You are more than adequate now

March 4, 2024

You are more than adequate now. You will move through periods in your life when the feeling of not being enough or inadequate in some way will appear. It is an erroneous feeling and thought that you move beyond while on your ascension journey.

The restructuring of you and your world has made this time much more lively than usual, but we gave you a message last year that you can more readily embody now. You have evolved even when you have failed to notice how much. 

March 4, 2023

You were always adequate. If there were one theme we wanted more of you to accept, it would be that one. We provided a message ten years ago that you could not have understood then, but you have advanced to accept it now. You also have free will so that it will be up to you.

Your interpretation of yourself is vital in your life and world now, for you came to bring in the new world, and you cannot accomplish that while carrying limiting old beliefs about who you are.

March 4, 2013

You feel inadequate because you desire to become more. You can use that statement to propel yourself forward or hold yourself back; the choice is entirely up to you.

When you embrace the feeling of inadequacy, you can propel yourself forward because you know what you are up to achieving. When you choose to fear feelings of inadequacy, you cause yourself to feel less than others and ultimately allow trepidation to enter every aspect of your physical life experience.

When you remember your childhood, you will notice the times when you embraced inadequacy, which aroused your curiosity and desire for more knowledge, wisdom, and awareness. Try that now.  

– Wilhelm

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