The best time of your life is now

March 11, 2024

The best time of your life is now. As you read our message from a year ago, you might be ready to make this time the best one you have ever experienced and contribute to the planetary ascension.

March 11, 2023

It’s time for your contribution. We know it is you, or you would not read our words. You were born into the world at the perfect time to offer the gifts within you that would cause your life and your world to evolve.

You might have believed your contribution could have been more meaningful, and that is where you were wrong. Some of you put your ideas away because you erroneously thought you were not the person to accomplish your task, and again, you were incorrect.

Others still believe that your life experiences could not have provided you with any valuable knowledge or wisdom, which means you lack the understanding that all those experiences provided. Now you can be grateful for them all.

We guided you ten years ago that you could not have understood entirely, but today you will. 

March 11, 2013

Ideas are spiritual messages that come to you and, when acted upon by you, cause your expansion. This process does not mean that every idea you have will manifest in the manner you thought. Most times, they turn out differently because, at any given moment in time, you are operating from limited awareness, so it is not possible for you to fully envision what the Universe will deliver to you.

However, the point is that your action or movement, in some way directed by your ideas, causes you to become the evolved being you are today. So that this concept will be more vivid, think back to an idea you had many years ago on which you acted. The result was utterly unexpected by you, but the impact was meaningful because of the experience itself. You gained more awareness and knowledge. This concept is all you are ever up to in your life experience, and that is the adventure you want.  

 – Wilhelm

Please listen to the New Moon Channeling Session, available for free in our Community space
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You will change your world

March 10, 2024

You will change your world. We have brought you to the place where you will believe more in your ability to do so because you will also know how to change your life.

If you recognize how powerful you have become, today’s live conversation will aid you in your progression. It is never about what has happened to you but what you do now. 

March 10, 2023

You create your world. We mean the one you experience as your life and your world. Both are equally important, and you manifest them in the same manner. You do so through your thoughts about yourself, your significance, and your ability to do either. Please reread that sentence for clarity.

You chose to live this lifetime because it represents a significant change in your civilization, so your evolutionary path brought you here. This also means that what you came to offer yourself and the world matters, and it is only a matter of you deciding to raise your awareness and consciousness about yourself, which is the process of evolving or ascension.

We have said you were moving through a restructuring, and all the material we have provided was to aid you through this transition. When you change your perceptions about your life and what you have done or not done to one of gratitude for all of it, you emit the energy of light and love into your life and world, which was the reason for your birth.

You must first change your perception of yourself, removing the judgments you’ve held. You each are on an evolutionary journey unique to you and your world. Still, when you own and understand the importance of every aspect of you and your journey, you reach a higher state of awareness and consciousness, where you experience the bliss you wanted. It is possible if you decide to take the next step, which means moving through your fear of the unknown.

 – Wilhelm

Join Us for the Next Channeling Session: ‘Ignite Your Inner Light and Inspire the World’
Sunday, March 10th, 8:00am Pacific America
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Your inherent power emerges with time

March 9, 2024

Your inherent power emerges with time. Every soul does this, and if you do it now, your life will expand exponentially, and so will your world.

The message we provided a year ago will be more powerful today. It is the perfect lead-up to our live conversation this Sunday.

March 9, 2023

You were born to change your world. We know many of you have difficulty accepting that you have that much influence, but you do. You are alive now during the restructuring of your world because if you were to accept your contribution given to you by God, your world would be far different than it is now, and you all would ascend.

We said it that way because each of you has placed judgment on yourselves and others as you attempt to navigate your way and find your purpose. But you also hide from who you are. Ten years ago, we provided a message on this date to aid you. 

March 9, 2013

You are only ever seeking your own acceptance. Very early on in your physical life experience, starting with your parents, you began to think that you were seeking their acceptance. You merely used them, as you do all others, as a reflection, so to speak, of your own privately held ideas and beliefs about yourself.

Whenever you experience embarrassment about some aspect of who you are, it is not due to what others think but about what you feel about yourself; it will indicate an aspect of you that you are still seeking to accept.

When you become more actualized or more whole in yourself, you accept yourself and every aspect of you entirely, and nothing anyone else thinks or might say about you will change that. This process is what you ultimately experience as true freedom. 

 – Wilhelm

You are closer to self-acceptance

March 8, 2024

You are closer to self-acceptance. While you might think that is a goal you achieve or arrive at and finish, it is one that is continual, and you accept more of yourself as you evolve. That statement is true for you and your world.

The message we provided on this date a year ago was designed to help you gain greater self-acceptance so that you will be better able to accept what we will discuss in our live conversation on your new moon.

March 8, 2023

Happiness and self-acceptance are the same. The only thing you are ever attempting to accomplish is the love of yourself and your life journey. You need to accept this concept during this significant change in your world.

We provided guidance on this date ten years ago, but today, you will accept and implement the idea into your life. 

March 8, 2013

Happiness is a decision you make. That thought continues to resonate for you because of the truth it holds. This concept is not to say that as you move through your physical life experiences, all of them will feel pleasurable. But it will help you to remember

that no matter what is occurring, it is always for your highest good. That highest good, then, is your expansion in some manner.

This idea also does not mean that you need to experience pain to gain some healing, but you will move through it much easier with the knowledge that it is all to help you evolve.

Your personal history will vividly demonstrate this. You have had many difficult experiences, but now, with distance from them, you can recognize their value and purpose. 

 – Wilhelm

Join Us for the Next Channeling Session: ‘Ignite Your Inner Light and Inspire the World’
Sunday, March 10th, 8:00am Pacific America
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Your life purpose is never hidden

March 7, 2024

Your life purpose is never hidden. You must take the steps to discover it, and we have merely provided guidance.

We have done so for every day leading to your coming new moon, but the session we held a year ago on this date will awaken you more today. Our goal has always been to have you recognize your importance during this pivotal time on your evolutionary journey and your planetary ascension. 

March 7, 2023

You will understand why you are alive today. We refer to our live conversation with you today and the message we provided ten years ago, which you could only decipher now.

You took on a great mission, and as you accept your role, your life will expand and evolve, and so will your world. 

March 7, 2013

So that you might continually expand and evolve to become the person you desire to be, it becomes imperative that you begin to recognize and release the artificial guilt that has consumed a great deal of your physical life experience

While that is a long sentence, it was designed to make you consider it seriously. Artificial guilt serves no purpose in your life, for it indicates that you have taken on some unwarranted blame or fault. 

However, real guilt is designed to protect and guide you and prevent you from doing or saying things that are not in your best interest.

Artificial guilt only causes you to judge yourself as a “bad” person simply because you were unaware of your actions. Greater awareness always allows you to make choices in your best interest. All you ever need to do is remember the saying, “When you know better, you do better.” 

 – Wilhelm

The recording is accessible through out free online community: The Ascension Circle.

Join Us for the Next Channeling Session: ‘Ignite Your Inner Light and Inspire the World’
Sunday, March 10th, 8:00am Pacific America
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It’s time to live your dream

March 6, 2024

It’s time to live your dream. Every soul comes to the physical plane with a plan and a mission, and yours will be different than anyone else.

You might have called your dream an idea you had or an inclination to do something that you simultaneously doubt or believe isn’t you to achieve your vision. 

You could not have known before, for that is a function of your evolution as well as your planetary ascension. We have given you the most potent messages, leading to our live conversation on your new moon. You will believe in yourself much more then.

March 6, 2023

Your idea wasn’t ridiculous. We used that word because many of you have used it in human experience, typically against yourselves. It carries a negative connotation that when you place upon yourself or your ideas, you limit your expansion and never own what you came to bring to your world through your evolutionary journey.

You stand at a pivotal time in your life and the ascension of your planet. You must own the gifts within you to offer light and love to yourselves and all others. What we provided ten years ago will make sense now.

March 6, 2013

The crazy idea that you have is precisely the one that you desire. Every soul is unique and comes to the Earth plane to make a unique contribution in some manner, so that is true for you. The reason that your idea or what you desire to create or contribute appears somewhat

crazy to you, is because you or others have not done it.

You might often prevent yourself from precisely pursuing that idea because you have judged it crazy. The fact is that you desire to pursue the concept itself because it must cause your expansion in some way.

When you can let go of any expectations or what you might receive by this pursuit, the adventure you sought in your life experience begins to unfold.

 – Wilhelm

Join Us for the Next Channeling Session: ‘Ignite Your Inner Light and Inspire the World’
Sunday, March 10th, 8:00am Pacific America
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You are still evolving

March 5, 2024

You are still evolving. We provided a message on this day a year ago, but it will resonate with you more today as you examine your life and world. You are the one to make the changes in your lives if you hope to witness them in your world. 

March 5, 2023

You are evolving. It is you and your planet, which is why you exist. It would not be possible for your world to ascend to its higher dimension without you. What you came to offer your world is much more vital now, and once you accept your gift, you will aid your evolutionary journey and contribute to your world as you intended.

You accomplish all your goals by overcoming doubts, judgments, and false beliefs about your insignificance. Everything you have lived in your life was significant and purposeful, and when you do all you can to love and embrace who you are, you and your world will ascend to a higher state of awareness and existence.

Nothing is occurring accidentally, and we provided a message on this date ten years ago to awaken you to your journey. We had Roger release an interview yesterday that proves our point. Once you remove your resistance to becoming yourself, you will have the life and world you want. 

March 5, 2013

You are never the same person from moment to moment, day to day, or year to year. You continually have experiences as you desired, and every experience causes you to become different or more. 

As you move from being one person to the next, you go through what you might think of as a transition or transit. Those times can be unsettling for you because they are unknown, and the feeling of that uneasiness, if you will, is purposeful as you get to pay attention and notice what is occurring in your own life experience.

The unknown feeling can cause you to feel a bit fearful, but it is what you desired precisely, for that is the only manner in which you expand.

The Ultimate Transition is when you decide to leave your physical body. 

 – Wilhelm

Here’s the interview. 

Join Us for the Next Channeling Session: ‘Ignite Your Inner Light and Inspire the World’
Sunday, March 10th, 8:00am Pacific America
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You are more than adequate now

March 4, 2024

You are more than adequate now. You will move through periods in your life when the feeling of not being enough or inadequate in some way will appear. It is an erroneous feeling and thought that you move beyond while on your ascension journey.

The restructuring of you and your world has made this time much more lively than usual, but we gave you a message last year that you can more readily embody now. You have evolved even when you have failed to notice how much. 

March 4, 2023

You were always adequate. If there were one theme we wanted more of you to accept, it would be that one. We provided a message ten years ago that you could not have understood then, but you have advanced to accept it now. You also have free will so that it will be up to you.

Your interpretation of yourself is vital in your life and world now, for you came to bring in the new world, and you cannot accomplish that while carrying limiting old beliefs about who you are.

March 4, 2013

You feel inadequate because you desire to become more. You can use that statement to propel yourself forward or hold yourself back; the choice is entirely up to you.

When you embrace the feeling of inadequacy, you can propel yourself forward because you know what you are up to achieving. When you choose to fear feelings of inadequacy, you cause yourself to feel less than others and ultimately allow trepidation to enter every aspect of your physical life experience.

When you remember your childhood, you will notice the times when you embraced inadequacy, which aroused your curiosity and desire for more knowledge, wisdom, and awareness. Try that now.  

– Wilhelm

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Fear halts your progression

March 3, 2024

Fear halts your progression. While it would be natural for you to experience fear on your ascension journey, we would like you to consider the tremendous energetic movement in your world now and your opportunity to break free from your fear and aid your ascension and that of your planet.

You are more likely now to accept the message we provided on this day a year ago. Loving yourself will move you beyond your fear. 

March 3, 2023 

Your greatest fear is of yourself. We could not state that more clearly as we know that many of you are finding it difficult to move beyond your anxiety so that you can fulfill your mission and love yourselves to contribute to your world and your evolutionary journey.

Yes, many of your gifts began to emerge over the last several years. However, you have still pushed them away or not believed them, just as you had difficulty believing we provided guidance years ago, but our guide was to aid you in remembering your own.

You each typically hear yourselves in hindsight, just like our channel. We had him find a recording of a session we held on a pivotal day last December. We did it on that day, so you might remember you are here to cause an evolution in consciousness, which can only occur when you move through your self-judgment and doubt and love yourself and your life journey, for all of it has been perfect.

You do not have accidental experiences, and you align with your world. Now is the time more of you need to own your gifts and energetically shift your life and world.

That is the aid we have given you, but as you will hear in the recording, our channel has doubted like you because he feared himself. Today, things will change for you all. 

Please enjoy this recording

It will help you remember who you are. Yes, we were intense, as we wanted you to hear us.

 – Wilhelm

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You still can heal all conflicts

March 2, 2024

You still can heal all conflicts. We said still for it is the same message we provided on this date a year ago. It is not to offer judgment but to encourage you to continue healing your internal conflicts, which means remembering and owning who you have become. You are not the same as last year. 

March 2, 2023

You can heal all conflicts. We mean the ones that exist with you and your world, for they are the same. When you decide to own who you are through your evolutionary process, you will resolve your internal conflict of thinking what you have to offer isn’t enough or that somehow you are inadequate. Those beliefs are in direct contradiction with the nature of you as an all-powerful being.

We provided guidance ten years ago, but you have evolved enough to understand and implement it.

March 2, 2013

You only experience internal emotional conflict when attempting to go in two different directions simultaneously. You do this by holding particular thoughts and ideas about what you desire in your life and who you desire to be, and then you take adverse actions or speak words conflicting with your initial intentions.

You are the one who created the conflict, and you are the only one who can resolve it. First, you resolve it by not attempting to pretend the conflict does not exist and then becoming willing to make new choices. The choices usually involve letting go of something so that you may have the other. 

It is impossible for you to continually hold in those conflicts, so to speak, and not have them create chaos in your life experience.  

– Wilhelm

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