You could change your life today

December 21, 2022

You could change your life today. We used the word could because it all depends on your actions. You were born into the world to evolve and become more. But you also chose to do so during a great transition in your world. 

That means that your existence is more important now than ever, and how you change your life is by deciding to become your authentic self. Who you were born to be is perfect, and you use your physical life experience to discover your value.

We gave you a path to follow just as your higher self has, but your lack of belief in yourself has prevented your life and your world from becoming magnificent. This particular day was the one we chose in 2012 to bring you more awareness now. We will do that in our live conversation today, where everything will make sense for you.

You each hold back who you could become because you have never done it before, and none of you have existed in times like this, but that should also be a cause for celebration because now you can reap the rewards of your efforts.

We will also point out that you have each held yourselves back for various reasons connected to your evolutionary journey, and the main one in your world and the lives of many of you has been money. We had Roger offer you a year of transformation, and many of you did not believe that was possible.

That belief is the one each of you has held, and collectively it has held back the ascension of your planet, and you intended to release it today, and we will aid you. You will be fine.


Register for the Live Channeling Session: Your Winter Solstice Celebration
Wednesday, December 21st, 1 PM Pacific

Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
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You misinterpreted the Mayan calendar

December 20, 2022

You misinterpreted the Mayan calendar. Many in your world believed that your world would end on December 21, 2012. We did not hold that belief and instead told you to wait. You were beginning. 

Please understand that Roger had no conscious awareness of this event and had to be told by others the belief many of you held. Yet, we gave him the information because he could access ancient wisdom beyond his awareness, which we used in the work we provided.

We asked him to hold a live conversation tomorrow, and we will explain it further. But for today, we gave you a message we would like you to consider before that time. You are entering your holiday period in most of your world, and it is when you allow your love to become more prominent. 

We wanted it to become prominent within you. We knew the changes in your life and world would be confusing, and we wanted you to change your perceptions. For many of you, your holidays will be different than before, and it is also not accidental there will be a cold wave in the United States. You are breaking old patterns to usher in your new life and world. 

December 20, 2012

Everything that is occurring is always perfect. Perfect, as it is being used here, means that in some manner, it causes your expansion and that of all that is, or mass consciousness. This concept is difficult for you to understand at times for you and all others. You are continually operating from a limited state of awareness, or you are a step behind, as you might think of it. 

It might help you examine your personal history and that of your world at large. You will find evidence of events and circumstances that were judged disastrous or “really bad things” that eventually caused a particular change which was expansion or evolution. That was perfect. 


Please join us tomorrow. Your Winter Solstice Celebration. Register Here.

Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
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This message will aid your ascension

December 19, 2022

This message will aid your ascension. We are delivering this to you from different dimensions, which might help you accept your current transition, and that might be in various ways. 

We spoke to you from your previous dimension when we offered guidance on this date in 2012. We are talking to you from your future dimension, which will depend on the actions you take today in your now dimension. 

We have said you are moving through a restructuring, and the role you are meant to play is to become your authentic self which serves your evolvement and that of your world. You will encounter aspects of yourselves you have previously denied or did not know existed.

Then there will be others like Roger who have felt the transition but doubted their role and caused yourselves to experience unnecessary hardships. But remember, when you encounter them, they are the ones you want to overcome, for that will aid your ascension and that of all that is and every dimension.

When you recognize how you might have held yourself back, please don’t spend too much time in regret but decide to forgive yourself and change. 

The events in your world today will allow you to understand and utilize the following message. 

December 19, 2012

Projecting and imagining are quite different processes in which you engage. You always know the difference, for you will have different emotional responses. 

Typically, when you are projecting, you are putting forth thoughts of fear, worry, or anxiety about your future. When you are imagining, it is usually with excitement and anticipation while knowing that whatever your future holds will be for your highest good. 

You would do well to become aware of which process you are using, and when you decide to use imagining, you will also experience peace. You know you always get it done, it always works out, and you completely trust the integrity of your physical life experience.  


Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
Your Last Development Program, 100% Guaranteed

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Soon you will release your resistance

December 18, 2022

Soon you will release your resistance. You were born into the world at the perfect time to fulfill your desires and dreams. You orchestrated your life to be here now as you knew it would be the best time for you to evolve so you could aid your world in its restructuring.

We know you might not have believed you were that essential, but every soul is, and you will discover that when you drop your resistance to becoming all you could be.

We know it is still challenging for many to believe we gave you everything you needed in 2012, but you might be more convinced with the message we left waiting for you this day. 

December 18, 2012

It is never too late for you to be, do, have, or create anything you truly desire during your physical life experience. It would be best if you started to become aware of the times when you believe it is too late for you to do anything. In those instances, you have accepted limitations. Which is the opposite of the expansion you sought to accomplish on this journey. 

It is never too late for you to change your mind about your potential and abilities and become the person you always intended to be. Any thought of limitation is something your world has made up; if you accept it, that will be your personal reality. 


Please watch this video that I channeled today: We Wanted You to Stop Hiding

Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
Your Last Development Program, 100% Guaranteed

Learn to Meditate and Channel Like Roger

Wilhelm on YouTube

Money will be your biggest obstacle

December 17, 2022

Money will be your biggest obstacle. You exist in the world now during a grand restructuring of your life and the world, and you will use the energy of money to accomplish your goal. 

This particular period is about transformation, and it is to occur within your evolutionary journey. You chose this time to be alive to contribute to this change, and you will do so when you allow yourself to thrive. While you might understand you are on a spiritual journey and only use material things such as money to operate in this dimension, you cannot accomplish your goal without allowing that abundance to come.

You are moving through generational limitations. You each will hold your own just as Roger has. He can easily pinpoint through his lineage and ancestry, as each of you will discover. But what we provided in 2012 was a way for you to move through your limitations and break those generational bonds. Your use of the energy of money would be for the betterment of all. 

We have explained this for years and in our live conversations, but it takes a while for any of you to hear your guidance, and when you have reinforcement, you will remember more. We had Roger hear a video from Christina Lopes about the Age of Aquarius that many believe happened some time ago, but it is happening now, which is why we provided our work.

We had Roger listen several times and share a link which we will do again. When you listen to the recording and study the message we provided in 2012, more of you will begin to believe in your worth and value. We did this because you each have doubts about what you know and can accomplish, just as Roger, so when he heard it, he could now believe everything we have given you all was meaningful for this time in your life and the world, and he can allow himself to thrive. 

You will recognize your importance in the world now, and then you will allow the energy flow of money to come to you to complete your intended task, which is to actualize yourself fully.  

December 17, 2012

Your intention and motivation in anything you attempt to do, create, or manifest can be very different and produce different results. You would do well to seek to know the difference. 

If you intend to create some contribution or to cause an experience of expansion in another, you will receive the result of that action personally, for you are all one.

If your motivation, on the other hand, is to make yourself more or better than another or to try and prove your worth, you will be dissatisfied with those results as you are operating on a false principle. 

You and all others are equal, and your highest good is theirs. 


Here’s Christina’s video, and the only difference is we were sure about 2012. 

Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
Your Last Development Program, 100% Guaranteed

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It’s time to move beyond your fear

December 16, 2022

It’s time to move beyond your fear. We rarely use contractions in our titles, but when we do so, Roger knows it means there is something we are giving that is vital to your evolution and the ascension of your planet.

You have the experience of fear when you have forgotten to love yourself. You love yourself when you become your authentic self and bring your gifts to the world. You have feared those gifts. But you exist at a time of restructuring in your world, and your essence is needed more now.

We know it is challenging for many of you to understand your life and the world now, but we have told you it will turn out well eventually. That time occurs quicker when you become all of you and develop what is in front of you that you doubted or feared but now is when you want to embrace all of you. 

Your gift is the most important one in your life, and when you own more of yourself, you change your life and world, and yes, we guided you on this date. That is the fear Roger must move beyond as you will because none of you know beforehand who you will become in your lives, but it is before you now, and when you embrace it, you will love yourself more and move beyond your fear.

December 16, 2012

Fear is both your enemy and your friend as it relates to your intended goal of expansion while you are on the physical plane. 

It is your enemy when it blocks your awareness of the true nature of your eternal spiritual being or prevents you from experiencing the full nature of human existence. 

It is your friend when it causes you to seek its sources and uncover the illusion that causes it to seem real to you. When you find these instances, you will be motivated to live more fully, continue your expansion, and contribute to the growth or evolution of the world at large.

When you embrace all aspects of fear, you also begin to live fully. 


Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
Your Last Development Program, 100% Guaranteed

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You fulfill your life purpose when you become yourself

December 15, 2022

You fulfill your life purpose when you become yourself. You have often thought of the concept of potential, which was thrust upon you by others. You can remember hearing your parents or teachers telling you continually you are not living up to your potential, and you carried that idea with you for most of your life. 

But then you will discover that potential always exists within you because there is always more you can achieve. After all, you are also an eternal, limitless being and merely decide at what point in your life you actualize the potential you know you see in front of you now.

Due to your restructuring, it is challenging for many to accept the occurrences in their life and world. But we did help you in 2012. 

December 15, 2012

Every event or situation during your physical life experience holds the same potential. That potential is for you to gain valuable information and awareness that you then use in your personal transformation or evolvement. 

It matters not whether you are personally involved in those situations or events; your mere observation will serve as that catalyst. While you may ask questions as to why certain things do occur, you only unleash the potential that is available for you when you decide what to do with the awareness and knowledge you gained. 

Your intention is always to continue becoming the person you desire.  


Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
Your Last Development Program, 100% Guaranteed

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Wilhelm on YouTube

Your conflicts are no longer hidden

December 14, 2022

Your conflicts are no longer hidden. They have been on full display within you and your world. You could only have understood the message we gave you in 2012 after you had your recent global and internal experiences, but now you might decide to resolve your conflict.

The conflict within you is not believing in what you came to the world to offer and thinking that it could not be you. You each hold equal importance in the formation of your world, but you also accomplish that collectively, which was the purpose of restructuring your world that happens through you. 

When you decide to love who you are, you will love others, for you will recognize your oneness which is always the goal of all that is. We gave you everything you needed to move through this period. Still, Roger also had to resolve his inner conflict, which has existed for years as it has with you, but that was also purposeful because you could not evolve if you stayed in the same place, and now is when it would be best to move. 

You each carry disbelief about who you could become, and often it is given to you at a young age, and you might have believed others rather than yourself. Roger daydreamed, received judgment, and attempted to block his intuition, as you might have. But now it has become his most valuable gift, and the same will be true for you. We only wanted you to believe in yourself. 

December 14, 2012

A hidden or unconscious conflict that you possess is the association between imagining and daydreaming. While, in essence, they mean the same thing; using your thought to create, you have extracted different meanings from your world or society. 

You began to accept that daydreaming in some way carried a “negative” connotation, meaning that it was a waste of time or somehow participating in some form of folly or unrealistic thoughts. These beliefs cause you to attempt to stay away from them, while in fact, that is the imagining you use to create and manifest your physical life experience and world. You would do well to resolve the conflict. 


Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
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Your strength will surprise you

December 13, 2022

Your strength will surprise you. You are on an evolutionary journey to cause your expansion and that of your world, which we have said are the same. But many of you have yet to understand your importance and significance in creating both.

The life you were given had built-in experiences to move through so you would become more. You also chose to accomplish your goal during a time of restructuring because you collectively desired a better world, which is why you exist. You are meant to shine, and our work was to aid you in that endeavor.

It is challenging for each of you to recognize what you were given, and it was difficult for Roger to accept what he was given, but now he knows he can no longer do that if he intends to fulfill his life purpose.

Roger knew we had given him everything throughout the years, especially in 2012. Then faced with the duality, many of you are here to heal. You intended to love who you are and stop denying the gifts you possess. But then you will have to contend with your everyday experiences, some of which will be your upcoming holidays. Still, other parts include losing some people you have been close to while simultaneously awakening to who you could become. We guided you on this date, and Roger is closer to acceptance as you will become when you discover your strength. 

December 13, 2012

Your calm approach to whatever you attempt to do, accomplish, or become, will always enable you to do that much more easily, effectively, and efficiently. Your hurried, worried, or anxious approach will yield the opposite results. 

You are always in control of whatever approach you decide to use; however, you are often unaware of that fact because of your habit of reaction. A reaction is your response to any particular stimulus that shows up for you, and it becomes vital for you to realize that many of your reactions are indeed habits, which can permanently be changed when you are not pleased with the results. This procedure requires you to decide to remain present in your moment of now.  


Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
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Your financial future will change today

December 12, 2022

Your financial future will change today. We have said you were moving through a restructuring in your world and your life. In 2012 we provided guidance because we knew the rapid changes in your world might be confusing, and we did the same for this date.

There are shifting energies in your world today, and as challenging as it might be for you to believe we gave you advice prior, it is the same disbelief you have held about your mission in the world which was to shine. 

You have lived a life where you endured much and accomplished a great deal, but you don’t often equate your accomplishment with money. Your world needs you to allow the energy flow of money to come to you, for we know you would use it in a way that would cause your world to become better for more than yourself but for all those who come later or all that is.

None of you come to the world to perform the same task, but the one you were given is your authentic self, and as you become willing to embody that, your financial future and that of your world will change.

December 12, 2012

The issues of selfishness and betrayal have been intricately woven together throughout your physical life experience. The connection between the two may escape you at first, but as you follow the process, it will become clear. 

You learned at a young age that being selfish was a “bad” thing. Then in your effort to become a “good” person, you inadvertently abandoned portions of your life experience to attempt to be selfless or give more to others and certain situations and circumstances. As those others began to guide their own experiences, you experienced that sense of betrayal. 

With this awareness, you can use the times you feel betrayed to your benefit. They will remind you that your life journey is solely your responsibility.  


Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
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