There are still no limits

July 15, 2024

There are still no limits. We have said you are moving through a restructuring, which would have felt to most of you as a rapid ascension, and we can assure you it is.

However, we also said we have guided you on this part of your journey since 2012. We created an eBook for today as your world makes more dramatic, energetic shifts, and the work we provide will have you fortified and prepared for your expansion.


July 15, 2012

There is no limit to what you might become except the one that you set. The idea of limit itself does not exist, except in your thinking.

Your entire purpose for having a physical life experience was to live fully with no limits. The harsh truth is that whenever you feel that you have not achieved something that you desire, it is because of your own unwillingness to do so.

This is not a good or bad thing, but simply something for you to become aware of so that you know it is only you who is making that choice. Understanding this allows you to make all your choices consciously.

July 15, 2013

You are always in the process of creating something. You do so through your thoughts, deeds, words, and actions. All of them hold your creative process. When you begin your process, you would do well to seek to know the contribution you desire to make.

The truest contribution will always be one that you know will cause not only your expansion but that of all others who come in contact with that creation. This is the desire of every soul that comes onto the physical plane. This does not need to be something that you think of as having a grandiose nature, because even if that creation touches only one other soul, you have made your contribution.

Your contribution is your personal mark, if you will, that you desire to leave with the world. You will inevitably do this, and you will find great joy when you decide to do it deliberately.

July 15, 2014

Everything you have done, everything that has occurred for you, and everything that has happened to you throughout your entire physical life experience have been the right things. Subjective words need to be used here so you understand the meaning intended.

There have been many things you have done in your life, and many things you have experienced, which you initially judged as bad, wrong, difficult, or challenging. When you place those labels on yourself or those events, you may miss receiving the wisdom and knowledge they were all designed to deliver to you.

In order to accept this, you must believe that there is what you can think of as built-in integrity of your life experience that is unique to you, and all of it occurs so that you can fulfill your desire for expansion. When you label all of it as right, you will gain so much more.

July 15, 2015

Your physical life experience was meant to be joyful, and you will experience it in that manner as you continue to seek your purpose. All souls come to the physical plane with the same intention, and that is to find, experience, and own their purpose.

You will know you are doing this when you also experience joy. While there are many things you may do in your life that feel obligatory or necessary to maintain your life, there are also many elements of whatever you do, even in arduous tasks, where you still experience joy. In that moment, you have experienced your purpose. There is no purpose more important than another, and when you fully own yours, you make a contribution, and all others benefit.

It is important that you pay attention to how you “feel” when doing anything, and then you are guided to your purpose.

July 15, 2016

You can indeed change the world when you decide to take that second step. The first step was when you recognized that the source or cause of violence and rebellion within yourself and all others is due to feeling disempowered, less than, or marginalized in some way. Apply this to your own life for it to become a visceral experience for you. You know you only act out or yell in anger when you feel this, and it is the same for all others.

The second step then is for you to first do everything in your power to cause yourself to feel powerful, empowered, capable, and important, and then decide to do what you can to encourage anyone in your presence to feel the same. This is how you change the world.

July 15, 2017

The answer to the question you seek is, you no longer want to be controlled. When you examine the things in front of you right now and see them as challenges or obstacles, they are there because you desired to move beyond them, so they no longer control your life.

You no longer want your happiness to be dependent on the actions, thoughts, or words of others. You had a goal of experiencing autonomy, and there was no better manner in which you might achieve this than the particular path you are on.

None of this then is accidental, but always asked for by you to help you achieve your original goal of freedom or not being controlled.

July 15, 2018

There have been many times in your life when you have questioned why you would allow yourself to become involved in certain situations or circumstances. Then you will begin to look for those reasons and think they may be hidden away or buried so deep within you that they can never be uncovered.

In nearly every case, the answer is because you wanted to know you could do whatever it is; you wanted to do it yourself, and you wanted to know and experience empowerment.

Empowerment means that you can make choices because you desire to do so, and you are not being directed by anything but you.

July 15, 2019

Ask for what you want today. If that felt like a directive, it was meant to be just that, and we will be more specific. Over the years, we have given you several messages on entitlement. You can review any of them to understand this point. You and most others accept conditions in your lives and don’t change them because you don’t want to ask for what you want due to not feeling entitled or deserving.

We will be even more specific because you are still resistant. Look at every area of your life, decide what you want, actively do something to create that, and don’t try to explain it to anyone else. You will now feel deserving.

July 14, 2020

You are responsible for the current conditions of your world. If you do not understand or reject that statement, it will help you understand this message and reveal the root cause of every difficulty you have experienced.

Again, we are speaking of the individual and collective you, and the more of you who understand this, the more you aid the evolution of your world. We will put together a story to illustrate our point, and we will attempt not to make it lengthy, but we will say more of you will have extra time on your hands. Weeks ago, we told you and Roger what you might witness today due to your actions as the collective whole, but just as you have never believed the guidance you have received in your life, you would not so readily accept ours. Please don’t beat yourself up though; Roger has such trouble accepting our advice.

You are born to contribute to the evolution of all that is, and every one of you is essential and necessary in that process. But when you have not placed importance on your life personally, you don’t trust yourself. Roger was walking yesterday to return a camera he inadvertently ordered believing he needed it. We have often said you already have everything you need to create the life you want, but Roger, like you, didn’t believe that, so he thought he had to find other gadgets to help him. We will tell you that was another excuse he used to avoid being himself. Roger has stated that he feels his role is to bring spiritual awareness, personal development, and practical application together to aid humanity in its evolution. Even writing those words seems ridiculous to him just as it has to you. But it is an accurate statement for you all.

What Roger heard while walking was someone giving a TED Talk, and they mentioned something that occurred in their lives in 2005 that caused them to awaken in some way. You might remember we told you Roger discovered a folder of his writings from 2005 that recounted a dream where Roger was clearly shown what he might do to have his life blossom, but he didn’t believe it. Then the person said at the end of the talk, “It is never too late to be who you were meant to be.” Roger later discovered he was listening to the actress Rita Wilson, who had already been famous and successful at that time but now was suddenly waking up to who she wanted to be. You are doing that now. You might be doing it because you are frightened, and that is what we told Roger some time ago, and again, he didn’t believe us. We will post that message at the end.

As you study this message and become willing, you will discover yourself.

February 15, 2011
While fear can be a motivator you use in order to accomplish something, your ultimate goal in gaining mastery over your physical life experience is to no longer have fear as part of the equation in your decision-making process to do anything.

This long statement holds valuable keys for you to use in living your happy, fulfilled, and prosperous life. The questions then that would be useful for you to ask in attempting to do anything are: Am I doing this because I am afraid of something occurring, or am I doing this because I desire to create something to occur? The difference in those questions is quite powerful and will serve you well when you decide to employ them.

July 15, 2021

How to save a life. We wanted Roger to use a provocative title so more might hear our words, for they will be helpful during

your current restructuring. Again, we speak of you as the collective, and the more of you who come to understand this, the easier you will move through this time of awakening, which is what you wanted.

The idea of saving a life is one you each hold, but sometimes you only think of it in terms of others, and you forget yourself. We continually use Roger as an example because he didn’t believe he held any relevance in the world, just as you might not. You each were born with that significance.

The events in your world are your creation, but they also offer you an opportunity to become the highest version of yourself, which you sometimes ignore.

If you think about this, as Roger did, if you knew you had been given the ability to help, heal, and uplift others, would you not want to do that? You each have that ability. We know this is true because of how we delivered the message today.

Roger didn’t want to post this message because he feared judgment and criticism, as many of you have, but after reading the message, he knew he had to post it. You each have a role to play, and none is more important than another. Roger questioned if he could use the TED Talk story because he didn’t know if it was right. But then he discovered it was right for him because we led him there, and as we do for you.

You will accomplish what you want and cause the world to change as you want by deciding to love yourself. When you have done that, you will want to do as we said and save a life, and you will see that life you save is yours.

July 15, 2022

The key to your success is to stop ignoring yourself. That simple phrase holds the key to everything you desire, and we will explain how it works and the importance of this day for you, individually and collectively.

You always have had free will and choice in every life circumstance and situation, but you each held a fear that could be linked to a lack of confidence or self-belief, but they are the same.

On this day in 2020, you created what you are now experiencing. Many of you were given guidance, information, or insights that could aid you in creating the life you wanted, but you ignored those.

The best example we can use is Roger, who discovered a note from 2020 where we laid out his life and his work, but he didn’t believe us. You each have done that, which is why we gave you our work to cause you to believe in yourself.

We know more will understand, accept, and love themselves and your world now. It is the restructuring.

July 15, 2023

Your purpose is what you are meant to accomplish, but most of you never discover it until later in life. The message we gave you in 2012, which Roger did not understand, was for now. You are meant to be something more, but you must let go of the fear of becoming yourself, and that is what your world is doing now.

You each come to the world at a time of transition, which is what the restructuring is, and we have told you, Roger, and everyone they were given their life during this time for that reason. You are to evolve.

When you do not feel good about your world, it is because you have not decided to become yourself, which will change everything.

We will continue to offer guidance as we have for your life, but you must study it and use it. Roger didn’t believe all we gave him because he couldn’t believe in himself, but we have helped that. You must do the same, and your world will become what you want it to be.


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