are moving through a major evolutionary change in your life and the restructuring of your world. That means there is something within you awaiting your recognition and development that will cause you to live the life of your dreams.

You used that term purposefully because it was the title our messenger used for his presentation yesterday, where he demonstrated the healing he has achieved through the work we have provided. He also noted how many did not register as that title was not something they could accept, and the same was true for our messenger.

Today, we told him to find the message we provided on this date a year ago to further reinforce the idea that nothing in your life or world is happening accidentally but awaiting your recognition, which will be your self-acceptance and healing. We’ve provided an example.

August 25, 2023

Everything you want is in front of you. We mean those words figuratively and literally. You exist during a significant change in your life and world, which we termed your restructuring.

You also entered an energetic shift in your world, which is meant to provide you with more time for introspection but will also bring up the unresolved difficulties in your life and world. The best remedy for this time is to do what is in front of you in your life. Then, envision the life and world you want as you create both.


How to Live the Life of Your Dreams.

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Wilhelm Has the Answer to Your Question – Inquire Here About Personal Channelings With Wilhelm