June 23, 2022
We knew where you would be today. As you continue restructuring yourself and the world, you will find more division and opinion differences between others and yourself. You always wanted to become empowered.
When you rely on the opinions of others, you can easily obscure yours, and those are the opinions you want to own, and that also must come with your self-belief.
We are giving you a message from 2013 to nurture your belief in yourself.
June 23, 2013
Rejection can be a very valuable tool for you when you decide to use it that way. Rejection, as it is being used here, is your emotional reaction to what you perceive to be a lack of acceptance. You have experienced this in many ways and many different areas of your life.
They all carry the same message for you, and that is self-acceptance. Your rejection experience points to certain aspects of yourself and your being that you have yet to accept and own fully. Since your goal in this lifetime is expansion, then as you continue on that path, it is imperative that you fully accept all of yourself.
It is impossible to experience any emotional hurt when you recognize your magnificence and rightness.
Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
100% Guaranteed.