July 11, 2024
You could remember your importance today. We refer to a message given on this day last year and a video we had our message record today. Both will have you move to a heightened state of awareness where you recognize your worth.
July 11, 2023
You might have forgotten your importance. We gave you a message on this date in 2012 with full awareness of where you might find yourself now.
Please read the message and apply its principles to your life and world, with the understanding that you can only change yourself, and that is what you want. Your life experience with all its aspects is needed in the world now, and when you remember that, you will live the life you want.
July 11, 2012
You can only ever live your life. This idea becomes important for you because when you hold it, you will also become aware of those moments when you attempt to escape that responsibility by trying to direct the life of another.
This does not necessarily mean you will not have opinions, suggestions, and your own ideas about what you think might be best for another, but ultimately that responsibility is theirs.
You will also now become acutely aware when you have lost track of what you are up to in this lifetime, for you will notice when you allow yourself to become distracted, so to speak, from your path. That is merely the fear that you desire to overcome.
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