January 31, 2025
From Limitation to Liberation: Spiritual Wisdom for a Life of Abundance
We asked our message to title today’s message and asked him to use the same title for a presentation he will offer.
You are each moving through your evolutionary process during your planet’s restructuring, but it can be confusing for everyone, including our messenger.
We have given you a roadmap to a fulfilling life that occurs over time, as in your world.
We have guided you all along, and there is order in your life and the universe. The messages we have provided on this one date will help your process.
January 31, 2008
Relax, let go, and let God sound like a cliché to you as it has been tossed around; however, when you look at it more closely, there is an intrinsic truth that may have previously escaped you.
When you are relaxed, you are not fighting to get anything or keep anything away, and you allow your connection to your source to continue. The next obvious step, and all you can do in that state, is to let go.
Then, to let God is merely a statement you make to yourself to affirm that everything is always working out, coming to you in a perfectly designed way.
Expect more. And that does mean in all areas of your life.
January 31, 2009
Anything you plan will be limited, and that’s the good news.
You have lived a physical life where you learned limitation, restriction, and not “enoughness.” You intended to experience a life of limitless possibilities and abundance. You will relinquish your self-imposed limitations on anything you plan when you understand this more completely.
Holding your desires and allowing the universe to do the rest is much more beneficial. From where you are now, seeing what is available is impossible, for you will always have limited perception and perspective. This is the way your own evolution and expansion are achieved.
Seek to release any of your self-imposed limitations. This awareness makes you more willing to accept and welcome the unknown. There is always more for you.
January 31, 2010
You are an eternal spiritual being; therefore, nothing in your physical world has any dominion over you. When you examine the word dominion and apply its meaning to this concept, you will gain a much deeper understanding of your life journey here.
You decided to embark on this journey so that you would have the experience of being physically human while continually remembering your true nature. That is the process of evolution, and your desire to make your own of all others is essential to the entire process. That is why love of yourself is not to be taken lightly.
January 31, 2011
Throughout your physical life experience, you will have numerous opportunities to discover and own your self-worth. Those incidents will make you feel that you are somehow less than enough, not worthy, or somehow not deserving. You would do well not to bemoan those incidents but to embrace them. For now, you can affirm the truth about you and your worth.
You are the only one who can decide to make that choice, and you are the only one who can feel that worth become manifest in your being. Everything in your physical world is experienced through perception, and you also have the free will of choice to choose your perception.
January 31, 2012
You only ever experience stress because of your unwillingness to make a decision. In other words, when anything appears before you that initiates a stressful response, it is because you have yet to determine how to respond. When you have allowed yourself to maintain a clear vision of where you desire to go, the choices become quite evident, and there is no need for stress.
You would do well to seek to know your goals and desires in every area of your physical life experience, and your choices become apparent. As you may argue, the stressful situation is never due to anything outside yourself, which is merely another excuse not to decide.
January 31, 2013
There is nothing you desire in your physical life experience that you have to go out and get; you merely need to allow it to come to you. This is to help you understand that your mental approach and attitude in anything that you attempt are most important.
When you understand this more deeply, you will seek to know how you have blocked what you desire from coming to you. Everything is already available to you in the universe, whether wisdom, knowledge, awareness, or any other physical thing, so your “job” is to align your mentality with receiving it. It requires practice on your part.
January 31, 2014
You always know what to do next. That statement can be very powerful when you become willing to accept it and apply it to many areas of your physical life experience.
Next, is referring to whatever you know on some deep level will move you in the direction of your dreams and desires and unfold the life experience you desire. It causes you to expand and evolve, which is the only reason you decided to have this life.
Fear is The only thing that prevents you from doing the next thing. You know and have always known that fear is an illusion, not real, and overcoming it is the key to your life. Contemplate this.
January 31, 2015
There is indeed nothing better you could do than decide to be helpful. So many hidden benefits will appear when your intention in whatever you do is to be beneficial.
First of all, when you have the mindset of being helpful, you are also affirming your own sense of well-being and enoughness, as it were, and it causes you to actually receive more help for whatever you are up to. When you are up to creating something and your intention is to be helpful, it will be received by so many others in that manner, and you will not only influence their expansion but your own as well.
The almost magical thing occurs when you have no other concern for what you are doing but being helpful; you will want for nothing.
January 31, 2016
Different is good. Many subjective words will be used in this message in order for that sentence to make sense to you. Every soul comes onto the physical plane with certain goals and desires, and one of yours was to experience the truth of that sentence.
You knew that it might inspire others to do the same if you accomplished that. Every soul desires to allow being different to be acceptable, and they accomplish it in various ways.
It can also cause all the divisions you experience in your world, including wars. Expansion and the evolution of anything only occur when differences are presented.
You thought you had an aversion to organized groups, but it was actually an aversion to organized thought. You and every soul are merely seeking to accept your own differences as good.
January 31, 2017
Allow yourself to succeed. Those four words can serve as both a mantra and an admonition. They are easy to remember, and when you decide to do so, you will know if you are allowing yourself to succeed by what you are doing or failing to do.
You allow yourself to succeed when you decide to turn any doubt or fear you might experience into motivators because they are both uncomfortable conditions for you.
You allow yourself to succeed when you decide to become immune to the judgment and criticism of others and instead follow your internal guidance, which is always leading you in the right direction.
You allow yourself to succeed when you notice that you have everything you need to do so.
January 31, 2018
The journey of this message might seem confusing at first, but stay with it; it will also be rewarding.
You were disturbed by an incident in your environment. You knew that all that was required was a simple request, but you noticed your hesitancy in making that request. This led you back to the discussion you recently revisited on aggression and violence.
Aggression is a natural element of all creation, and the first major creation you experience in this manner is your birth. Now, you formed a fear of aggression because you thought it might lead to violence. They are not the same thing. Aggression only turns to violence when its natural expression is denied. Now you understand why, at times, you feel as if you might “blow” up.
Here’s the rewarding part: Start to accept the natural expression of your aggressive nature and use it to create what you desire.
January 31, 2020
Not everyone will like you, and that’s a good thing. Yes, we used subjective words in this message, but most of you will understand them as they relate to your lives.
You each maintain ways of thinking and behaving that limit your evolving process. Those self-imposed limitations are valuable; however, you would not grow without them. As you study that sentence, its wisdom will come through.
Some time ago, we gave Roger a program entitled “Five Steps to Liberation.” Roger never really used it in the outer world, so to speak, but now he has discovered he used it in his inner world, which is far more critical.
As we have often said, Roger has allowed other people’s opinions to cause him to doubt himself. Yesterday, he “inadvertently” freed himself. He recorded a video and permitted others not to like him. That small step was monumental for him. This exercise can be enormous for each of you as you apply it.
Roger heard something new last night. A speaker used the term self-worth, but the inflection was different. The emphasis was placed on the word self. The title of this message will make sense.
January 31, 2021
Birth can be challenging. We know the only birth most can think of is that of a human being, but you have so many more than that. You are continually moving into new portions of yourself as you live, and each movement can feel like a physical birth with its accompanying physical and emotional pain. But there is joy after the successful delivery.
You are in the process of that birth now with your current restructuring. We said it “can” be challenging in the title because you always have free will and, therefore, can choose to make it less. And, of course, we have an excellent example for you.
Yesterday, Roger heard a video with a phrase that he knew we wanted him to investigate because we had given this information before. Roger ignored it yesterday. This morning, we led him back to the same video, which Roger knows is always our way, saying, “Pay attention.” You each have your own voice pronouncing those words, and the message we will leave will aid you.
We must also say that this message is in perfect timing for you and Roger. He is holding a webinar today, where this message will flourish before his eyes. You each will do the same over the next few months, but also be patient and know you will be fine.
August 12, 2014
When you observe a newborn’s birth, they often come into the world kicking and screaming. They do this to express their own resistance to leaving a place of safety and moving into unknown territory. To a greater or lesser extent, this is what you do as you are about to embark on a new journey in your life or move into an unknown territory of your own expansion.
You would now be wise to become aware of this process and understand that your fear causes you to exhibit kicking and screaming. Then, you will remember what you are up to and what you intended on this life journey. Embrace and use the fear, knowing it allows you to make the difference you intended.
January 31, 2022
Your only challenge now will be hypocrisy. We have said you and your world are moving through a major restructuring to rebalance the world. The hypocrisy exists within you, your country, and your world. It has always existed and is the primary factor responsible for the continued evolution of all that is and even your eternal self. We enjoy making those references as more of you will experience memories of existences you have not known but are affecting your experience now.
Restructuring is a shift or rebalancing of your world. You have done this many times, but this one is more significant. That is why you are witnessing chaos and disruption, which we also said ultimately breeds unity despite present appearances.
You are here now to move through your hypocrisy, which has been constant throughout your life. You have attended or listened to religious or spiritual teachings telling you of your innate power. Then you were told that you were granted extraordinary abilities by God or through Jesus, Christ, Allah, Gaia, or any other name, leader, teacher, or philosopher you can think of who said the same thing. Still, you became a hypocrite by spouting those words you heard to yourself and then acting and thinking differently.
We said the United States would lead the way in this restructuring, which is happening in ways you cannot see now. But we wanted to use their tenet, for it will explain the portion of human hypocrisy you wanted to help change.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
You are in the world now to fill out another portion of that pronouncement. It only requires that you stop being a hypocrite. We will continue to help, and you will be fine.
January 31, 2023
You must accept your worth and value. We mean both words and how you might interpret them in your life. Every soul is born with an abundance of both, but you decide when you will recognize them within you and allow yourself to live the physical life experience you desire.
We gave you a message ten years ago that you could not fully understand then, and it might take some time to decipher it now. You stand at a time of great change in your world, and your part was to offer the light and love within you to allow the ascension of your planet to be one that would serve the greater whole.
That can only occur when you change your old programming and accept who you have become.
January 31, 2013
There is nothing that you desire in your physical life experience that you have to go out and get; instead, you merely need to allow it to come to you. This concept helps you understand that your mental approach and attitude in anything you attempt are most important.
When you understand this more deeply, you will seek to know how you have blocked what you desire from coming to you.
Everything is already available to you in the universe, whether wisdom, knowledge, awareness, or any other physical thing. Your “job” is to align your mentality with receiving it. It requires practice.
January 31, 2024
You are even more valuable today. You would have to be because of the journey you have taken. You will recognize more of that now when you view the message we provided on this day a year ago.
January 31, 2023
You must accept your worth and value. We mean both words and how you might interpret them in your life. Every soul is born with an abundance of both, but you decide when you will recognize them within you and allow yourself to live the physical life experience you desire.
You stand at a time of great change in your world, and your part was to offer the light and love within you to allow your planet’s ascension to serve the greater whole.
That can only occur when you change your old programming and accept who you have become.
We had our messenger do more research to provide more assurance for you all. Please view it here: https://bit.ly/40VDoGL
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