Your talent will change everything

October 11, 2023

Your talent will change everything. You each come to the physical plane with gifts and talents to be unearthed at the right time in your life and that of your planet. 

While you may not recognize and own them immediately. When you are reminded, as we will do today, you might do as we have advised our messenger. Your world needs you now. 

October 11, 2020

Nonresistance is much easier. We have been sending so much information to Roger that he doubted he could interpret it accurately. He, like you, continually doubts what he is capable of achieving. You will all be impressed by how we tie so much together in this message.

We have told you of the restructuring of your world, you as the individual, your connections to your ancestors, past lives, and even civilizations, all complex concepts to understand or attempt to accept while you are in human form. This morning, we awakened Roger with the words from his grandmother, “All is well.” 

His mother told the story to Roger of his mother attempting to reach her mother before her death but could not do so before his grandmother’s passing. Roger’s mother’s last telephone conversation with his grandmother was those words; all is well. Roger wondered how his grandmother could know that, as she had known so much that Roger admired but could not comprehend entirely until now. 

We have also spoken of Roger’s admiration for Martin Luther King, Jr., but today, we told him to go deeper, as many of you are doing. We said to look at Martin Luther. It never dawned on Roger to investigate that connection, and even a glimpse of that material began to make the connections between Roger’s life, his grandmother, and King, Jr.

We said nonresistance is easier because each of you has been resisting the gifts, talents, and abilities with which you were born. But do not judge yourself, for that is counterproductive and indicates you have yet to accept the process of evolution. Contemplate that sentence for greater clarity. 

Please apply what you gather from this message to your world now, for your practice of nonresistance will aid evolution. 


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This message will not be lost on you

October 10, 2023

This message will not be lost on you. We provided it three years ago, but your awareness has grown, and what you have witnessed in your life and world would have you receive it now. 

October 10, 2020

If you were to do your job, the world would evolve. We wanted Roger to use words that might cause you to stretch your imagination, as we have been doing with Roger. We have spoken continually of restructuring your world, but please understand this is about your restructuring.

You may not believe you’ve lived before, but you can review your “current” past history and notice all the things you failed to achieve, accomplish, or even entertain the idea you might do whatever you could envision. That scenario is why you decided to be alive now during this period in your world’s history. Now, we will give you a story that may influence your belief.

We led Roger to several videos that seemed new to him and familiar at the same time. Then he began making the connections, which you all can perform. First, we had him think of the religion into which he was born, Christian Science. Then, we told him to examine the combination of those two words. Next, we had him observe the world now, and Roger knew his former “training” was becoming useful. 

But we also told him that was only a stepping stone as there was more he was to do. Roger could not accept that, as you have not accepted some desire you have held. You were given this lifetime to help you. 

When you decide to take that next step, you will come to understand your importance in the world now, and doing so will aid the evolution of all, and then you will also be happy as Roger is now. While the world’s conditions have not changed, his belief in his role has, and because of that, you all will benefit because you will be inspired to discover your value and worth now. 


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You are the answer

October 9, 2023

You are the answer. That answer you have sought for any challenges or difficulties you might have experienced in your life or witnessed in your world is within you.

You come to the physical plane at the perfect time for your unfolding and that of your planet. But you must use your physical resources of consciousness, energy, and linear time to allow that ascension to manifest within you and your world.

We provided a message in 2009 on this date that will aid you today and the rest of this week. It is also the reason for our live conversation with you on Saturday. You stand at a pivotal place in your life and world; all you need is to love yourself and do your job.

October 9, 2009

Your only “job” is to live and experience your physical life journey fully. Sometimes, you get distracted and mistakenly believe that part of that job is to help others live theirs. You can never accomplish that, and your efforts in that direction are always futile.

While that may temporarily distract you, it never serves your ultimate goal of expansion. All your relationships, interactions, and associations with others are always meaningful and purposeful, or they would not be there.

However, their purpose is merely to provide a context to choose who you desire to be and how you desire to live your life. You soar when you let down your judgments and barriers to this information.


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You have been prepared

October 8, 2023

You have been prepared. You were ready before your birth, and you use your physical life experience to remember that preparation, which is your connection and importance to all that is.

No matter what may appear before you in your life or world, your remembrance of the power within you is ignited when you decide to love yourself.

We have said you are moving through a massive restructuring on your planet, which means what you can offer will make all the difference. But first, you must become willing to release the old and embrace the new, and you will accomplish that by forgiving yourself for anything you have not done or believed was a mistake. 

None of that was accidental, and neither are you. When you view the message we provided ten years ago without any self-judgment, your contribution to the ascension of your life and world will be enhanced exponentially. 

October 8, 2013

As you move through your physical life experience, you are continually remembering who you truly are. This is another way of thinking about the expansion you seek.

This remembering includes accessing and actualizing your talents and abilities and your innate worth.

You inadvertently will allow situations and events to show up in your life that will cause you to do this. 

Some of your actions and things you plan will also cause this to happen. Your experience of feeling stuck, frustrated, or held back in some manner is your very own call to remember who you are.

Understanding this process does not always make it easy for you, but it is also what you desire to accomplish.


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You are meant to thrive

October 7, 2023

You are meant to thrive. The current conditions of your life are potent opportunities for you to remember your soul mission and aid your planet in its ascension, for they are the same.

The message we provided at the beginning of this cycle will aid you in remembering and owning who you are and the vital contribution you can make. 

October 6, 2012

It is indeed noble for you to do things for you. There is a thought pattern you have carried that reinforces what you learned, and that was doing something for you would make you selfish or unloving in some way. This is a false idea, and one of the most loving things you can do is do things for you.

When nourished emotionally, spiritually, and physically, you are in a much better position on many levels to do much more for others. 

When you pay attention to some of your thinking, it will become abundantly clear that you spend a great deal of time trying to figure out what you think others want and end up doing nothing. Think about it.


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Your fear is still of yourself

October 6, 2023 

Your fear is still of yourself. We have given you similar messages previously, but you must also recognize your reluctance to accept yourself wholly, and that is a process of using your human brain to elevate your spiritual awareness. 

This process is something you do in your life individually and your world collectively. We provided a message three years ago on this date as we love using your linear time to bring awareness to your moment of now. You are meant to thrive during your restructuring. 

October 6, 2020

All you need to do is become willing to step forward. This message will be one of our most brilliant if we get Roger to let it come through. We acknowledge his difficulty as we are sending through a lot of information, and, just like you, he continually doubts himself or what he believes he is hearing. We threw that in because each of you has done this, and as we point it out, you may be more likely to acknowledge the limitations you’ve placed upon yourselves.

We are still speaking on restructuring your world, the United States, but ultimately you. You each were born with gifts and talents, you deny, but you were also supposed to do that. How could you possibly evolve if you thought you had completed that evolution? What most of you do, and your world is doing now, is resist change. The funny thing is you don’t recognize you are doing it, and it is right before your eyes. The choice is always moving forward or staying where you are out of fear. 

The point of this message is you were born with a vision of who you are meant to be in this lifetime. You are receiving glimpses of that now, and you only have to step forward. 


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Judgment will be your greatest challenge

October 5, 2023

Judgment will be your greatest challenge. When you are born onto the physical plane, you are provided a divine plan to follow that is unique and meaningful. But you also have limited awareness or consciousness, and some of your choices and actions may not have provided you with the results you believed you desired.

The other part of the puzzle is you were also part of the divine plan for your world so whatever you might have experienced that did not serve your goal of expansion was also meant to alert you to that fact. But your first reaction might have been one of self-judgment. When you invoke those thoughts and beliefs, you halt your expansion and that of your world.

We have said you are moving through a restructuring. The next several months might bring challenges, but when you decide to love who you are and fulfill your divine mission, you will experience a different life and world. We gave a message ten years ago that you can utilize today.

October 5, 2013

The tool of reflection exists in your physical world so that you might use it for your expansion. In other words, what you feel and experience in your outside or external world reflects what you are feeling and experiencing in your internal world or your thoughts and beliefs.

One of the most effective for you to use is the experience of judgment. When you feel that others are judging you in some manner, it reflects your judgment about yourself. If this were not the case, you would never feel that judgment from those others.

You can decide at any moment to use this process of reflection to make changes and choices that further your expansion. You will accomplish this when you give up blaming others for your experience.


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Your wisdom will change the world

October 4, 2023

Your wisdom will change the world. We know that is you or would not be reading our words. We have said you exist at a time of restructuring of your evolutionary journey and planetary ascension. The wisdom you hold has come from everything you have lived. Your only challenge is recognizing and then owning what you have accomplished. 

Everything in your world is manifested by energy and consciousness, and all souls have access to both, but you must decide to remember yours. That is your connection to the source or all that is. 

We provided a message ten years ago that will aid your memory now. Loving who you have become and becoming willing to release your self-judgment has never been more critical in your life and the ascension of your planet. 

October 4, 2013

What you know now is valuable to so many others. This simple concept can exponentially propel your expansion when you decide to acknowledge, accept, and then use what you know now to help others.

Every soul has this ability simply because they have been on the physical plane and have had experiences. Experiences are what cause you and all others to gain knowledge and wisdom. That knowledge and wisdom, when it is shared, is what causes evolution. This evolution not only occurs within you but affects all that is.

Many times, you have difficulty realizing what you do know because you are in the process of gaining even more wisdom and knowledge as you intended. And also, because of your habit of comparing yourself to others who may know more in certain other areas, you begin to think you are inadequate.

Now, you can return to recognizing that what you know is valuable to many others.


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Your angels have arrived

October 3, 2023

Your angels have arrived. They have always been with you, and you are them. We are speaking of your higher guidance that you alternatively hear and then choose to ignore.

As you examine your life and world now and review the message we provided three years ago, you will be motivated to own your angels, which means to love yourself. 

October 3, 2020

You are your angels. We will use the collective pronoun you, keep in mind, and you will apply it to your world in its current state and your life.

The restructuring you are experiencing begins with you, and you have been at it for longer than your consciousness could conceive. But each time you do it, there are certain aspects you want to move through, develop, overcome, or whatever it might take for you to experience more freedom, which is evolution.

When we began communicating actively with Roger in 1988, or when he started allowing himself to hear us, Roger controlled the sessions. He would ask specific questions until we gently hinted that he might want to trust us, which would allow the information to come through, and he changed the name to any advice for today. 

Roger knows that any communication from us will hold no judgment, and any from solely him will have judgment as you each are moving through your own.

We know this time in your world is challenging, but you wanted it because you will evolve due to your experience now. You will be fine. 


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Self-acceptance is your only difficulty

October 2, 2023

Self-acceptance is your only difficulty. It is the one that has provided you with the most struggle you have experienced in your life, and it is the one that has also provided you with the greatest opportunity to aid in the restructuring of your life and planet.

We have said you were moving through a massive restructuring in your world, and the United States will lead the way. You will witness more of that today, which is why we had our live conversation with you last week.

Everything we have given you was to aid you in your ascension and accept the brilliance within you so you might add the energy of your light and love to yourself and the world, for they are the same.

We provided a message on this date in 2012 to aid you. It may seem unbelievable that we have done this, but that is the same disbelief you each hold about who you are and what you can accomplish. We want you to undo every lower vibration thought you have held about yourself and love who you are now. You are perfect. 

October 2, 2012

All of you is acceptable. This refers to every aspect of your physical being, including your physical traits, emotions, moods, or anything else that makes up the unique you.

You only experience difficulty when you attempt to ignore, hide, or pretend that certain aspects of you do not exist. All of them are purposeful and valuable, or they would not exist, and you would have no experience of them.

In actuality, many of those traits that you find displeasing may offer you the most guidance in your quest to expand. What you may think of as a deficiency leaves room for more expansion, as you intended.


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