You are meant to pave a better way

September 10, 2023

 You are meant to pave a better way. When we use a subjective word like better, it is intended to inspire you to feel what that would mean for you. When you become mindful of what that may be, you can manifest it in your life. 

You are doing the same in your world, and the message we provided several years ago will aid your memory of who you are and, more importantly, who you can become. 

September 10, 2011

There is always a better way available to you in order that you might accomplish anything. All you ever need do is accept this idea and offer no resistance to that information being revealed to you.

Many times, you will think that you have tried a particular way to do a thing, and because that may not have delivered the results you desired, you accepted that as your truth.

Your world always reveals to you that those better ways are being created and utilized all the time, so it is no different for you. This is another way to say that you came into physical form for expansion and that only occurs when you seek a better way.


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A new perspective will provide greater understanding

September 9, 2023

 A new perspective will provide greater understanding.   Everything you experience in your physical life experience is done through your consciousness.

You also use linear time to accomplish that goal, which is never-ending. Judging yourself for what you did not understand about yourself does not help you become the person you want to be. You are the one creating your life and world. 

September 9, 2009

Simply become willing to be the observer of your life experience rather than a reactor to it.

In other words, you know that “You” or your Higher Self has set forth a plan for your physical life’s journey that leads you to expansion. When you become the observer, you take the stance that you do not know what is ahead in your present moment of awareness; however, you maintain a positive expectancy that it is for your highest good. 

When you have the stance of being a reactor, you simultaneously take on the role of being a victim of your experience and expecting negative things to occur. Because you create your own reality, whatever stance you take will become your truth.

Positive and negative here are merely subjective terms referring to what is wanted or unwanted by you. There is great joy in your decision of which stance to take.


Wilhelm Channeling Session Replay: You Can Accomplish Anything
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You can have more now

September 8, 2023

You can have more now. Deprivation is a human condition you can outgrow. You do so over time and by consciously deciding to do so.

We offer the inspiration you can now accept as you have heard the same from your inner guidance. You will allow more to come to you now.

September 8, 2011

In your moment of now physical life experience, you will always initially hold limited thinking about whatever shows up for you. This is a purposeful process, for your intention before you came into physical form was to constantly and continually expand. The only manner in which that can be accomplished is if you first experience that limited thinking.

Now, this process becomes very powerful for you when you consciously recognize that you are placing that limitation on whatever it is you desire to be, do, have, or create. 

You can accept this as your designated journey, if you will. When you hold that perspective, you will become more excited about the task at hand.


Wilhelm Channeling Session Replay: You Can Accomplish Anything
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Self-judgment will be your most significant obstacle

September 7, 2023

Self-judgment will be your most significant obstacle. When you come onto the physical plane, you have little awareness of what your life adventures may offer you. You also have little knowledge of what your world may present to you.

When you remember that you are connected to all that is and in this lifetime, your goal is to expand and aid in the planetary ascension, the message we provided ten years ago on this date will aid you. 

The remedy for self-judgment is self-love, which you and your planet are achieving now. That requires you to release your self-judgment, and then you will give that permission to others. 

September 7, 2013

Compassion is a word you would do well to look up and study its meaning. Compassion is also the active pursuit of expansion. You can’t expand as you intended without also seeking to develop your level of compassion.

Compassion and judgment cannot coexist. Judgment is the greatest hindrance to your expansion. When you hold judgment of another, it means you are holding that judgment about yourself, and you have yet to understand the perfection within the one you are judging.

You have often judged yourself for having too much compassion and interpreted it as a sign of weakness in some way. Nothing could be further from the truth. All of your religious studies have spoken of the value of compassion, and with your earnest attempt to study it, you will understand why. There is also a reason that maturity often causes compassion to develop. 


Wilhelm Channeling Session Replay: You Can Accomplish Anything
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Self-acceptance is always the solution

September 6, 2023

Self-acceptance is always the solution. It is the solution to any difficulty you might see in your physical life experience and the answer you seek in your world.

We provided a message on this date three years ago when we began bringing awareness to restructuring your life and world. We used the word heal, and what that means for you and your world is remembering your connection to all that is. It is a gradual process, but you will accept more today.

September 6, 2020

If you change, you will heal the world. If that statement sounds too grandiose, you have uncovered the source of the difficulties you have experienced in your life. You are witnessing the results of your actions playing out in your world and, specifically, the United States. 

We told you your world was undergoing a massive restructuring, and the only way that may manifest is through you. Each of you has felt insignificant in your lives in some way or at some time. You can recognize specific characteristics or qualities you have that feel like problems, challenges, or insecurities to you. 

Those very things are the ones you have attempted to eradicate for quite a while, and you knew this time in your earthly experience would be the most suitable time for you to heal those wounds, for that is what they are.

But you also fear and resist change, which is the conflict currently on grand display in the United States, but we assure you this condition also holds the healing you seek, and it begins with you.

As we have told each of you, we told Roger to do his job. We also said the surprising thing is that your job is the most natural to each of you that you have ignored. It means honoring every aspect of you. Roger could not observe his job, which was to be love, because that seemed like a feminine characteristic, which is needed in the world now and in the United States. If he can own this for himself, he will experience his healing, as will the world.

We wanted that entire paragraph to feel like the most grandiose and verbose statement we might make because your only challenge in life has been not believing it, but now you will. Be patient. 


Wilhelm Channeling Session Replay: You Can Accomplish Anything
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Ask for more

September 5, 2023

Ask for more. That is a shift that you make in your consciousness. We provided a message on this date several years ago when your planet was moving through portions of the restructuring you are having now.

Asking for more also means that you stop denying who you are and become willing to accept. That action will cause the most incredible evolution in your life and planet.

September 5, 2008

You never intended to have to fight or struggle for anything you desired to create in your life experience.

Before you came forth in physical form, you knew this information; however, you learned limitations in living your physical life.

All you ever need to do is decide what you desire to create, do just that, and surrender the results. Surrender for you means that you know the most beneficial, the most joyful way of manifesting your desires is handled by the Universe.

Always ask for more, for that is what you truly intended. Your limited experience and perception would have you settle for less.

Simply know that your birthright is to expand and evolve, and that is always provided.


Wilhelm Channeling Session Replay: You Can Accomplish Anything
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Choose love again

September 4, 2023

Choose love again. As you move through your physical life experience, your only choices are love or fear. When you choose love, you are choosing yourself. When you choose fear, you refuse to accept the person you have become in this life and the person you were meant to become, which is your authentic self.

You evolve in your life and world spiritually. You use your life experience to accomplish both goals, and you exist now during the restructuring of your planet, so your acceptance of yourself and loving who you are has never been more vital.

You may fear change in yourself and the world, but we gave you a message ten years ago that will aid you today. Please release your past and embrace your future.

September 4, 2013

While you have long been aware that even the notion of change can cause you to experience emotional upset, you would now do well to recognize that the type of change that causes you to experience the most distress is inner change. Inner change becomes necessary and inevitable if your goal is expansion.

A part of you has built a false sense of security and safety by resisting change, for you know that if you allow that change to occur, it leads you to some unknown territory, and the unknown is what you have feared most.

With this information, your wisdom and knowledge would direct you to embrace that inner change wholeheartedly. Now you understand the saying, face the fear and do it anyway.


Wilhelm Channeling Session Replay: You Can Accomplish Anything
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Your family helped you

September 3, 2023

Your family helped you. No matter what family you might have had when you came to the physical plane, it was all a part of your divine plan that is unfolding in your life now.

Your family might have been those related to you by blood, but it also includes everyone you have met along the way, especially those with whom you have formed new bonds as you move through this restructuring.

As you view the message we provided in 2012, do your best to consider every member of your family as those who have helped you become the person you are now, and when you find all those benefits, you will be grateful for them all, which will fuel your life now. 

September 3, 2012

A family dynamic is that particular situation in which you chose to be born because you knew it offered you the greatest opportunity as well as context to choose who you desire to be in this lifetime.

If you can suspend your disbelief and accept that you did indeed make this choice, then you have all the tools to set forth your own expansion.

It is only possible to take full advantage of this opportunity when you release any judgment you may hold on members of your family dynamic. Your resentment will cause you to follow the same path as those you judge. Any forgiveness you practice frees you to blossom and expand fully.


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It may be too uncomfortable for you to become happy and prosperous (repost)

September 3, 2020

It may be too uncomfortable for you to become happy and prosperous. We wanted to use a title that might cause curiosity, and we wanted to make it fun, for that is the only way Roger finally agreed to tell the story, for it is uncomfortable for him. Roger knows that part of his path to his personal success is to become vulnerable, but it is never easy for him. Yes, it is like pulling teeth.

Yesterday, Roger decided about his life direction, sent a mailing to his subscribers, and part of his message included an increase in his program’s cost. Roger is always more sensitive to others’ needs than his own, so he recognized that so many experiencing financial insecurity might think it insensitive. Yet it wasn’t.

Roger held a meeting earlier in the day where the topic was, “what can I do to help heal the world?” In the invitation he sent to others, Roger stated that the manner they will discover might surprise them. As he looked at the members in the meeting, Roger could clearly see how each of them could offer so much to the world and facilitate its healing if they would only own who they are and their valuable life experiences. Roger can see this in others and never in himself, just as you have not. We are saying this because you do not need to beat yourself up, for this is the way evolution works. 

When Roger sent his mailing last night, it included a video he recorded earlier where he picked up copies of all the programs he has created over the years. It was only then that he began to notice his value and what he might offer others. After sending the email, Roger received a response immediately from a member stating how much they look forward to the calls each week. Even that information did not make it comfortable for Roger to own his value.

Still, we are offering this story so you might own yours, and even this challenging time will no longer trouble you, and eventually, you too will become happy and prosperous. 


Wilhelm Channeling Session Replay: You Can Accomplish Anything
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Receiving will become easier

September 2, 2023

Receiving will become easier. There is no lack of anything in your world, including money, resources, abilities, and creativity that exist in each soul. You decide how much you will allow and how you will use what you manifest.

You exist now to allow everything you desire to come to you. As you read the message we provided in 2012 and listen to the last live conversation, you will open yourself to receiving more, living the life you desire, and contributing to the world.

September 2, 2012

Developing your ability to receive is one of the greatest pathways to your continued expansion. Receiving, as it is being used here, refers to what you might receive in physical things and what you are willing to receive emotionally, spiritually, and mentally.

All of these are indicators of your very own self-acceptance. On the other hand, when you feel uncomfortable about what you might receive, it is merely an indication that you are in the process of self-acceptance and actualization. 

You would do well to seek to embrace those uncomfortable moments and transform them.


Wilhelm Channeling Session Replay: You Can Accomplish Anything
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